239209 a .^/ ORIGINAL TO CITY CLHRK /����� o� CITY OF ST. PAUL FOE NCIL NO "°' F� � • OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ' OUNCIL��OL TION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY ' COMMISSIONE ��� DATF I RF�OLVED, That the Purchasing Agent be and he is hereby authorized to purchase one (1) Hydraulic Pump Assembly for Pettibone Loader f"rom NATIONAL IRON COMPANY at an approximate cost of $730.67 pursua.nt to Section 290 of the Charter of the City of St. Paul as this is a patented article. The above is declared to be a.n emergency. , CODE: 1210-320 ,�/I/`Municipal Equipment Reqn. Pto. 9872 APPROVED AS TO FORM: APPROVED: - ASSISTANT" ORPORATION COUI�SEL MAY R • ._ � C TROLT�FR � D PURCHASING AGENT .lUN 2 5 l�' COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— . Yeas Nays ��� � 5 Carlson • 19s� Dalglish � � Approved 19_ `—� Tn Favor Meredith � Peterson Mayor � A gainst Mr. President, Byrne ����$�E� �� 2 � ���� 6/11/68 Gleason/lb � �� � (-l�n['� DUrLICATC TO lRINT6R . a`VJ'`YO� CITY OF ST. PAUL FOE NCIL NO. ���f ' � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED EY COMMISSIONER DATF RFSULVED, Th�.t the Purcha,sing Agent be and he is hereby author3.zed to purchase one (].� Hydrau].ic Pump A�sembly for Pettibane �oadez� trcaa NATIONA,L �RON CQi�Il'ANY at an approximate cost of $730.67 pureuant to Sectio� 290 0� the Chaxter o� the Ci-�y of St. Pau1 as this i.s a ps,tented artic3.e. The above 3.s dec].ared to be an emergency. CODE: 1210-320 Municipal Eq,uip�ent Reqn. No. 9872 , APPROYID AS TO FORM: APPROYED: ASSIS�P.�,:CORPORATIOft COUNSEI, MAYOR OLLER � D� CHAST�G AGE�T JUN 2 5 196� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays .�U N 2 � 196� Carlson Dalglish Approved 19— °� ' Tn Favor Meredith � Mayor Petera A gainst Mr. President, Byrne 6/1l/68 Gleason/1b ��