238987 �3��- ��'? Council File No. 238987 By Robert F. Peterson— Resolved, That upon the petition of = A. J.Ryan Landscape Supply Company and �vtn Plaza Compar�y, that.section of public alley hereinafter described be and the'same he�reby is vacated and discontinued as a public alley: in Block�l6, Meernri�ll,y�DivLs�ionllof • • Rice .Street•Villas, ]ying between the north]ine of Arlingt¢n Avenue ' and the extended south�'ine of Lot - 15, Block 16, Merrills Division of ' Rice Street Villas; _ , _ subject expressly to the following con- dirions and reservations: , i 1• That the vacatioa be subject to all the terms and conditions of Section - 228 oE the Legislativq .Code, as . ' amended;, , ' 2. That the petitioners pay the City • the sum of$825 as compensation£or the vacation and provide the City with a bond� in the amount of $1.00O.QO: .- - Adopted by the Council June 7, 1988. Approved June 7, 1968. (Tune 15, 1968)