239262 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK �39252 �' CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. ;� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK Llc��s� oor�tlTT� C UNCIL RESO TION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY ' JUTIe c./ � 1968 COMMISSIONE DA F R�50LVED: That li.censes appli.ed for by the follo��3.ng persons at the addresses stated; be and the same are hereby granted. � Peter bianders 1221 Pi.erce Butler Rd. C�en.Rep.Garage • �pp.2918Renewa1 I,fldge Cer_h $51 CS� 381 Mi�higan Qn 3ale Malt " 299$" " " �ance Hall App.2998 �lalter 0. Grundy ].675 Selby � Grocery " 3919Renewal : '� " Off Sale Malt " " " " " �garette " " n Vogel's Food �arket� Inc. 1810 Rax�.dolph Gro�ery '� 3923" �� ° But�heY' n u n � " Off �ale Malt " ' " " " _ " �i garet te " " " �- Speedy Markets, In�. 1333 Randolph Gro�erv n 3948" " � Frozen Meats " +' n " " Off Sale Mlt. ° " ° " � �igarette " " " Ken�th H. Keegan 2435 �'• 7th Restaurant n 4032n ° " �igarette �► n n St. Paul. Recreati.on �o., In�. 67 E. 8t�a Bsmt. Pool Hall 49T " 4033" Anderson-Plelson Post 163� 1018 Payne Restaurant " 4054" Hove's Food Market, In�. 2083 Ford Pk��y. Grorery " 4134� ° � Butche2' n n n u p Bake ry �i n o o u Gi�garette u u i� George J. Stasny 1053 N. �Testern Grocery �� 4381" " ' " But�her n n n " '� Off Sale Malt " " " n a - n n �i �igarette Mr. & Mrs. carl B. Fal�an 520 Rf.�e Bakery " 4548►� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Nays Carlson Dalglish Approved 19— � Meredith T� Favor Peterson Sprafku Mayor Tedesco A gainst Mr. President, Byrne O O�GINAL TO CITY CLERK 2392�2 CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO •�IC�NSE�o�� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY iJl1T1� 2'7 f 19� COMMISSIONER DATF Contd. Page 2 �'rancis V. Ristuben 883 Payne Gen.Rep.Garage App.4$51Renewal Charles A. Raur_hnot 868 Ri^e Gas Sta.2P " 4852" tr �� Ge71.Rep.Gar. n n ii Frank Gaston 8�t5 Payne V.M.Lo�.lA� " �081" ■ n Gen.Rep.�arage ' S082" E. W. Klamme�$,Donald Bateman 520 Whi.te Bear V.M.Loc.1M " 5102" Joseph Fren 825 E. 7th Gas Sta.4P. " 57.19" � ' �� Orig.Container " " " �+ " Gen.Rep.Gar. " " " " " �garette n n r Paul's �ycle Service, In�. 84-1 Hudson Rd. Mtr.cycle Dlr. N&U1° 5123° �� " D1r.Garage App." " Charles L. Maloney 1050 �rkwright V.M.Lo�.1M " 5126A Interstate Utd.�orp.�M�Cla�n-N.Bdman-Schuldt �0.200 Plato V.1�.Lo�.1M " 5127" David E. Vadnais 1428 pacifzc Gas Sta.6P " 5157" �� . .. " Gen.Garage n n n Francis X. Trudell 890 Pa�ne Ldy.D�%,Plant '" �161'" Gold Medal�Park Nurseries, Inc. 1200 St.�'la.fr , V.M.I�oc.l� " 5163" :, Pepsi��l.ark i.1 & Refining Corp.1132 Arcade V.M.Lo�.1M " 5185� " �Lampert Yards, Inc. 1573 Se1by V.M.Lo^.1M " 51911° �entral I�tanor �%orp. 20 E. Ex�hange �i.garette " 52p4" Arthur P. Heutmaker, Jr. 819 E. Maryland �igarette " 5230" Ronald �. & Harry R. Johnson 719 Payne Cigarette �� �71g68 JU�I � , COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Nays Car�,son JUN 2 7 196� Approv 19— i.wa6u�.. / L�� Meredith i Tn Favor � i c��ci ovu 'l Sprafka " �gY�Q Mayor A gainst T..��.. , �i'CQC3L��' �,,,`1��,�`�:�'.���,�,�,.a�;;�'�1�€e�:}'•.`:$ Pl-iBLISHE� JUN 2 9 1968 Mr.�Vice President ��