239186 � ORIGINAL�O CITY CLERK �����j� ' CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� �� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F�� NO. ` I,ICII�dSE COI���ITTEE OUNCI E UTION GENERAL F RM . - PRESENTED BY �2 June 2� ],96U � COMMISSIONE ATF � RESOLVED; That Foodstuff� On and Off Sale Pialt Beverage and Cigarette licenses� applied for by Brian L. Hockenberger at 293 Selby Avenue be and the same are hereby granted on the condition tdlat �aithin �O �days of this date said Bxian �. Hockenberger shall comply with a11 requirements of the Bureaus of Fire, Health, and Police arxl the License Inspector pursuant to the St. Paul Lega.slative Cod.e and a11 other applicable ordinances and laws. � _ --- _ _ - --•-- , t k JU9V � � 1968 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays c��o� J U N � 5 �96� � Dalglish � Approve� 19— Meredith Tn Favor , Peterson ,, ,l Mayor Sprafku U m,.a..,...,. , A gainst Mr. President, Byrne P8BL1SFfE� ,�(�(1{ 2 9 19�� � �� � CITY OF SAINT PAUL . CapitaT oP Min"nesota ������ �e a�t�e�t o a�lic �a et , _ � p � POLICE Tenth and Minnesota Streets HEALTH FIAE PROTECTION WILLIAM E. CARLSON, Commissioner POLICE AND FIRE ALARM ROGER M. CONWAY, Depoty CommiesIoner _ _ DANIEL P.Me LAUGHLIN, Lieenee Inepeetor � June 20, 19p8 ' � Honorable t4ayor and City Council . Sa3.nt Paul, Zflinnes�ta Gentlemen: Brian L. Hockenberger makes application•for Foodstuff� On and Off Sale Ma1.t Beverage and Cigarette licenses at 293 Selby Avenue� which is on the Plorth side of the street, between idina and Farrington Streets. � ' This location has been licensed for a similar business � since 1933. The last licensee� Clarence T. Bonniwell, held the � licenses from April 18� 1968 to June 18� 1968, when his application which was pending was denied. There is orie other 3.2 place within two blocks. The closest On and Off Sale Liquor e stablishments are about half a mile �dest. ' The neaxest church 3.s about one block ,ar�d. the nearest school is about three blocks. � From 1963 to June 1965� rqr. Hockenberger w as a co ok at the St. Paul Hote1. Since tha.t time he has been a baxtender at this location. Very truly yours� ' � ���� � . � License Inspector � a �� - 22. 1V�unber of 3.2 placea within two blooksr- � �J G�/ � f . .. . �. 23, , Closest intoxic�ting 1.iquor place. . On Sale �j��j��p��f'f Sale � �',�c� p �� 24. Neare st Church � �j�p C�� Neare st Sahool � ,('�� (ti�m� 25. Number of booths�_Tables�Chaira � Stoo7.s � � _�,.- ,..- 26. �Phat ocsaupation have you fo].lorrred for the past five years. (Give names of emplo�e�s and dates�so employed.) � � �, � G, C,E' D slJ'�LJ .� � ,� �' ���('° %�'B s �� . � �- 0 0 — -� � � 2'T. Give names and addresses�of two persons, residQnts of St. Paul, Minn.., who can give inf ormati ' c oncern3.ng you. ' Name p ��✓ /,E Addre s s �� �� �� � /fii,,tf,f� � Name ,E � (J'�' Addre s s C'� ��J � � � ignature o App ican.t State of Minne s ota� ' . - ss Coun of Ramsey . s --- -•- ... ___ . .._ _ ._ � . - - - - - ing first cluly sevorn; cleposes and says � pon oatli t he ria s,read he f ore � i � �statemerit bearing 2iis� signature and l�aavs the .conten�s"tliereof; and that";�he same -is�true' of�`his��owri ]rno�vledge exoept as to . those matters therein stated upon inf'ormation and belief and as �o thos ttera he believes them to be true. , � ignature of .�pplicant Subscribed and sworn to before me thie �'�" day of 19 b d . -_ o�,�,�,�°.C�- �� � ..�_ ._.. - ' Notary Pub ' ,, �amsey Coun y, �irinesota , , , • - � ' �AA� 4V. fiYfia�E��• . - M�r�C o�i s si on-expire s ��n S�'E:bt,c�_Ram�eq�-c�t, ikttWm. _ _ � . . - --T- _ . ----- �j�'.Ission ezp�es 3i�ty"E�e2�9 ' " ' . " _ ' - - , (Notes Thsse"�statement forms �rel�i:n dupliQate;' Botli�copies must be fully filled -out, notarized, and returned to the License Division.) .: �- r AFFIDAVIT BY APPLICANT . FOR : , RETA,IL BEER'OR LIQII�JR LICENSE � Re s �Sale��� �,�V���� Lioense Name of applicant � � � C q� Business addreas � Are you the sole rnRn.er of this business? ' T�f not, is it a partnership? c orporat ion? , other3 Others interested in business, include those by loan of money, property or otheruvise: Name Address Haw If a corporation, give its name Are you interested in any way in any other Retail Baer or Liquor businesa? � As sole ,owner? Partner? Stoel�.older? Otherwise� (Through loan of mon.ey, etc. E�plain.� Adclress of auch business and nature of i_n.terest in same ture of app ica State of Adinne sota) � )Sg c o c� Ramse ) '" in first��clul sworn de oaes and sa s u on g Y e P Y P q��th that he has�rea the f oregoirig ff davit"bearing-his signature and lrnows the contents thereof; that the� same�is� rue of his- ovma ]�.ov�rledge, except as t those mattera therein stated�upon inform�tion and belief and as to t se matt s he be- lieves them to be true. , � � - a, - - Signature of a pplicant Subacribed and�awo to before me � this�� day' of� �_ > 19�� - 6►�r�RA! G� GyY�- - _ � -- - No Public, Rams y�Coun-t�.�_Il�inneaota ' Fo�',ti:r.cre..,,i�,/-�'6cc-f--_.�p y=y�'r. ' iF�Kf4�7�• R�1"tat�� � My cs ommis s ion e�cpires '�' •���];S; �smscp Gc�a`�, iR��. � ' - ' �r(;ar!mt�3lcn ezvires iu�Y 15,1�0 ,: - ' . - � STATE OF 1VIINNESOTA � � ) SS C(7UN'PY OF RA�SEY ) C e ng first duly sworn., doth depose _ � - --- - -- -- -- - --- - -- - - 1 and say that he makes t is affidavit ' onnection �vith appliaation for " . Sale" liquor license ("_�Sale ' malt beverage licenae) in the Ci�y of State of P,dinneeota Saint Paul, Minnesota; that your affiant is a resident of the and hae resided therei.n for p2� years, months, and ia _ . . - � - • - - Sta'� now and has been for the time above mentioned a bona fide resident of eaid � � and that he now reaides at N0. �.Cf �7�, B�inne s ota. _ ` - . , Subsoribed and sworn to before me this 1 JJ'� day of 19 � � � � � ' . . " Notar 'c, Ramsey ounty, Ddinnesota � , , . � • - - commission ex irea �"''"'�""�- " ' ° �' .-u _ �Y P _En.cra�.t��R°�fia1s,°+i � � -_ ' 11�2.�1y Pt�b�ic� �amseY£�`�, ��w�. � � - �. �_ � . �fy Carttm3ssi�n expire�3ui;r ��19�0 - , �n. . . ,` �'. • ,