239646 � i { OR161NAL TO CITY CL6RK � ' ���L�� . � CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL �°' � - 1 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE N •h�.. � ' CO NCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY �- COMMISSIONE pTF I RESOLVED, that Ken-13arv Enterprises be and hereby is granted a��s"rm���to install and operate a 36–car parking facility in con– junction with the Greenbrier Home (a boarding care home) on the property located on the east side of Birmingham Street between Case and York avenues, more particularly described as follows: Lot 15 and south eight (8) feet of Lot 16, . Block 2 of Fairchild' s Rearrangement of Lots 8 to ��l5 inclusive of •Block 1 of Cruickshankts - Garden Lots to Saint Paul, according to the glat thereof on file and of. record in the o.ffice of the Register of Deeds ,in and for Ramsey Coun.ty, Min.nesota, ' all in accordance with plans received April 24, 1968; RESOLVED FURTHER that upon pertinent appeal under th.e Zoning Code, said Ken–Flarv Enterprises, own.ers of the subjeet real estate, the provisions of the Zon.ing Code hereby are determinecl- and varied as to the extent necessary therefor, and that the frontage and area requirements for said premises are hereby relaxed so that the eight� foot buffer strip along the north edge of the property line be r'educed to four feet, provided that a dense screen planting at least five feet high within two years be provided along said northerly edge of the property; al�-� subject to the condition� that applicant–permittee, and its suZ�cessors or assigns, otherwise, shall make due compliance with all applicable provi– _ _ _ - sions of municipal ordinances, State statutes and rules and ," � �"�regulations �of public -authorities having cognizance. F �OV Asst. C r oration � Counsei . i ��L � �. 196a COUNCILMEN� Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays ��L 3 � ��� Carlson Dalglish ; Approved 19—_ Meredith �In Favor Peterson � Sprafka � Mayor � A gainst ' Tedesco Mr. President, Byrne pUBLISHE� ��� � �968 �O 1 � 1 . • ` / . • � w."" -• . _ ' � ' ����5�� ', BOARD OF ZONING, CITY OF ST. PAUL � 1010 COMMERCE BUILDING • ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA 55101 • PHONE: 223-4151' 1 I July 17, 1968 Mr. Harry E. Marshall Cityi�Clerk Room 386 City Hall Dear Sir: � This is in regards to 1) an appeal to relax the 8' buffer requirement on�a parking lot and 2) an application for a 36-car parking lot permit, by Ken-Harv Enterprises on property located on the east side of Birmingham Street between Case and York Avenues. This property is further described as Lot 15 and the south 8' of Lot 16, Block 2, Fairchild's Reaxrangement of Lots 8 to 15 Inclusive of Block 1�of Crui.ckshank's Garden Lots. This matter was considered by the Board of Zoning at a public hearing held on June 20; 1968. 'I'heaStaff reported that the proposed parking lot be used in conjunction with the Greenbrier Home (a boarding care home) to the west across Birtningham� Street. Existing zoning in the area consists � "C" Residence for the property in question and the pnopert.y to the west and north and "A" Residence to the east and south. Existing development consists of the Greenbrier Home to the west, vacant land to the north, and single family homes to the east and south. The staff reported that present standards require an 8' buffer on parking lot peripheries which are adjacent to the lots either zoned or used residentially. The appellant is asking that the 8' buffer along the north edge of the property� be relaxed in order to give him room for two parking rows and a twenty foot maneuvering area. The owner of the property to the north which is presently vacant has consented to the relaxation and has no objections. The 36-car parking lot plan meets the approval of the Traffic Engineer and meets the design; standards for this kind of facility. It was the findings of the Board that a relaxation of the 8' buffer strip along the north edge to a width of. 4' would be reasonable provided that a dense • planting screen at least 5' high within 2 years be provided along the northerly . edge. Therefore, the Board of Zoning recommends approval of the relaxation of the S' buffer to a width of 4' along the north�rly edge of this property line provided that danse screen .planting at least 5' high within 2 years be provided along the northerly edge of the �roperty. The Board of Zoning also recommends approval of the 36-car parking lot permit. � Very truly yours, ' � 1 " �/"� �L z� �� George . McPartlin � � Secretary GGM:cv ; �_. GMK ; Z.F. #6550 "�� #6513 � 1 � . � � � i ' � . ' � „ - I LAW OFFICEB . � NAH U RS K l AN D CYPTAR MINNESOTA BUILDING SAINT PAUL,MINNESOTA 55101 FRANCIS J,NAHURSKI CASIMIR L.CYPTAR TELEPHONE 227-BOBI � June 6, 1g68 1 ' Honorable Mayor and City Council of the City of St. Paul c/o City Clerk Court House St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 � Ee: Application for Special Council IIse Permit ' Applicants: Ken-Harv Eaterprises • Address: 674 E. Highway 36, St. Paul, Minn. Telephone: 776-7863 Legal Description: Lot 15 and South 8 feet of � Lot 16, Block 2 Fairchild's Bearrangement of ' Lots 8 to 15 inclusive of Block 1 of Cruick- shank�s Garden Lots to St. Paul Location: East side of Birmi.ngham Street between Case and York Street. Honorable Sirs: ' � , The undersigned, one of the attorneys representing the applican.t with refer- ence to the matter set forth in the caption hereof, hereby respectfully petitions and requests a relaxation of that portion of the Building Code requiring an 8 foot buffer along the northerly edge of the premises described in the caption hereof to zero (0) foot, so as to enable said applicant and the aforementioned premises to accommodate parking 36 cars. Your fanorable consideration will be greatly appreciated. � Very truly yours, 1 �' N KI D C I Casimir L C tar CIA:rs � . � P. S. " Attached hereto and hereby made a part of this request is a copy of the original Application, dated April 16, 1.968, and a waiver by the abutiing property owner along the north edge of said premises. C.L.C. ' �7�r,,nf�A � f�� ���� ; L� '�'4�'�1`�� i1 V� .,-.�': - _ .� �� � .. �� � . �' • � � • I . . � I � I ' �• �J�� Qyke+�� tq o�rn»! ot 1� Lwdlably - ad��ac co a� ip'!n� iw�i���i tiorci ot t.�� 1�� lot s�pliN lor v�o�� ti,� att�e:�d �liaatioa on Hsoi�+i�s it�t f�lwen Casa ac�d Terk itr�st, �►�r�by aeaaiat co th� i sawr sad vaiw any sKais�rsuc tar � ba�t�: sou� b�t�ran ' said ts�opoa�d Wskic�s loc sad wp 1#,,d. � S/ RAYMOND DYKEMA �� � i { ; � I I I , �,�(� ��'uv��V�� �,����� � � ' 20 BOARD OF ZONING R�PQRT �AND ACTION June �,1968 Piat Map 37 • Acting under Legislative Code Chapter 60 thru 64 File No. ' passed August 22, 1922 as amended to August 24, 1964 � � 6550 � Also `6513 � 1. APPLICANT'S NAN� • Ken-Harv Enterprises , 2. CLASSIFICATION • � Amendment � Appeal �Permit ❑ Other I ._ - 3. PURPOSE� • Relax 8' buffer on north side 4. IACATION • E. side of Birmingham Street between Cass and York �. LEGAL DESCRIPTION � Lot 15 � S. 8' of Lot 16, Block 2, Fairchild's Reaar. of Lots 8 to 15 Incl. of Block 1 of Cruickshank's Gaxden Lots. 6. PRESENT, ZONING . "C" Residence - ~ 7. PURSUANT TO Zoning Code Chapter: 60 Section: .23 Paragraph: . � 8. STAFF INVESTIGATION & REPORT: Date: gy; A. ACTION OF ZONING ADMINISTRATOR: B. HISTORY: This is part of a larger tract rezonsd to "C" Residence on May, 1962. C. PROPOSED USE: 36 car visitor's parking lot to used in conjunction with a . boarding home. D. PRESENT STANDARDS: Require an 8' buffer adjacent to parking lots adjacent to residential property. _ E. NEED FOR APPEAL: The applinant needs the .relaxation of the buffer requirement in order to enable him to build a 36 car parking lot. The o�rrner of ths property adjacent to the lot in question has sent a letter stating no , objection to the lack of a buffer to his property. The applicant has made a �. statement that he intends to buy the property to the north of his lot in ths future. F. AREA ZONIVG: Tha area north of E. 7th Street and �ast of Birmingham, except for the tract rezoned May 5, 1962 is "A" Residence. L•lest of Birmingham Street is zonsd "B" Residence except ths west side of Birmingham Str�et betw�en Case � York Avsnues which is zoned "C" ResidAnce. G. SITE CONDITIONS: Site is vacant and level and anproximately 4' above th� rough grade of Birm�ngham Street. I�. AREA CONDITIONS: STngle family resid�nces to the south and�aast, west a two building Boarding Cars Home and north vacant land. ' 9. BOARD ACTION: To Recommend � Approval � Denial Council Lt. Dated Moved by: McPartlin Yeas Nays x Ames Seconded by: Gadlsr Cohen Date of Hearing � x Janes,Chmn. x McPartlin Council Action Secretary's remarks: Haarstick - Alt. • Subject to staff's recomm�ndation x Gadler Date , . Maietta � x Gauger LEGAL NOTICES ON THE BACK OF THIS SHEET l �- . � �..� t . � � . • . • . � � City of Saint Paul, Minneaota � - ,;�.;.�'";'� APPLICATION FOR SPECIAL COUNCIL USfi PERNIT (Please print or type) TO T� �NORABLE MAYOR AND CITY OOUN+CIL 96 the City Clerk City of Saint Paul, I�innesota Application �is hereb made to � y install and operate a new (cross one out) � FILLING STATION No. of islands and pumps : •No. o�� tanks and capacity: --.r���:� F::, ,�..P.ARKING LOT for (�� �y (Private use) �. tlisitos latikin� (indicate type) Capacity of parking lot �� �� To be used in connection with: Mttdi� AoN . I� � MISCELLANEOUS: � (indicate type such as Drive-in Reireahment Stand, Uaed Car Lot, Dry Cleaning Pick-up 3tation, Ice Vendor, etc.) Capacity ot parking area: I *Location ; . Aa the �t �i� o�i sird.usha� itrvt�t b�tw�n Caae an� tot'k ft. Legal Deacription : Lot 1S �sed th� i. i Block �o (� � Addition !aliChil��� _ ' isst o! Lot I6� _ ��t ���, App1lCaIIt's Name : Vp��� tqt�rn�� t0 �l� 1 ���`��'$t:"�, Home or Off'ice Addreas: i7� �. �i�xay Mo. 36 � it. fwl. Mlimas�su Phone Number , ��M��� �/BY TAE �APPLICANT� 1 S/ KENDALL DE MARS A !il 1� 196a �Signature date Address : �67A R. HijMra� Mv. 36� it. *�111� Minns�ota phone No.: � 776•7a6� � When completed: file three copiea of this application form and three prints of tbe preliminary lay-out plans o� the proposed facility with the City Clerk, Room 386, City Hall and Court House, Saint Paul, Minnesota Z-3 6/11/56 { *EXAMPLE; 1. S.E. corner of Main St. and First St. 2. South side of Main St. between First and Second St. i iwe srsoYan�ei att�ct�. ����uV� ���� 1 ! BOARD OF ZONING REPORT AND ACTION June 6, 1968 Plat Map 37 � • Acting under Legislative Code Chapter 60 thru 64 . File No; passed August 22, 1922 as amended to August 24, 1964 6513 Also 6550 1. APPLICANT'S NA14� . Ken-Harv Enterprises 6387 not i att ched 2. CLASSIFICATION • � Amendment � Appeal Q Permit ❑ Other I 3. PURPOSE ` . Install 36-car parking lot � � 4. LOCATION . E. side of Birming ham between:Case � York • f • 5. L•EGAL DESCRIPTION � Lot 15 � S. 8' of Lot 16, Block 2, Fairchild's Rearr. of Lots 8 to 15 Incl. of Block 1 of Cruickshank's Garden �Lots. 6. PRESENT ZONING . "C" Residence 7. PURSUANT TO Zoning Code Chapter; 60 Section: .23 Paragraph: 4 � , . 2 8. STAFF INVESTIGATION & REPORT: Date: gy; A. HISTORY: This is part of a larger tract rezoned to "C" Residence on May 5, 1962 B. AREA ZONING: The area north of E. 7th Street and east of Birmingham Strest, except for ths tract rezoned May 5, 1962 is "A" Residence. �dest of Birmingham Street " is zoned "B" Residence except the west side of Birmingham Street between Case � York Avenues which is zoned "C" Residence. C. DESIGN STANDARDS: A bituminous surfaced parking lot with a twenty-four foot driveway to Birmingham Street and maneuvering aisles of 24' . Concrete wheel- stops are to be installed to prevent encroachm�nt on setback and buffer arsas and private property to the north. Drainage indicated to storm sewers in street. However, an 8' buffer is req�uired on� the north property lins. D. TRAFFICE ENGINEER: Approves plan as it re].ates to traffic. � E. FRONTAGE � AREA: The site has a frontage of 72' with a depth of '180' and an area of 12,960 square feet. , F. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: REcommends R-5 for th� area, 1 - 2 town or rowhouses 15 D.U. 's per acre G. SITE CONDITIONS: Site is vacant � lev�l and approximately 4' above the rough grade of Birmingham Street. .�• H. AREA CONDITIONS: Single-family residences to the south and east; west a two building Boarding Care home and north vacant land. ; . _ . 9. BOARD ACTION: To Recommend Q Approval ❑ Denial Council Lt. ' � • � Dated Moved by: . McPartlin Yeas Nays x Ames Seconded by: Gadler Cohen Date of Hearing ' x Janes,Chmn. � x McPartlin Council Action Secretaryts remarks: Haarstick - Alt, • • Subject to staff's recommendation x Gadler Date - Maietta � � x Gauger ' . � LEGAL NOTICES ON THE BACK OF THIS SHEET . 1 . . � �v , i � ' � �...•.. �::: - �:.: i:;�':..�:f�: 7 V � � .i •a�•�_,r• r.' �� v � '� ;'� �. .. ''":::y.....,.°..;.,1�'.:.%!:".'• .....;y J . �? � � � �{J `% /1 � , .:. •,.i•' .:1�''��a'�'.;��;":.:.. :; .,�J;/� � 1 �� ././ . �� ''.:!�"i.t-�t•'' ��,'�rr•t�r •r:•:rt�y��. J 1 . - - --- � �\` ::.:..�.1...'.4. ,.�•�r.:t.'^: :..;,.� 1�' -��_�_�� `_� - _ fi. _._. . �./•,-- -:•-;�4�c•';..1'::-r�.S'',;�:T•+::y' �r' � ( 1-- -_ � ' .� %.. .��,a..:•..•.�•.. .�•,./�::.. r• w� 1 '`-•- � ` I ./:.:••:g:'••C '.:��: .t�'';.�I�..�.:r ..;��{' � • �� w_ . 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LAND USE-� � PRESENT ZOf�If�SG � ����� Resiclenca O -�NC FA��11LY j � 'Q; T W 0 FA UI I LY ; . � THREE FAMILY . ' i . " FOUR FAMILY � PETI�ION S1Gf���iS� . ; �PI�ULTI-- FA�ILY iFILC No. 6513 . , o a� COfvi�1�F�CIAL � n INDZ,1STf�lAL � . . , . . ' � . NOP,TW = • . � �� Pni�l Plr�ne��ri� F:n�t�� . Dc�4c� April 24, 196E� �s��,%� Ps-;����TY �N C11��S1'lOf�� .i , ' . ~ I y � I � � � CITY ;OF SAINT PAUL MINNESOTA I DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE � 113 Court House 55102 � � July 5, 1968 F i City Clerk I IFile X514, Pa�e � �I You are hereby notified that a public hearing will be held in the Council Chambers of the City Hall and Court House in the City of St. �Paul at 10:00 a.m. on JuZy 18, 1968, on the application of Ken Harv Enterprises for a permit to install a 36-car parking lot on the following property: Lot 15 and south 8 feet of Lot 16, Block 2, Fairchilds Rearrangement of Lots 8 to 15 inclusive of Block 1 of Cruickshanks Garden Lots. The property is located on the east side ot Birmingham betw'e'ej;i: Case and York Avenues. l For further informabion contact Planning Board, Room 1010 Commerce Building or phone 223-4151. � � JAMES J. DALGLISH Commissioner of Finance I i � i � I i � { � � � � � I �O � . � ,� . ,, - I � J � ' CITY OF SAINT PAUL MINNESOTA , DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE I fl3 Courf House 55102 � May 24, 1968 � City C1erk IFile X514, Page 1 � You are hereby notified that the Board of Zoaing will hold a public hearing in Room 356 of the City Hall and Court House in the City of St. Paul at 2:00 P. M. on June 6, 1968, on the application of Ken-Aarv Enterprises for permit to install a 36-car parking lot on the followin� property: Lot 15 and south 8 feet of Lot 16, Block 2, Fairchild's Rear'rangement of Lots 8 to 15 inclusive of Block 1 of Cruickshank's Garden Lots. The property is located on the east side of Birmingham between Case and York Avenues. I For further information contact Planning Board, Room 1010 Commerce Building or phone 223-4151. � IJANIES J. DALGLISH � Commissioner of Finance � � ; � 1 �� . � � � � 3 � � � � 'r � - *-T 4 � City of Saint Paul, l�innesota , r APPLICATION FOR SPECIAL COUNCIL USE PERMIT � ' ! (Please print or type) • � ✓ TO THE �NORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL � the City Clerk City of Saint Paul, Mianesota I' �� � Application is hereby made to install and operate a new �cross one out) � FILLING STATION No. of islands and pumps : No. of tanks and capacity; � PARRING LOT �or �� (private use) (���� Vis}.tor Parking (indicate type) Capacitq o� parking lot 36 cars � ' To be used in connection with: BoardinQ Home i � MISCELLAriEOUS: (indicate type such as Drive-in Refreshment Stand, Used Car Lot, Dry Cleaning Pick-up 3tation, Ice Vendor, etc.) Capacity of parkiag area: *Location . On the East side of Birmi.ngham Street between Case and York St. Legal Description : Lot 15 and the S. 8 Block Two (2) Addition Fairchildts feet of Lot 16, Rearrangement of L. 8 Applicant's Name : Ken-Harv Enterprises to 15 inclusive of B. 1 of CruickshankTs Home or Office Address: 674 E. Highway No. 36 Garden Lots to St.Pau St. Paul� Minnesota Phone Number • 776-7863 �7@B/BY TI� APPLI , y� � _ A ril 1`�ii,1968 � Signature (date ' Address : 674 E. Highway No. 36� St. Paul, Minnesota Phone No.: 776-7863 i When completed: �ile three copies of this application form and three prints of � the preliminary lay-out plans of the propoaed facility with the City Clerk, Room 386, City Hall and Court House, Saint Paul, Minnesota Z-3 6/11/56 *EXAMPLE; 1. S.E. corner of Main St. and First St. 2. 3outh side oP Main St. between First and Second St. . i See memorandum attached. 1 I w , , ,,. � � � � ' 1 I, Raymond Dykema, fee owner of land immediately No RT�'/ f adjacent to and lyin - of �the parking i � lot applied for upon the attached application on Birmingham i ' Street between Case and Yo"rk Street, hereby consent to the same and waive any requirement for a buffer zone between said proposed parking lot and my land. i i I , ! a o Dykema , i l � �I � , � i I I � ' I � � I � � . �