239623 ,.. r , ' . . �23� �'3 ORIGIN L O�`CITY CLERK .� - � CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. ?�ICE�Ti SE CQMMITTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � ° C UNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY JU].�T 3O� 1968 COMMISSIONE DATF RESOLVID: That Application K-2132 for Restaurant, On and Off Sale Malt Beverage a�d. Cigarette I,icenses, appli ed for by Raymond T. Henry at 611� Concoriiia .Avenue, „ be and the same are hereby granted.. , , n�ormally approved by �ouncil = February 29� 1968 ' Old �ocation ;a , ,�r �.J ' . ���`� � ��!�� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Naya ��L 3 Q 19�i� Carlson � � Dalglish . Approved 19— + , �Meredith � Favor ��, Peterson Ma or Sprafka y� � Tedesco A gainst Mr. President, Byrne pUBLISHE@ AUG 3 �96a �O a. ' �,.,.. � �� . - � CITY OF SAINT PAiTL 3� ��� Capital of Minnesota ��. � �e a�t�e�t o kb`ic �a et p � POLICE Tenth and Minnesota Streets HEALTH FIRE PROTECTION WILLIAM E. CARLSON, Commissioner POLICE AND FIAE ALARM ' ROGER M. CONWAY, Deputy Commiasioner � DANIEL P. Me LAUGHLIN, Lleenee Inepeetor � Februaiy 29, 1968 Honorable Mayor and �ity �ouncil Saint Faul, Minnesota , Gentlemen: Raymond T. Henry makes application for Restaurant, On and Off Sale I�Ialt Beverage and Cigarette Licenses at b1Lt Concordia Ave. which is loca,ted on the S�uth side of the street between Dale and Kent Streets. � This location has been licensed for a similax �asiness since 1959. The last licensee, PZrs. Myrtle Duncan held the licenses from February 1967. • There are tt�o 3.2 establishments within two blocks. The closest � Sa1e I;iquor place is five blocks and the closest Off Sale Liquor place is next door. The nearest churCh is one k3nck and the nearest school is two t3.ocks away. T2r. Henry has been emplayed by the Great Northern Railroad since �945. Very t ruly yours� . � ��� � License Inspector � 'l � v � '° , �� , -' • '`', •� � � c � c. F i � ' � � 1�. - . ^ � C ITY OF SAINT PAU�,J � .� � , DEPdRT1�TT OF PtTBLIC ,�AAFETY r ' :. LICENSE DIVISI� -� - �/ r _ � Date � �" z- 7 19 �° � � 1,� ,Appliaation for � ��/-. �g L t �iJ�L f' _ d��/�''c��E License _ r -- 2o Nams of applicant ` �- �Irl C) N l� ! • i Y /% � � � - � � ` � ,�/ p �L � .... ' 3o Buainess addreas �p /� �b�(,�►��b�esidenae '7 7 a �� 1� s Ii i�/� ��•�da � �•�- 7 - to9a� 4. Trade name p if anY;��- ?i�l,,l ij � �"�,�J,�G' Z.,__ �� �i ���' -t �.: ~_� . 5. Retail Beer,Federal Tax.St�mp �'Re/t,ail Liquor Federal-,Tax Stamp � . �will�be used. 6. On what floor lobated � � Number of rooms used ,� � � . . . - 7e HetReen what orosa strse�s �A�� �' /�'��'+�� YPhich side of atreat . s'�o �/�H . 8� Are premiaea n�uv ocoupied /I�oWY�t buainess � _ �. Hovr long �� : , . , . a � � � . .� { � • . � � = s-- " -; i''� � �s�� - 90 Are premiaes nrnv unoacupied�Iovr Iong vacan� ` LU�P'c, � Previous use - . , >_ �' . • . �1�0� Are you �a new awner T/�S , Have you been in a similar busine as bef ore,.�,_,v,,.J(� (} � �11'here ' ' • Whan ,�t ,�����`'� .�` ��r�— . r�,� ` r d !� y,.c�Y "^.'�s�_�`��,':_ �, ,•y. 11. Are you going to operate this busineas�personally ��.� "'f , �:�'��,w��_ � K,yj�����-1 *'��,, ' ` �t� ��f 1 .��\� � If ndt: who will operate it � f= � `'� � �`� -� -� , - - � _ w x �f�.� '.:.�+►f,s y; /rd'`�� . .� . '-t r a�.� , ��u f �� 12;- Are you�in an�r;other business at the preaent time,_ . -�• �illr,�:,' ' �'Rp��i�,�, ,! � ,� • � - : . — -. . . . ... ._ . ,r �a�,,• � .i.��. ����� 13.• • Hav$ there been :sny coanplain.ts �against your opera'tion of this type of pl:a,oe;_ .;;�V �' � i - - - � - - � � �'�„�,-:s�i�'"�- , Whan �Where • ' _ �� • 14o Bave �you ever had any�lioense revoked ��Nd VPhat reason and date .',`� " ' � � � � , - , - . _ �, 150 �lre you a oitisen of tl� United Statea �gNative__�Naturalised �, � '�- �! �,: •� t } 16. �re �rere you bos n Q.I v�ct �� D ���ate �f bixth � �.-��``�"����� ., . . �, . _ _�+� 1�~�L ♦i� �� . _���.-'' � �1 17a I am��maz°riedn ?,dy (vrife's) (husband�a) name and addresa is � , . � � � . ,� ti_ - • � 18p (If ine,r�3ed femaTe) my maiden�name is . • - • ' Y9p Hamr 1 omg have you 1 ived 3.n S� Paul /s� ���.�� - -- - - -� - - 20o Eave you ever been arre sted c.��.� Violation of what ariminal lativ or ordinance - `�t t s ��wt � � � ` 2�'r2 �Lo u �1✓ ����r' p s. , . -- . . �-- . - ;. =,, . 210 Are you a registered voter in the `City `6f St� Paul , : ��` Yes No� (Answer Pull,q and completel�r*� These�a' �lications are thorou lil cheol�d and an falaificsation �rill be cauae for denial� • � , � . AFFIDAVI}T $Y gPPLICANT ` . � FDR RETAIL BEER OR LIQU�R LICENSE Re s ��(/ Sa le ��� ��t/ Lioense Name of applicant �►'� `„� "� p � � ( . �� � �i`,� ' � Buainess addreas �n� �- � [� � �, q ((� �/�IQ , - $re you the sole ovan.er of this buain.ess? Tf not, is it a partnership? �Z� �- - -- c orporat ion? , other? � E.`, " . .. � � �� .`� • - ' •- . - - - - - Others interested in business, include those by loah of money,.property or otherwise: Name Address Haw � � . If a corporation, give its name , d . ._ _ �� . . . _ . � . Are you interested in any v�ray in any other Retail Beer or Liquor business?..� s !� (� As sole o�rmer? Partner? Stoekholder? * � ' � • Othex�mrise? (Through loan of man.ey, eta. ''ERplain.) { � ; , . � ,'.� . , � Addre s s of a uch bus ine as and nature of i.n.te re st in same ` -�► , . , . �, • �-�� .. - •.� � �� �y �_ f.�. � � � _�� /�+�•-il/� •� L •.l �f •§• � — ✓1� 'I•'ure�of�appli�ant. " - j - - �� ��f y�d�e;s^y;t' � �" � y• �{ ! � . � � � .r i�G` * ��i �j S dM\f S � ^^1. \' �� �.. ;`�i �� r. ,rf O ������A,�'' ' � � . 4 %' y ,� "r,�� y1 ! _._ _ " � .Y • ..h�����`]�� Y�, 1 .. � - . . �'�� � '� � � � being fi.rst��duly aworn; deposes and says upon ` , �' � i�e'ad the f orego �g af fidavit�beariisg�his signature and l�ows the �t�,. . co -�'�e��o"�, that the same� s true�of� his ov�rn l�iowledge, except as to those matte� ��l�e�re�`in stateci�upon informgtion and bolief and as to thoae matters he be- 1 ieve s them t o be true. . t . .� +.i - +, Signat re of a p lican� - - , , ,� � Subacribed and sworn o efore me � this�L�day of_� 19� � -� - ' - - Notar blic, ey County, ao My c ommis s ion expires�?�g 19�,(� .�. f � � ' rs .� U ,, �- . . ...� #�i�.— � � . � . ,3,•� , . . �` y y�s�i�� \�. � �' �,�,;��. "'" �,rs ��a � , � �; , '��0�"��ESOTA� ) � "� ����,: ��'d!'ti���i�'� ) SS *�`dA�F;R�t'SF'Yr{� � . • � � 'f�x/�M�M, ��� ���'�.� �/' _ ,' �+�6'? � ,� ....��� �. .�3' A � being first duly sworn, doth depose .. -- - -- - -- .. . . - - .. . and say t he makes this affidav t in aonnection zvith app].ication for " Sale" liquor license (" dj�/ Sale" mmlt beverage license) in the Ci�y of ' � � - ` � � - State� oP Minnesota Saint Paul, Minnesota; that your affiant is a resident of the and has resided therein for � . years, months, and ia �� �� State naw and ha s been for the time ab ove menti on.ed a b ona f ide re side n� of aa id $� � , and that he now re s ide s at N0. .r.�� � '7/�/� � �(� S ,�.,��� Q� �_� � �dinne s ota. ,� i �l'''"°"'' ' 4 _ �' �l Subsoribed and sworn to before me J�• � this ��day of� 19� �, _ , _ _ Notary ubli , Ra ey dunt , &'�'Eta �qy commisaion expires Q _ � � � � �) —� - � , �, , -------� � ' _ .. .� •--� . ., . � I� • � , �,�2"��;I� ;'�A"�i'�.:..; Itir'�C'�'� . . __ . �1L AP�'c�0.`AI, � ' . Feb. 29, 1g68 Hon. William E, Carlson, • ' Comsr. of Public Safety, Tenth and Minn. Sts., - /' . k � St. Paul, Minn. � . � . . Attn: Mr. Da P. MeLaughl3n . s ` �c.Dea�.�Sir:,r h�' Fu�.;.tc �3fety, • . �J,'F'Tt�,i? 'c.`i.(� :�1 F=� ^:'�•' '� ;•t e, � �'---------_ u�, ��„1�9 „The City Council today informally e e follo�ring , a applicatioris� for licenses: . -- ' Raymond T. Henry for Resta , � � and. Of'f Sal , _ !_ � . �. Ma.lt Beverage and Cigare_ , lice � , at 614 Concordia � °` - AV@. ! - - �r =,, - - -- -- � _ -- - -- - --- - - ,---- �-��____ . # i�_._ - '-�"'�-___. 1 . __-�", . / _ � %' . ' � � . • - . . ' r