239429 � 3�'- �ag
Countil File No.�239429—By Robert F.
Gerald1vG.�JohnsonP�and others�ntl�at
scribed bep and the samee fierebyd is
vacated and discontinued as a publlc
All that portion of the north-south
southeaserlykop' Ov�erd°Orawn a�
right angles to the easterly Iine o4
said alley £rom its point of inter-
section with the nortl}� line of Lot
20, Block 12, Overbrook�I•
subjebt c�cpressly to the following con-
ditions and,reservations:
, 1. That the vacation be subject to
all the terrris and conditions of
Section 22g of the Legislative'Code,�
as amended;
2. That an easement be retained by -
the City for the construction, oper-
ation and maintenance of a tuture
" tion of the alley as described irpthe
vacation petition, including the
, right of surface flowage of runoff;
3. That a specific easement be re-
tained to protect the 'interest of
the Northern States'POwer 4Com-
� 4•pThat the
City the sumeof ioner pay to the
tion for tlie �� as compensa-
the City with aabonid in�th�e�o�t
of $l�0pp,
Adopted by the Council Tu�y 12, 1�68,
Approved Ju�y 12, 1968.
(Ju�Y 20, 1968)
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