D001306xo. D f1� 13�� Date:�'�� { � • CITY OF SAINT PAUL - OFFICS OF THS MAYOR ADMIISZSTRATSVIs' ORDER for CO23TRACT CFl�P7GFs AGRSEMENT 230. 2 ADMIZSISTRATIVE ORDER, Whereas, additions which proved to be necessary to the Improvement described as: Como Park Conservatorv - Phase One: Utilitv Work known as Contract 18231 , City Project No. B95-00-15 ,F M Frattalone Excavatina & Gradina. Contractor, is composed of the following: 1. Remove concrete £ooting from new water line trench. Add S 594.00 2. Replace broken water main/cap on existing line. Add 436.70 3. Add sanitary line from North House pool and connect to sanitary line in street. Add 2,750.00 4. Compensation for tree damage incurred during construction work. Deduct (575_00) ---- ------------------- TOTAL NET ADD $3,205.70 ORDERED, That the City of Saint Paul, through its Mayor, approves the foregoing additions made in accordance with the specifications in the sum of $ 3.205.70 , said • amount to be added to the lump sum consideration named in the contract, known as Contract 18231 , and which amount is to be financed from: Original Contract Sum $156,000.00 Change Orders to Date 60,318.00 Amount this Chanae 3.205.70 New Contract Sum $219,523.70 Chief Engineer Director of cc: City Clerk Finance Department � Department Accounting � Pro}ect Manager Contractor Inspector Office Copy Contract File Copy � ��i9 9"�- � � 19 Q� �reation 19_ 19 � 35mS C�-3d63-5-0882-33051 F.M. Frattalone Excavatina & Gradinq. Inc. Contractor By Letters dated 5/15. 6/16 & 7/11/97 of Financial Services ., < !`�r ve Assistant to the Mayor APPROVED AS TO FORM _ . ✓/� � /�"� / "� F�/_ DEPAqTMENf/OFFICE/COUNCIL DAiEINR1ATEp GREEN SHEET �� I NO. J `_j Parks and Recreation 7/24/97 CONTACfPEFtSONANDPHONE INffIAVDAiE INfT1Al/DAiE I Pesek 66419 � 1 �EPARTMENT DIREGTOFl __CRY COUNCIL ASSIGN NUMBER FOR Z GT' ATfORNEY �L CITY CLERK MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY (DA'!� ��NG ortnen 3 FlNANCIAI SEFVICES OIR. � PARKS & FECREATION nJA MAYOR (OR ASS�STANTI _ � TOTAL t OF SIGNANRE PAGES � �CLIP ALL LOCAilONS FOR SIGNANRE� �� �^ ACiION REQUESTED: ! i� Approval of Contract Change Agreement Ido. 2 43��3�3N Como Park Conservatory - Phase One: Utility Work RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve (AI o� Fejec[ (R� PERSONpL SERVICE CONTRAGTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: PLANNING COMMISSION _CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION �, Has [his person/flrtn evsr worked under a conhact for [hi5 tlepartmenV CIB COMMffTEE _ VES NO A STAFF 2. Has [M1is persoNfGm ever been a city employeet -- YES NO DISTRICT COUNQL — — 3 Does this person/firtn possess a skill no[ normally possessetl by any cu�rent ci[y employee? SUPPORTS WHICH COUNLIL OBJECTIVE? YES NO ' Explain all yo answers on separata aheet anE attach to green shee[. INRIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITV IVJho, Wha[, When, Whe�e, Why): Concrete footings encountered during excavation for water line installation. Installation ot water pipe cap required to replace cracked cap encountered during instalfation of new pipe. Installation of sanitary line in North House required in order to separate storm rainwater from indoor pool (sanitary ' water). Credit for trees damaged during installation of utility lines. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: � � p _ „_ � �" i� = • Water lines will be properly instafled in dedicated alignment. a " ����� Storm water will be separated from North House pool sanitary water. ��� �+ 19g City will receive credit for damage to trees. �_ �, » „-� DISADVAMAGES IF APPROVED: V None DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: Contractor will not be paid tor additional work completed. City will not receive credit due. TAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ 3.205.70 COST/REVENUE BUDGEfEO ICIHCLE ONE) YES NO �� FUNDIN6SOUflCE Met. Council Grant SG-95-66 AClIVITYNUMBER (�-3JOm5-0882-33051 FINANCIAL INFOBMATION: ¢XPLAIW (`� . 7 r� LJ u May 15, 1997 �l�;�r�c., �lv� !�7 F.M. FRATTALONE ��130� EXCAVATING dc GRADING� jI�IC. 3066 Spruce Street • St.Paul, MN 55ii7 (bi2) 484-0448 • Fax (612) 484-7839 City of 5t. Paul Parks & Recreation Department 300 City Hall Annex 25 West Fourth Street St. Paul, M�I 55102 :. �' y ATTM: Mr. Bill Pesek . RE: Como Park Conservatory Restoration - Phase T St. Paul, MN P.O. #015618 FMF #1351 Dear Bill: « • Below is a list of change order requests incurred to date: 1. Hammer out existing £ooting in water trench S 594.00 2. Capped existing watermain outside of water vault 436.70 TOTAL Bl, 030. 70 � If you agree with these requests, please incorporate them into a change order as soon as possible. Sincerely, F.M. EXCAVATING & GBADIHG, IHC. �� Steve Havel Utility Superintendent SH/kbj COMMERCIAL • INDUSTRIAL • MUNICIPAL • UTILITIES • DEMOLITION • ENVIRONMENTAL s�0 Snow Fiowing F� Removal .����.9_ F.1VI. FRATTALONE /' ��,;;: :��,,;,�-. EXCAVATINCi c� GRADING, INC. ;"��� � , . CQh�ME��IAL €� �ESIDENTIAL �,�:;,,�� �/>, 3vE6 Spcuce Street = Sc. Pau1 Ivfiv 551I7 t�l�s C��QS�a�ksr � f���� `�' 3�� t ; �� p, �� � �' � � s�� ���I'�SAvTs;R: �-fi7" ��' / �i_--- 34E � �#aE : � �� a r � D,�TE : � c �Q� 9 � � (q�Q, �,!'J7'�kf La4BOR AHD EGUYPMEHT FOR: j' � �a � �'.�c° �x�,ez.�a�€�.� �,.,� �� FFtIURS RATE T�T� a e �,�h� �355 � �035 � � f�1� �-`' � ����� ��� ; �.- � . �rn . �— �"fr�, �e}� ttic�r .�/'�� � 9>7 �` �--`�� � i� �u�°ro�r�a� � � �P {'� _� � � �`� i j �j;� � /� 'f, aVERNEAD & PROFIT Torna. �at,L�� Phone: (612) 484-0�?4S � Fa�c: (612) 484-?839 .-��-� � oo ��D � �� �.' �� � � M� � 7 `�= ; 9� � 3�''� �!_-- �L ,,-� pUTHpftIZED SIGHAI°LiRE Snrns* 2''lev�n� �'z3.emaval �'-'TZnZ 1� l�l� L �L 1����V1 `L �i�;��4t'.: "�"'-`=�'�` EX�A�ATING � GRADING,INC. ��- -.�. i��' `= C0�4VIERCIAL e� RESIDENTiAL •� ..�:�_�:�y �.- jC56 5pruce Stceet • St. P�luS, h�fP2 5711' s�:�.;, 0.9Y1 Ja� L�catior.; 5'�, ��� - pwnes �`vontractor: � • C����� �RaER1AUTt�OR1Z�T10N Joa ,�Iar;� job Number: � � �a`1 C' �CA� � — ` , �ra±Yaic��°;ot Foreman: I ! €'lYJ /S �l � -- Date: _�-9�� �e here?�y rec�uest change ordes authorization for additianal work to be completed, nat , u�clu�l�u +� originai contrac+.. ��s�ri�,tian of work to be performed: � ?�'� fi��e-intendent: � � _— -- �.u�hotized Signature � x , 3 = 3`f.5= : � � �ru�� ��� ! �' 5��� QLantity: r — Cost: 57 � �� to°o O�P � o a �- 5� , Generat Conrractor App:oval � rf Phone: {612) 4�54-0�8 V Fax: {612) 484-"1839 ATTN: BILL PESEK OPOSAL SUBMITTED TO City of St. Pau1 - �xn�r�,sttl F.M. FRATTALONE EXCAVATING & GRADING, INC. Commercial & Residential Site Grading & Compaction 3066 Spruce Street St. Paul. MN 55117 Phone: (6121484-0448 Fax: (6121484-7839 .p oot3� une 16, 1997 JOB LOCATION FAX 292- We hereby submit specificat�ons and estimates for: SANITARY SEWER WORK OUR PROPOSAL LNCLUDES: 1 � Coainect_.tQ esisting_cla�tile_inside_cpnservata�y____.�______________.__________ _ Core_ drill,existi�wall �--- ._...,.._.- ,------ -- ---.___. .--�__,__.. -,---- _. ____.__. --�__ _.--.. 3. Install 100' of 4" PVC 4. Tie into existing sanitary - - � - - _ _ - — � ff - — OUR PROPOSAL DOES NOT INCLUDE �, (�� ,(/Yry,(J�j pyL�p�a-�j/97 �-- -- � _ _ _ �� -�� -- -- _ . ��_. _ _ ___ _ __ _ � __ _ l. 3oi1_testing, - --,--- _ __ _ . __._ ___�, �-7a�0edll __.�_ �_,-� �-7 ° - �-- —__ - - .. _ ..__ - - --- - . �_ _ . _� � . _ T _� _ _ __ _ _ _ . . - - -- — . . _ . __ - ____ - _ __ . ._ __� ��'<'"!� � !°.e� c_� �P �rII}tOS�hereby to�urnish material and labor - complete in accordance with above specifications, for the sum of: TWO THOUSAND SEVEN HUNDRED FIFTY dollars($ 2+�50.00 ), Payment to 6e made as follows: �1� t-����.s� �.� 7Sd�o� � . All material is guarorReetl io be as speciKetl. All work to be mmO��eE m a workmanlike ! manner aecording to stendartl practices. Any aHeration or tleviation from above specifica- A�ho���� tions involving ertre costs witl De exetuted only upon writ[en oNere, and will become an $ig�3tUf¢ ` extraehargeoveranEaboveNeestimaM.AllagreementseoMingentuponstrike;acciEenfs Steve Havel ` or tlelays Oeyontl our mntrol. qvner M ca�ry fire, Wmatlo and other necessary ��sura�ce. Note: This proposal may be �rur workers are fiulty covered by Workmen's Compensation Insurance. withdfawn by US if �pt dCCCptEd Within ► ,C�Ll��p 1�1 ,�r��lT�ill —The above prices, spedfications and conditions are satisfadory and are hereby accepted. You are authorized Signature to do the wark as specified. Payment wiil be made as outl�ned above. Signature Date of Acceptance: 5 �� Page No. of 30 ,� , r .::.�L � F'u � '`� ✓ §� e . � .i # ATT.;: 3ZLL PHSEK ��D�II,�� F.M. FRATTALONE EXCAVATING & GRADING, INC. Commercial & Residential Site Grading & Compaction 3066 Spruce Street St. Paul, MN 55117 Phone: (6121484-0448 Fax: (6121484-78;i9 June cin. � � FAX 242-7405 We hereby submit specifications and estimates for: SANITr1RY SEWER WORK � a�, �� `� �J '-� � 1997 --OUx_ Pt2OPCSSrIL INCI�UDE$: --- - __-.- - -_ _._......._.. _. __._ . _ _._.. ___. . _ __ _,._ __.._ _----______ _...._. Y. Gonaect_ tsa__ex.i.st'ng_slay_Sile_insidesoaservstUr�--.- 2. _ Core__dri11_exiyting_ wa21 - -- - --._ __ _._. . _._._.___ ._ __.__._._.____ ___.. _ ..___ _ _ _..---- -----._____---. - 3. Instali 100` of 4" P�C _ _ _ _ �4. Tie iato existia� sanitar� eutside �� -- ---�— -- --- ----- ___ __ _. _ __ . �_ _. _ . _- � - � - - �� �;40POStiL D��S iJOT Z�CLUDE �,(� __, . �, --- -� --- 4.t�. �OY� .� , � dr' �J�ri��`��? _.. . __ --- _ _ _ ;� : -- -- -_ � _ __._ _ . _ . .. __ _ _ __ _. _ _ _ _ � - - i. ooil testin�_., _ , _ __ _ �+� - ��ci<d � � - � - _ � __ / _. _. _ _ _.. _ __. . _ __. � � � �- ��-� fxs"�G��?E. �%lLiilf�rX ..'.._ ' - � . _ _._ �_ �'�-�Lf'N�?l�t _?"`a^_', _: . . - - , ' � - . ' . �F �YIIpUS�hereby to�urnish material and iabor - complete in accordance with above specifications, for the sum of: THGUSAND SEJEN HUri'DicED FIFTY dollars($ 2>�50.00 ), nt to be made as toiiows: . , i� All mahrial is guaranieed M be as spetified. /UI v.vrk fo be eompletetl in a workmanlike �/'� manner acWttling to sfandattl p2etices. Any alterMion or tlNiation fmm above speeifica� A�hofiiEd tions inwlving ezVa wsts wiU be execuced onry upon wriUen uMers, anA wiil become an Signature Ste e Havel extra charge wer a�d above Me estimato. AII agroements contingeM upon sttikes, aceiCents or tlelays beyo�M our conkol. Owner to carry Bre, tomaEO and other necessary ;�surence. Note: This propoul may be �uus vro�kers are tully coverea by Workmen•s Comcensation IMUraMe. withdraW n by u5 if not accepted within ,C1irp�p � �r����pl--The above prices, specifications and rnnditions are`satisfactory a�d are hereby accepted, Yuu are auttwrized Signature ta do the work as specified. Payment wiil be made as outiined above. . � � �,_ Sigrtature Date of Acceptancei , ., S �� Page No. of 30 1� ooi3o6 DIVLSION OF PARKS AND RECREA'IION u Interdepartmental Memorandum CITY OF 3AINT PAUL TO: �ill Pesek / Pazks Design Section FI20M: Greg Reese / Forestry Section DATE: July 11, 1997 SUBJ: Tree Damage / Como Pazk Conservatory During springtime construcrion at the Como Conservatory, a number of conifers north of the Frog Pond were damaged when utilities were buried in the azea. Specifically, ten (10) trees e.g. 10" - 19" diameter - Douglas fir, Scotch pine, White pine, and Blue spruce - sustained root stock damage when a trench, approxunately 265' long x 5' wide uench, was excavated. The subject trees are one foot to five feet from the edge of the trench, which was excavated with a backhoe. • Moreover, branches were broken from several of the trees by the backhoe and outer bazk I cambium injuries were inflicted on two of the pine trees, e.g. 4" x 4". Devaluation of the affected trees based on outer bark / cambium injuries and branch damage is five hundred and seventy five dollars. Additional fuuire loss of value could accrue if daxnage to root stock results in general decline or wind-thrown trees. Further, turf damage could have been minimized if different construction techniques had been utilized. Fortunately, none of the trees have been toppled by high winds that have visited the area since April consirucrion. Nonetheless, wind hardiness has to be a concern with several of the uees that had buttress roots severed very close to the bole. Construcuon would have been much less injurious to the subject trees i£ conduit was direct buried in a slit-trench using a ditch witch or similar type apparatus more suitable for the tight quarters e�stent where the utility was be buried. If you have any quesuons regazding the contents of this report, please call me at 488-7291, ext. 306. CC: Thomas Karl . • w�r ���a � CIT1� O� SAINT PAUL DIVISION OF PARKS AND RECREATION PHONE (612)256-6400 F9X (612)292-74C5 .�r3o� DES(GN SECTIOIV 300 City Nall Annex 25 West Fourth Street St. Paul, Mi nnesota 55102 FAX MEMO DATE: 1� cJlA.�[ g7 TIME: TO: ��U� H���' PHONE: RE:�..�i G�I� E C��(I. (�`�l GI?�: WIL • FAX: FROM: '�C4�G��� PHONE: FOR YOUR INFORMATION ❑ PLEASE HANDLE ❑ PLEASE RESPOND ❑ COPIES TO: �.G�F T�SDIU - MESSAGE • r „ � . ;. :' � s �. ��� t� ��. i � . . 7�1'ts (�6if�t U�� °-�-7,LjC�Y f�f✓G(.-f !.(1ST ��,lM. � �R. � �5 N�t �IArlc��tl �,4 �� � 64wt Edflc-D/YtF�' �t,Q- G�0 (,�-�J�4i UAn'LV A� �v fKJrtu-1�vG�• 0 Wu.[� �i�x� �a ���' d�ie� Go's . siiS►1-- � � � r �� r" 'i ' � i i Page 1 of !/ .i /�� � - i ' � �� Ii '� ��- ' � � a ..D � _ . _ ' .... �'� \ , � ,. - f '. . " . . , . � .,' �s. i -'�;`-'�'. L . . . . • . `�4 ' . . � �- . . . � . . ��{S� ��` - �.<' j. . � ` . .. � i _,ti_. , , , . 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