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Resolution Approving Assessment By—
and Figing Time of Hearing Thereon ��
In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for construction or re-
construction of sidewalks and work incidental thereto;
,�„ Contract 67-M-395, Levy No. 5, District No. 1__ � _ _
a. ;L • -'- - - ,. - �-�r...ti ��y, �._a,.--------�
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' r ^AS$ES$ABLES . 0. _ - . , - . , - . _ -.' ��`I
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�� F.0. �2�3476 - Rent S t.,,�as t s ide from Edmund Ave. to T'homas Ave:" ' - '' ' Q� � �
t ' F.O. �229216 - Oxford St., west side from University Ave. to Sherburne �Ave." - � �
� � �.'...: ' F.O. �227247 - Sherburne Ave., both sides from Lexington Parkway to Oxford St. '
� �.F.0. ,#233 751 - Charles Ave.; both s ides from Rent S t. to Mackubin S t."'° �� . ' ���c�
, ' . FoO. �233747 - Edmund Ave., north side from Aldine St. to Fry St.
F.O. #231872 - Blair Ave., both sides from Western Ave. to Virginia St.
. F.O. #232092 - Blair Ave.; south side from Virginia St. to Farrington St.
' F.O. �233475 - Rent St., west side fram Thomas Ave. to Lafond Ave.
F.O. #232619 - Charles Ave., both sides from Western Ave. to Virginia St.
� 0; � 8643 glehar.t�Ave: . «.bo�th..sides from�. ewe -S�t ��to� -�^�M_��-�^
; �ct�.t��.�i�e���r��k,�,���_ .��...��,�'�r.... P. Y � ga:irq.�eFt,'�vQ.. _y
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; F•b.Y�J2292�T6'- OxfordVSt. ,west side from University Ave. to Sherburne Ave.
� �s F 0 )y{7�'(22.7.24,Z..-.,Sherburne..Ave,.,,.,bo.th�s-ides fr(�7Lexin ton»Parkwa ��to;Oxford�St_r__--�-
� r��iLk"1�+V' � � �.-..w...�-".,.e.—..,,.�—�..._.�.�.�-.�.� +c..—-.-�.�...�.)t.�r�.J�'Lal.� -g,�.. - � _ _... �...
F.O. �233751 - Charles Ave., both sides from Kent�St. to Mackubin St.
F�.,O. ,�233.�4] 1Edmund Ave. �north side;from A1din�,�St. to.Fry�S�.,�j� �on��c�iari �th
, it;tl��.,.;f��u r ••ilt 0' .._. _-,.�...r.��:..tl.
F.O. #23�1872 - BTair Ave. , both sides from Western Ave. to Virgiriia St. '
, theF z��:t���3r���ni��,e9W�:��t�- ,;ewes,;t,��i�e;t;�from:;Thomas;;A�,v�:��l Co�I{�a�ondl L�ve;�tg a0z�szc���ecT a�me
F.O. �228643 - Iglehart Ave. , both sides from Dewey St. to Fairview Ave.
and founc� �he �aic� �.s���a��2�.t +a:��i�x��tary� th���i"���et �e i� �
RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved.
. _.-RESOLVED FURTHER; That a public heaxing be had on said assessment on the 17th . . _ _
day of July, 1968 , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the �ouncil Chamber of
the Court House a,nd City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Fina.nce
give natice of said meetings, as required by the Chaxter, stating in said notice the time a.nd place of
hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the amount asseased against the lot or lots of the paxticular
owner to whom the notice is directed.
COUNG'II,MEN J U N 1 9 �9� •
Yeas Nays �
CBYIson Adopted by the Council
Meredith J'UN 1 9 I9��
�n Appr e�7
�Y� Tn Favor
� peal.IS+tEe JU� 2 2 195$
Form R-2 2M 10-68 8�