239658 ; Ori¢inal to City Clerk , � ' 1 ���� , ORDINAN. CE 23 ' COUNCIL FILE NO � PRESENTED BY � ������ • ORDINANCE NO J . I An. ordinance amending the Zoning Gode, Chapters 60 to 64, inclusive, of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, pertaining to Use Districts, Height Districts, and Rezoning of certain proper•ties, �in the City of Saint Paul, as amended. � THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: � , Sec�tion 1. That the Zoning Code, Chapters 60 to 64, inclusive, _ of the S�aint Paul Legislative Code, pertaining to Use Districts, Height Districts, and Rezoning of certain properties �.n the City of Saint .Paul, as amended, be and th�-same is hereby �urther amended so as to' rezone the following described property from "A" Residence District� to• "C" Residence District, to-wit: i Lot 18, Cottage Homes, subject to the rights . ' acquired by the City of St. Paul for Wheelock Park- . • � way, Cottage Avenue and West Ivy Avenue, except that �art of Lot 18,� Cottage Homes, lying North- � westerly �of a line described as follows: Commenc- ing at the North=east� corner of said Lot 18, thence � in a Westerly direction along the Soia.th line of Cottage Avenue, 117. 32 feet to the place of beginning, i thence angle left 70°51' in a Southwesterly � direction a distanee of 65. 18 feet, thence South-- westerly to a point on the Westerly line of said Lot 18 where a linea.�that intersects the West line � "� �� � � of� Lot '18 �an.d wh3ch" is parallel with and distant - 100 feet Northeasterly from � line drawn. Northwesterly , from the Southeast Corner. of� Lot 17, Cottage Homes, . at an angle 43°28t with the South line thereof, according to the plat thereof on file and of record � in the of�ice of the Register of Deeds in and for ' Ramsey County, Minnesota; i � . situate �on property located between West Cottage Avenue, West � Ivy Averiue and east of Wheelock Par]�ray in the City of Saint Paul. f Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (�30) days from and aft�r its passage, approval and publi- cation. ' I - � - ' AUG 2 0 �qf�� . , Yeas Councilmen, Nays , Passed by the C uncil Carlson � , � Dalglish, ' �, • ' Tn Favor � Meredith � - ,1'p+�rse�—� � � A gainst , Sprafka' ,.• , Tedesco � ' . �UG 2: 0 196� ��:'PrI'PSiC�C27�;y�B,y.�{'I38��: ' s.�.�.�w. .«;��� �t .:r���: ' APProved• � A� t: Vico Preei`�. �," ) City lerk � � � 6��tiny Mayor ��� Form approved Corporation Coun e By ,� , � � ����!��� AUG 2 4 19 � - �UBLISHE� AU G 2� 1968 l . i � ' ' ' .., .. DuPllute to Printer , . ' ORDINANCE 2����8 COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO An ordinance amending the Zoning Code, Chapters 6Q to 64, inolusive, of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, pertaining to Use Districts, Height Districts, and Rezoning of certain properties in the City of Saint Paul, as amended. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAIIL DOES ORDAINs SeQtion 1. That the Zoning Code, Chaptera 60 to 64, inelusive, of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, pertaining to Use DistriQts, Height Districts, and Rezoning of aertain properties in the City o� S�int Paul, as amended, be an.d the eame is hereby �urther a.mended so as to rezone the following desaribed property �rom �'A" Residenoe District to "C" Residence District, to-wits Lot 18, Cottage Homes, sub�ect to the rights acquired by the City o� St. Paul for Wheelock Park- way, Cottage Avenue and j�est Ivy Avenue, except that part of Lot 18� Cottage Homes,lying North- westerly of a line deseribed as �ollowst Commenc- ing at the NorthT��.�� corner o� said Lot 18, thence in a Sdesterly direction along the South line of Cottage Avenue, 117.32 feet to the plaQe of beginnin.g, thenae angle le�t 70°51' in a Southwesterly direQtion a distance o� 65. 18 feet, thence South- westerly to a point on the ��resterly lin e oY said Lot 18 where a line that intersects the West line of Lot 18 and �vhiah is parallel with and distant 100 teet Northeasterly �rom a line drawn Northwesterly from the Southeast Corner o� Lot 17, Cottage Homes, at an angle 43°28' with the South line thereo�, according to the plat thereof on �ile and of record in the o��ioe of the Register of Deeda in and for Ra.meey County, Minnesota; situate on property loQated between jdest Cottage Avenue, S�est Ivy Avenue and east o� �dheelock Parkway in the City of Saint Paul. Seation 2. This ordina.nce shall take e�fect and be in Yoree thirty (30) daye from and after its pasaage, approval and publi- Qat3.on. ,A���.? � ,e�� Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Carlson Dalgliah Meredith n Favor `����� O Againat Sprafka Tedesco ��.��#:`r���.� Approved: �UG � 0 �968 AttCSt: �'li'• Vice Yreaident (Peterson) City Clerk Mayor �O Form approved Corporation Counsel By r � , � , � . �� � ,. � � .. j CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA � ,`��' PETITION TO AMEND CHAPTERS 60 thru 64 0 � �� �.,y� l F THE LEGISLATIVE (ZONING) CODE ������ Note: The� signer should appraise himself of the uses permitted under the new classi- �� ' � fication before signing this petition. For further information about the ` rezoning of property, call the Board of Zoning Office at 223-4151. . (Please type or print) . , �ate; February , 1968 TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR A�TD CITY COUNCIL c/o the City Clerk, Room 386 City Hall _ City of Saint,_Pau�l, Minnesota Pursuant to Sectiln 64.06 of the Legislative Code, �we, the undersigned owners of two-thirds of ttie� several descriptions of real estate situated within 100 feet of � the real estate affected, hereby acquiesce; and we, the owners of 50q'o or more of the frontage to be reclassified, petition your Honorable Body to rezone the follow- ing described propert � �-. �4 y; (legal description and street address) �see attached description� � ! - � r � - from A Residence District to C Residence District, for the � � purpose of installing, constructing and/or operating the following: (describe briefly the proposed facility) • construction of apartment buildings RECORD OWNER, SIGNAT LOT BLOCK ADDITION Subject Property: � 18 and l. � John J. Sullivan Cottage Homes, ex. past . taken for railwa ri�t of '' Bla.nche M. Sull.ii an , way, Ramsey Coun�y, I�Iinn. That t. of L t , Cottage Homes, lying 2 � John T. Lackner I S'ly � T�flzeel ck Paskway, ex. W. 75 ft, � & ex. E. 1 eet thereo ✓ Am Lackner � ��- D S�� � � , All t at part of Lot 17, Cottage Homes, ✓ 3 Phil ip J. Broenl lying SE'ly o the center line of T�.eel- J � ��8.-tU - � � ' lock arkway, ex. W;1� 135 ft. & except- Eva Mae Broen ( , in� t at p�rt thereof lying SW'ly of a �,�_ Q.�1• �t�� �� ���� line 'ng 'ly from SE corner of said ot 17 a an angle of �+3°28' to the - j � - S. o al o , su �e� o rights o�'' � � Cit f St: ul in said Wheelock Pkw,� ✓ - ' � • , �+. St. Timoth .Lutheran Gh ch N'ly 50 feet of Lot 29, ex. wtly 135 ft; of St. Paul, Minn.� � , � '�ly of the c nter li e of Wheelock Parkway, and _ � , ' ' 'ly f rom Eo ner of aid Lot l�, at an a le of line o said Lot�7, ex- � � , cepti W'ly 35 ft. thereof, sub�. to - �- - easem nt of 'ty of St. Paul for Parkway 1 � � �� /� i purpo es ove sai e kway, all I ;: �JL� in Co tage Ho es � Y - �+ � T� of Lot 28, Cottage Homes, ex. part� 5• v Carl Theodor�Grill _ ' i ailway Co. � Lucille, M. Grilll � " ` ( -State of Minnesota ( SS ` �lc� , � S .�' Lot 27 & El of Lot 28, Cottage Homes,, ex. , County of Ramsey �( ._ � � � art takenzby Northern Pacific Railway Co. Pa ine E. Hewi John 1I. Sulliva� being first duly sworn, deposes and states that he is the person who circulated the within petition consisting of 1 pages; that the parties described above are�the owners respectively of the lots placed -- _ immed�a�ely� following each name; that this petition was signed by each of said owners in the presence of this affiant;and that the signatures above_ are the true and correct signatures of each and all of the parties so described. Y' � "'-"`�;� Subscribed and swornito before me � D this a � day of� February, 1968 � �D � ` J � 1 � _ Ad ress: 13 5 N. Western Ave., St. Paul, � � ' � ' . Te ephone No, t�.gg_1381 Minn. Notary r ic, amsey County, M'nn. My c miss'on expires Approved as to f�-rm 1/4/65 FGI •1/5/6;5 - � � Office;af the Corporation Counsel :,, � . - � - �` - ` . � ' ' �. -- �� I st 2nd i Laid o ler to I � � 3rd and app � —Adopted � Yeas N�ys L "`^� Yeas ���� Na s Y ' �� Carlson rlson , �--� Dalglish alglish , Meredith Meredith � � ^ 23��� �_�--° � Sprafka � • prafka _ � � � � Tedesco Tedesco V ' ' ��� ����I� �::s:ti%��'' e�.�-�..� �..�x ' �e��l!! otexaog '' ..��k�.Y;;;;:�.:Y ��;::r.:e.; , , I �Oa�. v��Q �x�:aa�t Y�m�eeu� , • . .. ° • � . ,� , ' . . • BOARD OF ZONING R�PORT AND ACTION 6/20/68 Plat Map 31 ` ' Acting under� Legislative Code Chapter 60 thru 64 - File No. passed Augus� 22, 1922 as amended to August 24, 1964 6519 I _ • l A1S0 1. APPLICANT'S NANIE • John J. Sullivan � � 2. CLASSIFICATION • �x Amendment � Appeal �Permit ❑ Other � �. 3. PURPOSE • Rezone "A" Residence to "C" Residence " 4. LOCATION • So. side Cottage between Western � Wheelock Parkway . � . 5. LEGAL DESCRIPTION � See attached 6. PRESENT ZONING . "A" Residence �' ' � 7. PURSUANT TO Zoning Code Chapter; 64.06 Section: Paragraph: i � . - 8. STAFF INVESTIGATION & REPORT: Date: 'gy; � A. SUFFICIENCY OF PETITION: The Commissioner of Finance in a letter dated May 15, 1968 declared the petition sufficient with the owners of 5 out of a possible 7 •(u1.4o) within the prescribed 100' having signed the petition. B. HISTORY: None for the present site. Lots 20 � 21 were rezonsd to "C" Residence , on July 3, 1964; Lot 19 was r�zoned Feb. 27, 1965. The building line of 20' on the so. side of Cottage and the west side of Western was established April 24, 1965�. Lot 19 has besn developed with 4 buildings of 36 units as pro�os�d in the rezoning. C. PROPOSED fJSE: Develop the site with apartment buildings (3 buildings--one 30 unit and two 36 units) • � ' • � D. AREA � FRONTAGE: The lot has a frontage of 114' on Cottage Street. The area of the lot is about 143,700 square feet. . E. ZONItdG IN ADJACENT AREA: The land to the east is zoned "C" Residsnce; ths land to the south is zoned "A" Residence; and the land to the west and north is P.ark ,Department property. . F. COi�IPREHE^1SIVE PLAid: The plan calls "for the lot in question and the 1`and surround- ing it to� bs used for passive recreation and steep slope conservation. In a � letter dated June 20, 1968, the Commissioner of Parks, Recreation � Public Buildings� stat�d that they concur with the Comprehensiv� Plan's recommendation � of ut`ilization of this land for steep slope conssrvation. He stated, however, . that no funds are available at this time but that it will bs includsd in futurs _ CIB rsquests for acquisition. ' . � G. SITE C�NDITION: The site is vacant except for two homes. It ri .3�-�-o er) 9. BOARD ACTION: To Recommend � Approval ❑ Denial Counci]� Lt. Dated Moved by: I�cPartlin Yeas Nays Ames Seconded by: Gadler Cohen Date of Hearing • ' x Janes,Chmn. x McPartlin Council Action Secretary's remarks: Haarstick - Alt. x Gadler Date ' Maietta j x Gauger ! LEGAL NOTICES ON THE BACK OF THIS SHEET � • _• . , .. � . �' • . . . `G. SITE CONDITION (continusd) : (about 7-8%) east to west and at the west edgs it _ rises to a stepp embankment to Whpplock Parkway. H. AREA CONDITIONS: Ivy Avenue, adjacsnt to the south side'of the property is a land locked street and should be vacated or open�d to Wheelock Parkway. -- - - . . � _ _.. . . _'. . .. � _ . _ - - � . _ . - _ . _ � �� - - , . . . • � . _ . . �._ . � . . .. � . . . • ' • , ° ! . . - � , 1 � . - . - . . . . . , , r ' ' 1I . 1 . . _ . ` � ��� .. i . � .. • - , , �. . � . r 2 i .. � - °� t . ' , � . ^ M : ~ �, . �-. ."_ , �,�- • ' - � ' , ' , . �^ l � ` ,r � T . , . .i3� + . • ' , ' . ` • - \ • �� ; �'+---�:�' . . . . . - . ..'^.rn.^..-z+r*�-'--t'e.-.�-..T--r+�--�.+-�•-'---._. . ' , - • - • ... - , -�.-�.�,. _ � [ •�• ��� - . , w` - . .. . . . �. y . • �- . r . � Lot 190 Cott�go �iomos, subioct 4o ths right� acquired by tho City of 5t. Paul for 6lhoelock Pk►ry. , Gattage Ave. and N. Ivy Ava. , Bxcept that part of I.ot �e� F Cot�4g�, Homas, lying NN'ly of a linp describ�d as follows: � � Co�ncins at the NE corner of said Lot 18, th�pce in a d' 1}r direGtion along , 4ho $. lina of, Cottags Ava. 111.32 ft, to the .place of bcginning, thenc4 an�I� r left 70�51'� in a� SW'ly diractio:� a �isrance of b5.18 ft:, th�ncc 5�1'iy .tu a r,oint E on thQ. W�ly lina� of said Lot l� whare• �. line that intera�cts th�� b1. line of Lot 18 r �nd crhic� is p�r�llal �aith and d�latant �OQ•ft.. NEi�ly► 'from a ��nB draan H�d�ly , fr� the S� cor�risr of Lo4. �17, Coetags tlo�s �nd at an� �gl� st3°28' rt,.it:� the S. . lins tho�og.. - . . • ' ' . . . . � • • . . . • . ' i . a....4.n.... .�_r , � e.�.x•u.�. .. ....�.�.a_i. ..� .. , . . ' . _ _ � � .� . ' _ , . � + '.�1� •I' ^• , ._ ..r .. ' '', � ` .. : r.`y`' -, ` � '- , ' . ' .�_ . . � � y .. � ,•1�tl : : �� �- . ' .. . ' . , ' - ' ; .. � .. - � ' -• � � , • _' � . +' •�r�� ! ' - ' � , _.� ^ ,j • -• _.- t� • � �� " . . . ' � ' . .. , . � • -� • �^`•. _ • ' - � . _ , .. . " ; ` . . , ' \1 '�i ; , _ .. ` , _ , ' . . � . '`° : ' ' ' ,� ' '-' ~ , • ' . . - �`�r-= . • � . � • ., , ' ' , ^ � •'t _ � ' , . .- . . . . '. ' . • • , � .. • , . �; , ' r , • . " • �._- . r' • • _ ' . . � � . . _ -� • � - - • . � - ' ' .• • • • . �_ /' �,_ � _ • •. '_ . 't �,_ • � � ' ...! '.. . � - � - . , • • , • • . ' . - - . �, ' . . -_ , �'.' . .' . ' " . . ' �_i . . .; ' ' . * " �.,. _ : ' . ' . re -' '.' ' � • � • . i , ._•_ . . ' ; ._ , •.�. ! . • �. �� 4 .. . . �� , � � ' •, _ .l .. • , 1 ... r .. . . _ _. .' . . . . , ' `� • ' ' �.' . " . .. `.._ ` _'_ . y t,::° _... ' ;� ^_ - ...`^ , _ ^ i t • . • ^ . i, s �t` ' � �� � � ;_ . ,• y .� •' . ". • ^�i.' _ • ` ' • t • i '•I,, r . � o . . � . • •' ' • ' • • , ' • _, ' ', • : f ` ' � . . . � _ ' . � , .��. . . - - ,• . �(' . _ .e, � ' ' _ �' L. ,1' . .. � .i.:. .' • . . _ ' - '-- - •. . - � .. . � •. . ' . . ,I• , ,� . . . • '' , : .. � ._�I . . - � . .,., _ _ . . . . ` . -. _ . ` . _". . . . . _ . � �' ' - � � , . ,- -.: . � _ ._; -. -_ . _ Y'_. _; .. _ . �- . _ . . - �► . . � : ;_- _ . _ , . - . . ,. . . . - . � . ; . � . � ,=�' - . _ - - . .� _ - :. . � .� , . :� ' - , } �� � ; _ . _ - � . - � . . . - . . . - . � ..- , . ,. '- . , - . � , ; � � . .. i. � _. '� � � � - � � � � _ _ _ '�. ) . � ,� sl`, � ~ , i ti•.1A. .�I .� CITY OF SAINT PAUL � MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 113 Court House 55102 July 5, 1968 City Clerk File X516, Page You are hereby notified that a public hearing will be held in the Council Chambers of the C3.ty Hall and Court House in the City of St. Paullat 10:00 a.m. on July 18, 1968, on the petition of John 3. Sullivan to rezone from "A" Residence District to "C" Residence District� the following property: Lot 18, Cotta�e Homes, subject to the rights acquired by the City of St. Paul for Wheelock Parkway, Cotta�e Avenue and West Ivy Avenue, except that part of Lot 18, Cottage Hames, lying northwesterly of a line described as follows: commencing at the northeast corner of said Lot 18, thence in a westerly direction alon� the south line of Cottage Avenue 117.32 feet to �the place of beginning, thence angle left 70 degrees S1 m3nutes �in a southwesterly direction a distance of 65.18 feet, thence southwesterly to a point on the westerly line of said Lot 18 where a line that intersects the west line of Lot 18 and which is paral�lel with and distant 100 �t northeasterly from a line drawn northwesterly from the southeast corner of Lot 17, Cottage Homes and at an angle 43 degrees 28 minutes w:Cth the south line thereof. The property is locatedibetween West Cottage and West Ivy. and east of Wheelock Parkway. For further information contact Planning Board, Room 1010 Commerce Buildiri� or phone 223-4151. � JAMES 3. DALGLISH Commissioner of Finance �O , . ' ' ' , � , '� � CITY OF SAINT PAUL � MINNESOTA . DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 113 Court House 55102 June 7, 1968 City Clerk File X516, Page You are hereby notified that the Board of Zoning will hold a public hearing in Room 356 of the City Hall and Court House in the City of St, Paullat 2:00 P. M. on June 20, 1968, on the petition of John J. Sullivan to rezone from "A" residence district to "C" residence district, the following described property: Lot 18, Cottage Homes, subject to the rights acquired by the City of St. Paul for Wheelock Pkwy. , Cottage Ave. and� W. Ivy Ave. , except that part of Lot 18, Cottage Homes, lying NW'ly of; a line described as follows: Commencing at the NE corner of said Lot� 18, thence in a �'ly direction along the S. �ine of Cottage Ave. 117'.32 ft. to the place of beginning, thence angle left 70°51' in a SW'ly �direction a distance of 65.18 ft. ,• thence SW'ly to a point on the W'ly line of said Lot 18 where a line that intersects the W. line of Lot 18 and which is parallel with and distant 100 ft. NE'ly from a line drawn NW'ly from the SE corner of Lot 17, Cottage Homes and at an angle 43°28' with the South line thereof. Property located between West Cottage Ave. and West Ivy Ave. , and east of Wheelock Parkway. 1 For €urther informarion contact Planning Board, Room 1010 Commerce Building or phone 223-4151. JAMES J. DALGLISH Commissioner of Finance �O �� � , ✓ y BOARD OF ZONING, CITY OF ST. PAUL '���� 1010 COMMERCE BUILDING • ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA 55101 • PHONE: 223-4151' .� July 17, 1968 Mr. Harry E. t�arshall City Clerk Room 386 City Hall Dear Sir:° This is �in regards to the petition of John J. Sullivan to rezone from "A" Residence� (single family homes and duplexes) to "C" Residence (high density apartments) , property located �at the south side of Cottage Avenue between Western Avenue and Wheeloek Parkway. (See attache:ii�legal description)� The petitioner proposes to develop the site with one 30-unit _ apartment building and two 36-unit apartment buildings. ;a: This matter was considered by: the Board of Zoning at a public hearing held on June120, 1968. The Commissioner of Finance had declared the petition sufficient with the owners' of 5 of a possi.ble 7 (71$) tracts within the prescribed 100' having';signed the petition. The staff reported that the existing zsoning in the area consists of "C" Residence to the east, +�A'� Residence to the south, and_public land and "P." Residence to the west on land highier than the�land .in-question. Existing development in the . area consist�s of apartment structures to the w�st, vacant land and railroad right-of-way to the south,•and,public property in the form of a steep slope to the east and north. . � _ The Comprehensive Plan recommends that the lot in question and the land surrounding it be used for passive recreation and steep slope conseruation. In a letter dated June 20, 1968, the Commissioner of Parks, Recreation and� " ' " Public Buil irigs stated that his department concurs. with the Comprehensive � Plan's reco{nmendations of utilization of this land for steep slope conservation. _ He stated, however, that no funds are available at this time, but that acquisition� monies for this property would be included in future C.I.B. requests. The Board of Zoning considered that the rezoning would eliminate an isolated property �oned- "A" Residence. It was also noted by the- staff that a portion of Ivy Avenue south of the site in question is land-locked and should be vacated. Therefore, the Board of Zoning recommended approval of the petition to rezone from "A" Residence to "C" Residence. �,}� Very truly yours, �� � , G ,��i- �"L � � � George G. cPartlin L� Secretary GGM:cv GMK Z.F. #6519 � � Attachment . I � � . - , . � , •� . . ' . � , . i . . . i � • � . - • . , � , , . . , t.: - • . . . - �'_• r . ' . , ' . . , , . , . ,. w k .. '� � Y • . r( � �. A � �` ^'� Lot 1&, �bttage �Iemss, Bur jc�ct t.o the righto acquired bv the �i.�y of' ��. Pe.u� for � � � l�hee�ock Farkc+�y, Qot�age Avenue etid '�1�st Zvy Aven:.E:, excFpt that Eart o� I.oT �, �o�ttage Homes;lyiiig ftarth�;eet�rLy ot � �,in�, dPac�•�bed at� fallo•�: Ccm�n;:�r� at _ � . tr.E �Tox°tbeas't cdrner of �ai�� Lo+. 18, t�.e�ic�: in r� Westcrly dirc��tiar� al.cr:g Lr� �So�ir,}: � linQ oY Cot�ge Av�eIIUe 117.32 fe�t to thc. �lac;e of bepi�nin{�, thP.�e�' �;.� 1�-�`- 70°51' in e 9o�.ttis+�esterly directiar► a di�t�snce �f E,5..18.rtet, zt:Fr.ce t?�.�;,,�.t:w�s:;T.e�ly , to a poiri� on 'the iJe�terly line 'of ae.ici Lat 1E3 �hiex� rs line �hat ir�terat.e:.: -_he . �eet l�ne o� i.ot 1$ dnd �+h�ch Ya kerb11e1 vith ar►d dietsnt 100� feet No.thettie�pxly from a lir�rs dre�n`Northwe6'te�ly f'rotn th� Suu�heaat cornrr ��i'•7At ].7, �attr�ge 'ictne� e.nd a: an e�l�e ��j�2$' jrit:� �hp :3outh li rx�� t►�rec f. ' _ , . > > . _ . � - , ' � • . . . . . . . ' . � � _ ' . . . . � _ � , _ . , _ - , , ' x �� � . � - • �, • 4 �». . , - .., „ ' . . � • , . , . .t• ,:, , .�.,�, �• :.�• `; � . . , / r ) . � a . . , ' , . . • • ` f � � • • ' ' . ., � ' , ' • � • , , . , � .• . . ' ' r ,. . . . � . ' • .. . � . . _ � . � ' ,� � r� • � . • . t ' , I • • • i 1 • . . . . ._ . . . ' : . . r � ,. —', . • -� — + � • � :. ' . •t` S'� ,� • '• �,� •. � ' , ,` .� • •_', ••l . .. . . . . . } ` � � �. , � • � , - � `�`1} ' . �1 4 t.. + 4 , ' . `.. .' . - r ,, .. ` : . � • -__ �• � '�' � �. ` •,`+� •+ • . _ �• '' , • '`• ' •• » � •i• t� • • ' . ,.Y,3 ' ' ` .�"' ' � _ ... .. ` . . ' . _ ' • ' - r `�1 _ .. , r •1:+ . • " .. . . . , ' }, . , . Harry E. Marshall �LtY ep Albert B. Olson � City Clerk and ��' ; Council Recordrrr Commissioner of Registrcttion ., � x o � � � M�a�° ,b dQ """°' M1O � OFFICE OP THE CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL ' BUREAU OF RECORDS �86 City FI¢ll St.Paul,Minneaota 5610� May 15, Ig68 Zoning Board , Commerce Bldg. St. Paul Gentlemen• The City Council referred to the Zoning Boaxd for recommendation the attached petition for rezoning to Class "C" Residence District Lot 18, Cottage Homes, subject to the rights acquired by the City of St. Paul for Wheelock Pkwy., Cottage Ave. and W. Ivy Ave., except that part of Lot 18, Cottage Homes, lying NW'ly of the line described in the petition, the property being located between W. Cott�e Ave. and W. Ivy Ave. and East of Wheelock Pkwy. Vexy truly yours, ✓'� � City erk. ng ; � D C� � �� �� � 196� MP� � . �,VA� . .�Y ����Y1�2,��°� C'� ��p� ��,�z, �� rj� • . ' � ;'� +� ' DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE . ^ a CITY OF SAINT PAUL MINNESOTA I 13 Court House,b5102 � JAMES J. DALGLISH, Commissioner LOUIS H. MeKENNA, Deputy Commissioner , Phone:223-4646 May 1 , 1968 To the� Council City o.f Saint Paul Gentlemen: I have� checked the attached petition, of John J. Sullivan • • filed �in the matter of rezoning, , L�ot 18, Cottage Homes, subject to the rights acquired by the City of St. Paul for Wheelock Parkway, Cottage A�enue and West Ivy Avenue, except that part of Lot 1'8, Cottage Homes, lying Northwesterly of a line des- cribed as follows: Commencing at the Northeast corner o�f said Lot 18, thence in a Westerly direction along the South line of Cottage Avenue, 117.32 feet to the place of beginning, thence angle left 70° 51' in a Southwesterly direction a distance of 65.18 feet, thence Southwesterly to a point on the Westerly line of said Lot 18 where a line that intersects the West line of Lot 18 and which is parallel with and distant 100 feet Northeasterly from a, line drawn Northwesterly from the Southeast corner of Lot 17, Cottage Homes and at an angle 43° 28' with the South line ;:thereof. The property is located between West Cottage Avenue and West Ivy Avenue and East of Wheelock Parkway, from al Class ��A`0 Residence District to a Class "Cf° Residence Distriit, and find that said petition is sufficient. o s very u , l - ames J. D lish �� Commission r of Einance Re: ii -516 ! c.c. Mr. Ames • N. R. Aeiden �O