239245 � ��'� `�'�-_ Council Flle No. 239245--By James J. Dalglish— , _ . the Charl s Ta1Vliller gospital,eInc�na�°a the City of Saint Paul, by Robert F: Peterson, Commissioner . of Public � Works, that section of public street hereinafter ciescribed be and the same hereby is vacated and discontinued as a publlc street: All of the following described tract: � � That part of Igleha�t Avenue in the City of Saint Paul which lies northeasterly of a line rua p�8lle1 with and distant 30 feet northeast- southwesterly of Line B bdesewrib d below; Line A ' ' Beglnning at a point�on the,east ' N rth�RanBei23 W st, distant�221.� . feet north of the southeast corner thereof; thence run northqresterly at an angle of 42°5g�57" with said east s8etion line for 20p feet and there terminating;• . ' Line B ' From a point on Line A described above distant 161.22 feet northwest- erly of its point of beginning, run ' northeasterly at an ,angle of 93°58�54" �� gaid �e A- (meas- ured from northwest to northeast) , for 390 feet; thence deHect to the left at an angle of gp�pp�for 30 feet to the point of beginning op �e line to be described; thence rutt ' southeaster�y to the most easterly corner of Lot 4, Block 3, Irvine's Addit'ion to St.Paul, and there ter- mfnating; . Sub�ect to the following restrictioa: No access shall be�iermitted to Trung Highway No. 39g, renumbered 94 frozn `the above described real estate. Also subject to the following restric- tion: No advertising signs or bill- boards may be placed up on the lands, buildings indicating he businessecon- ducted therein; the real estate ehall not be used as an� automoblle junk yard or as a repository for rubbish in any £orm, Nor shall any structure be erected on thetcenter�l neaof T hn I�reland goule vard and a line parallel to and 132 feet southeasterly thereof, said lirie being tha permanent bullding setback line across said land• the above does not restrict any sub-surface use of v'iaea he surface is�eturnedkto its natural rtate, providing a total�y �_ obstructed view, and further that all landscape piantings proposed ��� the setback li�its be approved by the Parks Depa;tment and the City Coun- cll £or con£ormance with the overall aesthetic consideration oE John Ire- land Boulevard; subject e�ressly to tiie following conL ditions and reservations: . 1. That the vacation b�''subject to all the terms and conditions of Chapter 228 of the Legislative Code as amended,provided,however, the af- fected City de�partments, ivarthem States power Company �qd North_ western Bell Telephone Company having filed written CertiHcates of Intehded Non-Use of reserved rights and easements the Council of the ' City of Saint Paul`speciAc$lly waives asements i within nth�nsixb ej Ctt�a cated street on behalf of the City _ and other public instrumentalities. 2. That the existih� sewer located iq cated herein��i,sI h�by ab ndo ed in place by the City oR Saint Paul, 3. That the petiUoner pay to the City of Saint Paul the ambunt of �2g,76p as compensation £or the vacation and provide tHe City with a bond in the amount of$5,Upp, 4• That the City Clerk be directed to place on record ia the office of the . Register of Deeds, a certlAcation to the effect that the•said vacation is completed along with a copy of {�e. , vacation resolution. ' .• Adopted by the Councll Tune 27,1968, APProved �J�e229, 1g8g � ° )