239331 ORI6INAL TO CITY CL6RK �933�. CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. .� - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � . COU CIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE DATF • WHEREAS, � By Council File No. 238799 and Council File No. 238979 the proper City officials were authorized to purchase property from Joseph S. and Genevieve F. Ferrozzo for the sum of Twelve Thousand Five Hundred Dollars (�12, 500. 00) , such property being described as �ollows: Lot 7 , Collins Subdivision of Lots 8 and g of Irvine' s Addition of ` Outlots to the City of' Saint Paul, acc. ; and WHEREAS, Said own.ers hold fee title to such property and a techn.ical defect is contained within the description of the property received by said fee owners; and WHEREAS, It is the intent of the City of Saint Paul to acquire title to such property by condemnation proceedings; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the proper City officials are hereby authorized and directed to pay to Joseph S. and Genevieve F. Ferrozzo, vendors of said property, the sum of Twelve Thousand Five Hun.dred Dollars (�12, 500.00) , said sum to be paid to the aforesaid vendors from Fund 976s-501-001 upon their furnishing to the City warranty deeds conveying title to such property and affidavit and an agreement to hold the City harmless. FORM APPROVED '7� ��..�,.�� o �Q.. e Asst„ Corporation Counsel �� � �Y9f� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays ��� � 1� Carlson Dalglish Approved 19—_ � Meredith � � Tn Favor ' �� �e4erso� �1 � S rafka , Mayor p A gainst ����'� '�&d6see- ' r � �:4@��'^^�:s�� Mt..Vite Preat��tl'����e� �LIS�� �U� �7 i�0� r , �O - /DUrL�CATt TO TRIN7'[R ����•�1 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL N�_ u' . , OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK • F�`E COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM . PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER �ATF WW�REAS, By Council File No. 238799 and C�unQil File No. 838979 the proper City offiQialB were suthorized to purohase property from Joseph S. and Genevieve F. Ferrozzo for the sum of Twelve Thou�and Five Hun.dred Dollars (�12�500.00) , euch property + being desoribed as followss Lot 7, Collins Subdivision of Lota 8 a.nd g o� lrvine' s Addition of Outlotg to the City o� Saint Paul, acc. ; and W�REAS, Said ownera hold fee title to such property and a teahnical defect is contained within the desaription o3 the property received by said fee own�ra; and j�REAS, It is the intent of the City of Saint Pau]. to aoqufre title to suQh property by oondemn.ation prooeedings; now, there�ore, be it RESOLVED, That the proper City officials are hereby authorized and directed to pay to Joseph S. and Genevieve F. Ferrozzo, vendore of said property, the sum o� Twelve Thousand Five Hun.dred Dolla�s (�12,500.00) , eaid aum to be paid to the a�oreeaid vendors from Fun.d 9?68-501–OOZ upon their �urnishin.g to the City warranty deeda oonveying title to �ueh property $nd aY�idavit and an agreement to hold the City harmlesa. . JUt 3 1958 COUNCILMEN ' Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays � Carlson ����- �' Dalglish Approve� 19__ Meredith �Tn Favor ��rson Mayor Sprafka C� A gainst • '�exe� �.......,,-..::�:�� �; �'. ,°� `ne 11�. V� Preeidunt �L'�.►.�u�,yl �O