239510 , {: . _ 2����0 , ; . . a � A � Counoil Ftle No......�.... � PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT � � . - . and I PRELIMINARY ORDER. i - Thetindereignedhereby pmpoeeethemskingof thefoliowingpublioimprovement liy the-City of 8aint•Psul,vis.: ..�..�4[��x4!�.t a_P_�!�?1:�.�...��la[�r..�:tl..A.!l��x..All�.:.fJ.g!!l$�t�1.a.A1a9..A�G.��....��A�.4�Da..��d�..il��..........:. ARONA ST. from.Albanx_Ave� to Almond Ave. ; in.ALMOND_ AVE. f,r.om Arona St:. to OO�ft � ...........................____... .................................................................................�........_.... east of Albert; in PASCAL;�ST. from Almond Ave. to Alban� Ave. all to be known as .................�__................................................................ ....................... ..a......�...........�.............._.......�.... ALBANY—ARONA RELIEF SEWER. S-1239 � ,� Dsted thie... •w..�...daq of...........�.....�...................._....�.w................�....., 19 ......_.�... ___.._.... ` .. i .....................................__.__....................... Counoilman. � � . i ,. PRELIMINARX OItDER. WHEREAB, A written-proposal for the making of the following improvement, vu.: • . To..construct„a_pub.l:i c_sewer.,i.n„ALBANY_AVE,,,,frc�_,m_„Snel l,j n�Aye;,,to Ar�na__St?,;_„i n,_,,,�,__ ARONA..ST�„fr_an,Al.bany„Avg;.,to„Alg�,ond_ A,ye. •,.in,ALMOND„AV�t,,,from Aro�a S��to,�,00�f.t. :a. . - • � east of Albert;..in,PASCAL ST�,�:f�Qm.A�m4nd..A�tg,...:�Q..A��2a0Y..AY�n.,..a�.I...��.�e..kl1QY��..�.... � ALBAPIY-ARONA RELIEF,_SEWER,�...S�.�.?�2.....--•--...-•........................................................................._........ ,. hdving been presented to the Counoil of the City of Saint Paul....................................................._................ ...... therefore, be it � BFBOLVED, That the Commissioner of Publia Worke be and is hereby ordered and direoted: 1. To inveetigete the necessity for, or deairability of,,the malflng of esid improvement. 2. To inveatigate the nature� extent and eatimated coet of esid improvement, and the total ooat thereof. 3. To furnieh a pl8n, profile or eketch of said improvement. - • - - 4. To etate whethee or no�eaid improvemeat ie aeked for on�he petitiom of three ar more ownere. b. To report upon sll of the foregoing mattere to the �:ommiesioner of�Ynsnoe. Adopted by the �ounaiL.............._...............���..1.g 1�6�......_.... Y�se Councilman .Carlson. ��L 1 9 19�� � D�gY�is�r� Approvecl......................._......_................................ � 'M.�i� � • p��,�,T • � Tedesco -- ----• •-- ���s�-� ��E ��� .. � ' i� Ma or. �9.::.... ';�. ��::.:,..• ���� �t�l Y ��. lOOD 7-aMr. Vice Preaidemt .����,y�, �` � � PUBLISFIEd ,��� � � 196� �