239231 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK � - ` � CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� `����� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLE K FILE Nd• LICENSE �OMMITT� OUNCIL S UTIO —GENE L FORM � C MMISS�ONE �" DATF �TnnP 2�i_ ]9hR RFSOLVED: That licenses applied for bg the following persons at the addresses stated, be and the same are hereby granted. John �. Schally & James Sel�olm 1396 W. 7th New & Used M.C. Dlr. App.2869Renewal Pepsi �ola Bottl3.n�C].ark ai1 & Ref�.ning �orp. 201 N.Snel1.V.M.Lo�.1M " 3337" � Lloyd G. Young 1227 Os�eola Fds.�.M.Oper. " 3d53" Mobile Radi.o Engineering, Inc. 181 Ramsey E2ec,App.Rep. " �+035" LeRoy Schouveller 7�5 S.Robert V.M.Loc.1M " 461►�'" . Northwest Vend.��Iorth Central Publishing �0.274 E. Fi7.lmore P.M.I�oc.1M " 4676' ir7aterous �o. 80 �. F�llmore �%3.garette " 4822" N.C.O. Club Mun.�irport �t. Lawrence $t. Ci.garette " �823" Ramsciall �Y�rmak �':o. , �11 3. �abasha �.M.Loc.].M " 4831n gernon G. P4a9 2451 N. Hamlir�e photographer " 4833�' Marsden Buildi.ng Maintenance �o.. Inc.317 York T�dindow �lean�.ng" 4862" Joseph �lassen �� 753 Payne TP Master " 4977" Charles L. Maloney 1050 .�rkwr�ght Gas Sta.2P " 5125' �Iarren H. Smi.th 699 IJ• Snelling V.M.Loc.11�i " 513�+" John �aneron 1099 Juno Mtr.Veh.Dr. ° 5219" Manue]. Bravo 443 �shaland Mtr.�eh.Dr. " 5225" Marion Doxtater 282 u. Haskell Mtr.Veh.pr. " 5226" Ernest J. J.rndt 1316 �lzgene �Wh.Br,Lk. Mtr.�eh.Dr. " 523j►-" James D. �atlin 875 �ari.a Mtr.Qeh.Dr. "� 52�40" COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays .1 U IV � 5 19�� . Carlson �y� � � 196� Dalglish Approve� 19— Meredith � Tn Favor Peterson � U Mayor Sprafkz A gainst m �----- � ����� � Mr. President, Byrne P�BLISHEB ,�JN 2 9 1968 ��