D001308CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE MAYOR � No: � �� ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER h � r C � Date: 6' / • ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, WHEREAS, The Ciry of Saint Paul, Division of Pazks and Recreation is hosting the Minnesota Orchestral Associauon on Harriet Island on Saturday, September 6, 1997 to perform a free and open to the public concert; and WHEREAS, the event is being totally funded by private donations, not the Ciry's tax levy; and WHEREAS, the evem would be enhanced by a finale fireworks display, THEREFORE, it is ordered that the proper City officials are hereby authorized and d'uected to pay Melrose Pyrotechnics for its expenses in putting on a fireworks finale in an amount not to exceed $20,000.00 • 325-23141-0219-33000 APPROVED AS TO FORM ���� • Assis t Ciry Attotney ' epaztrneat Head �� ��j e�_ Adm;n;ena6ve Assishenc to Mayoc DEPAqTMENT/OFFICE/COUNdL Parks and Recreation _D oC5 6.8og No. �l CONiACT PERSON pNO PHaNE INRIAIIDAtE INITIAUDAlE aUfeen Watson 266-6649 � � DEPARTMINTDIRECTOP — CT'COUNqL ASSIGN NUMBENiOR Z CfiYATTORNEY CfiVCLERK MUST BE ON COUNQL AGBJDA BY (DATq ROUIING FINANCIAL SERVIG AUgUSt 27, 1997 MAYOR (Oft ASSIST — TOTAL fi OF SIGNATURE PAGES _(CLIP ALL LOCAT10N5 WH SIQNATUpq ACTION REOIIESTED: Signature on attached Administrative Order ftECOMMFNDATiONS: Apptwe (A) or Rejeet IR) ` _PI.HNNINGCOMMISSION _CIVILSEFVICECOMMISSION qB COMMffTEE __ A STAFF �ISTRICT COUNCIL SUPPORTS WHiCH COUNCR OHJECTIVE? INITIATING PflOBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Wno, N/ha[, When, Where, Why�: PHiSONAI SERYICE COMIIACTS MU5T ANSWER 1HE FOLLOWING WESTIOMS: 7. Nas this pexsontFirtn evet wwked u�Wer a cantract for this Departm¢nt? YES NO 2. Haz Nis personRirtn ever been a city em0�oyee? VES NO 3� Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by 2ny curren[ c�Ty employeeT YES NO Fiplatn ali yes anawers on separote sheeC antl attach to green sheat. The Division of Parks and Recreation is presenting the Minnesota Orchestra concert on Saturday, September 6, 1997 on Narriet Island which will end with a fireworks finale. ADVANTAGES IFAPPROVED: We will be able to have the fireworks finale. �'���� � 1X �/�'� �l ��@ DISADVANTAGES IFAPPROVEO: None DISADVANTAGES IFNOTAPPROVED: We will not be able to have the fireworks. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION y ��� � U U�� FUNOINGSOURCE � �✓ � �� � 1 I �ANCIAL INFOflMAT10N: (EXPLAIN) OATEINRIATFD � GREEN SHEET 8/19/97 ACTIVRY NUMBER �dHCLE ONB ( YES, NO �5