239554 , �y q,�ae r ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK ��� • CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCI L TION-G FORM PRESENTED BY Robert F. Peterson COMMISSIONE Approval of Plans In the matter of Grading and Surfacing with Bituminous Material N. HAZEL STREET from Kim Pl . to approximately 400 feet Northeast. Also, construct sewer service connections and water service connections under Preliminary Order 237705, approved March 22, 1968 and Final Order 238898, approved June 5, 1968, a�d in the matter of Grading and Surfacing with Bituminous Material NORTH PARK DRIVE from 300 feet Westerly of Faye Street to the east line of Bisanz Bros. Battle Creek Terrace No. 3. Also, construct public sanitary sewer and a public storm sewer. Also, construct storm water drainage facilities under Preliminary Order 237752, approved March 26, 1968 and Final Order 239522, approved July 23, 19�. � RESOLVED, That the plans and specifications as submitted for the above improvements be and the same are hereby approved, and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Purchasing Agent be and he is hereby directed to obtain bids for the improvements as per plans and specifications and the total thereof to be considered the bid for the entire improvement, and be it ' FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Purchasing Agent be end he is hereby directed to advertise for bids for these improvements. � � A r • � ' ��� 2 4 196� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays . ,��L � 4 l�l�� Carlson , . �. Dalglish Ap oved 19—_ Meredith �— 1 Tn Favor � � �, Petersvn- ,�'nraflra � • " ��,� Mayor Tedesco A gainst - ��~���;...���: ::€� � �ds��st�EO J�L. t� Q�+o Mr.Viee Preeident �Fe4ersottJ qr� f �t�p6 °�°� � DUrLICAT[TO lRINT[I4 � � CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� '��'���� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY �p�r t �• �itdrson COMMISSIONER DATF Approval o� �lans , , �•:i � ' !�' { ' ' In the �att�r of Gr+�diny a�d Su�facing with' �ituainous Mat�rial M. MAZ�L 3TR�ET fraa Ki� P1. to apprvxi�atsly �00 fi�t 1�lorthsast. Also, construct sew�r sorv ics conn�ct ions �nd rva�tmr *srv ic� cor��sct tons ur�dsr ���iiwir�ary Ord�r 237745� approv�d March 22, 196$ and Ftnal Ord�r 2�Q8g�� spprovad Jun� y� 1968. �nd in ths a�tt�r of Oradit7y and �urficiny with dttu��rwus Materlal MflRTFI !'MK 9Rii1� frow �00 feet Neaterly of Fays Str�at to the aast 1lne of� dil��nz Bro*. �attla Creek Terra�ce No. 3. Also, construct publ tc ��tta�y sew�r� and � pubi ia stora� sewmr. A1�o. construct stcra� watAr dr�in�g� facilities under �'relia+inary O�der 23775�, �pproved M+rrch 26, 1968 and Finat Order 239522, approved Juty 8�, 1968. REgatY�F�� That the p�ana and sp�cigtcations as sub�itt�d for tha abwra icsprovsr�ents be �d the �amc are ttereby �pproved� mnd ba it FIlRTk1ER R�0l.V��, Th�t th� I►u�ch��ing Agent be �nd he i s hs�eby di r�ctsd to dstaln bids far the i�rovements a� per plans and specificatians and ths Cota1 th�recaf to be cons idered the b id for the en�i re improvarre��f at�d be f t Fl�tfiH�t ���OL11�D� That the �urcha��ng Ag�nt be snd he 1 s hereby d i rmctsd to advertise for bfds '�or thtse irr�rovane�nts. ,��� � 4 196� COUNCILBZEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays � Carlson • ���- t� 4 19�� Dalgliah ' Approve� 19__ Meredith �� n Favor �tarann pra a � � . Mayor Tedesco A gainst �r'�::�;�?���'�yrne�:;::� Mr. Vice President (Yeterso�) �°�