239497 OR161NAL TO CITY CLHFiK ������ � ; • CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� �� ����E''��'�T?� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F��E NO. COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM C MM SS�IONE DATF J�'� �8� �'7� RESULVED: Tha � �censes applied for by the follow�ng persons at tY�e addresses stated. b e and the same are hereby granted. „ The Moore �nTay�Garrett Freight Lines, In�.1075 Ra3►mond V.M.Loc.1M App.2325Renew �e � _ 3 add.ma^h. " " S & H Bev.�Star Launderers & �`leaners, Inc.839 University V.M.Lo^.1M �� 2g61" " " 4 add.ma^h. " " " �ora �ola�Garrett Freight L�.nes, In�. 1075 Ras►mond V.M.Lon.1M " 3099" DVM� Inc.,��arl Butz �75 S• Fairvi.ew V.M.Loc.I,M " 3250� Pepsi �o?a�NGT Bell Te�. �o. 253,� University V.M.Lo�.1M " 3293„ Griswold Coffee�Elan Industries, Inc. 2429 Univers�ty V.t�.Lo�.1M �� 3663'" ° � 1 add.ma^h. " ° ° Vendall �Bethel �%ollege & Seminary 1475 Arona V.M.Loc.),Iui " 37�-5� 1° � 7 add.ma�h. n n a 7Up�Bethel �ollege & SeMinary 1480 N. Snelling V.M.Lo�.1M n 4100" " �irls Dorm3�tory-Bethel College & Semina,ry 1480 Id. Sne11.4.M.I,o^.1M �' 4101" Interstate IItd.��orp.�lan Industries, Inc. 2429 IIniversity V.M.Zo�.1M " 4319" n n 2 add.m�^h. n n n Phf.11ip J. Skarda 786 Randolph Restaurant " 4343" it a n n n „ _ 'garette Jack Na�hman 2155 Ford Pkwy.-Bsmt. I'ool Ha.11 10T " �gp3° n a Qrig.�orit. n u n_ " " �igarette " !' " T�illiam J. Dunnigan 717 s. �`leveland Gas Sta.4P " 4849" a '� Gen.Rep.Gal'. n n o n n V.M.IA^.1M �r �.g,r�u �tters Hairdress�ng Studio, Inc. 754 S. �levelnad Beauty �Yiop " 48�5u " " C$.garette " " " COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Councit 19— Yeas Naqs ' Carlson Dalglish . Approved 19— Meredith 1 Tn Favor Peteraon Sprafk2 Mayor Tedesco A gainat , Mr. President, Byrne - �� � ORI6INAL TO CITY CLERK ������ � • CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. LI�`ENSE �`OMhiI�E� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM C MM SS�IONER DATF Jl�� 1�� 1A� �ontd. Page 2 ' �yril J. Woodward y 925 �. 7th Barber App.4857Renew E�wards Vi�llage Inn, Inc. 2012 Ford PkF?y. l�staurant " �086" u � �gSY'ette n n ,o " • 800 9. �leneland Restaurant " 5pg7n tl p tt II fi �i.garette _ � A' Pepsi �ola�Stephen Dedri�kson � 1817 Randolph V.M.Lo�.1M �� 5190" Harvey Ehrlich 2073 Ford Pkwy. G�o�cery " 5i95n � Stephen Dedri�kson • � � 1817 Randolph �igarette °� 5203�' �anteen �Ford Motor �afeteri.a 966 S. M�ss.R�.v.Blvd. Restaurant " 5232" Nathan Lerman 726 S. CJ.eveland 1 add.ma�h.(VM) �' 5233" Robert E. Sunness 1818 Randolph gardraare ' ° 5263" Natzon�ride Food �ervi�e, Inc. ° �� 2700 IIniversity Restaurant 5265 Edw�.n W. Isaakson & Paul J. Peterson 407-11 Ja^kson Pkg.Lot 76-100c " 53p$n Holm & Olson, In�.�Powers 2110 Ford Pky�ry. Flori:st-N." " 5319" Sheldon �. Stephens 2443 W. 7th Barber . " 5368" Midas �'yorp. 480 Ja^kson Pkg.Lot 25-60� n 53��-" �ugie's, In^. 2400 End�cott Fdstf.VM Opex, " 5390� Milton Smi.th 2419 TrT. 7th �onfe�t�.onery " 54131° " _ _ � � �%i.garette �� �� n Ja�k Spector & W3.11iam Bi^k 51 E. Kellogg Pkg.Lot 51-75� " 5�25" John trT. Tursso • 1428 ��. 7th V..M.Loc.1M " 5426" COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19—- Yeas Nays Carlson Dalgliah Approved 19— Meredith Tn Favor Peterson Sprafka Mayor Tedesco A gainst Mr. President, Byrne �� ORIGINAL TOvCITY CLHRK ��p g��� �. �,� ; CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� �� Lz��sE cor�� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM C MM SS�IONER DAT� J�'S ZS, 1968 �ontd. Page 3 _ William �. Fox 1419 �. 7th V.Nl.Lo^.1M �np.5427Renew Phi.11ips Petroleum �o. 2599 �. 7�r � Gas Sta.7P " 5433" » " Gen.Rep.�ar. ,� n n 1q 1076 S. �leeeland Q�as Sta.4P " 5�53" ° � " C-en.Rep.Gar. " n * Jayne's �oiffures,� In�. z487 w. 7th V.N,r.Lo^.1M " 5�55" Ph�.11ips Petroleum �o. 1076 S. �1eveland �i.garette " 5476� Harold & Sam Arenson 11�15 E. 7th Ldy.D� Plant n 5523" B. L. 0'Pleill 720 N: FTamline ' ' Ldy.D� Plant � 5526� Gordon & Merr�ll I�arkell 341 W: 7th �i.garette ' " 5529" Women's �i.ty �ub 30� St. Peter �%i.garette ° 5567n �ab-Line, In�. 406 Se1b� �igarette �' S5�" St. Joseph's Hospital. � 69 �. E`xrhange �i.garette " 5569" ' . . ��� 18196� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Carlson � ,��J�, 1 8 196� Dalglish Approved 19— Meredith Tn Favor geterse� Sprafkz ' Mayor a' A gainst Tedesco � p,dg���{E,� ,�11L.2 � �g��` Mr. Preaident, Byrne �O