238982 , OR161NAL TO CITY CLERK 2���8� � CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� ` OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO � COUNCIL RESOL TION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY ' COMMISSIONE - DATF WHEREAS, the Council pursuant to Council File No. 237380, approved Niarch l; 1968, authorized the proper City officials to enter into a eontract with Champion Chevrolet Company as the : lowest responsible bidder on Formal Bid No. 2753, for the purchase ' of one 1968 Model, Chenrolet No. 15411, 2-door, 5-passenger Sedan, • for a price of $2,515.19, less allowar�ce of $675.00 for one 1966 Ford 2-door Sedan to be taken in trade, for a net price of $1,840.19; and - and WHEREAS, after said contract was executed/after delivery of said 1968 Ford a� said 1966 Ford was damaged in an accident while being used in the course of poli.ce duties, and the reasonable value thereof diminished thereby to $400.00 as determined by competent appraisal; and WHEREAS, it is not possible to rebid said purchase since the type of vehicle required is no longer available due to the fact production has been halted for retooling on 1969 modeZs; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the proper Ci.ty officials are hereby authorized and directed to amend aforesaid contract by increasing in the amount of $275.00 the sum to be paid to said Champion Chevrolet Company. FORM APPROVED. Asst. Corporation Counsel JdJi� 71968 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays �u� 71968 Carlson Dalglish Approver� 19—_ Meredith �n Favor �' Peteraon ` Sprafka � Mayor • A gainst '`�sdesea� Mr. President, Byrne ptiBLISEtEA J U N 15 196� . �o DUrLICAT[TO lRIN7'[R /_.j�./n�� � CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� NO �`a��>;�; �,.,, OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE � COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM va�sewren er COMMISSIONER DATF WHEREA3, the Council pursuant to Council File No. 237380, approved March 1, 1968, authorized the prop�r City officials to ent�r into a contract with Champion Chevrole� Company as th� lowest responsibl� bidder on Formal Bid No. 2753, for the purcha�e of one 1968 Model, Chevrolet No. 15411, 2-door, 5-passenger Sedan, for a priae of $2,515.19, less allowance of $675.00 for one 1966 Ford 2-door S�dan to be taken i.n trade, for a net price of $1,840.19� and and WI�EREA3, after said contract wa� executed/a£ter delinery of said 1968 Ford � eaid 1966 Ford wae damnged in an accident while being used in the course of golice duties, and the reasonable value thereof d3minished thereby to $400.00 as determined by competent apprais�lt and WHEREAS, it is not poesible to rebid said purchase �ince the type of vehicle required ia no longer available due to the fact production has been halt�d for retooling on 1969 models� now, thesefore, be it RESOLVED, That the proper City officials are hereby authorized and directed to amend aforesaid contraet by increasing in the amount of $275.00 the sum to be paid to saiS Champion Chevrolet Company. �UN 7 1968 COUNCILNIEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays .��I� 7 �968 Carlson Dalglish Approved 19� Meredith Tn Favor Peterson h Sprafka V Mayor A gainst ��SSO— 1VIr. President, Byrne �O