239588 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK • �� 239��g CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� �p OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE COUNCIL U ION—G�RA FORM � PRESENTED BY Robert. • Ct81'8011 COMMISSIONE D F WgSRSAS, Additio�� whieb might prone to be necessary in tha ioprovement describad as,Grading and Surfacing of MAGNOLIA AVSNIIS from Hazel Straet to Van Dqke Stre�t and VANDYI� STR$ET froa Piechanic Avenue to Magnolia Avenu�, Co�p- troller's Contract L-6935, T. A. 3chifskq S� Soaa, Inc., �ontractor, have been provided for in thQ Specificatione, and WI�RBAS, It haa b�en fonnd neces�ary to maks- the following Additione ia ord�r to provide en alleq entrance on the •ast side of VanDyke Streat �hich was not iAClnded in the origiaal plane ADDITIONS $xcavation, Class S gravel base, 2-inch Type F2 Bituainous eizture surface, and removal of existing bitumiaoue cnrb 20 sq. yda. @ $2.25 per sq. qd. - $45.00 TOTAL ADDITION - $45.00 and WAffitSAS, The total addition is $45.00 and the Com��i�aioner of Fublic Works ha� agrned with the Contractor that_ tba enount of $45.00 i� the correct sum to be added to said contract, ther�fore �b� it - , ,�.,�-._ _ _ � " RSSOLVED, That the Citq of St. Fnnl throagh its Citq Council approves the - foragoing addition aade in accordance With the Specfficatioas in the st�m of $45.00, aaid eaount to be addad to the lu�p �t�m coneideration nennd in tha contract, knowu as Cosptroller's Contract L-6935, and which eoount is to be included in the assessoent.- ��L � 6196� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Councii 19— � Yeas Nays Carlson ��` � 6 1��� Dalglish Approved 19`_ Holland �n Favor Meredith Mayor Peterson � Tedesco A gainst Mr. President, Byrne Q�16LISHE� AUG 3 19�8 �O DUrLICATG TO rRINTER -/����8 CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� ti ' � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. , COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED dY COMMISSIONER �O�r� �. pet@L"64A n,�,TF � i�iR�AA�, b+dditions which �aight pxov� to be aec�asary in th� Iapro�naent des�ribed as Crading and $�rF�ting of MAG�IOI,�► �V$�E fros �aa�l Street to Veri Dyke S�r�ot mnd V�Y'K& STAL� froa� Mechnaic Av�nue to Magnolia Avenua. Co�p- troller's Contract Iy-69$5� T. A. Schifsky � Sons� �nc., Contrector, have beea provi.ded for ia the Sp�cificstion�, srid ��AS, it has b�sn found nececsarq to make the followia� A�ddttions in order to prnvid� an alle� entr�acs ort tha �ast side of V�nAyke Str�et which v+aa not inciad�d in � or3�iva1 plan� , , ADDITIOI� �xc�vation, Giass 5 gravel basQ, 2-inch T�p• �2 �itaal.aous �ixturas surfacee, and �a�oval of ex�.sting bitu�:tnaus curb 20 cq. yds. f� $2.25 ger sq. yd. - $45.00 TOTAL !l��TI011 • $45.00 end �EAS� The total addition is �GS.(30 and the t�o�wiesionar o�' Public t�lc�rke haa agreed �rd.th the Contractor that Lt►� �mount c�f �45.00 is the correcC 8� to be added to said con�ract, therefare be it �ffipY,VT�D� That the �City of St. Faul thraugl� iCs �Gity flouncil approv�e th� foregoiAg addit3on wa►de ia accardaace with tihe Specigfc�tio�s �.n th� �ua og �45:00. �aid amount �a be ndded to tihe lu�;p c� cansideration nemed �n the contract, kraWn a� Camptro].ler�s �'.on�ract L-6935� and NhiCh �ount �s to b4 incltsd�d in the aseesss�nt. �U� 2 � �6� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays � 19�� Carlson ��� � Dalglish , ' Approved ' 19�_ Holland Favor Meredith Peterson (� Mayor Tedeaco A gainat Mr. President, Byrne �O