04-693Council Fi1e # � �` � � Presented By: Green Sheet # 206660 RESOLUTION OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA �� Referred To: Committee:Date: 1 BE IT RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul CiTy Council authorizes the City of Saint Paul to enter into the 2 attached agreement with the State of Minnesota, Minnesota State Colleges and Universiries, Century 3 College, which includes an indemnification clause. A copy of said agreement is to be kept on file and on 4 record in the Office of Financial Services. 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 Yeas Nays Absent Requested by Department of: Benanav Bastrom Harris Thune Adopted by Council: Date: Adoption CertiFied by Council �ye � Approaed by , : Date: � ` �l�� � By: �� �i CenturyColfege.cr.gs.04 PO�1C¢ By: � w Fo oved by City B Agpr y Mayor �yo 4`6�� .� D��93 F.Y: I Cost Ctncer. Obj. Cede: Aanoun2. 03 I 2/i561 9182 52950 #: STATE OF MILi?VES4TA MINIVESOTA STATE COLLEGES A.tiD UNIVERSITIES Centurv Co[teee i\'COME CONTI2ACT This contract is by and between St Paul Potice D�artmenr (hereir,after "PURCHASER") and the State cf I:linnesota acting tluough its Board of Trustees of the :Ki:uiesota State Colleges and Universities, or. behaif of Cen:ury College {hereinaRer "3TATE"). WHEREAS, the PURCHASER has a need for a sgecific service; and WHEREAS, the STATE, is empowered to entet into income contracts pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 136F; NO��, THER°FQRE, it is agreed: DUTIES OF STATE. The STATE agrees to provide the fotiowing: 1. Law Enforcemrn2 Continuing Educa4ion Progam of Century Coilege wili orovide approximately 300 hours of PO5T approved rraining for the period Septembe* I, 2004 through June 30, 2605. 2. Registradon for training wiil be conducted en a first•come, first serve� basis with priority given ro licensed of�'ice*s/dispatchers from parti�ipating member agencies. 7he number of enrotlments from individual agencies may be limited in some cases in order to accorzunodate all membe: agencies. 3. The 7raining Program wiil be continually evaluated by means af covrse evalua4ions comgleted at the conclusion of each training session, and program and curriculum evaluations and surveys will be solicited from pariicipating agencies. Training pragsams will be off'ered at Century College. 4. Enrollment reports will be provided to participa$ng member agencies upon request. 5. Courses not covered by ttus training agreement include Firearms Quaiification and Training Program. Anv other course exciuded by this agreement will be so identified in the training brochure. II. BUTIES OF PURCHASER. The PLRCHASER agreas to provide the following: I, Pazticipating agencies witI puBlicize the program to officers and promate courses internally. 2. In orde: to best meet the specific needs of law enforceraent, training officers/dispatohers &om paRicipatiag member I.aw Enforcement agencies will be invited to scheduied meetings w partiaipate in ihe review of pasF and futu;e cun and trainir.g concerns. �� o �- �93 fiI. CO\SIDERATION A.\'TJ TERA.fS OF PAYNIE\*i'. R. Consideration for all services gerformed and goods o* naterials supplied by ti:e STATE pusuant to this contract shall be paid by the PLRCHASER zs follows: Annual cost is 5245 per slot for full-time licensed cfficersldispatchers �vi?h Yhe �urchase of 6 or more siots. Annual cost for 1-5 slots is �445 per slot. St Pau! Police Department Ras made the cammitment to purchase ten (10) stots ai $295 each totaling 52954. B. Terms of Paveneirt. PaymenE shal! be made by the FURCHASER r,c later than 30 days following receipt of thz invaice. IV. T`ERM OF CONTRACT. This aontracY shall be effective oa �pte+nber I, 2G04, ar upon the date that the final required signature is etttsiaed bp the STATE, whichever occurs later, and shall remain in effect until .Iune 30. 2005. or uniil al1 obligations sei forth in this contracY Gave been satisfactorily fulfilled, whichever occurs first. V CA.°vCELLATION. Century CoiVege reserves the right to cancel courses eiue to lack af enzollment. Depzrtments will NOT receive confirmation or registration, but wi113e contacted by phone or by mail if the class is fiiled or cance;ed. Notice of registration cancellation by an officer must be received three warking days prior to the start aP the eaurse. Agencies or o�cezs ruho fail Yo give such notice witi be billed and the participating departmenetagency Kill be billed $10•'officer for `°NO SHOWS". �'I. AtITHOFtIZED ItEPRESENTATIV'ES The PURCY.ASER'S Authorized Representative fai� the purposes ef adminis#ntian of this con�act is Kere Reed. The S7ATE'S Authorized Representative fot the pucposes of adminisuaiion of ihis conteacs is Joan Peterson. Each authorized representaEive shall have fsnal authority fss. acceptance of services of the other paYy and s�all have tesponsibslity to ensure that a3: paymeats due to the ether gariy are paid pursuant to the terms of this contracC. V'A. ASSIGNMENT. Neither ihe PLRCHASER nor the STATE shall assign oz transfer any tights or obligations under!his contract withovt the prior written ap�roval of the other party. VIII. T.IABiLITY. Ttse PURCHASER shall indemnify, save, and liald the STATE, its agents and emp[oyees harmless from zny and ali c3aims or causes of action ar'sing from the performar.ce of kliis contract by tfae PURCHASER or PliRCHASEA'S agents or emplayees. This clause shatl noi be construed to bar any legal remedies tne PURCHASER zneti 1�ave far the STATE'S faiiure to fulfiil its obligations pursuant to this contracY. Additionally, this indemnification ciause shall not be constnied as a waiver by the PLJTtCHASER of tYee mur.icipal tort liability limits sat fo;fk in Mir.nesota Statute §466.01, IX. AMbRICANS WITH DISAB'LITIES ACT COiviPLIANCE (hereir.after "AD 4"l. T�.e FURCHASER is responsible for complying with the Americar,s with Disabilities Act, 42 U.S.C. 121�1, et. seq. and regulations p; omuigated gursuant to it. The STATE IS NQT responsibie for issues or challengQS related ta compliance with 4he ADA beyond its own routine u;e of facilities, services, or oeher zreas coverecl by the ADA. X. AMENDMBNTS. Any amendmenu to this contract shali be in w: iting and shall Ee executed by the seme parfies who executed the original contract or their successors in office. 0� XI. C�OVERIv'ME'�[T BAFA PRACTICES. The PLRCFL4SER must compiy wi�h *.he ?viinnesota Gove; cme��t Bata P;actices Act, tvfirenesota Stahstes Chapter 13, as it applies to all data orovided by the S7'ATE in aceerdance with this conuact an3 as it applies to all data c:eated, wllected, recei��ed, stored, used, maintair.ed or dissemir.ated by the PURCHASER ir, acco:dar.ce with th:is con'uzct. The civil mmedies of Minnesota SEamtes Sectioa 13.08, apgly to the release of the data referred to in this ArticYe by either :he P'JACHASER or STATE. In the event tne PURCHASER receives a reauest to re!easa vhe data re:erred ta in this Article, the P(SRCHASER must ir.unediaiety notify the STATE. XII. 3LSRS3DIC?ION A.\D VE1'UE. T:�is contract shail be gavemed by the laws of :he State of Minnesota. Venue ter ail legal proceedings arising out of this cont�act, or the 6reach thereof, shall be located only in the state or federal court with competentjurisdiction in Ramsey County, Minnesota. �Ii[. STATE AiiDITS. Tha books, records, docaments, and accouating procedures and practices uf the PURCHASEA relevant to this contract shall be subject to examination by the cantracting department an� the L.egislative Auditor. XIV. QTHER PROVISFONS. (ATtacl: additiona( page(s) if necessary): Inclement Weat6er Listen to WCCO Radio for any coliege tlosing iaformation. POST Creciits Peace officers whv successfwly complete the POST agproved courses wil3 receive peace o£ficer c�ntinuing educatian credits. AissriminaYion Policy In accordance with the adminis;rative rules of the Minnesota POST B�ard and the Policy of Cer.tury Caitege all persons shall be eligibie for enroitment in any program regardless of race, color, reiigion, sex, �atior.al origin, residency, marital sta2us or physical disabilities. If you need a reasonable accommadation for a disabitity (e.g., wheelchair accessibility, interpreter, Brai!le or iarge print materials} such an accommodation can be made avaifable upan advance request. Please contact the Century Coltege Access Center, 651-779-3355 or TTY 651-773-1715 as soon as possibte. , Waiting Lisis Sf a course siaould Fidt, officers wil: be put on a waiting list. . , � D�-�93 1. VIINNESOTA STATE G4LLEGES AND ITr'R'ERSITIES Centrrn COLI.EGE/CTNP,'E12SITY(51 STE;YI C?FFICE � Title 6/3iO4 IN�TTi: NESS I�HEREOF, the gzrties have caused ±his contnct to be du(y executed intending to be bound thereby. APPROVED: 2, PLfRCHASER: ` PURCHASER certi person{s) have execi ofi PURCFIASER as articles, by-taws, re; � Date By (aut:rgr'ized signature) Tit1e Date that the a�tropriate E the co�qtrast on behatf u v appticable I tiop or ordinaaces. i By (authorized sigr.ature) i Title Da.e y �� ` � 3. AS TO FORi�1 �.'�D EXECU:tO'�: � By (auzhorized coile � �rsity�'system o�ce si e) jr / G(C.(,.t/ Tst1e Vi resident, CE/CT Tiyte bl3l04 ! � DEPARTMEN7/OFFICEICOUNCIL DATE INITIATED Police 6/11/04 GREEN SHEET No. � 206660 �` N A R P NE INRVWOATE INITIAUDATE Chlef Willlanl FinIley 266-5�38 1 nann�roixECTae 4 mcouxca MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY (DAT J / Please process ASAP �wrvn, v �cm c�arz ❑FNANCIFLSERVICESUIR_ ❑FPIANCINLSERV/ACCTG , y ,mwYOR10RA5515TAlI� ❑Xl11MNWGHlS u TOTAL # OF S{GtdATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) AC710N REQUES7ED Si�atures requested on the attached council resolurion authorizing the City of Saint Paul, Police Deparhnent to enter into the attached agreement with the State of Mianesota, Century College. RECOMMENDATION AppfOVe (A) Of REjECt (R) PERSONAL SERVICE GONTRACTS MUSTANSWER TXE FOLLOWING QUEST10N5: i. Has Nis person/firtn ever worked untler a contrac[ for this department? PLANNING COMMISSION YES NO CIB COMMITTEE 2. Has this perso�rm ever been a ciry employee? CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION YES NO 3 Daes ihis personttirtn possess a skill not namalry possessetl by any curtent cM1y empbYee? YES NO 4. Is this person/firm a targetetl vendoR YES NO Explain all yes answers on Separate sheet and attach to green sheet - INITIATING PROBLEM ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WHI� The State of Minnesota, Century College, will provide the Saint Paul Police Department with approximately 300 hours of Peace Officers Standards and Training Boazd (POST) approved training. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED The police officers that successfully complete the POST approved courses will receive peace officer continuing education credits towazds their peace officer license. ��� ���� DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED ,��y � � 2U�4 NOne. d� � i F�§ 9 E,.d f"� !�4 G 9 DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED The Saint Paul Police Deparhnent will not enter into this agreement with the state of Minnesota. The police department will lose the opportunity to participate in these POST approved courses. TOTAL AMOUN70F 7RANSAG710N 5 � see aggreement COST/ftEVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNOING SOURCE 436-34117�� � �� g � rC' E � ACT{VIN NUMBER 34117 FINANCIAL INFORMATION (EXPLAIN) � �)SJ o � �� , �7L centaryGa�ege.ag cr i �_. _ ,.,._,,.s'�'ts?„�- -. e