239404 , . � ORI6�,AL TO CITY CLERK (1����� I CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. �� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK IL R SOLU — ENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE DATF RESOLVED, That the proper officers of the City of Saint Paul are hereby authorized and directed to enter into Agreemen.t with Van Doren—Hazard—Stallings—Schnacke for street plan.n.ing services, as more particularly set forth in said Agreement. fORM APPROVED � As t. Corporation o se JUL 1 1 19�. COUNCILMEN , Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays ���, � 1 1968 Dalglish �� Approved 19—_ Meredith � Tn Favor Peterson _ ' Sprafka Mayor v A gainst �°`' 1968 Mr. President, Byrne p�BLISHE� JUL 13 �O ' C � . � Z� qy�`f , A G R E E M E N 7 Agreement for Engineering Services betv�een the CITY OF SAiNT PRUL, a municipal corporation and VA.N DO�Et�J-HAZA�,C-S'if'tLLit�ii,S-SCHNACKE, Consuiting Engineers, 1745 University �tvenu�, Si:. Paul , Minnesota 551a4. TH1S AGREEMENT, made and entered into this day of , ]968, by and between �khe C!!Y OF SAIN7 PAUL, a municipal corporatic�n of the State of Ptircnesota, . . '"ng in the premises by and through i ts Cc�,��:i�.:r.r,er of Publ ic 4lorks and o4her proper off icers, � under the authority o�F a resolu�tion or' its Council , C,r�. No. , approved , lg , hereinafter called the City, and the ' Engineering Firm of VAN DOREN-HAZARD-STALLINGS-SCHNACKE, hereinafter called the Engineers. IJ I TNESSETH: 41HEREAS, The City has urgen� need for certain tF�oroughfare planning and functional layout throughout the City to serve as a basis for many contemplated improvement projects and WHEREAS, City Agencies are inadequately staffed at present to perform said planning and preliminary functional layout services. , NO1J, THEREFORE, for and in consideration o�' certain amounts hereinafter specified to be paid to the Engineers by the City, the , Engineers agree to do, at their own cost and expense, all the engineeri,ng �NOrk as hereinafter specified under this Agreement. �SFCTION "A"-GENERAL SCOPE The engineering services shall consist in general of the • determination of basic concepts, locations, alignments, approximate ri-ght- of-way requirements and preliminary cost estimates for orderly development of major traffic ways, arterial and collecfor streets, �o serve projected traffic and proposed land uses within a designated area, generally described as being bounded on the east by lntersta�e Route 35�, on the north by �he city limits, on the west by Trunk Nighway 280, Pelham Boulevard south of Interstate Route 94 and the h'�ississippi River, and on the south by Summit Parkway and Summit Avenue to Interstate Route 94 along Rice Street to University Avenue and on the extension of Universify Avenue easterly to Interstate Route 35E including the southern portions of the Short Line Route. SECTi0�1 "B"-DE�CRIPTION OF 4JORK ITEt1S t . Assembly and Analysis or Exis�ing Information This item of �vork will include the assembly of all pertinent traffic d�ta, reports, brochures, maps and miscellaneous documents foilowed by a review and analysis o-� the collected material . Preliminary con�erences witl be held with atl agencies and groups detiermined by the City to have an interest in the work in order to obtain information about their special needs, considerations and viewpoints. The Engineer shall keep a record of t�e dates, subjects 'a.nd peopte invoived in all� conferences with other agencies. The purpose of this item is to provide a point of beginning for the work outlined in this proposal . Included in fihis item is the securing of a minimum amount of up-to-date aerial photography necessary for the 4�ork. . . 2. Developmertfi of Basic Concept Plan This work item will be comprised of the development ot a • "Basic Concept Plan" invot'ving a thoroughTare plan or plans including all component and supplementary routes on a schematic and broad basis. The selection of the thoroughfares for this "���� � " , . : ^ - " � • based on a consideration o�f all pertinent r��to�� in��u:ii;�.� `. . _ _..�;; routes, traffic assign�;ents, schoois, colleges and universities, churches, parks, residential areas, commercial and industrial areas, previous planning and current dev��opments. ihe selection �,rill include a review and consideration of any to��cai alternative locations or routes to the � degree necessary to determine ti;eir inportance �or possibie inclusior� in the thoroughfare pl an. Th i s procedure r�ia; s-esut t i n tne :�n�',}�:�i s of possibly three or nore alternative soiutions fio the thorougi��i�re plan. Traffic assignments to all major routes in the designated area as previously determined and indicated for the "Joint Program System 14" and provided by the City of S�. Paul and the i�finnesota Highway Department �yill be used as a basis for tirork contempiated by this proposal . Any necessary additional traffic assignmen�s are expected to be made by accepted manual methods using the "Joint Program System 14" assignments as a basis. Additional traffic counts at specific locations which by reason of this work may be found to be desirable and necessary for a comple�e evaluation of the problem will be made by the City or St. Pau1 . In the development o-f the "Basic Concept Plan" consideration will be given to the capacity of existing arterials and streets with the expectation that the existing street and arterial system will continue to form the major part of the final thoroughfare plan. Further consideration of the possible increasing of capacity of exisling links by means of signals, signal systems, medians and other similar improvements will be included in the anticipated work. . 3. Preparation of Individual Concept Plans This item of work is proposed to include the preparation of individual concept plans or drawings for each thoroughfare route or segment and �he possible alternatives, •establishing interchange locations on the free�ray segments and showing general contiguration and location of routes. These individuai concept plans will be prepared at a scale of 1 " = 500' by superimposing proposed route plans on aeriai photographic images half-toned on 28" x 40" sheets of mylar drafting film, suitable. for reproduction by blue printing or photographic printing. Plan work and photographic images � wiil be on opoosite sides of the film so that changes and future up-dating can be accomplished thereon. This item of work will also inciude the consideration and evaluation o�f possible alternative routes which would be potenfial for inclusion in the proposed thorough-Fare pian and the preparation of preliminary cost estimate for such alternatives. ihese estimates in combination with other data affecting and influencing location will �orm a basis for deciding the , practicality of such possible alterna�ive locations as a part of the thoroughfare plan. An analysis of the possible alternatives and the ultimate selection of a thoroughfare plan or plans on �he basis of its traffic service and ' community relationship and its economic value 4vi11 be the objective of this item of work 4. Final Basic Concept Plan and Narrative Report - Upon complerion of Item 3, the selected thoroughfare plans will be presented to the City with a recommendation as to the plan appearing to be the most desirable. ihis work item includes time for conferences with -2- ' the City �nd �other agencies designared by the City as necessary to assure and understanding of the recomnended and other pians and to reasonably �ssure the acceptance of fih� thoroughfare plan considered to be most desirable. . , This item will aravide for the completi�n o� the "Basic Concept Plan" on the basis of the general acceptance by the City, and will include the preparation of a• narrative report discussing both the selected routes and those studied and rejected. This work item wi � � G?so include the prepart �ion of a suitabie map of the des i gnated area and �;�,. .���:!�i tv ;� �� r��'�� of 1 "=2000' adequate to port ray the rel at i onsh i p of the area anci thc �.;i v::_��, '�'�:.roughfare pl an to the adjacent thoroughfares and adjacent business, comme�� ;i and residential areas. . Atso inciuded in this item is the preparation at a 1 " to 1000' scale of a map of the designated area and �i�nal thoroughfare plan on an aerial photographic base suitable for reduction and inctusion in the report. SECTION "C"-COMPLETION l . The signing of this Agreement tiyill automafiicaiiy authorize the Engineers to proceed forthwith with the execution of the work described herein under Sections "A" and "B". 2. All work provided for in this Agreement shall be complefed by the Engineers within 180 days of the afTec�ive date of this Agreement. 3. The results of the Engineer's investigation shall be contained in a bound report on 8'-z" by Ii" sheets, prepared to include the narrative described in Section "B"-4, and exhibits adequate to present the results of the u�rork to be accomplished under this proposal . The individual concept plan sha11 be bound separately from the report without reduction in ' size o� sheet, so as to provide an easily reviewed and comprehensive presentation of the final thorough�are plan. These sheets will supplement the report but not be included therein. Together they will form the "13asic Concept Plan" -For the designated area. Thirty copies of the report and fitteen copies or the individual concept plans shalt be provided by the Engineers to the City. SECTION "D"-MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS ' l . ihe services of the Engineer's personnel for explanation and discussion of the "Basic Concept Pla�" to agencies or groups as determined to be necessary by the City, shall be provided by the Engineer to a reasonable degree. Special exhibits which may be necessary for public hearings or other purposes shall be prepared by the Engineer if determined to be needed by the City, but the cost of such exhibits shall be considered the subjecfi of additional compensation to the Engineer as may be negotiated between the Engineer and the City and shall not be considered incidental to ihe basic fee described in Section "E" hereo�. 2. The City and the Engineers each bind themselves, their partners, successors, executives, administrators and assigns, to the other party of this Agreement and neither the City nor the Engineers shall assign, sublet or transfer his interest in this Agreement �vithout the writtien consent of the other, 3, it is understood and agreed thaf minor changes in the Rartnership of the Engineers shail not operate to cancel this Agreement. -3- f , o 4. The Engineers agree to save harmiess the City, its , employees and officials ��rom any and all iiability arising out of any damages resulting ��rom or ciaim to result from the negligence o�� the Engineers for their employees, contractors or sub-contractors in fihe performance of this contract and the work provided for herein. 5. It is further agreed that any and all employees of the � Eng i neers, wh i i e engaged i n the perforr>>ance of any worlc or serv i ces requ i red or provided for herein shall be considered employees of the Engineers only and not of the City, and any and al ] claims that may or might arise out of the worlunens compensation act of the State of Minnesota, on behalf of said employees while so engaged and any and all clain�s by any third � parties as a consequence of any act or omissic;:: on the part of said Engineer's employees while so engaged in any ofi the Hrork or services provided to be rendered herein shalj be the sole obligation and responsibility o� the Engineers. ' SECTION "E"-ENGINEER'S COMPENSATiOA! l . For the services rendered by the Engineers under Sections "A", "B", "C", and "D" herein, payments shall be in a totai sum of ihirty-two Thousand Eight Hundred Fifty Doliars ($32,850000) payable as hereinafter described. A sum limited �o a maximum of l"wenty Thousand Dollars ($20,000.00) sf�ali be payable by the City to the Engineers in monthly instalinents according to the progress of the work as estimated by the Engineers and approved by the City. ihe final payment and full settlement of the City's obligation hereunder shail follow and be subject to approval and acceptance of the finai report provided for in Section "C" of this Agreement. 2. Payments based on work progress for amoun�s earned by the Engineers under Division "A" through "D" and subject to the linitation in Section "E"-i , shall be made by the City to the Engineers within thirty (30) days from and after receipt by the City of an accurate detail , bili or statement together with suppor�ing documentation showing the amounts earned. tN TESilMONY IdHEREOF, the parties have duly executed this Agreement by �the duly authorized officers and caused their respective seals to be hereunto affiixed. I N PRESENCE OF C I"f'Y OF SA INT PAUL Mayor Commissioner of Public 4lorks City Clerk - Countersigned: Approv as to fo m ,.,,-�� City Comptroller Assi � an Cor �rat on Co sel VAN DOREN-HAZARD-STALLINGS-SCHNACKE By Approved as to form and execution Assistant Corporation Counsel -4-