239455 . �3��y 5 ' Council File No. 23945�By Thomas R. Byrne, Mayor— ' � Resolved, That upon the petition of the Housing and Redevelopment Au- thority of the City of Saint Paul,Min- nesota,the Council of the City of Saint Paul, after giving proper,notice by publication and upon hearing dvyy held, does hereby declare those sec- tions of pubiic street hereinafter de- scribed as vacated and discontinued as a public street: All that part of Cedar Street lying ' northerly o4 a line distant 160.6 feet southerly at right angles, and parallel to the northerl B T ousan ' undr� an S�gle accident. One y «l���Risk" phYsical loss shall � The coverage in the amount a� �e°fd� =eplacement cost o4 �e a. � struotures; �d Redevelop- �11. men A tho it3'of�he CitY of Saint Pa� �nesota, its succes o�san°Y • � assigns� submit the de��vacated � struature occupY� Q e� Space above Ce ar and M1�ne- ` 0 sota Streets� includin��ethods� : � Structiues and detalleCity of Saint p� constru�a��onst�y�ction o4 - said Sy Pau1� not be commenced structure sh�have been aPProved 0� ��the Ci�e The desi a M�n� p( by the Cedar � _ pp s�ctures over be such�=oper- sota Streets sha11 d rep �out tine mamtenbe�pe�ormed ations may travelled�waY• _ - 001 obstructing' dimensions'or u�e °f , ChanBeS over Cedar and M�ne- 9El so ac Streets will not be PapP�d 4Li without PTior �et�stallationVOY ppg from the City• �8 si�s, billbo�aitd� th�vacatedg�T _ space over Cedar and M�IIesota 000 ennitted with- - ' , 008 gtreets shall not be P ro�� op the 000 out pri�r written a�d Redevelop- CitY: Housin of Sa�t �12, Zhat the �the City� ment Mt�eso���i� succe operate ' Paul. a�ee to co�t�O cost �d assigns e��� at their as � a�j p�nse� ade4 ea necesstiazY bY the :aio �ght be de� g sufficient age� :sa;� City Ai'�hitect the vacated —� �g embracing �nesota Streeo4 over Cedaz' and • to the satisfaction �f SupQerCintend- S�t Paul_Li�ae=stpod that the ent, it being �e va- liglitin� re9uirements for um of cated areas shall be a sT�� 30 Eoot can�es at street leve�im� ' �g daylight hours and S�,eet level of 10 �night ho es� a� (Z during the period dertcone 13. P=OPosecLbuildin� is and Rede- -eBFo' struction. the Housing esota, its succes- _oyq .� velopm�t Authority of the Citheir Saint oTaassigMi��at lts and pr �L}naaq o� cost and exPen ub���Sb�1�,j• cure and m�t� po�cies of such pama insuianCe to bege pproved bY �e � �nsurance a whereunder •a}}aaeE CO�°whe ebY �eCi� of Sa1nt an insured sha11 be PT�" ao;oax PeCted held harmle�ea�.omy �- and � demnifled by the �on account of -an ao c cga�t�a damages for ini�'ies to es3r �rsunder propertY occurring w�th- or contiguo� ta said vacated air rights� su°h �SUrance coverage to be in �� follow�g g/4/P 'i minlmum amo�ies insurance (In- ` a' Bo dea h� � damages � amoun , clud�an $250,000 fO1�uries to or ' less out op bodilY " arisin� e�on and subject to deatli of one�t far each person � 'x�oi� ';1 the same 1� op not less than -p� :e;of a total on°a�co�t of anY one 000 �ar � a�ident; e e �sura 1�.� -S�ier b. Prop t of n�less than$ yn amoun to or destruction "a�FLS��P of BT°per��g that�n�ted dP r .SemqBFH. and subject to total •u�saoosF�; accident, further sub�� a all u I� �� $ for aouaas of a�esltosor depstru�tion of I?r°p� sanFi� '23 ertY durin6 �ish�a capYi�o the , �d sh�all po�e3 to the City: po��y fees for recordln� 14. That tlze R�� the Office of the {he vacations � be borne bY the Reg�ter of Deeds be�� the petition�e etitioner, Au- 15. That �� Redevelopmen Housing of Sa1nt Pa�' thority of t ae Pub�� agencY. pay IViinnesoCity the sum as to the of $1. comPensation TorOSed dedication of cause o4 the p p l�ds � �,y�e area fot street � park p�'Poses; bond, the City lg, That in lieu of a rovided wi� a wristtentcovenant to indemnifY and hold the City harm1ess from any aII damages� claims fents � �d charges.iud�d nature ageS. costs, the �a� e�cpenses of eo�g o�t °etition. arising or � the P 1968. cation des�he Council Ju1Y 1B, APPr�ed YJuly 16. 11968) (JulY �,