238986 �-�� - ���
ICouncil Fi1e No. 23ggg6—gy Robert F.
I Ha=eM���h�duAla�eA petition of
' those sections ap S g�cy, Inc.-, '�
after described be and theasarne hereby �L L
y��,, are vacateii and discontinuGd as public
� aIleys: ° • ,
The east=west alley from a line 7
, feet east of the west line of Howard '
, Pazk to .the,east line ot I,ot 52(A)
aLs°$thatl Part eo�the north sou�tk�i
of a I neHxvn�rdom ak �Ying north I
east+line of Lot 54, 16pf et dlst nt _-
north ot the southeast corner of
said lot�to a point on the�qest line
of Lpt 69, 2 feet distaat riorth op
the southwe�st corner of said Lot 69,
� all in I3oward Park;
subject exp ressly to tlie Pollowing con-
ditions and reservations:
1. That the vacation be su�lect to all
the terms and conditions of Section �
amQnded�e ��ativet Code, as
2. That the petitioner dedica'te#or alley
P�'poses, to the City � $ ma��.
acceptable to the Corpora�tion Coun-
� sel, that land described as follows:
The south 18 feet of L,ot �4 Iioward
Park, and thyt -py� gf� Lot 55
bound�ed by the followi�4g de�scribed
lines: Beginning at a point, being
the northeast corner of said Lot b5;
thence south along the past line of
said lot a distance of 15 Seet to a
point; thence northwester�y to a
point on the north��e' of said Lot
55, 15 feet westa of th� ndrtheast
- corner of said lot; thence east aiong
the north line of said.I,ot 55 to the
point of�be�in�� all in Howard
Park, according to�the plat on file
and of record in the pfRce oP the
Register of Deeds within and for
the County of Ramsey, Minnesota;
3. That the new section of dedicated
a11eY. and the transition to the
existing alley� be regraded and sur-
faced in �ccordance with plans and
speciRcations as approve,ci by �e
4. Thatazspecniflc ea eum nctsWbe etained
�to protect the interests of the
Northern States Power Company
and the NorthHrestern Bell Tele-
5. Th tethemP
the sum of ti�pp a.psa comper satC.lion
far the vacation and provide the
City with a bond in the amount of
$3�000.00. •
Adopted by the Council June 7, 1988.
Approved June 7, 1988,
� ' (June 15, 1968)
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