239487 ORIGINAL TO CITY CL6RK ������ CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO , ; ICE OF THE CITY CLERK ' C U I T N ENERAL RM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE RO r F• e YSOA AJF WHSREAS, In the Qatter of Comptroller's Contract L-6914A for Grading and Snrfacing of NY AVENLiE from Burr Straet to DeSoto Street and DESOTO 3TR�T fro� Brainerd Avenue to Ivy Avenue, also Sewer in NY AVENUB from DeSoto Street to 110 feet east, T. A. Scbifskq & Sons, Inc., Contractor, the specified date of completion is October 1, 1967, and WHBREAS, The �ontractor has prosecutad the work dilige�tly but due to w�nrk being done by the Water Department the Contractor was unable to seal coat and it was not possible to complete the contract bq said date of completion; therefore be it, RESOLVSD, That the prnper City Officials be and they are hereby authorized and directed to egecute an eaendmeat to said contract extend- ing the time of completion to Julq 12, 1968 pronided however, that this resolution shall have no force or effect unless the sureties on the Contractor's bond consent thereto and file snch conseflt in writing with the City Comptroller, and be it, FIIRTAffit RESOLVSD, That the City of Saint Faul hereby waives all claim for liquidated damages and that no engineering and in�pection costs on this project will be charged to the Contractor for such extendad period. ._ -_..._.____ _. . ,: ' . . _ - -- - - -�-;-- - , JUl 1 � 196� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Carlson J U L �. $ 196$ �, pprove 19___ I�� �Favor Meredith ��� Mayor P� /�n � - ��J � Against 1�'��Tedesco . Mr.j�resident, �e-.� lPE�BLIS�tE� J��-� 0 1968 � �O � � �,. �DUTLIGAT6 TO lRINT[R ������ CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL �� ! OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F"E N COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED 6Y COMMISSIONER �Ot]!� �. P�ter�on nATF W�AS, In tha oattar of Co�ptm�i�r's Contraet L-691�rA for Crading end �rfacing af IVY AW� fro� �arr Sts�at to DeSoto �tre�t aad D�OTO STRIlET gro� �rai�asrd Av�aas to I�r A����, also ���aisr� in I�ii! AV�D� g� DeSoto �tn�t to 110 i�eei �ast. T. ♦. �cbif�lcp b Sons, In�., Contractor� tbe specifi�d dat� of c�o■iplation i� +Qctobar 1. l967, and T�tEI►$� Tt�a ConCractor hs� prossc�tsd the �rork dili�ntl�► btst du� to w�nrk�l�ing do� b�► the Wat�r Dapa�nt tl�s Coatraetor M�►s unable� to e�al coat aad it t�a� �ot possibl� to co�plet� ths aaAtract by s�id datd of corpl�tion. �herefoze b� i�• . �B�OL'�A. Ttut thA pmper Gity Q�fici�l� be and th�y are tkreby �thorised and direct�ci to e�ucut� �n a�r�acLent to 4aid eo�tract �xt�nd- it�� the tise of cospl�tioa to Ju�lq 12� 1966 pro�ided howeq�r, that tbis r�aolatioa sha11 havs no forc� or effect unle�s the snr�ties on th� QonCractor's bcnd cons�nt ther�to and file su,ch cons�at in Writing ioith tho City Co�ptroll�r. sad Me it, • ' �1� itBSOLV�D, That tlu Cit� o� S+�iat Psal hsr�by wivea all Ciei� �or liqn4dsted dawages and that no enginsa�ring aRd inspecCion � coata an Chis pr�aj�ct aill ba ch�rgsd �a tbe �ontr�c�ox �or sach sztsadad p�riod. �,�� � � �9s� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Carlson ,�1�L l. 8 1968 ls Approved 19_._ �' � Tn Favor Meredith � Mayor P�— A gainst 1r'� Tedesco p�. Mr^P�res dent, �e. oCJ � �O