D001302NO. D ����� Date: U �`�' J �� • CITY OF SAINT PAUL - OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER for CONTRACT CHANGFs NO. 1 ADMI23ISTRATIVE ORDER, Whereas, additions which proved to be necessary to the Improvement described as: Boatwell Construction at Harriet Island Reaional Park known as Contract 16171 , City Project No. L96-03-35 , L& S Industrial & Marine , Contractor, is composed of the following: Add: Bearing pile bent, runway extension, riprap embankment, concrete grade beam, fencing extension Delete: Pipe pile concrete fill, sheet pile. Add $26,815.00 Deduct 83,525.00 --------------------- Net Deduct $56,710.00 ORDERED, That the City of Saint Paul, through its Mayor, approves the foregoing deduction made in accordance with the specifications in the sum of $(56.710.00), said • amount to be subtracted to the lump sum consideration named in the contract, known as Contract 161�1 , and which amount is to be credited to: C95-3CO35-0882-34148 Original Contract Sum $256,0�0.00 Change Orders to Date -0- Amount this Change (56.710.00) New Contract Sum $199,290.00 APPROVED AS TO FORM �lg l� � �/ 7 19� of Parks & Recreation Chief Engineer Director of cc: City Clerk • Finance Department Department Accounting Project Manager Contractor Inspector Office Copy Contract File Copy 19 , ����. M R-�-�-�� T 'n strative Assistant to the Mayor P. ,rnimi�n__.r / �/f � c�C/ � cl 4�c 6EPARTMENi/OFFICE/COUNCIt � D. �'� MRIATED I A ��is� GREEN SHEET �i NO. 37230 Parks and Recreation COPIrACTPER50NANDPHONE INtTIAL/DATE INfiIAVDATE ian TourtelOtte 66414 � l DEPARTMENTDIRECrOR _CRYCOUNCIL ASSIGN Nt1MBER FDfl 2 CfTY ATTORNEY 4 cm c�K MUST BE ON COUNLIL AGENDA BV (DAip ROUTING OIiDER 3 FlNANCIAL SERVICES DIR. �J PARKS & itEGREATION NA MAYOR lOR ASSISTAtJn _ TOTAL t Oi SIGNATURE PA6ES � (CLIP ALL LOCAiIONS FOR SIGNAiUPEI ACTION REQUESTED: Approve Contract Change Agreement Project: Boatwell Construction at Harriet Island Regional Park RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve (A1 or Rejec[ (F) PERSONAL SEflVICE CONiRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESiIONS: _PLANNING COMMISSION _QVIL SERVICE COMMISSION �, Has [his person/firm ever worketl untler a conttact for this tlepartmen[? CIB COMMITTEE _ YES NO {� $TAFF Z. Has [his person/firm ever been a ciry employee? DISTRICT COUNCIL YES NO — — 3. Does this persoNfirm possess a skill no[ normally possessed by any curren[ city employee? SUPPORTS WHILH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? YES NO Ezplain all yes answers on separate sheet and attacM1 [o green sheet. INRIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY �W�o, What W�en, Whete. Whyl: Value engineering design changes to take advantage of economical construction materials and methods. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED� 's • ., ,� "rp;cry ;i<. � i.- ��..'x4::l�i Jwi:� Cost savings while maintaining design integrity. �iJu �v s��� DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: RECEIVED None AUG 141��1 CIT3� CLERK DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: Cost savings not realized. TOTALAMOUNTOFiRANSACTION S (56.710.00) COST/NEVENUEBUDGEfED�CiRCLEONE) (,'j�8' NO NDINGSOURCE Met. Council Grant SG 95-65 ACTNITYNUMBER C95-3CO35-OSS2-34148 FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIM �/" ✓ 76028 Forest Bivd. No. P.O. Box 375 HUgo, Minnesotn 55038 Phone:612/426-1380 Fax 612/426-0044 Brian Tourtelotte City of St. Paul Department of Parks and Recreation 300 City Hali Annex 25 W. 4th Street St. Paul, Mn 55102 July 3, 1997 �� �"��`�� �r .fl � � 30� s � � Lametti & Sons, inc. General Contractors Equal Opportunity Empioyer Re: Boatwel4 Construction At Harriet Island Regional Park Dear Brian, We have received TKDA's suggested revisions to the above referenced project • and concur with the changes. in general, the sheet pile is deleted and is replaced with a rip rap embankment, several additions and deletions occur as a result. The following net saving is offered: Adds: Bearing Pile Bent Runway Extensions Rip Rap Embankment Concrete Grade Beam Fencing E�ension $26,815.00 Deietions: Pipe Pile:,oncre,e Fiii Sheet Pile $83.525.00 NET SAVINGS $56,710.00 Sincerely, � �_.__ t,�y / James" Van Hoven Project Manager • , . '> nM� SKILL RESPONSIBIIITY INTEGRITY