D001307CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ADNIINISTRATIVE ORDER A.DMINISTRATIVE ORDER, rro: `� 001307 Daze: � �pZ� '� 9 � Thatthe proper City officials are hereby authorized and directed to enter into agreements with various vendors to provide services, including food, entertainment, reimbursement for related employee expenditures, etc. in connection with the Division of Parks and Recreation's riverfront events being held in August and September, 1997 on Harriet Island, at a cost not to exceed $15,000. Funding Code: 325-23141-0219-33000 � APPROVED AS TO FORM �'/=�,� ' - �� �(iva,i � )V �-�°-- -----_----� V Assistant City At[omey �� Date r�/1c.1� �y/� ����l����{ _ Administafive Assistant to Mayor DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCII. Parks and Recreation DATEINRIATED � GREEN SHEET 8/19/97 COMACT PERSON AND %iONE Wlaureen Watson 266-6649 � nss�n NUMBEHfOR MUSf BE ON COIINGIL AGFNDA BY (DATq ftOUTiNG August 27, 1997 TOTAL S OF SIGNATURE PAGES _ ICLIP ALL LACATIONS PoR SIGNAiVRq . SfRVICES DIR. ASSI5TANT7 .� � �3d'� No� q d INRIPLIQA"[E ACiION REWESTm: Signature on attached Administrative Order BECOMMENDATIpNS: Apprwe (A� or Rejec[ (Po _PLANNING COMMISSION _CNIL SEPVICE COMMISSION _CBGOMMfi[EE _ A STAFF __ DISTflICT LOUNLIL $UPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITI' IWho, Whaq When, Where, Why�: ♦ ,� � - �: ;.. The Division of Parks and Recreation is presenting two major events, Norwest River Rendezvous and the Minnesota �rchestra Concert in August and September on Harriet Isiand. They are both free and open to the public events. ADVANTAGES IFAPPROVED: We wiil be able to secure the necessary services for the event. DISADVANTAGES IFAPPFOVED: None. DISADVANTAGES IFNOTAPPROVED: We wifl not be abie to get the necessary services. TOTALqMOUNTOFTRANSACTION � 1 V � V � v FUNDING SOURCF ("J�S� �� � � � �ANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLl+IN) INRIAVDAlE oinECroR cm l' �CffY PFASONAL SEHVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWEft THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: l. Has this personffirm evu worked untler a conhac[ for [M1is tleparpnent? YES NO 2. Has this person�rm ever been a city employee? YES NO 3. Oces tlus personlfi�m possess a skill �wt �wtmally passessed by any cwrent city employee? VES NO Fxplain sll yas answBrs on separffie sheat and attach to green aheet. ACTNRY NUMBER (CIRCLE ONE) f YES �/ NO ��