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Cond'emning and taking an easement �or the purpose of constructing and main- �
taining a star�i;sewer under aud across a strip of land described ass,�P' ,�.l.aws: The
santh 30 feet�.of Lots 1 thru 25 in Lane's Clevela,nd Vi11as. A strip``�f�land 30
feet in w3dth in the SW,-��- of_Section 9, Trrrp. 28 N., Range 23 W. lying northerly of
and ad�acent and: para11e1 to the norther7,y 13nes of Lots 51 thru 73, and a atrip
oP land 30 feet in width l,ying wester],y parallel and ad�acerit to the westerly 7.3ne
o�' Lots.7? thru 81, and vacated a11ey a11 in Lane's Cleveland Villas, Plat 2. The
east 30 feet of Lot 25, and the south 30 feet oP the east 30 feet of vacated Hart-
- �ord Ave. ],ying northerly of Lot 25, a11 in John Garden's 5th Add.
. ' Also �onde�ning and tak3ng a temporary easemeat for construction purposes on
the north 30 �eet��of the south 60 feet o� Lots 1 thru 25 in Lane's Cleveland V371as.
A _str3p of land ,30 feet in w3dth in the S'f 4 of Section 9, Tc,rp. 28.� Range 23 W.
]tiying 'between a line 30 �'eet northerly of paxallel a�d aci,jacent and a Iine 60 feet
nprther]�r of and parallel to Lots 451 thru 73, Zane's Clevela,nd�Vi]1as, Plat 2. A
str3.p o� land 30 feet in w3dth lying between a line 30 feet para11e1 and westerly
aad s ].ine 60 feet parallel westerly of I,ots 77 thru. 81 Lane's Cleveland. Vi11.ae, '
Plat 2 o The west 10 f eet of Lot 25 a,nd the east 20 �eet oP Lo� 22} and the �reat 30 .
feet o� the south 30 feet of vacated Hart�'ord 7ying northerly of I,ots 25 a,nd 2�,� and
; the north 20 feet o� the east 30 feet o�' vacated Hartford Ave, ly3ng southerly of�
the east 30 feet of. I,ot'2 a,]1. in John Garden's 5th Add. ' �'
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eas�3v"reet-of Zot z�ana��he so�tth 30-feet of' the east 30 �eet of�vaca,ted. Hart-� -
ford Ave. lying norther�r of Lot 25, all in John Garden's 5th Add. . ''
Also condenming and tak3ng a temporary easement for construction purposes on�
the north 30 feet of the srnrth 60 feet of Lots 1 thru 25 in I,ane's Cleveland V3.]1a,s.-
A s�rip of land 30 feet in width in the S� of Sect3on 9, Twp. 28.N,Range 23 W.
lying between. a line 30 .feet norther]y of para11e1 and ad�jacent anci a line 60 feet
IIortherly of ar�d pax�,L7.el to I,orta 51 thra 73, Lane's Cleveland Villas, Plat.2. A
� � atrip of land 30 feet in width l�ying between a line 30 feet parallel and westerl,�r
and a line 60 feet para7lel wes�erly of Lots 77 thru 81 Lane's Cleveland V3].las,
Plat 2. The w�est 10 �eet of Lot 25 and the east 20 �eet of Lot 24 and the west 30 feet
of the scuth 30 feet of' vacated. Hartford ly.Lng nox�ther]y of' Lots 25 and 2�+, and the
no�th 20 feet of the east 30 feet o� vacated Hart�ord. Ave, lyl�g sauther]y of the �
east 30 feet of Lot 2 all in John Garden's 5th Add,
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. � ' Tedesco •-
' Mr. President, B.Xzrre : � ' eyor.
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� � p�BLISH�� �JUL 13 19G8
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