239125 OK161NAL TO CITY CL6RK � 23���5 `����� � CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. �t OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY Robe rt F. Pete rson COMMISSIONER DATF WHEREAS, In connection with the construction of the Lafayette Bridge it will be necessary for �the Western Union Telegraph Company to relocate their existing aerial cable along the Soo Line Railroad to facilitate this construction� and � WHEREAS, The Western �Union Telegraph Company has requested the authorization to bill this expense to the City of St. Paul ; now therefore be it� RESOLVED,• That the estimated cost of this relocation of aerial cable in the amount of $7,64g.00 be charged to the Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund Code 6000, .and this eame fund to be reimbursed from M.S.A. Suspense Fund. M-202 ��^ JUN1 � 19�. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays �9�� 1 � 1968 Carlson • Dalglish ' Approved 19—_ Meredith n Favor Peterson � Sprafka Mayor � Tedesco �gainst _ Mr. President, Byrne ��eL-FS�'F� ��� 2 2 ���� " � ' �O DUrLICATt TO TRINT[R 23�_1_�5 CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO � ` OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY RO�ert F• PltAi'�011 DATF COMMISSIONER • MiER�AS, In connsction wl�h ttis constru�tion of th� 4afaystte Briclg� ir Mri t l bs n�c�ssary for the ldsste��n lhtior� Tel��rapl� Co�pa�y to tsioc�ts th�ir ixl�ting a�riai cabie alary the Soo line Railrc,ad to factl-It�ta thts construction �nd I�ItiEREAS, The W�estern Union Tslagraph Coa�any ha� r�qu�st+ed the awttwrization to b t 11 th i s expansa to the C I ty of St. Paul , r�ow th�t r�fior�, be f t,, RESOLVED, That th� esti�ated �ost of this rslc�catior� of ��eri�l cabl� tn tihi �rr�unt of $7��9:00 b� �Fwrgsd- to ths Psravanen� I�wp�`owe�snt Ravoiving Fund Cods 6000, +nd thf� � fund to b� rotmburssd fro�+ M.�.A. Suspense Fund. M-202 JUf� 1 � 19�$ COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Carlson ��� a� � ,��&8 Dalglish Approve�l 19� Meredith Tn Favor Peterson Sprafka O Mayor Tedesco A gainst Mr.President, Byrne ' ��