239518 OIZI`IlAL TO CITY CLERK /.����'� ' .;� CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO.���� �-; � � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK . � COUNCI RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY �Tictor J. Tedesco � �� ATF July 18, 1968 COMMISSIONE WHEREA5, the Council of the City of Saint Paul is informed by the City Architect that the vacant a.nd open building located at 537 W. Central in the City of Saint*Paul is a proximate hazard to the public health, welfare and safety; and WHERE.AS, the last record owner of said property, Donald W. R. .Allen, has failed to secure the same against entry by unauthorized persons in violation of Section 192. 18 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code; and . � WHEREAS, the said vacant and open building is found and determined by the Council of the City of Saint Paul to constitute a menace to the public health, welfare and safety, and a public nuisance, which rnust be inzmediately abated to prevent loss of life or property; now, therefore, be it • ,. . R.E50LVED, by the Council of the City of 5aint Paul, that the City Architect is authorized and directed to imrriediately secure said building by the use of City forces or contract labor, pending the initiation of proceedings under the hazardous buildings act; and be it FURTHER RES OLVED, that the expens e of s ecuring such buildi.ng be paid out of Fund No. 0979-269, Summary Abatement, and that the Corporation Counsel be directed to take approp'riate action to reimburse said fund by action against the owner of said property. �u� � � �9�� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays . Carlson , ` � � ��� � �ish A roved �," 19._ . IIe��- '� Tn Favor � � pp+o� :.J; �C$�lA�Mayor �V�� � Tedesco''`� Q gainst . ��;...;����"��.�i�r�;� � Pd�US#tEe JUL � 7 1��� Mr. Vice President� ' \ - ^ �22 ti , . � �9��� �, DUrLItATE TO rRINTER ,� CITY OF ST. PAUL ' �OENCIL NO. � �� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � \ '� COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM � � . PRESENTED BY �Tictor J. TedesEO IJ111 �1l8, �g68 �� ' COMMISSIONER DATE y � i WHEREI�,S. �he �Council of f.he��Citgr of Saint Faul ie informed by the City Archite�t t�.�t th� vmc�nt a.ud opea buildi.ag lo�ated a�t 5�7 W. Central ia the City of Saint �au� is a pr.oai.m.ate h�.za.rd �o the public health. welfsxe and s�.fe�y; and WHEREAS� the li�et. record owner of eaid property� .ponald W. R. Allen, �as fa3lead to aecure �he �ame �.�ainet entry by unauthar.�zed persone in violation of Sectio� 192.!8,of the Sa.int Pavl Legiela�ive Coc�e; �►nd WHEREAS; th� ��id,y�.caat �nd op�n buildiag fs foumd and " determ3ned by the �Counci� o� the City o� Saint Pau1 to conAtitute s men�.ce tio� . the public. health, welf�re �,nd eafety. a.nd � public nui�snce, which muet be immediately a�bated ta prevent losd of life or prope�ty; aow, �herefore; be it RESOL�VED, �y the Coiulcil of the City t�f Szint Pau1, thst the City Architect i� author�.zed a,nd directed to immesdiately secv�e �sid building by the use o� City forces or contr�.ct labor. pead3ng f.he fni�iation of proc�edinge under the hazardoue buildinge �ct; snd be it FURTHER RES�LVED, that the expense of eecuring, euch buildi.ng be p�.id aut of Fuad No: A979-269r SnmmA�,'}I AUgteA1@Iltr and �h�t the Cc�rporatioa Counsel be directed �o take •�,pprogriate action to reimbu�8e r�aid furrd by action aga,inst the owner of ss�id property. ' ,, � ���, � 9 196g COUNCILMEN ' ' Adopted by the Council 19_ � . Yeas Nays Carlson ►���, � � �'��� �}� Approved 19_ ��d' � Favor 1V�ereditl� � � u��I, v ' Mayor Tedesco A ga�t �-�e� �SiS7C:���:° s:?�'YII ' Mr. Vipe President � �22