04-707Council File # Green Sheet # Presented By: Z� Referred To: WIIEREAS, the City of Saint Paul, Police Department, needs authorizafion to enter into the attached intergovernmental mobility agreement with Ramsey County, Sheriff s Office; and 4 WHEREAS, a 2004 financing and spending plan needs to be established for the services provided to 5 the Ramsey County Sheriffs O�ce; and 6 7 WHEREAS, The Mayor pursuant to Section 10.071 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, does 8 certify that there are available for appropriation funds of $47,762, in excess of those estimated in 9 the 2004 budget; and 10 11 WHEREAS, The Mayor recommends that the following addition be made to the 2004 budget: 12 13 14 15 436-Police Special Projects Fund 16 FINANCING PLAN: 17 34089-Ramsey County Intergov. Mobility 18 4399-Services 19 20 Total Changes to Financing 21 22 SPENDING PLAN: 23 3A089-Ramsey County Intergov. Mobility 24 011l-Full-Time Permanent Salaries 25 0439-Fringe Benefits RESOLUTION CTT�AINT PAUL, NIINNESOTA �� Committee:Date: CURRENT AMENDED BUDGET CHANGES BUDGET 0 47,762 �f 0 36,183 0 11,579 -� 1 206655 47,762 36,183 11,579 26 Total Changes to Spending 47,762 27 28 THEREFORE BE TT RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Coancil hereby authorizes the City of 5aint 29 Paul to enter into the attached agreement and approves the changes to the 2004 budget. 30 Yeas f Absent Requested by Department of: POIICC ✓ Thune Adopted by Council:Date: J ac �.� a�, � d� Adoption Certified by Council Secretary: � Approved By. � By: by Form Approved by Cit�y Attorney: iy� �I� � � ��� � . � 7� . � p to Timothy Rehak Ramsey Cty Intergov Mobility agreement.04 06/30/2004 15:17 6512665966 -� �Z� � �����P '�'Q�� �t l�} PAGE 02 �-�. � _�p-� �� A�1tEEMENT ItAMS BETWEEN EY COUN�'y, g�SEY COUNT7t SIiER�F�i'� Ok'FICE CIx'Y OF SA,XNT pA,il�, pOZ,IC� DEPARTMEI�IT This intezgovemtnental nnobility agreement (A�reement) is hereby entered into effective the day oF� 2004, by and between the County of Ramsey acting throngh its Sher%fPs Office (hereinaftez °° RCSO") and the City of Saint Paui, Police Uepamnent (hereinaftez "City"). �'HEREAS, Timothy Reizak is a regulaz employee of the City, in the position of Police Officer with certain rights as a City employee; and WHEREAS, the parties agzee that Mr. Rehak be granted an intezgovemznental mobility assignment from the City to the Ramsey County Sheri£f s O£fice to assume the duaes described; and WHEREAS, this a�eement is authorized by and subject to Mixuaesota Statutes 15.51 - 15.59 (inclusive); NOW THERE�'ORE, the parties hereto and their respective agenczes hereby agree as follows: Effective June 1, 2004, or as soon thezeafter as approved by the parties hereto, Mr. Rehak will be ptaced on an intergovemmental mobility assign.ment from the City to the RCSO for an initial period of 24 months, June 1, 2004 through May 31 2006. This assignment may be extended for an additiona124 months upon wzitten agreement by the City and the Ramsey County Sherif£ 2. Under the direction of Sherif£ Bob Fletcher, Mr. Rehak will perfo�n duties wittzin the SherifPs Felony Apprehension Unit. 3. As Mx. Rehak serves at the pleasure of the Sheriff, this Agreement may be terminated without noticc at any time by the Sheriff The Agreement may also be tetminated at any time by Mr. Rehak or the City with 34 days written notice. 4. The RCSO shall reimbuzse Mz. Rehak £oz a71 expexises incun�ed which zelate to his duties in khe Felony Apprehension Unit, pursuant and subject to the applicable expense reimbuxsement policies of the RCSO. 5. For the duration o�thas Agzeement, Mr. Rehak remains a regulaz employee of the City and continues to accrue and retain benefits, seniority, compensation and allowances from the City in accordance with any current and subsequently approvad City adrrtinistrative procedures andior policies and labor agzeements, Sncluding any increases in compensation or allowance that may occur during the effective dates of this mobility agzeement for which Mr. Rehak couid be eligibte. tlb/3b12004 15:17 6512665906 PAGE 03 ���V � Mr. Rehak will comply with alj Czt}, procedures related to receipt of a1lou or use of sick/vacation time. Total compensation �d�. �,is Agreement for Mr. Rehak's services shal] be as reflected in the cunent or future iabor agreement between the Ciry of $aint Paul and the Saint Paul Police Federation and will include the cost of al1 frenge benegts or oveztune as xaent�fied in the labor a$reement. 6 � All of Mr. Rehak's compensation will be subject to the Police and Fire Piare of the Public Employee Retirement Association of Minnesota cvith regular conmibutions from the City and Mr, Rehak. � Mr. Rehak will remain an active licensed peace officer on the City roster subject to Peace Officers Standards and Traaning Board ("POST'� continuing education requirements. Mr, Rehak may attend in-sezvice training pruvzded by either the City or the RCSO at his option, but is required to keep his POST license curre�at. $• During the term of this Agreement, the RCSO shall, upon receipt of invozce in proper form, reimbwse the City quazterly, oz as otherwise agreed, for all compensation and related fringe benefit costs, as outlined or as subsequently increased, paid to or on behalf o£Mr. Rehak fzom the City as described in Paragraphs 5 and 6 above, excepY for training or unifoxm allowances. 9. Each party is responsible �or its own acts and conduct and the results thereo#'. Each party's liability is govemed by the Municipal Tort Claims Act, Mitua,esota Statutes 466.02. Althoixgh the supezvision of Mz. Rehak's duties will rest exclusively with the RCSO, it is a3reed that he is not a RCSO employee and is not entitled to any benefits from Ramsey County or the RCSO, iz�cluding but not limited to, unemployment benefits, pension, sick amd vacation leave, death and medical benefits except as provided in Minn. Stat. 15.54, Subd. 3. 10. Nothing in this Agreement, express or implied, as or shall be construed to be an offez or promise of permanent or other employment for Mr. Rehak with Ramsey County or the RCSO. i l, Mr. Rehak retains the right to retuzn to his regular exnployment with the City upon expiration o£the mobility assignment or due to tezmination ofthis assignment at any time during the effective dates of this Agreement. DEPARTMENT/OFFICF�/COUNCIL DATE INITIATED � Potioe 6/3/04 GREEN SHEET No. 206655 NTA TPER N P ONE INITwvDATE INmAVDATE � C1uefW$liatnFltllley 2b6-5588 '� uenaarMeuroirsECrort 5 cmcouxcu MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY (DATE) Please process ASAP 3�.,n nnow�,� � 7 a`� ❑cm c,�m �FNFNLWLSEftVIGESDIR_ �FWANCIALSERV/ACCTG �MATOR�ORA556TAtln ❑HUMANRIGHiS TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REQUES7ED Signatures requested on the attached council resolurion authorizing the City of Saint Paul, Police Deparhnent, to enter into the attached intergovemmental mobility agreement with Ramsey County, Sheriffs Office, and establishing a 2004 financing and spending plan for the agreement. RECOMMENDATION Approve (A) or Rejec[ (R) PERSONAL $ERVICE GONTRACTS MUSTANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: 1 Has ihis person/Frm ever worked untler a cOntract for this tlepartment� PLANNING COMMISSION vES NO GIB COMMITTEE 2 Has this personlfirm ever been a ary employee? CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION YES NO 3. Does this personKrtn possess a skill not nortnally possessetl by any cument cily employee? YES NO 4. Is this personlfirm a targe[ed vendoR YES NO Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet INI7WTING PROBLeM ISSUE, OPPORTUNIN (WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WH� The Saint Paul Police Department will provide services to Ramsey County Sheriffs Felony Apprehension Unit under the attached intergovemmental mobility agreement. Ramsey County will reunburse the Saint Paul Police Deparhnent for all expenses incuired which relate to officer Timothy Rehak's duties in Ramsey County Sheriffs Felony Apprehension Unit. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED , Ability to collaborate with Ramsey County by assisting Ramsey County Sheriffs Felony Apprehension Unit. ��� � DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED JUL 0 � 2004 None � ������ DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED Inability to provide services to Ramsey County Sheriffs Felony Apprehension Unit. G�'� �°eQ���� ('°n'�°f JiJL 13 2� TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ See attached agreement. COSi/REVENIIE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDING SOURCE Reunbursement from Ramsey County ACTIV6Y NUMBER 436-i4089 FlNANCIAL INFORMATION (EXPLAIN) Timothy Rehak Ramsey Cty Intergov Mo6itity agreement cc.gs 2004 �-101 Matt - CzS # 2Q6655 This budget amendment is to enter into an joint powers agreement (intergovernmental mobility agreement) between the City and Ramsey County. The City is going to assign officer Tun Rehak to the Ramsey County Sheriff's Felony Apprehension Unit. Officer Rehak remains a City employee (accruing City benefits) but is supervised by Rainsey County. The City will bill the County. The agreement can be temiinated with written 30 notice. The budget will be increased by $47,762 in 436-34089. The agreement is from 6/1/04 or when the agreement is signed and is effective for 24 months. The agreement can be extended for another 24 months upon written agreement. Please sign. Eric Wiilems July 7, 2004 Matt signed � /�