239105 `i --�J+� 239�05 `�31GINAL TO CITY CLERK ,� CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. � CE OF THE CITY CLERK � COU L E L 10 —GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE ATF RESOLVED, �hat the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby approve the Public Official Bond covering the elected officials in the amounts stated therein, a copy of said Public Official Bond being attached hereto, and which bond has been approved as to form by the Corporation Counsel; be it , y FURTHER RESOLVED, That in accordance with Section 51: .t of the Charter of the Gity of Saint Paul, the City Clerk is hereby directed to file the bond with the Gomptroller, and a R copy thereof with the Commissioner of Finance. . _ .�` ' _ � -- .-- - FORM PPROVED , A . Corporati Gns COUNCILMEN , Adopted by the co����� 19196� 19— Yeas Nays Carlson .�U N 1 �1196� Dalglish Approve� 19— Meredith Favor Peterson '�'J � v Mayor Sprafka ' A gainst Tedesco Mr. President, Byrne R�BLISHE� JUN 2 2 1968 �O " .: J �4�� . ` _ : . . . .o� - ,.�; - � - _ ., . . - _ . : _ , . - ��3 � � - _ _ . . -,. - � . � : . . _ , .. .. . _ � � _ . -- . . . . , . . - _, - . . . - ; . _ . - - -_-_ . _ : , -- - . . . �_ , - _ .. . .. . �, , � , . „ - . . . , . � - - . -� - . - . - . . _ . , - � . � � � 6 . . _ - . �t . - _ - _ � . , � . , y - . - _;, _ - . _ - _., - , - - �- . _ . -: _ _ - - , ,- • : , � , -, � - -Ju],y�1, 19f 8 � ` . . _ � ° - �� �, � _ 5 . _,. ' ` ' - � - � ' � ' ` _ � . ' • - :_ ' -.. . x _ • ' ` ` , . ' ' • � � , ,• •� '` �F �^�"' ` ' • � ` • _ , - � _ - ` R � y ' - _ _ _ •A . � ' . _ . - _ Hon. James ,J. Dalglish ` �-_- ' . , _ . -- - _- � ; ' ' Comsr. of .Finance � ; '�2�. " ' - . - � - - - ; , • . - - - • , . . Buildin -. - • - , . 8 . , , _ � �. . . . . . . .- � . , . � � Dear �ir:� ; � . . �. ; . • - _ - . , _ - , - - • _ . . ' , - . In accordance with Sectiop 51 of t _ ty rter,s �e�tranemit here�rith ° � ' � . a .copy-of the Public O�Picial BondFc g the electe8 official8 liated.� , � - below: _ . _ , ;' - • - .. • , ' � e �Thomae R. Byrne . . � /r � �, _ • , , -. � � � -, ' Jamee J. Dalglish C eaioner_o� inance �- - ' � � _ ` ` � � ` 'Robert F, Sprafka C ssioner o Public Utilities . � _ • . William E. Carlson Co eeioner Public �afety � ' " ` � . � Victor sT. Tede o = � Comm���1.�f ;Parks E� Recreation E�. Public Buildinga ' ' _ � � .� . � � ' � •- ,,.� - Robert�F. raon� _ C � ssioner of Public Works � - _ - .. . Dean Meredi . Co ssioner of Librariea; Auditorium & Civic Buildings - r , � Joee�h J. che11 C � Comptroller ~ � - . - - - Rarry E. . 11 y Clerk do Comsr, of RegiBtration d� Secy., Bd, of Water . '. Joseph P. 8 rporation Counsel � - - � Comsrs. .- - , Robert E, I,arkin - f purchasing Agent =- � , - . � ' • � - -. • _ �' , - ; , - � ' ; �_ " Very truly y�g� . . ', . � - -- f "' " - .' _ � ' . .. t� � �� - , _ , - � _ ^ - .- City Clerk . .. - _ - - �g � � - - � � � .. ' ` - ' - . , - . , ' ..- _ ` .� ' " _ � - - _.. - . _ ' -- - '. ' � � ' � • � ` � �. . . . . . ; " - ' ;, - - . ' - ' . ; . . - • , � ` - - . , - ` - - . - � � ' . ,. - - , . ' ` • .- - _ � - " _- ' .- . . . - . ' � - . , � � . - . - - - • �� ` . - . � � 23��05 aUTLICAT6 TO PRIN7'iR ,• : CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK� ► COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATF RESOLVED, That the CounQil o� the City o� Saint P�,ul cloe� hereby approve the Public OYficial Bond oovering the eleoted o��icsials in the amounts stated therein, a copy of said Publio O�fioial Bond being attaohed hereto, and whiah bond ha� been approved aa to �orm by the Corporation Counsel; be it FUItTIIEI� R�SOLVED, That in aQOOrdanoe with Sevtion 51 of the C�arter o� the City of Saint Paul, the City Clerk is hereby direoted to �i1e the bond with the Comptroller, and a copy thereo� with the Commissioner o� Finanae. ,JUN1919� COUNCILMEN , Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays ��� 1 � 1��'$' Carlson Dalglish Approved 19— Meredith Tn Favor Peterson Sprafka Mayor � A gainst Tedeaco Mr. President, Byrne �� 1 � .- . . C � . �. ,: t � .. . �� 3��Q�� �� -.•. ������R� �1� ���'Y C�����,�Y HOME OFFlCE: NEW YORK, N. Y. SOIvD t�10. 679255 �11�40UI�11':• $380,000.00 ' PUBLTC OFFICIAL BOND KNOW ALL 1�N BY TEiES� PR�SENTS: ' That we, the undersigned Public Officials of the City of St. Paul, D4innesot� , as Principals (hereinafter called the "Principals") , and the SEABOARD SURETY COAIPANY, a corporal:ioi� of the State of T�T���� Yorl;, and authorized i:o become surety on bonds in the State of D�Iinnesot�; as Suxety (hereina:Cter called "Surety") are held and rirmly bount unto tlie CITY OF ST. PAUL, rIINNESOT�I (liereinafter called "Oblinee" ) in the penal sum of THREE HUNDRED EIGHTY T'rI�USAI�ID AND NO/100 DOLLAFZS ($380,000.00) , to the p�yme►zt whereof, �velJ. • . and truly to be made , the said Principals bind thenselves, their heirs, executors, acimina.strators, �and the said Surety binds itself, its successors and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. THE CO�'DITIOPd Or THF AFOREGOING OBLIGATION IS SUCH, that WHEREAS, the said Pxincipals were elected or appointed to the positions as her.einaf ter set forth, for the term beginning JUNE 4th, 196II thru , i 9th, 1970, or until their successors are el�cted ox appointed. and qualify; NO�V, THEREFO?�E, if the said principals shall well and faithfully perform all and sinyular the duti.es incumbent upon them by reason of tneir election or agpointment as said Public Officials as hereinafter set forth, durin� the period commencing June 4th, 1968 thru June 9th, 19�0, and hone stly account �`or a1J_ moneys coming into theix hands as said Pub].ic Of�icials, during this term of office, according to laiv, t}�en this obligation shall ' be null and void; it is otherivise to be and xemain in full force and viri:ue . POS I TION . AA�IOiJi�T THOMAS R. BYRNE ' $1O,00U.00 ' hlayor �. . � . - ' ` � � (Thomas R . Byrne ) . , JAP�IES J. DALGLIS�i $200,000.00 � Conunissioner of Financ , inc 'd' g act�of� Deputy . � � i � ���� �� , .���" r ��/�'�1.�� . j m�s D�lgl' h� . � I ROBE°T F. SPRAF! $10,000.00 Commissioner of Pu' lic Ut�litie s, including acts of Deputy � � ` � � . , � �_�- �� �- _ . � (P.ob��r� F. Sprafka ) \ . � r� WILI.ZAr�t E. CARI.SOrd J �10,000.00 : Commissioner of Public Safe�y, including acts of D�puty ; /" i?:`,� I'�.-� ��1"_��,.z.� ' ,. + (Williar� E. Carlson) ��� ' . i � VICT�R J, T�DESCO ' $10,000.00 ' Commissionex of Parks, Recreation and Public Bu�:ldings, � � i.ncluding acts of Deputy 0 � �� �y � .;L�t2�^�v � , � � (Vic�or J. Tec�es o) � � ROBGRT F. PFsTERSOIV $10,000.00 � � Cor�missioner of Public 6�o�cs, including ac�s, of U�p����y ; �� �. � � ,� _ . , � (P,obert F. P�texson} � , • n.,r-.-. v 1 ^ • �... r� �^``.�' � ' �������� �� �� d � ��•����� ' HOME OFFICE: iVE1M YORK, N. Y. POS I T I ON � A h10UN T DEAN DIEREDITH $10,000.00. Commissionex of Libraries, Audii;orium and Civic Buildin�s, . including acts of Deputy . � - � ��Q�-�� � �� ' (Dean i��ieredith) JOSEPH J, hfTTCHELL $50,000.00 City Comntxoller , including acts of Deputy - �-�f-- .��. �L�ti�'�-h-�. . t,\ � � (J�eph ,�, Airtche 11) c _ City Clerlc, includin� duties as Commissioner of $10,000.00 Registration and Secretary of tlie Boax of ��ater . Commzssioners > � -G�.�.i � ����•����� � (Harry E. Marshall) JOSEPH P. SIJb�'��RS $10„000.00 Gorporation Counsel �` � t..�� J seph �. Summer Purchasing :1e�ent, in �� nr� a ts -oF De�, � , $50,000.00 I I � rC � -` • �y' ( ober� E. rkin)�� IPd TESTTb�IONY ti�i-IEREOF, the said Principal.s have hereun-to set their hands and the Surety has caused this instrunent to be szGned in its name and behalf and its corporate seal to be hereunto affixed tliis 4th day of June, 1968. . ' ' SEABOARD SURETY COMPANY • . i� �� �� _ .,r i /� G_ �Ck c•1- BY � �-a�-�?'„r��r—�^�°�.����r. . M. La B�ir - 6Vitness T. C. Fielcl, III � ' Attorney-in-Fact - �� � � St. Paul, Minnesota . • � . ' I . ' � � � • i . f - i - • .. � • . Page 2. � , . � . . � ' �. , ' ; • � . . . i - FORM PPROVED� . � � � � � AS oratior}/C uns • . � � � • � . Corp : . . • � • �„ STl1TE OF Ml��`iVESOTA, . ss � COUtdTY OF RF h9SEY � - On this 4th day of June , 1968, came before me personally Thomas R . Byrne , James J. Dal�lish, Robert F. Sprafka , Gdilliam E. Carlson, Victor J. Tedesco, Robert F. Peterson, . Dean b;eredith, Joseph J. Dlitch�l?, Harry E. A4arshall, Joseph P. Summ�rs, and Robert E. I.arkin to me �vell kno«*n to be the same person �vho _ e�:ecuted the foregoing bond, and each severally ackno�vledg�d the same to be his oivn free act and. deed, � " ' . "�c%�.��.� � . , Rp G, 1-IALEY. Notary Public, County, biinn. Publ� Ramsey County,.h�inn. �x ires D°c.2l. 1974 potary My comrnission expires MY G�`^•..�'c�On P ,.__. • ' SURETY ACICNOLJLEDG�NLNT ST��TE OF b1INNESOTA, � ss COUIQTY Or RArIS�Y ' � On this 4th - day of June __, 1�68, before me appeared T. C. Fxeld to me personally knoivn, who, being duly s��rorn, did say that he is the Attorney-in-fact of the S��1BOt1RD SURETY COAIPANY, a Ne�v York cor�oration; i:ha± said instrument was signed and sealed on. behalf of said corporation by authority of its Board of Directors, and said T. C. Field acl;no�rledged said instrument to be the free act and deed oi said corporation. � � . � .�,%�� . � - � . , Notaxy Public, Ram ounty, t�linn. • b�1y conm�,ssion expires • NIILL�RD �• HACEY, . l��a�y p�biic, Ramsey Co�^tY� t�"'tnn. �1y Commissicn Expires Csc.27, 197a ti ' __..�.____-�_--.- � - . - • . .. • - - .. -- - • - � - - � - �_-- , . , , � . • � . ' - I . . - *r .. . , , , , , � � ' , ' • � � � ' � . Y f . ' � • , - i • , • F . , � � '� � ' ' " - _ .. �' ; �ertified Lopy , � . • , '• ' SE�30t�RID �gJI2E'II`�' CONYPAN�' No. 3288 I-llo�'"z�� C)'�xric� . 1�T�wYoxut,N�vYo� � Pow��a o� �-r-ro�r�Ev . KNOW ALL MEN B,Y Tf-IESE PRESENTS: Tl�at SEABOARD SURETY COMPANY, a cor- poratioti of the 5tate of Ne�v York, has made, constitutecl and appointed and by these preseuts does iiiake, constitute aTid appoint T. C. Field, III or Litton E. S. Field or A. M. Angvik,---------- of St. Paul, Minnesota, � � its true and lawful Attorncy-in�Fact, to make, execute and deliver on its behalf insurance policies, surety bonds, undertakings and other instruments of similar nature as follo�vs: Without Limitations. Such insurance policies, surety bonds, undertakings and instruments for said purposes, when duly executed by the aforesaid Attorney-in-Fact, shall be binding upon the said Company as fully and to the same extcnt as if signed by the duly authorized officers of the Company and sealed �vith its corporate -seal; and all the acts of said Attorney-in-Fact, pursuant to the authority hereby given, are hereby ratified and confirmed. • • This appointment is made pursuant to the following By-La�vs �vhich �vere duly adopted by the Board of Directors of the said Company on December 8th, 1927, and are still in full force and effect: ARTICLE IX, SECTION 1: "Policies, bonds, recognizances, stipulations, consents of surety, underwriting undertakings and instruments relating thereto. Insurance policies, bo�ids, recognizances, stipulations, consents of surety and underwriting undertakings of the Com- pany, and releases, agree:nents and other writings relating in any �vay tliereto or to any claim or loss thereunder, shali be signed in the name and on bchalf of the Company (a) by the President, a Vice President or a Resident Vice Preside�it and by the Secretary, an Assistant Secretary, a Resident Secretary or a Resident Assistant Secretary; or (b) by an Attorney-in-Fact for the Company appointed and authorized by the President or a Vice President to makc such signature; or (c) by such oth�r officers or representatives as the Board may from time to time determine. The seal of the Company shall if appropriate be affixed thereto by any such officer, Attorney-in-Fact or represantative." IN 1A/ITNESS V1/HEREOF, SEABOARD SURETY COTZPANY has caused these presents to be signed by its Vice-President, and its corporate seal to be hereunto affixed and duly attested by its Assistant Sec- . retary, this� lOth___.....day of.._............._....�IQV�emb.ex..........__........._.__.._..._.._, 19_.6.6... Attest: - S�EABOARD �SURETY C411�IPANY, . By . . (Seal) Robert R...._Kane._—.._._.. _ .. ._.._...... � _�.�I.._.S...__[��hxe11.__......._.__.._..._._.__..------ „ _._.......—.....___. . ... _.... y Assistant Secretar � Vice-Presiaent STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF N�W YORK }ss.: � On this.__.._......�.Qtl�_.day of.__.___.._._....._.._Ho.�retnhar.._......_..........._..._...._...._...., 19._6.6.., before me personally appeared �__..__...____�T!1......5......FI�.hr.e11.._..__._......__............_..._.._._........._.._...._..Vice-President of SEABOARD SURETY COMPANY, with �vhom I am personally acquainted, �vho, being by me duly sworn, said that he resides ' in the State of_...........�`1.e�...�J.�xs.e.y._...._._.._; that he is Vice-President of SEABOARD SURETY CO\IPANY, the corporation described in and �vhich executed the foregoing instrument; that he knows the corporate seal of the said�Compan}•; that the seal affi�ed to said instrument is such corporate seal; that it was so . 'affixed by order of the Board of Directors of said Company'; and that he signed his name ther�to as Vice-President of said Company by like autliority. � . . (S�al) L'illian Miller ............_._...___y.___.� ,. _......__.........._........_.._..._.._._........ State of New York Notar Public STATE OF NEW YORK � ss.: No. 41-2711300 Qualified ir►• Queens County COUNTY OF NEW YORK Cert. filed in New York County � - .Term Expires March 30, 1969 - I Catherine M.._.Bex.�e.��.��,..._..........._..._.....__......_. _._._...__........__.._....__..._._._.._._.__._......__._Asst. Secretar`y of , _.._..._............._._........_...._. . . SEABOARD SURETY COn°IPANY, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true and correct copy of a power of attorney executed by said SEABOARD SURETY COMPANY, �vhich is still in full force and effect. IN 1(!/ITNESS WHEREOF, I have signed this certificate at Ne�v York, New York, this._...__. . 4th.____ • day of...._.........__. .�tin�.....__..____..........................:. 19�i�.. � ..._.__._ ..._, . „�„�.,,,.,,, ..1.,�./../1"�.. ' ��SURfTy�;o,, • Assistant Secretary :oQ:' �� '•.3,�: 'c' 1927 �:z' • • cW: tK; i "s�/?:, .p. :��,_ �� Fortn 957 Nj.o. .. ;�O�. , - - - - — - - � --. _ ._,_ . �_..c-3 -` --- - - -- - -- --- - � -