239532 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK ������ CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� � '�' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. LICENSE adMMITTE� COUNCI RES LUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY JU�.� Z3, 1968 COMMISSIONE AT RE� E : li.censes applied for by the follow�ng persons at the addresses stated, be and the same are hereby granted. „ Fred Hagerstrom��orning Donahue 1258 Donahue g.M.Lo�.�i �pp.3546NewoL. A �Socony hiobil Oi1 �o., In�. 606 Yandalia V.M.Lo�.1M �� ` 3603" "n n n „ n tt n n n 3 add.ma h. F�omett Funkhauser 1728 Selby Gas Sta.3F " 5001' "' tt a Gen.Rep.Garage n u n nn tt � Fdstf.VI�i Lo�.].M " 5002' nu Pepsi �ola,�Dean W. Lieberman zo57-9 Marshall V.M.I�o^.1M " 5182�' 1�" Norman E. Johnsot�Gateway Transportation �o. 2230 Kasota g.�I.Lo^.1M " 5326" p" Mi�hae]. Feldman 1555 Reaney Soli�'itor ° 5399" "" Raymond P. Wil^ox '" " " �400n en Robert Bourdon p n � 5�i� n,► Fred H�gerstrom�Ma.nz R. Stokes 1923 Feronia �.M.I.,o�.1M �� 5t�gy.� nn Gold Medal Bev.�Davi.d L. Markuson 857 Selby V.M.Lo�.1M " 557-9° �" " �t. Pau]. Pa�ka,ge Furni.ture �o. 4S9 E. 8th V.M.Lo^.1M " �521'r "'" " �Paul's �y�le ,5ervice, In�. 841 Hudson Rd. V.rS.Lo^.1M �� 5522Q °n DVM, In�.�Harry Lee 1439 gr^ade Tl.M.Lo^.1M ° 5535" °A Thomas .Astrup i567 c.rand Beauty Shop " 5561' A1" Go1d Medal �Gordon Thole 1431 Rf,ne V,M.Lo�.1Pd �� 5565R nn Kentu^ky Friend �hi^ken �orp. 16?J+ R�ce Restaurant ° 5�87" 0* James W. Swafford 4412 Bryant �ve.So.-Mpls. Tree Trim. & 1V�1158' 5613° °" " " 1 add.V#1159 App. " ° "" R. S. Enterpr�ses, In�, 1369 z�. Maryland ��igarette " 5620" N" � JUL 2 3 1968_ COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Nays J U L 2 3 1g6� _` Carlson Dalglish pprove�7 19— Tn Favor Peteraon C Sprafka � Mayor Tedesco A gainst Mr. President, Byrne P�16US�tE� JUL 2�C �9�� �o