239562 s ORIGIN�(l TO CITY CLERK 239�6� CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. � LICENSE CQ��TTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COU CIL RES LUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY JLlI.y Z5, 1968 COMMISSIONE qTF RESOLVED: That the application for the transfer of � Sale ?�i.quor License issued to the Ace Box Ba.r, Inc. at 2162 University Avenue to�t11e new ownership at the same address and their application for Foodstuf'Fr Off Sale Ma1t Bevera�e and Cigarette Licerses for the same location� be and the same are hereby granted on the condition that w:Lthin �days of this date sa�.d Ace Box Bar� Inc. (new ownership) shall comply with all requ3.rements of the Bureaus of Fire� Health, and Police� and the Zicense Inspector pursuant to the st. Paul I,egislative �od.e and a11 other applicable ordinances and laws. � � f `t _ � r � • �, i Y COUNCILMEN . Adopted by the co��U L 2� 5� 196� 19— Yeas Nays � �U L 2 5 196� Carlson Dalglish Approver� 19— Meredith � Favor Peterson � ' Sprafku � Mayor Tedesco - A gainst Mr. President, Byrne . PH�LISNE� J(�` �� ���� �O 1 • i P�• -- S=r . � CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minneaota �39562 . �e a�ti�e�t o c�blic �a e� p � POLICE Tenth and Minnesota Streets HEALTH P'IRE PROTECTION WILLIAM E. CARLSON, Commissioner POLICE AND FIRE ALARM ROGER M. CONWAY,Deputy Commiasloner DANIEL P.Me LAUGHLIN, Licenee Inepector Ju� �5' 19� . Honorable Mayor and City Council . Sa:i.nt Paul� Minnesota " . Gentlemen: . The new oFrners, Thomas J, and Betty E. Zeonhart are 3oined by the �resent owner, George E. Rinkey, in ma�cing application for the transfer of Qiri Sale Liquor License No. 7379, expiring January 31, 1969, issued in the name of Ace Box Bar, Inc. at 2162 University Avenue from the present ownership to the new ownership, at the same address. The ownership of the Ace Box 3ax�• Inc, also make application - for Foodstuff� Off Sale P4alt Beverage and Cigarette licenses for the , same location. The officers of the corporation will be Thomas J. Leonhaxt, President and Treasurer, George E. Rinkey, Vice-president; and Betty F. � Leonhar�, Secretary. The sole stockholder will be Thomas J. Leonhart. Mr. Leonhart has been associated with the John Roberts Company since 1959 as a foreman in the Shipping Department. Mrs. Leonhaxt has been a Secretary for the M. G. Astleford Company, Inc. since 1962. Very tru�y yours� ��Q�� , � License Inspector �-_ I � - � p � / / , � •� , ; ' ' ' ' , ` . � , �' = � , _ 5 � . - ' r., � ..; j � " `Y. , , ' ` � .. , " . . , 1 • � �4 • , ; . � � , July 23, 1968 • � , II - '- ' ; . , ; I . � i . - . , , Honorable Mayor and Council � • � � -�. of St. Paul, Minnesota • ' � .� _� Gentlemen: ` '� - � ` , Thomas J. Leonhart has purchased from me all: of the outstanding' � . " � , - common stock of the Ace Box Bar, Inc.,' a Minnesota corporation, operating ' � , �� � an on..sale liquor business at 2162 University Avenue, St. Paul, Minnesota, ' and I respectfully request that the liquor license be transferred to him. � .," �' ' , . ' .r�-� � � , . ' . , : � � .';� . ' � • � '� ```� � � >`, .�G. � , - • � � . orge E. Rinkey , , , � � • � 1'',� .. , � , � . " F • ' ., ` ,! ' ' ' _ ,'r , .`' ` , - ^ ' � . � ' � - • - . . . � .. , . • ,. - , ' . , . . . . _ . . , , . , , �.. • - . F' � . - . . , _ . ��. ' � . . . �' _ ' i ' - ' . � � . . . � . . � ; A e ,,� - � : � , •� ` . ' ' - ' 'f . . ' , { ' ', ' ' ' ', .� i . � • . ./ � � , , ' • • • .� . � . - � , � _ ' • , � r' � ' ' ' . , �.�4• _. ` . . . , , - .� , ' ' ' . , , -' .. r, . , ' . 1' � _ � ` . , _ . ' � .., . . ;" . ' .. ' • ._ . - _,.,,,�,_ ,.. __�_-.--- --�^--°- , -� -- , ,-. . `'.` � � i: � , `,��.'��.i`.'•1;i:�7�.i.;',;�ji;;�.r.*r�[':�,....,-',t4�i`.F'.i?;'.t'�"- . � 'ti . . -. � : � . � ' ' ` ^ ' ` , , ' � ,. ' - � ' , , , • • • _ , . , _ , ' ' - _ • . , , ' , ..,�,.,.�, � , , ., , � - � � • " . � �� - . � � . . � , , , . . , ' , . • • ' Julyt 23, 1968 � � •, '. - , _ , , . . -��� . . , - • . • „ .� , . , • • .. � � , ��• .�.;�� . , . ,.:�!' . . , . . . ,. � � • , , � .� ; � �. y . � �- , . , � � . . , _ . .: Honorable Mayor and Council ' - . ,' . ' ; � ," � � of St. Paul, Minnesota , • ., ; � Gentlemen: • - ' - , ' I have purchased all of the outstanding common stock of the Ace Box � Bar, Inc., a Minnesota corporation, operating an on�sale liquor businea's at - � , . 2162 University Avenue, St. Paul, Minnesota, and I respectfully request that �� , the liquor license be ,tiransferred to me. , ' ' � . ' ' � � . , - � � . � - - /' - �rT12GLC/.� , ' � .. � . , . � �.`homas J. Leo art , - . ` • , , . . . . , � • . • - , -- - ' ,,� '�i . . ' . 4 .. � . ., a• - , �,._ . . ? � . ,� . , • , '` , • « ' "•, {`� . � 1� ,' „ ' � • ' ,� • _ ' , . , , . , ._ . � � . . ' � . � ' , ' -I r • . � f . . � . , '. . � , � , . . � , � ! ` _ ��� � J - t 4 � f � � ' � . � � � ` ',?±a.l _ ,� � ., � • . , : . �•Oli . ' I � ` �. f ' � ' . �. • I . . . " , � � ' . • �� �, ' • ' � , , � r L- � � � ' . ^ . fr , . " `�,*;,a — . -------- ......_ . . .. _.:k,.:r4;_,.--^s;�g��:�;y�±.`r.'..,`Ftf7' 1:' ri'�?'i'-! i •�t,-r��,;�.— . ._ . . � ••� ... �i , r r i,•?..a:r.�I��iiF .ti�.iii.'iF�.`rl � . Si�1' � a � Y ' � � � � ' , _ , _ , C ITY OF SA INT PAUL� ' • , DEPl�RTP1dENT OF PtTBLIC ,S�lFETY ' "-- =r � � . ZICENSE DIVISIC� � Date July_ 22� 19�� .. . ' - � - , , ; . . , l,o- Applicatiori fox On-Sale Liquor License -� •. • � - r � . � 2o Nama of app].icant Tfiomas J. Leonhart . ' 3p Buaine5s address 2162 University Ave Re�idenoe`�300 C tos► Ave. So. Mpls. ,ju�� . • 4� Trade i]ame y_ 1f all�' � p�P 'Rnx Rar: ?nr_-_ ' ' .'` i" " - t ' , � 5. Retail Beer Federal Tax Stamp Retail Liquor Federal Ta:c Sta�p_� will be used, 6. On what flooi� l�ated. Gro a�d � , Number of rooms used OnQ Vandalia ?e Betweea what 'orosa� stree�s �qnn+g�m x� VPhioh side of streot . �t� T 8� Are premisea n�r ocaupiecl��What business �y.��fy� r.{ry=�nrHo�7 long 2� �_ , •�"• . t r n. � , . 5, ' _� � ' ; _ . 90 Are premises naw unoocupied�Hoar 2.ong vacant Previous use . . c '. • , , , . . • . � �1:�0. Are you a new ov+mer ves �4e you been in a similar business before � ----•--_-_- � S�here � Wh�n ` . _ 11. Are you goin.g to operate this buaines$�personally �� � If nbt, who will operate it 12. Are you�i.n any other business at the present time �� ' - - , . . _ . . . . _ . ._ _ ,._ , IS,� • Bav� there been any complaint� against your operation of this type of plaoe no �IThen Whe re - . 14. Aave �you ever had any lioense revoked no 'Nhat rea son and date .=��°• ''� � "•y , . �, . . . , .� _- . � . 15o Are you a oitizen of �h� United States yes Native ��p Naturalized . -. T'S.'". . . . .r . ,�� ' t` } 16. Wl�ro tivere you born • St. Paul. M�nn, Date of birth ��_�p�5 � 17o I am maz°riedn �dy (wife's) (�.1Q�s)� name and addross is Bettv F. Leq rt . 18p (If ine,rxied fe�aale) u�y maiden name is � � • " ' 19p Ho� 1om.g 2�ave you. lived in S�, Paul �q�5 te 1 q5n (���vo�T�?*��Q�±��� �{��;nr�n ��s 12 yr� 20� Eave you ever been a�rested �o Violation of what� oriminal lativ or ordinance • � ~-. 9. ' 2Zo Are you a regist�red vo�ter in the City of St� Paul Yes x _ No� (Answor fully and oompletely„ ThesQ a� �lications are thorou Izl oheol�d and any falaifioation will be aause for denial�� ' . , AFFIDAVIT�BY APPLICANT FOR ' RETAIL BEER OR LIQII�R LICENSE Res 0� _ Sale_ Liquor Lioense � Name of applicant Thomas J. Leonhart �l? - S . . . . � $118].ri8S8 address 71fi7 1lnivar�it�( Avprn�a St� P_ a_ ii� ti a��t� � Are you the sole arovner of this busin.ess?��. Tf not, is it a partnership? a orporat ion? X , o�her� Others interested in. business, include those by loan of money, property or otheru�rise s Name GPOrge E. RinkPy r Addresa 74Q l�ivar l�ri��P st aa,��' Storkholcl�r a �' "�iP�S' . Betty F, Leonhart 9300 Clinton Ave. So Mpls Stockholder — ,�j_G e If a corporation, give its name_ Ace Box Rar� Tnr.� � Are you interested in any way in any other Retail Beer or Liquor business? �o As sole own.er� Partner? StoekholderB Otherwise? (Through loan of money, eto. Euplain.) Addre s s of auch bus ine ss and nature of intere st in same ---- /'- _ .__ f . . Signature of ap - icant . � Sta'te of �dinriesota� - )ss County of Ramaey ) - Thomas J. Leonhart � � being �first�cluly sworn, depoaes and says upon � oath that he has �read the foregoin.g affidavit�bea'rzng�his si�nature and l�.ows the contents thereof; that the' �sams ia true of' lhis� o�rn l�owledge, except as to those matters therein stated�upon i.n.form�tion and belief and as� to those matters he be- lieves��them to be true. � : \ � � rto�,.r1 � � .- , Signature of,ya pplicant Subscribed ancl sworn. to before me this ;day of _T�,�� � 19 68 . • _ ^ tary Public, Ramsey ount �, �innesota My e ommi.s s ion expires 19 BERNICE A. McIN � Notary Pub�ic, Ramsey County, MinN� My Commission Expires Oct. 2, 1973. ' � . _ � � STATE OF �INNESOTA � SS CQ[TNTY OF RAIdSEY ) � Thomas J. Leonhart being f irst duly sworn, doth depose . ._ _. �-- - -- - - �- - --_ _ .. . and say that he makea this affidavit in. oonnection zvith applioation for " ON -Sale" liquor license (" Sale" malt beverage license) in the Ci�ty of � . _ _ _. -- - •- - - - - -- - - State of A�irmesota Saint Paul, Minnesota; that qour affiant is a resident of the and has reaided therein for } 42 Srears, _� months, and is � � . � state now and ha s been for the time ab ave menti oned a b ona f ide re side nt of �a id �r and that he now resides at N0. 9300 Clinton Avenue South - Minneapglis x�����, B�irm.e s ota. . '� � ✓+/� � � � _ . _ ,.� � � � � - _� . Subscribed and sworn to before me .�- � + ' thia 22nd day of Jul 19 68 � � . � , No ary u ic, msey Coun.ty innesota fl2,y aommisaion. expirea BERNICE A. MtINTYRE Notary Public, Ramsey C�u:�ty, M(r�a. � My Commission Expi�es Gct. 2, 1973� . { �� �., � , . . �, • � � . , . - : CITY OF SA]NT PAUE+ � ' . . " . DEPl6RTP�NT OF PUBLIC ,SAFETY . '�'" '� - ' '� . • LICENSE DIVISICdJ� " " � . _ , �, - Date j��,�4� 19�. '' � ' " / i lp Application fox _ q� Licenae , , • - . - - � ' - 20 �ame of applicant Bett,�,g_ 1.pQ�gr.t ' 3p Buainess address 2162 Univers�ty Reaidenoe_�p_ps,i;�+on Av�u�_��t-� • . St. Paul, Minn. 4. Trade nam�a p if a�.Y_ AcQ Box:Bar�c: " ` . . . . .. �" - - - 5. Retail Beer Federal Tax Stamp Retail Liquor Federal Tax Sta;np_� will be used. 6. On v�hat floor l�ated. - Gro�nd� Number of rooms used QRg � 7e BetReen what 'crosa�stros�s • Vandalia y�iah side of streot - .�a�tgs�e�•T--^ So�t�- -T 8� Are premiaea nrna ocoupied VPhat business �„��� Havr long �, � , . .��.:, � . - ,_.�^x��-:-•��'' `;'. . Liguo�' - �� Teaxc 90 Are premiaes now unoccupied��Hoar I.ong vaoant Previous usa ' . ,.. ' t,`.I�' . .7 ' -� - _ _r��-��.:�- , _ , �n , . � - t . � . _ , _ '- �:'0. Are you ,a new ov�mer YeS � Have you =been in a simil.ar business before �� � Y�here • r - ' When � ` _ _ 11. Are you go�a.g to operate this businesa personally �,� � _ -_-.. ' � If ndt, who will operate it Thomas J. Le.�nhart 12. Are you�i:n. any other business at 'the preaent time �,,,��� � ' _ . . , . . _ _ . . , . . ,._..-.....-.-- . I3.� • Eav� there baen -any co�aplain.t� againat your operation of this type of plaoe ��� When Where - • • - - � ' . 14. Aave �you ever� had �ny license revo_kt�d �No �ihat rea son and date 15o Ape you � oitizen �f tho United Statee Native Naturalized , .�.$_._ .._ . YsS • �� � "- , - - ) 16. Nhsre were you born Fairmc,,,;,_nt. Minnesnta_ Date of birth R_Q_�� � , _ �' 17o a Y ��tk�CXAC� � � ) � ,-.,ti,r,�,;f,r x I am married �d husband a name and addre ss is ,.••,. � ., ,� r,. . . � ,o r, . v . ,�� !_�f, �r, '.: � .��� � f,..q � Z'.� ♦ . \� .. ..� �f �,. Thomas J.b`,�@Ol'1tid�'t' ��.9��,"f 1 i ntnn Gtrarntg�Sn„ in1 c -h7�I11'}. �� >� _ _��e,",�"�� . . , -� _��r+ ;r �` � 18p (If mQr,r�ed female) my maiden name is Fo&Q� - �-� - - - _-- -,,_:"' ` . . . �-• - ' :�.� . , _ ��:,- ,� ..�._ Y9p Ha�or long �ave you lived in St,� Paul „�� ____ '-- - �`� � � : !'+:^^�.- .- � '�`�.�, �. I��, "� �1 20. Aave you ever been arre sted No Violation of what oriminal lativ or ordinancaf�� ,,,��� � ��' - • 'r- . �. 21. Are you a regiaterod voter 3n the City of St� Paul Yes Y NO� (1lnswer full�r and aompletel;�4 Theso a� �lications are thorou 111 oheal�d and any falsifioation will be cauae for denial�. . � AFFI�AVIT;BY APPLICANT FOR RETAIL BEER OR LIQII�OR LICENSE Res �_Sale Li�� Liaense Name of applicant Betty F. Leonhart s� G� Business addreas 2162 UniversitK,Avenue _ _ �re you the sole awner of this business? no . T�f not, is it a partnership? cs�rporat ion? _ �� , other3 Others interested in business, in.clude those by loan of money, property or otherPrise s Name Thomas J. Leonhart Address 9300 Clinton Ave So HoPr Stockholder _ ��L� S, // 7 George E. Rinkey 740 River Drive St. Paul Stockholder -- V • I ,�ES� If a corporation, give its name gcc�.BoY Bar.�....Inc. _ Are you intereated in any way in any other Retail Baer or Liquor business? �� As sole owner? Partner? Stoekholder? Otherwi.se� (Through loan of mon.ey, eta. Explain.) Addre s s of a uch bus ine sa and nature of i.nte re st in same Signature of a licant State of �in�esota) ' ._ �ss County of Ramsey Bettv F. Leonhart � being first-�cluly sworn, deposes and says upon oath that he has �read the f oregoing affidavit��bearing�his signature and knows the contents thereof; that the' sams ia true of his- o�rn. l�ow].edge, exaept as to those matters therein stated�upon in.formgtion and belief and as to those matters he be- lieves them to be true. � ' .� _ c�cX . . . Signature o a pp icant , •.,; 4;i�_ _��, - �"'� Sub'scribed°and sworn to before me =`,>tn�:9 �a+i; ,_aay 1 - -,: . , • , - ;. . - :- ,__, - _ - - • _ --� ^ Notary,-Pub1;�c, Ramsey Count�r, esota 'r - ��'Niy commisaion e�pires 19 Ef�TSE'N, Notery Public, Ramsey County, Mirm. My Commission Expires July 15, 19}$� • . , � . ti . STATE OF MINNESOTA � SS CClUN`PY 4F RAMSEY � Betty F. Leonhart being f irst duly sworn, doth depose and say that�he makea this affidavit in oonnection �rith applioation for " pN- Sals" liquor license (" Sale" malt beverage licsnse) in the City of , . . . _ _.. . _. _ .. _ - - - - - - State of M�.nnesota Sai.nt Paul, Minnesota; that your affiant is a resident of the and has resided therein for qp years, �� montha, and ia - � - - - ._ _ .-. - - S`�ate . now and ha s been for the time ab ove menti oned a b ona f ide re side nt of sa id QC�3C and that s he now reaides at N0. 9300 Clinton Avenue So. Mpls, Minnesota - ��, bdinne s ota. _ a-cSL Subsaribed and sworn to before me thia 24th d of Jul 68 , . �_ � .•" _ . , ; � � � "� STotar Public Ramse oun.ty, esota 4 ��� }T i-!1`��_ JIr , � • � i =\ r _ � . ' C �.. - �'�°f� E,4y`�ommission expirea - _ �- .�• r.,. - j ' ' �� DAVID L SIGVERTSEN, : ,� — _ - �` r r �.� •� Notary Public, Ramsey County, Minn. � .. �� _ .�Y Commisslon ExDires July 15. 1875 , - „y y'�'~ . r