239431 � . �$(� �s � O',lGINAL TO CITY CL6RK ��.'`.,�' ���? , CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. t OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK IL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE pTp WHEREAS, This Coun.cil, by Council File No. 233928, adopted and approved June 20, 1g67, approved the application of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, to the Housin.g Assistance Administra- tion of the Department of Housing and Urban Development for a reservation of 750 dwelling units of low-rent housing for the elderly, which reservation was subsequently made by the said Housing Assistance Administration; and W�REAS, The Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City o� Saint Paul, Minnesota, has prepared a Development Program for Low-Rent Housing Project No. Minn. 1-18 providing for 187 un.its of elderly housing under the reservation as aforesaid with an estimated total development cost of �2, 804, g07.00, which Development Program entitled "Development Program Project No. Min.n.. 1-.18 for 187 Dwelling Units Program , Reservation No. Min.n. 1-D" , and dated May 27, 1g68, has been presented to and considered by this Coun.cil; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the City of Saint Paul hereby approves � the provision of the Development Program for Low-Rent Housing Project No. Minn. 1-18 and of said project providing 187 units of low-rent housing for the elderly at a total estimated development cost of �2, 804, 907.00, said low-rent housing to be constructed on the following described real estate located at the northeasterly corner o� Elway Street and Montreal Avenue, Saint Paul, Ramsey Coun.ty, Minnesota, and described as follows: + Westerly tract; Lots 1, 2, 3, 12, 13, 14, 15 and 16, Block 31, West End, subject to conveyance to the City of St. Paul, for FORM APPROVED. street by warranty deed in. Book 1780, Page 856; and those parts of Lots 4 to 11 Ass orporatio ' n inclusive in said Block 31 lying Westerly and Southwesterly of lines described as follows: Beginning at a point on the South COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— � Yeas Nays Carlson Dalglish Approved 19`_ Meredith Favor Peterson � Sprafka Mayor Tedesco A gainst Mr. President, Byrne �O �-'J!'.r _ . -� C�1161NAL TO CITY CLBRK • , ���* . CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. - � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �: / COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM f � PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATF line of said Block 31 distant 335 feet East of the Southwest corner thereof; thence running North at right angles to said South line for 159.87 feet; thence Northwesterly to a point on the Northwest line of said Block 31 distant 247. 18 feet Northeast of the intersection of said Northwest line with the West line of said Block 31; according to the plat thereof on file and of record in the office of Register of Deeds in and for Ramsey County, Minnesota. �UL �Z 196� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci] 19_ Yeas Nays ��� �-2 1968 !'�...,.1.. Dalglish � Approved 19—_ Meredith Tn Favor Peteraon Sprafka U Mayor � A gainst Mr. President, Byrne P�BLISHED ,�U� 2 a j�6� �O 421 Wabasha Street, SaiR,t Pau.�, Minnesota 551 02. Edward N.Helfeld,executive director. phone 223 5218 r , HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Mr. Harry E. Marshall � July 10, 1968 City Clerk Room 353 City Hall and Court House � Saint Paul, Minnesota Re: Low-Rent Housing Projects Minn. 1-17 and 1-18 � Dear Harry; I would appreciate if you would place the enclosed Authority letter to the Mayor and Council on the Agenda for Thursday, July 11, respecting Council Approval of the Develop- ment Programs for the aforesaid projects. Zoning appeals respecting Project Minn. 1-18 were approved at Tuesday's Council Meeting, and the zoning appeals respecting Project Minn. 1-17 will be on the Council Agenda for Thursday, July 11. Yours very truly, �- . _ yu�YVtJ/,C� ( .�JL�`^-'`��, . " • - ' ' ames T. Hart �(/ `�' . .. Staff Counsel Enclosure >': , , , ', , .. ' ;� . . ; . �� . , � . � . � Lawrence J. Hayes, Harry P. Strong, Jr., Orville E. Anderson, Henry R. Thomas, Kenneth J. Lynch, James J. Dalglish, Victor J. Tedesco Chaiimaa � `tLi VYc1UdJllt� JUCCt, JUIIIL I-t1Ul� IVitlll{I�JUId i1J1 GL. LUL'vdIUIV.�ICIIUfU,F:ACI.I!U'et: iillt'!.�Li11.�J11U1fCGLJ JL iU ►� F�QlJSIf�G AND REDEUELOPMEI�T AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF SAiNT P�1UL, M1f�1NESOTI� �Ionorable ;fayor and City Council July 10, 1968 c/o City Clerk Roo:� 353 City Hall and Caurt IIouse � Suiat Faul, Minn�sota Re: Turnlcey Lo��-Rent Elderly Housing Prcjects • Mir.n. 1�17, 1-�18 Gent�emen: On Ju_ie 2G, i967, your honorable body, by Resolution Council File No. 2339?_8, did malce cextain determinations pursuant to the provisions of Minnesota Statutes, Section 462.465, Su�division 1, and approved a progran reservation by the l�ousing and P,edevelopment Auth- ority for 750 additional d��ellino units for elderly lo���-rent housing, Submitted here;aith are Developmer.t Proorams for Project I�To. Minn. 1-17 and Pro�ect �?o. Minn. 1-18, heing a parr of the aforesaid program reservation. These t�uo projects are being c�eveloped 'oy p�ivate redev�lopers for sale to the Authority upon their completion for use as elde�ly '.o�a-rent heusing under the so-called "Turnlcey" program, Prnject t�ti_nn, 1�17 is being developed by Sheehy Construction Company, a�1d is located at the northwesterly corner of IOth Street and [dabasha Avenu�, described as follo�as : All of Lot 12 and that part of Lot 11, Bloctc 2, Bazil and Guerin's Addition to St, Paul, described as follows ; Commencinn ae the northeast corner of said I,ot 11, thence southeasterly along *_he ' northeast line of said Lo� 1l. parallel to jti�abasha Street, to the southeast corner of said Lot 11; thence south���esterly to a point _ - on the southeast line of said Lot 11, 60 feet south�aesterly of the �southeast corner of said Lot 12; thence northwesterly alon; a line parallel to the northeast line of said Lot il a distance of 24 feet, 8�1/2 inches; thence southcaesterly along a line parallel to the southeast linE of Lot 11 a distance of 5 feet; thence north��resterly a].ond a line parallel to the northeast lin� o� Lot 11 a distance of 25 feet, 3-1/2 �nchas; thence southtaesterly along a J.ine parallel to tYie southeast line of Lot lI a distance of 9.5 feet; th.ence northwestcrly along a' J.ine garalJ.el to the north- east line of Lot 1.1 'a distance of 100 feet; the�lce northeasterly along L-he northwest Iine of Lot 11 to point of beginning, according to the recarded p1.at thereof iri the office o� the Register of• lleeds of Ramsep County, Pfinnesot3. � The Project ca11s for construction of 75 d�aelling• units for elderly under ?rogram Reser- vation No, tlinn. 1•-D, .at an appro::ir�ate �atal develo�ment cost of $1,124,211. La�Nrence J Flayes, Harry i' Stron�, Jr., Or��ilie E. Ander�on, Flenry R Tl�omas, Kennetl� J. Lyncfi, James J. D�iglish, Uictor J Tedesca. cF���.,o.� ' MUU511U1i-AI�lU fitU�UrLU{'iV�t1� 1 �kUli�Ut�� IY li!- iHt I;IIY UI- SAINf F'NUL, N11NNt5UlA , Projecr Minn. 1-18 is being developed by William Weitzman, and is located at the nortih- easterly corner of El���ay Street and rlontreal Avenue, described as follows; jdesterly tract; Lots 1, 2, 3, 12, 13, 14, 15 and 16, Block 31, . West End, subject to conveyance•_to the City of St. Paul, for , street by warranty deed in Book 178Q, Page 856; and those � p.arts of Lots 4 to lI inclusive in said Blocic 31 lying Westerly and Southwesterly of lines described as follows : Beginning at a, point on the South line of said Blocic 31 di.stant 335 feet . � ! �ast of the Southwest corner thereof; thence running North at , . right angles to said South line for 159,87 feet; thence hTorth� ' '• westerly to a point on the Northwes� line of said Block 31 ` distant 247.18 feet Northeast of the intersection of said , ' I�Iorthwest line �•�ith the jdese line of said Block 31; according , to the plat there�f on file and of record in the office of Register of Deeds in and for Ramsey County, Minnesota, • This ProjECt calls for construct�on of 1£37 d�•reliin; units of elderly housing under • Pr.ogram.Reservation No, riinn. 1-D, at an estimated total development cost of $2,804,907. t• " On Tuesday; July 9, your honorable body approved zoning appeals respectin; Project No, Minn. 1-18 lessening density, permitting a reduction of the offstreet parking ratio, and ap�roving a parking lat permit, and will consider on Thursday, July I1, a zoning appeal respecting Project I�1inn. 1-17 lessening density requirements. The Autl�or�ity has been tendered an Amendatory Consolidated Annual Contributions Contract by the �ouszng Assistance Administration covering the construction of the aforesai.d proiect ' Pursuant to the provisions of Section <<02 of the Housing Act of 1954, the Authori�y':is required to notify your honorable body of its estimate of the annual amount . of paym tnt�s in lieu of taxes tahich aTill�be made for the project (being basically 10% o� the net �rental received from each project) , and of the amount of taxes which �aould Ue levied uf ;the property and improvements to be made thereon �aere privateJ.y o�aned an� operatedi Please be advised that it is the Authority's estimate that payments in lieu of ta�:es respecting Project rlinn, 1-17 would be in the amount of $2,043 annually, anci that th4 County Assessor's estimate of taxes which would be levied on the proper�y and • improvem�nts taere they privately o��ined and operated is $34,114�. Respectin� Project Minn, .1-�18, be advised that it is the Authority's estimate that payments in lieu of tanes would be� in the amount of $5,094 annually; and it is the County Assessor's estimate that taxes cahi�ch would be levied on the property aud improvements taere they privately o��ned � and oper;ated �aould be in the amount of $81,250. Taxes payabJ.e on the respective proper- ties in the year 1968 �•�ere in thz amount af $5,891,4C respectinb Projec� rtinn. 1-17, and in the amount of $441.66 respecting Project riinn, 1-13. Pursuant. to the provisions of Section 4b2.4b5, Subdivision 1, the Authority respectfully requests�that your honorable body approve the provision of low-rent housing Projects Minn. 1-�.7, and 1-18, ` . Respectf.ully submitted, Edward N. �Ielfeld ' Executive Director C �� ,:. � , j�� 7 1� �}� c� � `� L " . � . • , I . . . i t . EXHIB' ITS , s . � . . � . � , . ' i . EXHIBIT "A" CITY LAND USE April� 1968 � t • . � � _ • � � � � ' : : a . �� . i • ,� . � • � . i ti i � � . � . ; . , , . . ,� • ► •� . . t , , ; �, . � • t � � � � 1 + , � � l _ . , � � ; .. . � �,: Jr,�� . ,�: ' ;Iy� 7 � � � _ • � i� . I N D E R Page 1. ESTIMATED DEVELOPMENT COST 1 • � 2. SUPPORTING DATA FOR COST ESTIMATES 2 3. ESTIMATE OF DWELLING CONSTRUCTION AND EQUIPMENT COST (Statutory Room Cost) 2 � 4. DWELLING BUILDINGS ' 2 . • 5. GROSS AREAS OF NONDWELLING BUILDINGS OR SPACES 3 • 6. LOWEST PRIVATE RENTS (GAP DEMONSTRATION) 3 7. DEMONSTRATION OF ADEQUACY OF REIACATION RESOURCES AND RELOCATION PLAN 3 8. CITY MAP 3 ATTACI�IIrIENT TO SUPPORTING DATA FOR COST ESTIMATES Page 1 of 1 � � ' •' � � . . . , . � � • DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM ' � �FOR TURNKEY CONSTRUCTION �. •PROJECT N0. MINN. 1-18 for 187 DWELLING UNITS PROGRAM RESERVATION N0. MINN. 1-D � St. Paul, Minnesota ' � , � i This Development Program has been adopted by Resolution No, of ' the HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA ! and is hereby submitted to serve as the basis for an Annual Contributions Con- ; ' tract with a Total Development Cost of $_ 2,804,907.00 ' . � ; Sxecutive Director . � . ' ' . May 27, 1968 , (Date) � � . � , . . � . � ; � � , � � Minn. 1-18 187 Elderly D. U. 's 1. _ ESTIMATED DEVELOP'MENT COST ' • Estimated Coat Item Ttem No. � Total Per Unit DEVELOPER`'S PRICE O1 Site 136,575 730 • 02 � Site Improvements 49,782 . 266 ' 03 � Dwelling Construction and Equipment - Nonelderly 0 0 04 , Dwelling Construction and Equipment - Elderly 2,012,232 10,761 OS Nondwelling Construction 74,100 396 06 Architectural and Engineering Services 73,039 391 07 Other 248,710 1,330 08 Total Developer's Price 2,594,438 1�87�4 LOCAL AUTHORITY COSTS . Administration • 20 1410.1 Nontechnical Salaries 10,800 58 21 1410.2 Technical Salariea 16,900 90 22 1410.4 Legal Expense 2,800 15 23 1410.9 Employee Benefit Contributions 2,700 14 . 24 1410.10 Travel 500 3 25 1410.12 Publications 200 1 26 1410.14 Membership Dues and Fees • 0 • 0 27 • 1410.16 Telephone and Telegraph 950 5 28 1410.19 Sundry Administration Coats , 10.600 57 Total Administration 45,450 243 35 1420 Interest • • 30,000 160 � 36 1425 Initial Operating Deficit • 4,675 � Planning ' 40 1430.2 Consultant Fees ' 0 . 0 41 1430.5 Appraisals and Cost Estimates 6,600 35 . 42 1430.7 Inspection Coats 6,000 32 43 1430.8 Fee for HUD Services 5,598 30 • 44 1430.9 Housing Surveys ' 0 0 45 1430.�9 Sundry Planning Costs 374 2 Total Planning 18,572 99 Equipment • 50 1465 Dwelling Equipment - Nonelderly 0 0 51 1465 Dwelling Equipment - Elderly 35,530 190 52 1475 Nondwelling Equipment 28,000 150 - Total Equipment . � 63,530 340 55 TOTAL BEFORE CONTINGENCY AND RELOCATION 2,756,665 14,741 � �� . 56 CONTINGENCY 1.75% 48,242 258 60 TOTAL BEFORE RELOCATION 2,804,907 14,999 � 61 Relocation Costs � 62 1495.1 Moving - Individuals and Families 0 0 63 1495.2 Moving - Businesses 0 0 64 1495.3 Relocation Adj. Pymts. - Ind. & Fam. 0 0 65 1495.4 Small Business Displ. Pymts. U 0 66 1495.5 Relocation Services 0 0 Total Relocation 0 0 70 TOTAL DEVELOPMENT COST 2 80� 4�,907 14,999 ' 75 Demolition included in 02 (if available) 0 76 Value of Existing Improvementa on aite included in O1 (if available) 0 (1) . � • . 2. SUPPORTING DATA FOR COST ESTIMATES / 1410.1 Nontechnical Salaries (See attached Supporting Data Schedule) m $ 10,800 1410.2 Technical Salaries (See attached Supporting Data Schedule) = 16,900 1410.19 Sundry Administration Costs (See attached Supporting Data Schedule) = 10,600 1430.5 Appraisals and Cost Estimates (2 cost est. @ $3,000 + 2 appraisals @ $300) = 6,600 1430.7 Inspection Costs (15 mo. x $1,000/mo, x 40% time) a 6,000 ' 1465 Dwelling Equipment (187 ranges @ $85 and 187 refrig. @ $105) � 35,530 1475 Nondwelling Equipment (See attached Supporting Data Schedule) � 28 000 , 3. ESTIMATE OF DWELLING CONSTRUCTION AND EQUIPMENT COST (Statutory Room Cost) a. Nonelderly, 0 units, 0 rooms b, Elderly, 187 units, 599 rooms ' Amount Per Unit Per Room Dwelling Construction and Equipment I (Elderly) $2,047,762 x x x x x x � Contingency (1.75%) 35,836 x x x x x x • Total 2,083,598 $11,142 $ 3,476 Gross Area of Dwelling Space 121,892 Sq. Ft. Cost Per Square Foot $17.09 ., 4. DWELLING BUILDINGS a. ' Type 1/ D SD , AE R Totals , Stories 1 2 8 � 1 Units Bedrooms ' Efficiencies - - 112(112)2/ - 112(112) 56(56)3/ 1-Bedrooms - - 74(74) - 74(74) 74(74) 2-Bedrooms - - 1(1) - 1(1) 2(2) 3-Bedrooms - - - - - - � 4-Bedrooms - - - • - - ' - � 5-Bedrooms - - - - - - Toteis i$��ls�> is��is�> 132(132) , 1/ D--Detached; SD--Semi-detached; R--Row; AE--Apts. Elevator; AW-Apts. Walk-up. 2/ Show first, total units for e�ch building type; and second, in parentheses, those units designed apecifically for the elderly. • 3/ Efficiencies have a count of � bedroom. " b. If necessary for relocation of elderly from Urban Renewal Projects, I86 units would be available. �2) . a, a ..,..�=w,.-F-.-.-.R.,..--..,....:....,�..�,..-,.....,.....�.-__�_ _._ _ _.. . - -- - - - - � y 1� , ��;�— �+...r• r.a_...-..aw..i+n�r�.rsrar�r+�+....r.+ � � i • 5. GROSS AREAS OF NONDWELLING BUILDINGS OR SPACES a. Administrative Buildings or Spaces 220 sq, ft. b. Maintenance Buildings or Spaces 1,816 sq, ft. r c. Communi�y Buildings or Spacee 2,796 sq. ft. 6. LOWEST pRIVAT� R�NT3 (GAP DEMONSTRATION) All elderly, none needed. 7. DEMONSTRATION OF `ADEQUACY OF RELOCATION RESOURCES AND RELOCATION PLAN Not applicable as there are no buildings on the site. 8. CITY MAP � See attached Exhibit "A". I , � i (3) � � Minn. 1-18 AT�ACI�N'� �Q SUPPORTING DAT•A FOR COST ESTIMATES � • 1410.1 Nontechnical Salaries . � - " Operations (Administrative) i � '� Annual $110,158 • '% Fifteen months 137,698 ; Per Cent 7.84� $1Q,800 . � : • . z 1410.2 Technical Salaries . . � Development & Design Staff � Annual $111,171 { Fifteen Months 138,964 K � : Per Cent 12.16% $16,900 • . 1410.19 Sundry Administration Costs ' Office rent, stationery and printing, • postage, insurance, advertising and ' , securing bida on equipment, travel and communication ' . $10,600 ' 1475 Nondwellin� Equipment ': . Office Furniture & Equipment (1475.1) $ 6,000 � I Maintenance Equipment (1475.2) 7,000 Community Space Equipment (1475.3) 8,000 ` Automotive Equipment (1475.7) 7,000 � ' Total Nondwelling Equipment $28 000 , i � , ' ,, ; Page 1 of 1