239405. � - r ' r ^�%OR161NAL TO CITY CL6RK A�^ �. ., -.. CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO %� �' '� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CO R O TIO�G ERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE DATF RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Saint Paul, pur- suant to the applicable Minnesota Statutea, Section 117.�2, that an appeal having been taken thereto and now is pending in the District Court in and for the County of Ramsey and State of� Minneaota, from the Award of Damages in the amoun� of $1$000.00, as made and confirmed by the prior resolution of this . Council, C. F. 238993� approved June 11, 1968, for the conLlemna��.on and taking under power of eminent domain by said City of the land described on Exhibit A which is attached hereto and by reference made a part hereof, in and by which that certain public improvement proceeding instituted, conducted and completed therefor by said City under applicable provisions of its Home Rule Charter, in the matter of condemning and taking said property for street - purposes as described on Exhibi� A; that hereby said Counc�l appropriates and sets aside in the Treasury of said City, in a fund therein to be known as The Condemnation and Award Fund, a sum of money equal in amo�znt to said Award of Damages, to-wit the sum of $18,000.00, and does hereby provid.e for the retention thereof therein during the pendency of said appeal, and, further, that the Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund Code 6000 be encumbered to the extent of the above recited Award pending disposition of said appeal, available at all times for the payment thereof upon demand to whomsoever shall be shown to have a clear right thereto, and hereby further pledges the full faith and credit of said Gity for the payment of any increase of said Award of Damages allowed upon said appeal, and that said appropriation is made from the funds of the City heretofore appropriated. and made available therefor. � r -y> F �M APP�O�,� - --- � A�st. Corporation Counset _ JUL Z � 196E � COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas rlays �.�� � � 1�96� � Dalglish Approved 19—_ Meredith Tn Favor Peterson � ' Sprafka ; Mayor � A gainst Mr. President, Byrne F?I�BL�SHED J�L 13 �� � ' « .r`-^-�»� � � , • `,'�� ..�, �. ' , rt ,_,� . � . . � ..��T w� „ r - ; . 4 EXHI�IT A ���� � 's , ir' ' Council File No. • , � , i ���c�i�, ���icic�ii ;incl cxLc�i�cl T��if'r�yc,l Ir� I;��,��I I,y c�niicic�mn.in�; �ncl t:<�k.iii,; Ih�: f „1 ; .,,.. .i••� , �Ic�:;��i� i I�i�cl I i�l.:; ,iiiil. ��,ii�c�c�l :; ��I� I ,iii�l, :i I I i�i l:li�� C:i.tJ ��f.` SL. T'�iul ; I 'I'li;il' ��;��'I iil� I',nl: ? n.f.� �7�lr.�v.i.:;t �til�clivi:; i.rut nC f,o�L- No. 3, nC I;;i:.��' i,cic! it ;.,.: ,:; , (liil I,�,f :; I��� �;I:. T'��tta., 'L'li;il: i�ri�i.�l: ��I' l���rr;l�i�i�i.n,L'cr. �tr.e��t var_�t�cl, t.}�r,�,� � �r•t nl: I��,I�:; �I , �,, G, 7, S, �incl � ��f' (�i�c�y ;incl C�I�hs Stzhcli.vi�;ion �!' f,��l: �;�,.� r, ;;, ' I;;i�:; ' � �\clil:i.l: i.c�ii �f ntrL' T���t:s �Ln 5,.i.inL P�nt:l , Lh�se �ar.t5 oJ' L��LS �►, r�, r,, ::;,,; 7 ; i it R I ��cl� ? „I' lt��lire��' s [\dcl:i.t�.�n �l:n ;�L P<<i.i.l_ 1`1inn. , thosc par.t5 r�; i,r�i.�; 7 ,,r;r; %, � ii� ]� I ��c�l: .L c,f: linlix�cr. ' s 11dcl.i.t:i.�» L'� SL- P��ul_ Nlinn. , tha� par� �i' T,�L ((, 5�,�� f,in�� I'l�i l� \'�i:�il�c�i� 7, ,�ncl that ��►rt o.0 ]3nhi^cr C�ur�t vacated lyin� wi�Llii.n tl��. ; r,i i n•:;_ ; �.n,_; cic����.i�_i.l�c�cl .I..i.�ics: Cornmencing zt thc P�int o1: intersection of. thr� �_r,r,�r,r � l :i.ne �1' ihi:ive���_C�t:y 1lvenuc and �rhe herc�ina:Fter described line desi;;n���c�] ;,�; ; "'I,i.ne El"; �l:l�cric:c caesterly alon� the c��zter ]_ine oF University 1lveni��. ,� �1 ;.<,_ • . �rance �.0 1_�,:L.(12 :Cc�et to a �oin�t; thencc� northerly at a right an�1e z �li�,- t:�ncc� o:C 3(1 I:ce�L- �to the north line oi' University Avenue, the �oint ��' b���;in- ' nin�; ot' tl�c� 1.:��ZC to be descril�ed; thence northeasterly along the arc ��£ a c:i.�cl.c tanRen�L to �the north line of Univei°sity Avenue and with a radius �� . ].31.n9 :l�cc�l-, ,� clistance of 103 .�6 fect to a point; thence noriheastr�rly al.�n� � s�l-rai;;h�t �.]_TiC which is tan��nt to the aforesaid arc of th� circle at the ].ast: desc��il�ecl Point and 37 feet northwesterly of and parallel to the }�er.ein- a.f�tc�i clescri.l�ccl lin� desi�nat�cl as rtLine Bri to the point of intersection GI:L�}l � � line 30 :Fce�t northeastPrly of and parall�l with the southwesterly linc �f r,o�t t[, Soo .T�ine Pl�t Numl�er 7, extended northwesterly; thence southeasterly alon� saicl p�iallel line to th� pres�nt northwesterly line of Lafayette Roacl; thence s�uthwesterly alono the said northwesterly line of Lafayette P.�ad ' to tl��� poin-t oF in�tersection �vith the northerly lin� of University l�venue; ther�ce �vestc�r]_y alono the northerly line of University Avenue to the point o� . Ue�;innino, f:onether with the rioht of acc�ss;;. being the right of ingress to � � ancl eo ess fr�m all those portions of th� said above described lots and par- ce].s oF lancl not acquired h�rein, to the realigned Lafayette Road, as shoc,�n Y�y Dra�eino N�. 18d7, Drawer ��, clated Sept. 23, 1965, on file in the Departm�nt oF Ptib]_ic �Voi,hs. � -� ' �` Also those Parts of I�ots 5, f, S , 9, and 10, in Block 7 of Warren C� �Jinsloc,ls adclition to -Ll�� To�vn of St. Paizl, fihat part of Lafayet�e Avenue vacated (fr�r- me��1y �{erl:im��, Sti e�-t) , bounded on the southwest by the northeasterly line of: thc North�r.n Paci�ic Rail�vay Comp�ny right-of-way, which is located northeas- te�^ly of }3ase Line D?o. 2, as descri}�ecl in 27�� Deeds 74, on the southeast by the north�vestcrly line of the �resent Lafayette Road, on the northeast by the soiztlierly linc of Arlc�vright Street, and on the northwest by a line that is 37 i'c�et noi�thwesterly of and parallel to th� hereinafter described line desio atc�d a s TiI,ine P,r'. , . AJ_so condemnino and tal<in� an e�sement for bridge and highway purposes on, , over, and aci^oss that certain par.cel of land bounded on the southeast by a li�ie -tli�t is 33 f�e-t southeastcrly of and paral]_el to the hereinafter des- eril�ecl line desi�n�tecl as T'Line Pi', on the southwest by a• line 30 feet , �zorthcastc�rl�� of ancl parallel with th� southwesterly line of Lot H, Soo Linc • Fl_�t Numb�r. 7, and the northcvesterly extension thereof, on the northcvest by �l �.111C 37 i'ee�t northwesterly of�ncl parallel to said Line B, and on the nortl�- e;�st hy thc northeasterly line of the Northern Pacific Railway Company rig}rt- o.C-��7ay n�hich is located northeastci^ly of Base Line No. 2, as described in 27�E Dcecls 7�E. - . • \ =,r� , ----,--'--' --'.. T..•'a�,�C.= ^� � !�� ` � • .. .. .. � ~ • " � , �. . l , • 0 ' .. � , • L .. ,. -. �r� • , � . � . � x � ` n I :;r, ���T�cic�inri i.n;; nncl t��l:'.i.�tc; ��i:,c�ni��ii L�, .i ii Ll�c land neeeSSary .Qr�r fihr. �.l r,F��.,', � ' c��il::;, uiicl I.:I.I.IS .LI1C� ll(�.I.il�; 1:':L;.�,IiL' ��I� r.�clm��vt.i.l. �l� ].ateral Su�T��,rt fr���,; �,,��, ���•t. .l ,iiicl rn� ��c�m�t.i.>>cic�� �l:licrc�.L� cic�c�,i�.i.r�iic�cl I�y cxeavati��ns thcr.eoC c�r. ��flfi.`:,.:�„c�t i��n � �,I' :,Lo�c�� .i.ii l:lic� �;r.,tclin�; �ncl ��;ivi.ii�; �I.' LaC�-�yet�te Roacl as her.cCn ��E,�.r;�,��� �f;,, i cxl�c�iiL ��I' :;;ii.cl c�,c�meni:� L� l�r_ ,�� �,I�r����n �n Drawin� N�. 1807, nr�i�•;r�r� �L - c1;�Lr,.cl Sc���t:. 23, 1.�1fi5, ori f=i.1,� :i.�► Llic J)c��nr.�Lment o�' Public I�Joxi<s.. ' � ' • � z . , _ t . i �\I ��, c�niicic�mii.inc; ;�ncl t�l:in� �L'cm����r.�-��i�y c�i�c�mc�ri�LS for constructi.r�n pur.�,,�;�_:; t iic�c;�•��;i�.�y f.ni� �����. �,i���l:�n� �ncl Pnv i n;; �f' I�,..�.f.ayet Le Road as herein r,�.,r.,,�,��� k l-1ic�• c'xl:el�l c�(' �ti.icl casements tc� he ��s shoevn on Drawing No. ].807, " 11��.l���c��.� �I , clnl:e�� ���p-�, 23 , 19G5, �n I'�ilc i.n the Department of Puh]_�.c S�l�,r. k�, " ��iicl tei�i��n��rii,�y c�.nnsLrue�t:ion easemen�ts -L-o �ter.minat� on neeember 37., 1�)f,��, �� t � . . - _ } . /�.L�c, c�l,an;;:i.ric; �l-l�e �.;r.acle of LaFayette Road from University Avenue to � �\�.'1.cvr-i;1i� S l:a:�c�c l: to conform to the grade shown on the profile on t'i].r_ �i.n Llic nc��rr.mc�lt: �,.0 Pul�lic [�orlcs. - . , _ . _ , • � _ , ffLINE A1t . . . : = _ F - . , . .Conur�encin� a�l- the intersection of the center line of Grove Street wi�h the o7^iginal centcr line of Lafayette Road; thence northerly along the said c�ntcr line o:C L,afayette Road a clistance of 531.17 feet; thence �ontinuino northerly on the �xtendecl aforesaid center line for a distance of 309.46 I'ee�l- to a point and there terminatino. ' � _ , �.. "LINE B�' ' � , , Commencing �t tlie point of intersection of the center line of Grove Street ancl the orioinal. center line of Lafayette Road; thence- northerly alono tl�e saicl centel� li.n� of Lafayette Road and the nbrtherly extension thereof a '-" distance of S�0.63 i'eet to tl�e �oint of beoinning of the. line to be descrihed; thence c1el'].ect to the ri�ht at an angle of 45°03 ' on a straioht line a dis- •tance of 6G2 .7�1 i'Pet to a point; thence on a 4°46.St deo ee curve' to the rioht . (clelt� an�].e 7°02i) with a radius of 1,200 fect, a distance of 147.30 feet to a point; thence nor.theasterly on a straioht line tangent to the aforesaid curve a distance of 284.20 feet �to a point and there terminating. ' ' -- " , � . � ����. , ���� The attached resolution is necessary in order that the city may x, enter and take posses5ion of the property prior to £inal determination of the appeal o� Mr. Pilla. The quick taking is authorized by M.S. Sec. 117.42 if a fund to pay the award is set aside in the city treasury. Gerald Swanson