239684 ; . , ,.Uri¢1na1 to City Clerk , ' , , ' ORDINANCE ����� � COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY � � ORDINANCE NO r / . � An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 7607, entitled: , ta "An ordi.nance fixing the duties and responsibilities and the minimum qualifications for the various classes of '`� �. positions in the Classified Service of the City, " ' approved February 13, 1935, as amended. � THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: -'�� � Section 1. That Ordinance No. 7607, approved February 13, 1935, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by striking � out the title "Sewer Foreman"; and by substituting in lieu thereof the title "Sewer Foreman I ". . . Section 2. That said ordinance, as amended, be and the same �''�� ,� is hereby further amended by inserting in their proper alphabetical order ;� , � the following titles, and specifications for ` Field Supervisor � Public Works Foreman ILI -� Sewer Foreman II � �� � � ' � � °'` ,,� � r -1- Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Carlson ' � Dalglish Tn Favor Meredith Peterson ' Sprafka Againat Tedesco Mr. President (Byrne) Approved: ' n r.� Attest: � =a '� . � ' City Clerk Mayo� r �� `�G�L—��� Form approved Corporation Counsel By .�—� � - , � %�/�G� _ . ♦ , �Orl¢lxi�l to City Clerk , " ^ ORDINANCE ���� �. �� . • COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO Section 3. , This ordinance shall ta.ke effect and be in force on the first day of the first payroll period following thirty days after its passage, approval, and publication. _ _,,.. . �5 AUG 2 � 196� Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council � � Carlson � `. Dalglish Tn Favor Meredith � '����� � A gainst Sprafka . . Tedesco ,.,.,, AUG 2 0 1��� '- t-::P��►:;���k�:.;:r: �x` "' A rove ��� . Vice Preadd t terson) ' PP �S . " , � ty Clerk � � Mayor ., �� � • ��Form approved Corporation Counsel$y- l � T�,� . PUBLiSHE� �UG 2 4 196$ ���/�� . � �� , � T • ������ • TitZ� of class: ' FIELD SUPER VISOR � � Dutia� and responsibilities: . � A. Under dir�ctionb ta be responsible for the maintenance of city streets, alleys� s�wer�, tun��ls, t-he flood wall, pumping stations� atorin � outlets ancl river banks; to have charge of the ope�ation and control of the Ci�y asphalt mix-plant; to c�ir�ci; the work of ciicy construction opexations; ancl L•o p�rform relazed. warlc as assigned. �(Examplea af work perforxnsd: . ' .�To supervis� and ciirect the v✓ork involved in thQ �naiutenance and � repair of all pav�d streets, inte:tmediatE stree�ts and alleys to a.nclude surface restorations, asphalt overlays, concrete repairs, sidewalk and curbing rcpairs and roadsi.de maintena�ce. ?o aupexvise and direct the work involved in city construction opeiations includii2� stree�, sewer, ancl other Public VVorks projects as assigned. � 'To aupezvise and direct the worlc involved in the operation and con,trol of the Ci4:y as;�halt mix�plant to inclurle all facets of as�halt mix production and 'che maintenance of i;he plant and rela�Ced equigment. - To supervise and direct the vvork anvolved in�the maintenarice, repair, and cl�aning of alI sewera and tunnels, sewer L•r�nchea, shaft•s} catch basins, manholesr pumps and rela�ed conzponents, � mators, �attge�, air co�npressor�o and of:her related c:qv.i�xxient. . To aupervise and direct �h�: worlc in�rolved in tlie nnain�enancer and repaix of the int�rceptor sewer system, reti�age metering sta�ions , and other equipment: and all otiher sewer mai.ntenance functions related to tlle Suburban Sewer Agre�ments. . To supervise and direet the work i�yolved in �he maintenance and � � repair of t�e C�i:y of S�. Paul F'lood VlTall and p�impirig stations. , _ To supe-rvise and direct the work inv�olved in che maintenance and � repair oi �lI riv�r banks and storm outl�ts along the A�iasissippi . River to include periodic inspectiion� of all revetnner�ts and se«�er • ' � outl�ts, inv�stigations �.nd repor�s concc�rning alleged re�orts of pollution. � .. To caordir�ate worl: and information bet+��een the sewer and street � maintenance fielc� operations and the En�ineer o£ Maint�narice Services and his �'taff, To pian specific work programs for the sewer and straet maintenance operations, To keep records o� sewer and str�et maintenanc� field operations and to make reports as �ecessary to the Engineer of Mainice�aance Sexvices and his staff. To plan for and make recommenda�ions to the Engirzeer of Maintenance Services and his staff for all equipment nece�sary to Perforzn the , work in both the stree� and sewer ix�aintenance field operati�ons. Minimum quali.fications; • . k . • . �-Ii�h school graduation and thr�e �rears° exp�rience as Supervz�or o£ . Street Ivlaintenance, or Sugervisor of Sezver lviaintan�nce; or six ��. �- years� experi�nde as a Public Works Foreman 7I. '�� �� � -2� • • , D ` ' 4: � i. .. ���'��� , Title of ciass: ,r P[JBLIC�`WORKS FOREMA.N III Dul:i.es and responsibilities: Und�er di:rect•ion, L-o assign and sup�rvise the work of maintaining and repaizing all paved streets� intc�rmsdiate streets and al.leys; to assi�n and supsrvi.se City Force construction operations� and . the operation and control of the City asphalt mix-plant; and to perform related worl: as assigned. �� Exanzplcs of work performed; � To a�sign� and supervise all wo�k involved in fhe maint-enan.ce and W repair of a21 paved stree�.s, intermediate st.reets and alleys, including patching of street Aurfaces, seal coating or surfaces • - seal ros.toratian, asphalt overlays, conc�ete rc�pai.rs, sidewallc � -� and curbing �epairs and roadside nzaintenance. '" 7 o assign, and supar�vise all �vorlc invol.ved in �City Force �onstruction operations includin� s�reet� sewer, anci ather mi9cellaneous Public Workg proj�cts assigned. To �ssign, and supervise all work zr�tralved in the o�.ration and � _ c�ntrol oi the City asphalt'mix-pl.an� including all facets of' asphalt mix production and tlie main�enance of the plant, itself �.nd al.l re�ated equiprnent. To pz o�vide clo�e liaison Uetween L-;ae street mai.ntenance field operat-ion� and his i�.nmediat� superior. �To assist in planning speci.fic work prQgram.s for the Street Main- tenance opeiations v�JOrking clasely with his immediat•� superv9.sor. To keep records �eg�rdiag the� 5treet Mai.ntenanca field op��'atio�s � and to ma'ce repor'cs. ' To make recommeildatiang £or equipmeiit necessary to pexforxn �he ,,,;.,,.,� �vork in the Street Maintenance �ield aperations. _, ....,,,,,_ _ , „�_ _ � ' � � � IYIinimum qua,lifications: �°•• �1•' ,' ' High school gr�duation a.nd th-ree years' experience as a Pubiic Works Ia'oreman �:I, or six years' e�perience as a Publi.c Works For�man I. �. -3� • � ������ � Title of cla�s: , 1 SEtiYER FOREMAN II Du�ies and respo�sibilities: Under directionD to assi�n and supervi�e the mai�tenanc�� repair,.� , a�zd cleaniizg of a11 sewe�s, tLtnnels, and relat�d works coznprisz�ng the City of Saint Faul sewer system� th.e City of Saint Faul Flood ZRTa1Z, �ttmping stations, river banks� and storm oLtlets; and to perforrn �.•elated worl� as assigned. Example� of worlc performed: To asaign+ and supervise all woxk involved in the maintonance, regair, and cleani.ng o� alI sewers and tunnels� sewer trenches, stiafi:s, ca�ch basins, manholes, pumps and r�lated components� moio�s, �auges, air compxe's9ors and other equipmenf: related . ther eLO. - To assigna and supervise all. work involved in the mainteaance and - regair of the in��}_cep-�or aewer system, sewage meteping stations and o�Eher equig�i�rz�a�nd all otiher sewcr maint�onance functions relatsd �o the Suburban Sewes� Agreements. �,� ,:•k To as�ign, and supervise all work involved in the maintenanee and � :;.�, reFair of the Cit;r a� Saint Paul k'lood W�.11 �nd pumPing stations. To asgi�nr and su��rvise all. avariz involved in thc maint•enance and repair of all ra;v�•r banks and storm outlet� aloFZ; the Miseissippi River to i.nclude periodic insp�ctions of all revetmente a.nd sewer outlo�s, investigati�ns �nd r•epor4;� cor!cerning allcged pol.lut-ion a;.�d to per�orm all reiated v��oriz thereto. To assi�t in plannin� speci�:ac wa?•1: pro�rams for Sewe� �/Iainl;enance ol�erationa. To keep rccords r�garc�ing the sewer fiEld opera�ions and-��o malce " reports. � � To niake recommendations fox equipment necessary f:o perform the wo�k in i;h� S�wer Ivlain�;enailce �i�1d operations. Minimum qu.alifications o , � ''• �igh school graduation ancl S:hree yeara' experience as a. Sewer Foreman I or eqv.i.valent, >� ��� .. . ��` � _ � . CITY CLERK • - ,. � : . ������ l � Aa or�ls�►a�� �m��ding C?rdiaaac� No. �'f�€�?, e�titl�ds "1� ���i�sxt�• ftxin� t�e� dra��er �nd �e�spoa���llitfe� a�nd tta� x�ai.�imu�a yQael�f�E���a�►s lc��r the vsriaur c1aa��rs a� ��s�kl�u� �u th� C��1s1�li�i�d S+Rt�tie• o� ttle �ity, 1e a�rp�crvsd �`�brua►��r 1�, �93�. �r �m�nded. '�'HF Ct?U�ICIiY, C)�' T� CIT'Y' �� �N'� �'�tl'&. �?f,3�� �A&�,��t S�cti�n, �,. T1�at E�rd��aa�• Nc�. `7b��. �►gp��ved �'s�+r�a►ay� ��, 1935, sr +�n���adedr �ie �n� t� �azn• �N h�r�by� �uxcl�fr �ax��+ded b� sts���g fl�tt t� t�tls "�a�r �'o:�cz�wa�'; sad �y rubrti�utii�g i� li�rc� Eha��c# tf�� tlt�e "£�wsr �'orrrnas� �". B�cEio� Z. '��►t �ra�ct nrdinr�.Ge, •a a�u�d�d, � and ��e aame �s her�bp �'ux�I��r sr�dndMd b�r tnrs�t�ng �. t��ir pro�r a�gt�b�tt¢al, c+rd��s tka iolioa►ia� t�Eles, and s�e�il��t�i�n� fo�r �"fieid 8�p�rviror �'a�b�i� 'tVarks �`oz�n�a�III ' �r�►a� �'o�c�x�s�a TI . +�` Title of class: ���'r��� FIELD SZ7PERV'ISOR Duties and responsiUilities: Under dir�ction, to be aesponsible ior the mainten�.nce of city streeta, aileys� sewers, tunnels, the flood wall, pumping stataons, storm oui;le�s anc� river banlcs; to have charge af �he og�ration and control o£ the Ci��y asp��.lt mix-plant; to direct the work of city construction oper�tions; and t;o perform rel.ated worlc as assigned. Examples of worlc performed: .7 To supervise and direct the work involvec� in thes maintena,nce and repair of all paved streets, inte�mediate streets and alleys tfl include aurfa.ce resL-ora•cions� asphalt overlays, conerete repairs, sidewalk and curbing repairs and roadsids maintenance. To EU.PL'TVZ9C and direct t�ie work involved in city constr�,ction operations iiicluding stree�, sewerf and other Public Works projects as assigned. To superviae a.nd direc� the-worlc involved in the operation and control of the Cit-y as�halt mi.x-plant to includo aIl facets of asphal� mix production and the maintenance �f the pZant and rel�ted equipment. To aupervise and direct the work involved in the nzaintenar�ce� regair, an.d cleani.ng of all sewers and Zunnels, sewer �,.enches, shafis, ca�rch basins, m�nholes� pumps and related componen'cs� mo�ors, �;auges, air corxipresso�� and otiher related equipment. To supexvise and direc�: thc work involved in the Ynaintiena.nce� and repair of t�ae intexceptor sewer systemr �ewa�e nnetering s�ations and other equipmentr and •all other sewer xnaintanance fu.ncti.ons related to the Suburban 5cwer l-lgreements. 'To sugervise and dir�c� the wor� involved in the maintenance aizd repair of the Cii:y of St. patzl Flood 4�%all and pumping stations. To supervise and direct the worlc involved in the main4;ena.nce and rcpair o�f all river b�.nks and atorin outlets alon� the Mississippi River to include peri.odic insp�ci:ion3 of aIl reve4;ments and sewer ou�lats, investigations and reports concarning alleged reporta of pollution. To coQrdinate work and i.nfor:nation bettiveen the sewer and street main�enance field operations and the �ngineer of 1VSaintenance Servicea �nd hia �ta£f. T'o piaii specific work programs for the ser►ez and street maintenance ' ope��.f:ions, , To keep recor,ds of sewer and atrEet nnaintenanco field operatians and ta make reports as .iecessary to the Engineer of MainL•en�.nce Services and his staff. To plan for and make recommendatio�a to the Engineer af Maintenance Services and his staff for alI eq,uipment necessary to perform L-he worlc in b�th the street and set�uer maintena�ce field operations. Minimum quali.fications: High school graduation and three years° expexience as 5upervisor of 5troet Maintenance, or Supervisor of Sewer Maintanance; or six years' e}:perience as a Public Works Foreman fI. _Z_ , Title of class: ������ PUBLIC ViTORKS FQREMAN ISI ' Duties and responsibilities; Under direc�ion� to assign and sup�rviae the work of maintiaining and repairing all paved streets� intermecliate streets and alleys; to assign and supervi.se City Force �onstructian oper�.4ion.s� and tlze operation and eontrol of �the City asphalt inix-plant; and to perform related work as a�signede � . Examples of work performed: , To assign, and supe�vise aIl tivork involved 'zn i;he maintenance and repai.r of all paved streets, in�ermediate streets and alleys, incl.uding patchzng of streei: surface�, seal coating or surfaces seal ros�oration, asphaJ:� overlays, conc2ete repairs, sidewalk and curbin� repairs and roadside nzaintenance. To assi�n� and supervise a1Z worlc iuvo].ved in City Force construction operationa including streQt. sewer� and other miacellaneoua Puhlic Wozks projects a�si�ned. To assign, aizd supervise all work iizvolved in ths opera�ion and control. of the City asphalt mix-plant including all facats of aephal.t mi� production and tlze'maintenance of the plant itself and all :�elated eqciipmen4;. To pxo�ride close liair�on between i;he etz eet maintenance field opei�ation� and hi.s immediate su�erior. • To assisi; in planning specific work programs for the Street Main- tenanc� aFerations working closely ��ith his imxnediate supervisor. To keep reco�•ds regarding the Street I�/faintenance field aperations and i.o malce reports. To make recommcndations fox equipment necessary to perform the work in the Street Maintenance fisld operations. Minimum qua.li.fzcations: High �choo]. g�aduation �nd three yeare' exp�rience as a Public Works T'oreman zI, or si:: y�ars' e3;perience aa a PuUlic Works Forzman I, -3- . � . � , � ,� ������ Title of clasa: SEVJ'�R FOREIVL�iN II Dutiefl and responsibil.ities: Under direc�i.on, to assi�;n and sup�ervise the maintenance} repair� and cleaning of all. sewez s= tunnels, and relat�d u�orlcs comprising the City af Saint Paul sewcr eystem� �the City of Saint Paul Flood Wa11, pumping stations� rive� bank�, and s�orm outlets; and to perform f�lated worlc as assigned. Examples of work g�rformed; To assign, aiid supervise all work involved in th� maintenance, repair, and cleaning of all sewers and tunnels, se�ver trenches, . shafts, catch basins, maizholes, puxnps and relate.d components� motorst �auges, air cornpressors and other equipment relai:ed ther e�a. To assign, and supexvise all work involved in the maintenance and repair of the interceptoi sewer eystem. sewage metering stations and other equipment and all other sewer nnaintonance functions rela'c�d to the Suburban Sewer A.greemer_�s. To aesign, and s�apexvise all work involved in the maintenance and rep�ir of the City of Saint Paul Flood W�.lI and pumping etations. To assign, ai�d supervise a11 work involved in th� maintenance and repair of all river banks and storm outleta along the Mississippi River �o znclude periodic inspections of all revetmanta and sewar outlats, investigations and repori;s concerning alleged pollut-ion and to pe�-sorm all related v��ork thereto. To assi�t in planning apecific work programs for Sewer Maix�tenanc� _ operations. - To keep reco.�ds regarding the sewer field opera�ions and to make reports. To n�ake xecommendations for ec�uipment necessary to perform the work in the Se:wer Ivlaintienaizce fielcl ope�ations. Minimum qualifications: High school graduation and three years' experience as a Sewer Foreman I or equivalent. _�_ - { � .� , v . 3���'� � l � � �J+ectioz� 3. �'b�.r� r�r�inan�� r�ai� �ak� �f��r�e s�d ba !�� f�irae v�a ths �frr! d,�� c� �be �t�at }�ey�r�21 p�riod ���ia�r��a� ��i�y c3�yr �k#tarr �it� pa�r�age, �►p�ar+�v�►1. a►z�d p�,ii�cat��t�. � � r�-�2 � �.46$ ��� !AQ.4� 2 0 196� ..�. � _ ..1. ` � r/ Ist �� , 2nd � Laid over to 3rd and app � �Adopted � Yeas Nays Yeas Nays �carlson \�arlson \�Dalglish alglish Meredith �e��� eredith P�e#ersar� �Retersa�_� , prafka prafka \Tedesco edesco � .P,r�e ident B ne� °*� '_' ,'..,.o`�jr���"i .v ;�,� �r.a •:� :�.�3• �sa: ' '�'" `*��'••" QQ �Mr. Vice Prr�i�deat YPeterson) . ea'�r`esiia¢�t�"�