239469 � . OR161NAL TO CITY CLERK ������ h CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. . - FFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � COU L R �Id GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE ATF RESOLVED, That the proper City officers are hereby authorized and directed to execute, on behalf of the City of . Saint Paul, Lease Agreement between Cleora C. Wheeler, Lessor, own.er of Lots 1 through 5, Block � , Lower Saint Paul , and Lots 1 through 10, Block 8, Lower Saint Paul, and the City of Saint Paul, a mun.icipal corporation, Lessee, pertaining to the lease by the City of the above-described property for landfill purposes , a copy of said Lease Agreement bein.g attached hereto. __ . -�^� -._. ,v _,r.�-.-- _ ' -_. -- �ORt� A R01IED Asst. poration Co s I v��� � JI�L 1 7 1968 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays J U L 17 ,1��ffi Carlson . Dalglish Approverl 19—_ Meredith Tn Favor � � p�C'�-SOa- O Sprafka Mayor Tedesco A gainst f Mr. President, Byrne �Pt�aL1SN£e �L 2 0 1968 �o " . � 23��69 DUrLiCAT6 TO PRINTCR � CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED EY COMMISSIONER DATF RESOLVED, That the proper City offioers are hereby authorized and direQted to egeQUte, on behalf o� the City o� Saint Paul, Lease A.greement between Cleora C. Wheeler, Leeeor, owner o� Lota 1 through 5, Blook 7� Lower Saint Pe,ul, and Lota �l through 10, Blook 8, Lower Saint Paul, and the City of Saint Paul, a munioipal oorporation, Leesee, pertaining to the lease by the City of the above-desoribed property for land�ill purpoees, a Qopy o� eaid Lease Agreement �being attaehed hereto. �u� i � lss8 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Carlson ��� � � �g�� Dalglish Approved 19__ Meredith Tn Favor pp+o�.enn Sprafka � ' Mayor Tedesco ' A Sainst Mr. President, Byrne �O ' � � . ��3g�� � - . � , _ . , � AGRE��(E\TT • � � - THIS �1GR�E�IEVT, made and entered into this lOth day of July, 1968, by and betitieeii Cleora C . j�heeler, 1j76 Summit Avenue, Saint Pati�l , �iinnesota, registered o��riier, hereinafter called "Lessor" , and the City of Saint Paul, a municipal corpora- . tion of the State of Afinnesota, hereinaf�ter called "Lessee" . � WITNESSETFI: - . s; . • WHEREAS, The Lessor is the o�,mer of Lots 1 through 'S�, Block 7 , Loi,�er Saint Paul , and Lots 1 throubh 10, Block 8, Lot�er Saiilt Paul ; and . • WHEREAS, The Lessee desires the right to conduct a � . sanitary landfill operation on said 1anc1, which the Lessor is , _.,, -- . wil.ling to grant upon the terms and conditions hereinaftei sei; �orth; . ' NOZ�, THEREFORE, In consideration of the covenants and • agreeuients hereinafter set forth, the Lessor hereby leases to the Lessee, and its licensees and permittees , the above�describec� real estate for the sole purpose of conducting a sanitary landfill • � . . . • operation. ' � • � _ � TO AAVE A��D TO HOLD the same from the date of this Agreement until such time as this lease shall be termiiiated as . ' . hereinafter providecl; and the Lessee, in consideration of the leasing of Said premises , �covenants and agrees to pay to the . �Lessor as rent for t��e same the suiu of One .Dollar (�1 . 00) per . , � a�i�uws tLe receipt of �Jhich i.s her,eby a�lcnotti�ledged. , •� - � The Lessee sliall fill in saicl land t�o an elevation of , � • adjoinin� property as shall from time to time,� be designaten by the Lessor of the above-clescr�.bed real estate and shall_ , as far as _ practicaUle, deposit materials at such places a.s niay be desig- � � nated hy Lessor. The Lessee sha3l. malce, at its e�pense, such pr. ovisions for draina;e as designated and approved by Lessor. ' •i�ii1 :ic,liL'1Stiib �i,c;l':.l�iv:.;.. :tillilil �.:C �.:iII'1'li.'.l� U11 C1:�)(:CL.I. L�.Uli::il.j' and iu a ti�rox•l:ivacililce maniier �rom the datc o� tliis a�i•ee�ueiit . Saicl sanitary laud.fill oper�itioiis s}lall incli.tdc �oiily tlic du►upind of rubbish, refuse ancl other materials exceptiiib garbage and putres— ciUle materials , and siiall be compacted srith bulldozers ancl covered ti,rii;h suitable nonconibustible materials to insure reasonable compactioii at the enci of eac}i day' s operation covering use of said preiuises , to t}ie satisfaction of the Lessor. Lessee agrees to place a dirt cover over the premises satisfactory to the Lessor before ter�uination of this agreement as hereinafter provided. Lessee sliall comply�Vwith all applicable laws , rules and regulations insofar as its use of the premises is concerned and ' shall post the property and shall cause its watchman to make daily ' L • . inspection trips over the leased preuiises and to keep trespas�ers and other unauthorized persons off said prQmises so far as Lessee is able to do. .. It is agreed that either the Lessor or Lessee may terminate this lease for any reason s,rhatsoever at any time upon . x;�==: giving the other party �vritten notice of such termination not less than. thirty (30) days prior to the effecti�-e date of termination. An.y noti�ce required to ,be given to i;he Lessee under i;his - Agreement shall be sufficient if sent by U. . S. Mail , addressed to � the riayor, and any notice required to be given to the Lessor uncler this Agreement shall be sufficient if sent by U. S�. riail to the ., las�t knos�rn address of the Lessor. , � ' IN WITVESS j�HEREOF, The parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be execul;ed the day and year first above written. In Presence Of: ► D �leora C. j�heeler, unmarriec� � ,�ivt�t-f:2 p1M/I�`$'`'l�vl%' - � - �, ./�. �- 1 ,,,,,,G ' . � f - . - -- -- . - - - . �. ; � � . STATE OF �il�'�TFSOTA � s s. ' - COiNTY OF RA►iISEY � ' On this lOth day of July , 1968, be�ore we, a notary publi.c s,ril;hin and for said Coun�y, personally appeared � Cleox•a C. Z�ieeler, to me kno«z to be t�ie person described in, ancl who executed the foregoing instru�uerit , and acicno��rledged that she executed the same as his free act and deed. , �' ����-�� � , �o, , . • Notary Public , Ramsey Co. , ;tinn� � T1y corimi�sion e�pires �i.ig.28,1.970. . �, � ' • • �{•� . - - -- - � . � Approved s to forn \ CITY OF SAItiTT P�UL . t! • '. Assista orpora �'o ns 1 By � Mayor . � _ ��', �__ . . / . � � , . . Couunissionei- of Public j�'orks ' . L . . City Clerk • . . - Countersigned: ' City Comptroller � _,�,..--�- � - . '" _r�-- � • STATE OF MINNESOTA � . ` ss . . � � COUNTY OF RAI�ISEY - . On this - day of _ � , 1968, before me, a notary public �vithin a-nd for s�.id Count�, . personally appeared � Thomas R. Byrne, Robert F. Peterson, Harry E. Alarshall and Joseph J. Mitchell , to me personally knos��n, jti-ho, being each bST me duly s�,rorn, did say that they are respectively the �Iayor, Conuuissioner of Public S�orl:s , City Clerk and City Comptroller of the City of Sain�t Paul , Minnesota, named in the foregoing instrument , and that the • . seal affixed to said instrument is the seal of the City of Sai.nt . • � Paul , and that said instrument was signed and sealed in behalf of � said City of Saint Paul by autliority granted pursuant to formal . • resolu�ion of the Council of the City' of Saint Paul , Counci� File ° . No. , pas;;ed ancl approved t�ie • day of • _, � 196s, and the said Tlayor, Conuuissioner of Public jti�oz'ks � City• Clerk and City Comptroller acl:nos�le.d��ed. �aid instrument to be tlie act • an� deed of sai.d City of Saint Paul , pursliant� to said resolution. � � . Notary Public, Ramsey Co. , Minn. , . � � My commission expires _ ' . •: . � , �. . • , _ . - , , • � - . . t , • . . . 3 . . , . . ; - •--- - ... . . • ..�. � �, '� . : . _ . . . .,