239587 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK ���+a_ y�� 1 � CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL "'�' ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F��E NO. �t� COUNC TION N, L FORM PRESENTED BY Obert F. eterson l � COMMISSIONE R ATF . S�ABRBAS, Additions which oight prove to be necessary in the Loprovement described as Fine Grading and Snrfacing SAZSL STREET fro� 8eaney �venue to E. Seventh Str�et and BUSS AVSNEiB fro� Nokomi� Avenue to Hazel Strnet, Co�ptmller's Contract L-6936, T. A. Schifskq � Sons, Iac., Contractor, have been provided for in tha Specifications, and �REAS, It has been deemed desirable and necessarq to make the following modifications and changes during constrnction ADDITIONS Additional bitu�iaons �aterisl placed in gutter on Bash svenua vest of Hazel Street to provide drainage Bituafnons Mixtare • Type F2 - 4 Tons Q $9.00 = $36.00 TOTAL ADDITION $36.00 and �� W�AS, The tot'el addition is $36.00 and the Commissioner of Public Works has agreed with �the_Contractor �that the amc,nnt of $36.00 is the eorrect sum to be ndded to said cositract, therefore be it � RSSOLV�D, That the City oE St. Fa�ul thmugh its �ity Council approves th� foregoing addition �ade in accordance with the Specifications in the sum of $36.00, said amount to be added to the iuep sum con$idesation naeed in the con- tract, lcnown as Coeptroller'e Contract L-6936, and whicb amount is to be fi�anced by assessasnt against benofit�d property. �,.; . �lll z� �.��� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— . � Yeas Nays Carlson ��'- � 6 �'g�� Dalglish Approved 19—_ Holland Favor Meredith Peterson � Mayor Tedesco ._ Against p�g��SHE� AUG 3 1968 Mr. President, Byrne �O � DUPLICAT6 TO PRIN'RR J�g�$� � CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL ���� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE N4• � COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM C MM SS�IONER RQ�X� F• �Fl��1'g011 DATF S�R�AS, Addl.zions Whicb rnight prnve to be neceeaasy in the Lpro��ent da�crib�d ea Fine Gr�ding and Sur�acing �iAZ�L STRr�T frc� Tteaney Avenue to S. SevenCh Stxee� and BUSH�AVEI�IJ� f.ras. Noko�is �,ve�e �o �se�. Str��t, Coe�t'roller'� Conttact �.-6936, T. A. SChifsky ���ons� Inc., Contractor. havs b�n provid�d for in tbe Specificatians, and . W�SR�, It ha�s be�n de�aed desirabls and n�cnssary to a�ke tha £ollowing �oclifi�tion� sncl c1�r��s dur�ing �on��raeCion �AIT�O� �dditional bitum3t�ous �terial �laced ia gutter on Bush Avenus �est of 8aze1 Streeti to prov3.de draiaage Situainou� Hixture - �ype F2 - 4 Tor�s � $9.80 = y�36.0�0 TOrtAL �DDITIO� �36.40 anr] �ffiASy The totml addition is ��6.0� and thm �o�isaioner of PubYic Works� h�s agreed With ths Coatractor �hae th� ar,ia�une of $36.00 is the correst aux to bs added Co se;id can�ract, therefare be it RSSOLVffi�, That xhe �i�y oE 3t. P�u1 �hrc��gb its Ci�q Caunc3l approves th� forsgo3ng additfon e�etde in eccordanca with �he Spec�ficat3ons in th.e Bua of �36,.00, said anoount to be added to xhe lwap su� consid�rar�.an naraed in the eon- tract, knot�u as Co�ptroll�r'e Con�ract L-6936, �.nd �ahich �ounC i� to be �finaneed bv �ss�ssasnt �gainst b�nffi�ited prop�rty. �u� 2 61ss$ COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Carlson �Q�� � b ���� Dalglish Approved 19`_ Holland Favor Meredith Peterson � Mayor Tedesco A gainst Mr. Preaident, Byrne 4 �O