239471 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLHRK ��i��-A /� � CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NCIL N�, s 9 , FFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CI ESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY _ - �,� COMMISSIONE � DATF RE: COUNTY PROJECT S.A.P. 62-668-08 GRADING AND SURFACING WbTH BITUMINUS MATERIAL , McKNIGHT ROAD BETWEEN HlGHW00D AVENUE.F� MALLAND.ROAD WHEREAS, The Ramsey County Engineer has prepared plans, speci�al provislons and specifications for the improvement of a part of McKnight Road bordering on the corporate limits of the City of St. Paul between Highw�od Avenue and Mailand Road; and '1,1HEREAS, Said plans and �special provisions are on file in the office of the Ramsey County Engineer, Saint Paul , Minnesota, betng marked, labeled, and identified as S.A.P. No. 62-668-08; and R,�.�r,' WHEREAS, Said specifications are on file i� the office of the Ramsey County Engineer, Satnt Paul , Minnesota being marked, labeled, and iden�ified as S.A.F. No. 62-668-08 (McKnight Road) which, together wlth the Minnesota De�artment of Highways Specifications for Highway Construction, dated ,January l , 1968, on fil'e in the office of the Ramsey County Engineer, �o�stitute the specifications for said improvement of McKnight Road between Highwood Avenue and Mailand Road; and iJHEREAS, Copies of said plans and special provisions as so marked, labeled, and identified are also on file .in the offtce of the Department of Public `Works; and ' WHEREAS; �The` term "Said plans and special provisions" as hereinafter used in the � body of this resolution.shall be deemed and intended to mean, refer to, and incorporate the plans and special provisions in the foregoing recitals parfiicularly identified and descrtbed; NOW, THEN, BE !T RESOLVED: That said plans and special provisions for the improvement of McKnight Road between High�wod Avenue and Mailand Road bordering on the corporate limits of the City of St.. Paul be and hereby are approved. BE IT;FURTHER RESOLVED, That the elevations and grades as shown in said plans and special provisions be and they are hereby approved and consent is hereby given to any and all changes in grades occasioned by construction of satd McKnight Road between Highwuod Avenue and Malland Road in accordance with safd plans and special provisions. NOW THEN BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, THAT the proper City officials be and they are here- by authorized and directed to execute.on behalf of the City of St. Paul, Construction Plans for S.A.P. No. 62=668-08, covering §a;id��construction on McKnight Road bordering on the corporate limits of St. Paul, Minnesota. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council i�l��� 19R819— Yeas Nays Carlson ,�U L 1 7 1968 Dalglish � Approved 19—_ Meredith Tn Favor �� a Mayor Sprafka Tedesco � A gainst Mr. President, Byrne P�Q�ISf�E� JUL 2 0 196� � �O DUrLICAT[TO rRINT[R ��tl�/i' J� �. CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL N `�'�` 3 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK : COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM . PRESENTED BY Rabert-�R. Pet�r�on COMMISSIONER DATF ' R�:� ��t,MiTY IMlOJ�6'fi'�S:�S.R. 6�-668-08 RRAD I t�6 All� �t�RFAC�t NQ W�.Tp-61���M�1S �1TElG tAl. McKli 1 QHT�RQAp ���N .N IR�10(�0 AV�NU� t MA 1LAND ROA13 MIEREAS, Ths Ramssy County �nqineer F�as pr�epared p�-1'ans, �pecial p�►visions artd spactfications for th� iaiprov�ant of � part af McKnlyht ibomd borderir�g on ths corpo�ats , 1 i�ai ts o� tha C 1 ty of St. Paul bst►,� il ighv�d Av�u� snd i�la i��d Rwd; and ; ���. Said plsns and spscial provlsians ars on f i l� in th� off ic� of tl�s Ra�ts�y R,�,� County Englnsmr. �aint 'aul� Mini»sota� bsiny �srk�d, ta�lmd, �nd idsnti�isd as S.A.�. Ma. b2•6b�-0$�s and �1qtffAS. Satd :pscif ica�Cio�s are on f i le tn ths o4�f 1c� of the Ra�sey Coun�ty fcAyinaar. �atnt �aul. Minnesota bain� �arked, 1abslsd, �►nd id�tifisd a� �.A.�. l�tc�. 62-668�•0� (McK�i9ht Roadj wF�1Eh, to��h�r with th� Minn�sota Qspart�t of Hi�Fiways Sp�cificatio�s for blyhway Construction� datsd Janwry i, t�68, on flle in tha offtca a1� the Rawssy Ccw►nty �ny ins�r, Consfi t t�ts th� spsc f f icat ions �or sa f d iMprov�t of Md4i ight Road - b�tw�n Hlghwood Av�nue �nd Maila�d Roadi and �ERF.AS►. Copt�s of� �aid plans and spsclal provisions a� so �ark�d� labsl�d, and id�ntif i�d ars a1�o vn fil• in the off ic� of tha �spartaNnt of lubi ic i�brksj and � 1��It�. Th� t�r+� �'�aid pians and spacial provisions" as hsrsinaft�r used in tihs body og Chis re�olution shai{ �s de�wad and intanded to �, r�fsr to. snd incorpo�ats t� pl+�s and �p�clal p�ovisions in tha faraQoi�y rscitals particularly Idsntifitsd ar�d describ�d; MOi�I, 'til�li, �� ET R��OLY�b: T�,�t satd plans a�d �pecial .pr�avis�ons for the iwprov�nt of McKnight Ro�d b�tw�san E#ighwood Avayu� and Mailand Road borderin� o� tt� rorporate li�its of ths City of S�. I�aul b� arid hsr�by ara approvsd. �� 11'FFUIItH�R lE�S4LirEp� That th� alavstions and gradms as shown in said pian� and �►pecial provtsions be and thsy ars Mr�by appraved and consent ts he�eby q1va.� to arly and a1i chanyss in qrid�s occasioned by co�stru��ion of said McKniDht Ruad befiwesn biiyhwood Avsnw and Mailand ltoad i� accordancs with aa�d pians and spsciaY pravistan�t. NOM TN�[I e� IT FlAtTl�IBR R�S4l.WLD, TW+T the proper Ctty off iaial� be and they er� h�rs- br authorissd and dir�ctad to �ceaut on b�lf of the G�i�ty of �t. Paul, Construerion R1ans foc S.A.l�. Mo. 6Y-66�-0�� covsric�y ��i�d constrctctian on llcKniqhr Roa�d borcler i� Q�6�h� co�porate ii�its o� S�t. Paul. Kinns�tota. � 1 COUNCILMEN Adopted by. the'Council JU�' 19— Yeas Naya .�U� �. � ��5� Carlson Dalglish Approved 19� Meredith Tn Favor po+o�„1 � ��� Sprafka � Mayor . Tedesco A Sainst Mr.President, Byrne �O