239586 �� 23�5�� ORIGIIy�7PCIFY CLERK , " CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL L TION-G E L FORM ` PRESENTED BY ob rt @tA 8011 r COMMISSIONE ATF W�REAS, Additions which might prove to be necessary in the Improve- ment described as RIV�RVIEW DISTRI{.'T-OHIO STRBbT SUBDISTRILT TRUNK SEWER, Comptroller's Contract L-7025, Austin F. Keller Construction Companq, Contractor, have bean provided for in the Specificationa, and WHSREAS, It has been fouad necessary to make the following Additionc: ADDITION6 As per attached Contract Change Agreement No. 1 $3,160.00 TOTAL NST ADDITIONS $3,160.00 and • WHBREAS, The total addition is $3,160.00 and tha Commissioner of Fublic Works has agreed with the Contractor that the amount of $3,160.00 is the correct sum to be added to said contract, therefore be it R&SOLVED, That the City of St. Faul through its Citq Conncil apprnves the foregoing additions �ade in accordance with the Specif ications in the snm of $3,160.00, said amount to be added to the lump sum consideration named in the contract, known as Conptroller's Contract L-7025, and which emount is to be f inanced from Capital Improvement Bond Funds 92-67. . � ,�L . . Y,1 � � . , .. ~ • � ' - -• ' . �p�l � 6 196� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Nays ' Carlson ���- 2 � �g�� Dalglish Approved 19�_ Holland / _Tn Favor Meredith � ' t Peterson � Mayor Tedesco A gainst Mr. President, Byrne pt16LISHE� QU� 3 1968 �O "�''� "' CITY OF SAINT PAUL - DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WbRKS (,�9 + ���� � CONTRACT CHANGE AGREEMENT • N0. 1 PROJECT NO. Fg-g.1136 CONTRACT NO. 7Q2S CONTRACTOR ALgt1a P. Kaller C�net. CO., PROJECT DESCRIPTION R�IERVIES� D3STRIG'� • OHxO S'�ItBST SUaDISTEtYCT TRUNI� SEIJER __ ' In accor�lance with Section' 95 of'' the Charter`of the Ci'ty of Saint Paul; 'th'e �Commissioner , of Public Works has agreed witti the Cont'racCor that the basis 'of 'paymen� end prices, for , items listed in the changes described below, not 'otherwise inclu'ded in� tiHe �co'ntract, are the reason`able costs of thos"e' item's for'additiot�s to,� or deductions from,` the 'contract. , Tho pls�s for � por�ion o£ this stonn water relief sewer provided for tbe � ' • � con�tr�sction of 'a �y2" stozm se�sr'�tn Ohfo'Street from Cheirokee Ave. to Alice�S�: Co ba ' located oa the west side of Ohio bee�een an�e�iatis�g se�var and e 6•inc�► weter �ia. It � . has b�en d�scovered tha'� the ac�ual location of �the water main� which was constructed `� ' �• ia L898, varles fro�+ the location indic�ted in the records so theC it is not posaibla . _ to ins�ll thQ secx3r liae betwQen the we�er m�in and the existin� seiaar linQ. Therefore� it caill be necessar� to move the.wa¢er mc�in i�c� ordor �o� construct �tsie aewer as plac�ed. - � •Ie is hareby �uuCeially ogYeed that the Contractor wiil furnish snd iAStall a ae�t 6-tnch w��er r�ain �n � �.ocatlon wZiich will pexmit th�'conetruction of the 42" etorm � sec�ar from the �gis�ing panhole stxucture in Ohio St. s� Cherolc�o Avo.� to Hanbole No. Z . . et Alice StraaC �n accord�ce wiCh the- fol�oa�iag conditions: ' • . . Tho 6-inch cast iron pipe materfal shall be epproved by �ho�W�ter �Depart�ent � � and•tha.cantes e�ain oonstruction will be inspected by the �,later Deyartrsent•and rhall bo . , �ccapted by �ha.�ater Dapertm�nt be£oxe the sewer is com,pleted. , . � . _ ., , . . Trench eacFsva�3on �nd�backf i 1]. £or'�he�waCet uain :che�l l��be �dane,it►•�eccordanco � ' with the� r@qt�irements for eoe�or�construction.� � ;��� , ��� . • � -} � . �� . � � � ;��� •��. � - • _ ' - . , � , , � . . , , , !�, . , i� „��.. � � ��� , , • � , .�,! ,i; „ ' � ' - � . • t : . : Furnish & 3nsta1l ap�•rox�stely 380 ,Iin.�� gt. .oi;6"� C.I.F. '• �-�$1�520.d0 � - � ; , •� : ., .. , . ,ro ��, n , pipe €it�ings • . . . . . . 200.a0 � . � Addit3orea3� waeer services 6 each � $40.00 � � � •• 240.00 . _ Trench escov3�ioa as�d be�kfill + � • • • '� • •�� �1,2�.00 � ' , _�. � . , _ . . ,, � ,' ` , ' �. , -• T02AL ' $3��160.00 ` , . . . . ; . . � . . • Tbis additioaal e�ount to be financed fram.C.I.B. �u�d�,--, 92-67. �� . . , , � � . ' � . - . . � ; � :l .`� , , , � • � ' i . ' r . � � 1. � .�i ' � I , � ,i i:� . : . '� . i ' i` , , ' ` � , . . ` . ' • � . , � .r� � ., . ° . • • � , � � • . i ti• �. - • , � . � . . ' ��.. . ; , ., .�'"C �� ' .� ,.�� ��c��-� 7-/� 19� Austin P. Keller Coastruction Co. C . t3�ruc�ion Engine r ',� Contractor � • � // � �. —�;7,��i9� ,sy 7- i 6 i9��1 . , n ine r . , • � ' � , 19 ' ��M`� - =�.1 19 . ��.� � . . . -1 � Ccmmissioner . � �i�� � yy�Comptroller , . � . , • � Original (White Duplicate (Canary) Triplicate (Pink) �� . Quadruplicate (Blue) � ' To Contractor ` 'To Accounting Div. . : To Comptroller ' ' � To Engineer . . - � ' � � ' � . ' ,' - . .- = -- ' .• .� �, �T DUrLIQC'07 F�RINT[R Q� ' CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL ���Q� � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED EY COMMISSIONER RQ�Tt �• ���al'iOL! nATF ii'�ERBAS� Additions vhicb �i�bt prove to ba n�c�ssarp iA ttja Lprow- �at d�acrib�d as R�VSRVI�i D�ICT-0��.0 ST�ET SD1�D��T&�CT T1tU1I� �. . (.'o�ptroll�s's Cos�tr�ct Ir7�25, l�etin �. K�iler Constru�tion Co■paay, Cot�tr�ctor. h��e besn provld�d �or ia th� Specificatians. and . �!►S� It has b�ea fot�nd n�N�satCy to aaia th� folloWiag Addi tions s ADDYTIOl��' � . A,� p�r att�chsd �ontrect Chan� 1�ri�nt 1b. 1 �3,16q.00 TO?AI. 11�T AD�IT�OXS $3,164.�0 aad W�EI€� The Cotal sddition is �3,16Q.00 �d th� Co�isaion�r of ��biie tiiorl�s has agr�ed �i�b the� aoACractor that tbs �wunt o� ���160.00 is th� corroct st� to b� add�d to �aid �ontra�C� tbtr�fore b� iC ' 1t��0�.V�A. Tlu� tl� Citq of gC. �,anl Ch�cough ite C3'ty C�aaaciZ appro�es the for�going additions aade in .a.eco�nce 'with th� bpe,c.tticstions in t1a� s�a o# �3.160.00� sald aa�unt to 'be �ddsd to tl� lusp ataa consideratioa n�ed in tlw contraet. imoWn as �a�ptro�ler's ,Cpntra�� L-7025, �nd Whicb s�onnt is tio be gina��d f�ow C�ita�l �q►rova*�t Bond �uda 92-67. �61�L 2 6 196� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Naya � y Carlson _ Y ��� �r� ���� Dalgliah Approved 19�_ Holland Favor Meredith Peterson � . . Mayor Tedesco A gainst Mr. President, Byrne • �O . -�• � �- CITY OF SAINT PAUL - DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS ������� ) � CONTRACT CHANGE AGREEMENT • N0. 1 ' , PROJECT N0. b8-S-1136 CONTRACT N0. 7p2g CONTRACTOR ALSt3 P. KalZer Canst. Co. PROJECT DESCRIPTION R�VEP.iJII�.W DISTR�CT - OF]�0 b"�RBbT SUBDIS'�RICT TRUNK SE��TER ` ' In accordance with Sectio'n' 95 of ' the Chartez of the City .of Saint Paul; 'tNe �Commissioner of Publ'ic Works has agreed' with the Cbnt'ractor that the basis 'of 'paymen� and prices, for : , _ items listed in •the changes described be'low, not 'otherwise 'inclu'ded i`n tlie �contract, are , � the reasonable costs of thos'e items for'additions to,' or deducti'ons from,` the 'contract. , , „ . �he plans for s portSon of �his etona weter relief aewer providod for the , � conct�ceion of 'a �42" s�or��sever in Ohio'Strent from�Charokee Ave. to Al�ce St. Co be ' located on the e�est side of Ohio be�weeA ea e�ciating sewer and a 6-iACh water mriin. It t�s been discovered that the actual location of the water main� which wae constzucted � "•• !n a898, verios trom thQ lo�atZon 4.ndicated in t�►e recorde ao that it ia t�ot possibla . to i�atall tho aawo� line b0tsaoan thm water �in and the existin� se�ar lina. Therefor�. , i� will bo necessary to �:ove the,ws�or main ia order ro� oonatruct 'tao aewar e8 planned. � �t ie hc�reby �utu�llq, egreQd that the Gontractor �ill furnish•and instsll s aew 6-inch water aain ?.n a� �ocarion w�ich will'p�xmxt the'coAStruction of t�e 42" storrn . aewor fma tho egis�ing manhoae atructure 4n Ohio Sti. at Cheroke• Avo. to l�tanholo �So.' Z . ' _" .. ,� �: 8� Alica StY�Q� in acco�dance ctiCh the folloaring conditioast • � • � The 6-inc�i c�.s� iron p9.pe mnterial shall be eppmved by th��W�ter �Department ' ,' and thQ.wates main cons�ruction will be inspectad by the Water Dep�rtrseat•and� at�all ba � . accep��d by tho �eter popart�en� before the seaier ie comypl�t�d. ' , .. " Trench eucavatgan and�backggil for'tha,a�e�er :main ;slu�il�:be done,in•accordanco with� the� requ3remants €or seerrar-c�nstxvction.• � ���� , � � � • ; , , � r..� : � � ,�, :� ; ,�. � • , • , • , , � . , � � � . � ;�� � i� , ���. ,�i . , � i: i .. '�; � „ , • . , . � . , � Fu�nish & install ap�ro�iraately 380 .lin.=�gt. �ot: 6�� C.I.F. �- '$1.520.40 = , ; r� � � , � . , �� ��. " , . p9.pe fit�ings - • • o • • - 200.00 , _ ' . " ' A�dit�onal wa�er services - 6 each � $40.00 • � •.� 240.00 • , ' . � Treach eacava�ioa and bazl�ill • � � • • ••'�� � • $1,20a.00 ' > , r,_ � , . , ' , ,• - .� �'. T�O�AL; Q3��160.00 ' . '� . , . , ,. . . , , Th4s add3tional esmount to be finar�ced from C.I.B. lunda,°`�92-67.,.,� - � � ' � ' • , ' _ ' . ' , . �. � 4 1 • , � ,_t � � i . ' • . . . r t t .•t 4� � i C'+ . { ti'� _ ' - 'r . f . .. � , , . ' � i i •i• � , . . � � ' ' � � , � ' � � . . . , i . �,y , � . • � � . . i.. ;r , ' , ' � , . .�� , � •. , . ,. -��.�c.�,.��-�� 7/� 19� Austin P. Keller Construction Co. C,a�stxucCion Engineer '. Contractor - `f � . . -7���+�19� ,By L / 7- /6 19�� ngine r . . . , � ..•�✓�� �'�(�����f �196 ��M `3`� - =,.1 19 . . C I� " � _T_1� N�f ►�J �1 , � C�mmissioner . �� ��� . , �_.y�,1A Comptrol ler , . � ,,., • Original (White Duplicate (Canary) ' , Triplicate (Pink) � . Quadruplicate (Blue) ' To Contractor • ' 'To Accounting Div. • . To Comptroller . To Engineer , _ • ' . .. . ... � . • . .. . � . . ... - • �