239159 ORIG NAL-TO CITY CLERK , ������ ' CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. " OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ���� ��T� �UNCIL RE OLU ION—GENERAL �FORM PRESENTED BY Jnne 20, 1968 COMMISSIONE ATF . ��- RE50LUED: Tha,t licenses appl3.ed for by the follow-ing persons at the address�s stated, be and the sa�ne are hereby granted. . Imperial gend'zng, Inc. 1725 Grand Fdstf.VM Oper.11pp.2342Renewal �asimir tiTaldoch 982 �rand V.M.Lo�.�.M " ?J�16" Gold Medal Bev.�Dec� Properties 261 Selby V.M.I,oc.1M �� 2661" " �Kroger Co., In�. (�5 Grand V.M.Loc.1M �� 2672' Wayne Ekelund 89 Virginia V.�I.Lor..1M " 2'j12" Iielen V. & John M. Wallgren �104 Grand V.M.Loc.1.�i " 2731 r� Fairday �orp. 325 Da�*ton V.Y�.Toc.lbi " 2807" Randall Blilie 394 �elby �'.M.Loc.1M'� n 2826" �u�ene & Mary De�'itt 873 Grand Beauty Shop " 2870" Grandendale Fbar�aa�:y, Inc. 619 Grand Confect�.onery �� 2972� " " Off Sa1e Malt " n " n " �igarette " " " Aoward J. Lloyd 985 Grand V.M.IAC.1M " 3028�� Vi�ng C%hevrolet Co. 899-917 Grand New M.V. Dlr. " 3061� � " 2nd.Hd.M.V.DZr.n n n �� " D1r.Garage " " " �asimir Waldoch 982 Grand Gas �ta.4P " 3156" �� �� Gen.Rep.�*arage" �� " Thomas N. Delmont 1087 Brand Barber " 317p�r i n DVM� Inc.,�E.J. Fiebert 923 Gran3 V.M.Loc.].M 3246� Vend.Serv.Corp.°�.Stevens �musement �a. 1053 Grand V.M.Loc.1M " 3259" Pepsi Cola��lark OIZ & Refining Corp.1060 Gf�an�do ted by the CS�u'u��''� " 33�ir COUNCILMEN P Yeas Nays CarLson Dalglish Approved 19— Meredith _�n Favor Peterson Sprafka Mayor A gainst Tedesco Mr. President, Byrne ' O ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK , �9 � ; CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� ����`'' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. ���� ��TT� COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATF June ZO� l� Contd. Page 2 � Joe & Marie Janisch 374 Selby Restaurant App.33691�enewal � , . '� �igarette " " �� I�enry .A. Brunmel 880 Grand Gas Sta.4P " 3394'" . . � De^a Properties, Inc. 261 Selby I�1�.I3C_Flant " 3�19" Automati� Vendor�Grand ,�ve. Motor Co.850 Grand V.M..Loc.li�il �� }�79' n n 3 add.ma,�h. n u n n �giki.ng �hevrolet �o. 899-917 Grand V.AS.Loc.1M n 3497" n n u n n . _ 3 add.mach. Fred Hagerstrom�Cab-Line,.In�. 406 Selby �T.M.Loc.].M " 3612" " � 1 add.mach. Q " ° Ervin E. Duncan � 371 Selby Foods MPl7t� " 3638n ° ° 1V�1141� n u n Midwest Vend.�Jac�: Wong 367 Selby V.M.I,or_.1M " 3723" 7IIp�George C. Huber 650 Grand V.P�I.Loc.l�i " 4171" Aloys F. Ba�tholmey 313 Laurel Photographer " 4292" Edward D. Treiss � 119� Randolph Gas Sta.SP " 4301" " � . , " Gen.Rep.Ga.rage �� n tt . � Ci.garet�e n �� u' Holiday Harbor, Inc. Davern & Miss.Riv.Bk. Gas Sta.1P " 4303'"' Randall Bl�.lie 394 Selby Ldy.DC I'lant " 4356" George �. Huber , 650 Grand Gen..Rep.Garage'" 4359" Interstate ,United�bRoyal Olds �o. 734 Grand V.M.Lo^.1M �� 4482" n p 2 add.ma^h. " " " David Levy � Z533 �omo Mot. Pi�.549� p �566" " '" Confgctionery " ° �' COUNCILMEN , � Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Nays - CarLson Dalglish Approve� 19— Meredith Tn Favor Peterson Sprafku , Mayor Tedesco A gainst Mr. President, Byrne �-�` �O ORIG�IAL 70 CITY CLERK ������ i ` CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. LI�ISE COMMITTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESEN7ED BY � COMMISSIONER DATE .Tn+'+e '�n �Q�iR Contd. Page 3 py's Truck Stop� Inc. 2205 IIni.vers�ty Orig.ContainerApp.4805Renewal , " �%i.garette n a �� �linton J. �nderson 874 E. Mary�and Ci.garette " 4890' John �+T. Pott . . g62 E. 7th Gas Sta.3P �� 4959"" ��'linton J. lnderson • 87�+ E. Maryland Gas Sta.4P n 4973'" " Gen.Re,p.Gar,. n u �� . , , � Marti�n Lumber Co. 1291 E. 7th Hardware . " 49g2n Superi.or "400". In�: . 1135 Prosperzty Grocery . '" 5012n groger �o.� Inc. 1330 con�,��y Grocery n 5p13n n p Butcher �� �� �� H , „ Hardware n n �► '� � " Florist-N. �� �� n �� " Off Sale Malt " �� " � , o n n n �ga-x�ette Darrel �ide 499 Selby V�M.T,oc�]aq �� 5015n Northwest� Publication 60 E.. 4th 1'r.Gas P�p �� 5018° Raymond A. & Delores E. Kunshi.er 37 L3rton P1. Photoorapher � 5024" W. C. Stanton Lumber- �o. 845 Earl . . . Ha.rdware� ��� 5031n Sol Fox 836 �i Smith V,M.�or,.1M �� 5040" Knowlan S-uper Ma3sket, Inc. 688 Hagu,e 1 add.vm� " 5093� Robert E. Chapdelaine . 864 Jordan �tr.Ueh.Dr. " 5115" . . Henry G. ,Auge 985 Edgerton Mtr.�eh.Dr. " �124" Coca �%ola�I'T�A 65 E. .Kellogg 2 add.mach.VM " 51�1" Joseph A. S�huh 1387 E. Minr�� l�tr V h.Dr. " �n COUNCILMEN op ed by the ou$ci 6�__ Yeas Nays CarLson ��1� � Q ���� Dalglish Approve� 19— Meredith � Tn Favor Peterson ' Sprafku b Mayor Tedesco A gainst Mr. President, Byrne Pk�BLIS�iE� �uN � 2 1.9�� �O