239466 A _ _ .� " ' + .. �. . r . y '� � .♦ , , � �,t;t a� - .�..� � � , ��/ � .� yF ' j: ;.i�,� l. � �� V ' } ' . r W • � • [ �� !�',J, �� y}�ty� �L' ` � �, � � ,,-�.�.,� __j ' %" - � Y . 39��� . �--'=r.;�'� � COUNCIL FILE NO ' CITY O�F ST.'PAUL 4 R,esdl'ution Ratifying Assessment By— � . � ` �' � � w In the matter of the assessment of beaefits; Co�ta at�d expenaes �oir canetz�ucti�n ox re- � . �` � ` cowstruction.of �aidewalke �nd work 3ncidentax theret�s ` � , k> �,�_ ..� .. ,.�.:� �<�. �. � , * � Contrgc� 6i-M-3�S, Levq Ncs. �, D�.strfct No. 1 ; - � . , ��.__ _ ., „-�--- . _ . -- .-_ - --- ---, .�-.---..,�— .�--";---r--. . j . ' . ♦ - . 4 R 1 ,L, _ ` "' _` _ i �'��i . .t _ "' ^� �' . . ' �_ ` 'C Y� _ � � „�= -� . . � - � - �l. ' • �1��b0��fDJ�{i t .� . J`_i��4s.a t ' ' �' '� t'= i-Y �. ' _ .. ,i....~ .,�.�1��� �� r�. : •� _ i� ' � f F.0. �233476 - Rent 3 t':� eae t �s ide from Edmund Ave. �to kT'�cmas�-Ava:��'� _ ,. �. . , j F.O. #229216 - Oxford St., west side from Uuiversity Ave. to Sherburde Ave. ,.,�K�,. , � 8.0. #227�47 - Sherburne Ave., bath aides from Lexington :ParlcWay to,Oxford St. F.O. #233751 - Charlea Ave. , both aides fram Rent St. to Macknbin`St. � � r F.Q. #233747 = Edmund Ave., north aid� fraa Aldine 3t. to Fry St. � , � E.O. #231$72 • Blair Ave., both sidns fro� Western Ave. to Virginia St. , � F.O. �232092 - Blair Ave., south aide from Virginia St. to Farrington St. � ; F.O. #233475 - Rent St.. weat aide froa Z'homas Ave. to Lafond Ave. � � F.O. #232619 - Charlee Avn:, both sidea fran Weatern Av�. to Virginia St. ' ��;��-.0,�#228,6�3;�;S;�Iglehart-Aver.;�bothaaidee�frlo���eweytSt:-*to�Faixview�Ava.�M�=F���+�►:�L 1 -- .. ....� . -�--r Y �-•- - - --�-----��_, ,.-..._ .._.,_._.—_.,w -i 'fl`1'�,NON,-A338S$ABI�BS'«.a.��.a�.�..rr�a��•v�a�.ti..C��r+r•h:r.i►w������«�c�.,..�.�.��w:+a.,+Fx,+Tm.x:�u.�.�,��sw,.���+v.�+��..� { F.O. #229Z16 - Osfor�# St.,, West eide from Uaivereity Ave. to�Sherburne Ave. �� ; ��I�iO:,�,#227247_�-���Sher-burne�Ave:,�both•Ks�idsa��,f4ront�Lesington�P�rlc�aq�=to-.Onford�S,t:-,:T�r� � . F.O. #233731 - Charles Ave., both �idea from Kent� St. to Mackubin St. '�' � � k . . FcO,���233�7�7iu��dmund;}Ave4s�noryth��side,�£rj°mr�il�dine�c,S����to�iFrq�Bt,scnt, :�z�t� said w:�ws�. � F.O. �231872 - Blair Ave.. bo[h sidea fram Weotern Ave: to Virgl.nia 3t. ' ��F`•.0:��#23347:5 �:�i�Ce�it4S�:y��iie'st�;ei�d��rom?�hom�s,Ave: I_�ot';Lafond�Ave::�t�ity sat.�i��c�ry, ' F.O. #228643 - Iglehart Ave., both �idee fram Demey St. to Fairview Av�: ! ' �te�t i„��x��r� " l � _ � ��, �. - RESO�LVED, That tlie said assessment-be �and the sa.m.e is hereby in all respects ratified, and the •- same is hereby ordered to be submitted'to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for canfirmation. BE IT FURTHER RiESOLVED, Tliat the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in �� equal installments. , � t �OUNCILMEN , Yeas Nays JUL i 7 1966 Carlson Adopted by the Counci� �s ��l�. � 7 196� Meredith rove Sprafka ^ Tedesc0 � :�i�: eEe:ee�E�cee�..::':ei�:?i9:S�� Tn �'SVOr ..::...... .... .Mr. Vice President �r.� Op �gainst pt�D S�� � p 15�$ Form'R-2 2M 10-88 8� �y �-- '��,f� ^ 1 r � .- ' � - . CITY OF ST. PAUL ������ ^ OFFICE 4F THE CO1ViMISSIdNER OF FINANGE ������ R,eport of Completion of Assessment � In the matter of the assessment of - bette�tt#�� �.t�to atRd e��ei��e0 �ax �oti�trc�c�iaQ o� r�� conattvctian of ��.devalke �c� war�c _in�f��rite� r,�e��os Contr�et 57�►�I-3�5, �evy �Io. 5, D�i�rxaC �o. � - . j� : - �4 - -�,.-., r '}�rT.....�a�-T----- .--� . .I-_-r ,A --� - --- ----_ _ _-�T`,---� i . _- . . ,t {•- _y�::'=�^' , T ,—.r, .,°_T ,. . :�- � , : • .. ' '; •. ,. . s• F � " '" �lWg�i7'��a+cft ' ° ..r `����1 ' �. :"� . .�� `' ' i �_�y . `, 'J�' � : - ' , ' '�' ' r ; � �• g.p- �233476�_�Aant�St�:;ieast� sida �f.ros'�E�nd_ Ave:�to Thbeas A�e. - � - f l.0. i229216 • C�ci�ord'St.'. vest'sids from� Uni"varsity Av�. to Sherb�=ns�Av%: ` ' . ; F.O. #227�47 • Sherburns Av�.� botb aid�� lram L�xingtan Parlcwsy to Oocloid _St." b ? F.O. i233y51 • Ch�r1a� Av�., both sld�s tras Rant St. to �ckubin St. : '"' � l.0. #233747 - Sdmund Ava., north sids fraa Aidine St. to Fry St. � i 8.0. ¢23187a • nlair l�vs., botl; •id�� from W�ste�rn Avs. to Vir�iais St. � � 1�.0* *23209� - .Dlair Ava., sonth side �rc� Virginia St. to Fasriag6on Bt. � l.0. #233475 - Ren� 3t.� �sst aids fraa �omas Ave. to Lafond Ave. � 1�.0. �23C619 - Chaal�s Aw., both sidsa trom 'West�zn Ava. � to Virginia 3t. � � '�"�l:.:0�:"i��#�2$6431;,F��gl:ett�r�1A��.'v�'��boEh�=sidee.�fir,o�,a,��Dawey�-gt�.,•�to,;Fa3r.aiav,�Ava.�S:���,���.��� � _�.. .._._..T �..�_, _ _�. f 9 �f1'�1�OR�A'$SESSADI:ES"�+twrKa�...��,��rsw�tc��e�+►w#y+���d�l��c�.+.a'a��•�v+��.ra�r�:�s3r.a:sc�e•s•�,�:7w.��&ab�.s+a.er��,�x„� ; H.O. #229216 - Ozford 8t., �est sids �xv�n Univ�r�ity Ans. to�Slierbura� Ave. ^��� : ����:::O:�f227_2�,7��',=:_Sh�.�k.ti�is'�'4��n�:i'bcth�a;ida��;�f�ca���I:ain�toa�rParkvay�to�.0�cford,,_S.t:.��,�,� � � _ ._.._. _.._._.._.._ F.G. �233751 - Charles Ave.. both eidea �rom ]�nt St. to Maelcubin St. ; �"0�:0��.233'74.i t=��.Eil�amd?�►q����t�o�th sida fra� Al�ins St. to Fry St. � ` �.0. �231872 - Dlair A��.� boEb aide• fraa �Testeta Ave. to Visginia St. � l:0:l�2334��Si�`•=:�1Cenrt�s���c�re�st�?aid'e�£s'+om`.T1ioms"sxAvb�.t}�to°�Liefond:A�r�,���,��,�te��ti �t the ��• r ; p��F�O� �228643• -Z�Igl��r.t�l�v�..�bott�} •ic�e,� from tDq�ne�►1St. to Piirview Aq C ; L..'� - ZS.a .+.,�—�«,.�}i�2 ti.aa i �w.� aL t. 1j�t.1�M a� � rr,i�l a��. 1� �D_��i�{ f+t (��c� au,�rt tRi;�;i�L��F��k�� ��; { Tota,l construction costs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . $ 11,526 50 Engineering . . . , anc},��spectiqn, , , , , , , , , , ,, , , , , , � 1,383 1�_ Inspection . . . .. . . . . . . .. . . . . .. .. . . . . . .. . . .. .. . . . . . $ Postal cards . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 11 � Publications . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . $ 117 00 Collection costs . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . $ 11 � Court costs for canfirma.tion . . . . . .. .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . � 233 40 Comptroller cost 116 70 - TOTAL EXPE�NllITUR,ES . . . . .. . . . .. . .. . $ 13.400 19 Charge to . . . .. . . . . .. .. . . . .Q920-701. . . . . . . . . � 962 00 , , ,,, , , ,, , , , , ,, , , ,, , , , , , , ,, I�on-Assessable, , , , , , � - 996 93 Net Assessment . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . � 11.441 26 Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed a,nd levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to-wit: the sum of � 11,441.26 upon each a.nd every lot, part or parcel af land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, paxt or parcel of larid in accordance with the benef'its conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto atta,ched, identified by the signature of the said Cammissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as com;pleted by him, and which is herewith aubmitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. DatecL June 18, 1968 � C issione f �n , Form Rr2 2M 10-68 S�