239252 C�161NAL TO CITY CLERK � ^�V^5JY CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. :�. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK , C C RESOLUTION ENERAL FORM � PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE qTE In the matter of Grading � Paving FAIRVIEW AVENUE from Marshall Avenue to Minnehaha Avenue (City Projects P-326 and P-353) under Final Orders, C.F. Novs. 237498 � 238471 , approved March 12, 1968 and May 8, 1g68 respectively. RESOLVED, That the plans and specifications for the above named improvement, as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works, be .and the same are hereby approved, and be it further RESOLVED, That the Purchasing Agent be and he is hereby directed to advertise for bids on this improvement. �•� Jl1fV 2 � 196� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— �s Nays Carlson JU1112 7 196�` ° �--�,•b-•,;:,� pprove 19—_ Vieredith � n Favor Sprafka ��tj��1 Mayor \ �, ,--- - Against ������ 11M�;�:�'����„��,a;�'�`:.......'�: PBBLISHE� �lUN 2 9 1969 , �o �� \ bUPLICAT[TO PRIHT[R 23 9252 CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY � COMMISSIONER ' ' ' DATF i n thli �atti� of Grad 1 ng b Pav I ng FA 1�tV I kM AV�NIi€ f vo� Mar�h�i i ,1�wn�,to Minr�h�h�, �lvenur, �(City ProJect�� P-326 .�r�d P-353) under Fir�al Qrde��. C.F. ,t�o�1:, 2�74g� �$ 2384y1, a�p'roviid • t�rch 12., 1968 and May 8, 1968 r�spac�ivsly. ' RE50l.VED, That the p1�n� and a�ciftc�tian� for the abov� na�d ioaprovsa�ent, e�s subaaltted by �hs Co�wmission�r of �etb!ic 1�Io�ks., be�'�nd the �art� �re h�reby �pproved; �nd be �t further. ;RESOl.VED, Th�t ttzei Pyrcha.�3 ng sgen� bs end h� I s hO�E�y di�cted tS �dYertl�e f�r bid� on thts f�arovarr�nt. �: � . �,, . . ,., - �,- ��� 2 7 196� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays ,�UIV z T 196� Carlaon �T�tgt;��, Approved 19� �----o--- Meredith Favor e�e�'saa– Sprafka � Mayor A gainst - ,Te�aeB�o_ •��:�'������o��::��;�s .,......................:.....:........................ Mr. Vice President � ��