238970 � s
Orlainal to Cif,B Clerk ' � ' =� jF�"z'• � „_�� ' .
1 � " �,.��,�.� ' -"i / j. . ��
� - � }��: s _ ,, �. . : O ��:DINANCE
� � � � o
An. ordinance amending Chapt.er 54 of the St. Paul
Legislative Code, pertaining to minimum housing standards
for dwellings and multiple dwellings .
' � Section 1. That Chapter 54 of the St. Paul �Legislative
Code , as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by
striking the same in its entirety and substituting in lieu and
_ in place thereof the following:
54.01. DECLARATION OF POLICY. The purpose of this chapter
is to protect the public health, safety and welfare by enacting a
= Housing aode which: s
(1) Establishes minimum stan ards for basic equipment and
� facilities ; for light, ventilation/�space heating and sani;tary fa— .
cilities ; for safety from fire; fo space, use and location; for
safe and sanitary main.tenance; for cooking equipment ; of all dwell—
ings and multiple dwellings now in existence or hereafter in. existence.
-- � � - •
(2) Determines the responsibilities of owners, operators and '
occupants of dwellings and multiple dwellings . -
(3) Provides for administration, enfor.cement aia.d pe����ties�r�e
� - .
� - " 54. 02. FINDINGS OF COUNCIL. There �egist in �h� Qity of St.
Paul �structures used for human habitation which are now� �or may be—
come in the future, substandard with respect to structure , equipment,
or maintenanc'e;' and further that such conditions , together with in— �
adequate provision for light and air, insu��icient protec'tion against
fire hazards, lack of proper heating, unsanitary conditions , and over—
crowding,, constitute a menace to public health, safety, an.d welfare of
its citizens . It is further found and declared that the egis�:ence of
such conditions, factors, or .characteristics adversely affect public
health and safety and lead to the continuation, egtension and aggra—
vation of urban blight. It is further found that adequa`te protecd�ion
of public health, safety and welfare therefore requires the estab--
lishment and enforcement o� minimum housing standards .
54.03. APPLICABILITY AND SCOPE. Every portion of a building
or premises , used or intended to be used for residential purposes �
. ' egcept rest homes, convalescent homes, ar�.d nursing homes , shall
comply with the provisions of this ordinance , irrespective of when ,,•,;
such building shall have been: constructed, altered or repaired, and '.
that an.y �alterations thereof or changes of use� therein, which may ,
be caused directly or indirectly by the enforcement of this Code,, rbs..J
shall be done in accordance with applicable sections of the Buildi�g
Code and Zoning Code. Nothing in this Cha�ter shall be applicable to -
hotels and motels egcept that hotels and motels shall meet the require—
� ' ments of Chapte� 355 and 1. 06 (2) (e) of the St. Paul Legislative
Code and other applicable City ordinances and State Statutes .
Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council
G�'�'T� \ _
Dalglish Q Tn Favor
Meredith � .
' Peterson . Against
` Mr. President (Byrne) '
Appr ed:
Attest: -
City Clerk � Mayor
�� ���
Form approved Corporation Counsel By
� . .
�. -
. • 1 l 6
.. .. 'r-- '� -. , ,� y ..- � . i .. . . . �k a� , � � • . -,� ' ' ' ' " .
� � . • . • ' , •
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. � � � - Page 2. � _ . .
This ch�.p�;er esi;ablislies minimum st�iiiclards for the i�iitial aizd
cont7.nued occupancy of all bui.ldinds aiid cloes not rep].ace or
mociify st�iivards o�;iier�i�risc estwblislied 1or �ihc constr��ction, � -
repair, ali;eral;ion, or usi of building equipiueni; or �acilities . .
51�.05 . SI-IORT TITL�. Tliis chapter shall be called thc . .
Minimliui �Iousin; S�taiiclards �or D1�relliiibs anci r�ultiple Djvellings •-
and may be cited as tYr Housing Code . ,
54.06. FXISTII�TG REI�IEDI�S. NotYring in this chapter shall
be deeuied to abolish or in►pair .ea:isting, remedies of the City of
• Saint P�,ul or its officers or agencies relating to the removal •
or clemo�iiion of any buildings wllich are deemed to be dangerous ,
unsa�e, � or unsanitary. . .
54.07 . DEFINITIONS. , . �
-a. Unless otherz,rise expressly stated, the follozti*ing � �
terms sllall , �or the pur.pose of this Cocle , have the uceanings
indicatect in this section. . • �
- � b. SJords used in the preseilt tense incluc�e the future ;
words iri 1;Iie ;uasculine �ender •i.ncluc?e thE �emi�.ine and neLiter;
� ` � titie singu].ar nun►i�er inclucles tlze pluxa� an�lt'rie� p�:u"ral tile sinGu:�ar: -'
� ' ie�l in this section a�.d are � �
III c. ��iere terms are no1; de�ii
�; de�ined under Chapter 2 of the Legislati��e Coue , they shall ha�Te
! � the mea�.i�.lgs ascribed to them as in the Building �Code sectioii
' of tl�ie Legislative Cocle . � , '
- d, jJllere tenns are not defined, under the provisions � � "
� of this cha.pter or uncle�° the provisions of Cliapi;er 2 of �he
� Legislativ� Cocle , tliey shall have ascribed . to them tYieir
iordinaiily accel�ted meanings and�or such. as the contezt herein
imay in►ply. . - . • -
i � ' APPROV�B. Approved as applied to a �i�raterial, dev�ce , -
; or niethocl of constructiozi shall mean api�rove.�l Uy the enforcement
officer under the provisions of tl�.is, cliap�;er, or approved by
+ other aui;hority designatecl by lai,r to give ap;provzl in the
j niattcr in question. •
r • .
1 •
� BASF�IFNT. Baserieiit shall n�e�.n that p�ortion of a builclinb �
� part,ly belo�ti� oz•ade Utit so loca�Led �Lliai; i;�ie vertical clistr�nce fro�,� '
� � giacle �Co the �loor is` not� g.rea�tel�- tlian- ti�ie vertic"al distaiic�
' � � . frorn �he gract� to tlze cc�ilinb. � Pro�ided, hosacver, tha�t if ti�e
� vertic�.l dista.nce �iom� tlie gi°ade to i;he eeiling is fitTe (5)
_ feet or more , such basen:ent slzall. be counted ;a.s a story:
` B0�1ItD1VG CARr fIOAIr. This type of. nse is lioenscct and
� - regula�tecl b�T ot}.ier City and S�l,ate la�as . � For 1�tirposes of ttiis �
� Cod.e , a Boardinb Carc IIonie sli�.].1 be def.ined ��::��.e s�.me �.s con-
taii�ecl izz �Llie rcgula�t;ions of i;tie State Boa.rd �.o� IlecLli:l1.
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Page 3.
BUILDING CODE. The Building Code shall mean "The Saint
Paul Building Code" . (Legislative Code , Chapters 1 through 53. )
CELLAR. Cellar shall mean the lowermost portion of "
the building partly or totally underground having half or more �
of its height, measured from clear floor to ceiling, below '
the average finished grade of the adjoining ground.
DWELLING. Dwelling means a building occupied exclusively
for residence purposes and having not more than two (2) apart-
ments , or as a boarding or rooming house serving not more than
five (5) persons with meals or sleeping accommodations or both.
(Note : Compare �with definition of "residence bu�.lding" . )
DWELLING ; UNIT. Dwelling Unit shall mean a room or
grouF of rooms located within a residence building an.d forming
a single habitable unit with facilities which are used. or in- �
tended to be used for living, sleeping, cooking, an d eating. `'�
� EXTERIOR PROPERTY AREAS. Egterior Property Areas sh all
mean open. s,pace on� the premises a.n.d o.n adjoining property under
the control of the own.ers or ope.rators �f such premises .
ENFORCEMENT OFFICER. Pursuant to the applicable pro- ,
visions of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul , it shall
:be��th.e -c�,uty of : the Commissioner of Public Safety and. his . ,�
-��` " - authorized representatives to enforce th� pro�'isions� of this
ordinance .
, EXTERMINATION. Extermination shall mean the control
and eliinination of insects, rodents , or other pests by eliminat-
ing their harborage places ; by removing or making inaccessible
materials th at may serve as their feed; by poison spraying,
fumigating, trapping, or by another recognized and legal pest
. elimination method.
• . FAMILY. Family shall mean a group of persons related by
-blood, marriage, or adoption within and including the degree
� of �first cousins . -
. • � ,
GAR.BAGE: Garba�e.�shall mean the animal and vegetable
waste resulting from the handling, preparation, cooking, and
.consumption -of food. �`
- ' �
. GR.ADE: . The Grade shall meaiiJthe natural surface of the �'
ground 'or � surface groun.d after completion of any change in � • ' '� .
, s ,
contour. �
GROSS � FLOOR AREA. The Gross Floor Area shall mean the
. total area of all habitable space .
HABITABLE ROOM. A Habitable Room shall mean a room
occupi-ed by one (1) or more persons used or intended for
liying, cooking, eating or sleeping purposes , but does not �
include bathrooms , closets , water closet compartments , laundries ,
serving and storage pantries , corridors , cellars , and spaces
that are not used frequently or during extended periods .
• ' . � . ,
� ... , _ •� . . � . .
� •
Pa�e 4. �
l� �
. �_
� - I�ofcl. Tliis type of use is licensed and regul�,ted by other
City and Stai;e laws. A I�otel sli�ll be defiiiecl the same 1s found iii
. ' . Chaptcr 335 of the Legislative Code of the CiLy of Saint Paul.
: Inf.est.ation. Tnfestai:ion sh111 mezn Lhe presence, �vithin or con-�
tiguous to a inultiple clwellin�, dr��elling unit, rooming house, rooming
unit, or pz•emises, of insects, rodents, �Termin, or other pests.
; 11�of.c�. T>>is tygc of use is licensed and re�u3atecl by other City
, and S(:ate lativs. For purposes of this Code a 1�Iotc1 shall be deFinecl
� the sarne as TIotel. (See Chaptei• 335 of the Legislati�>e Code of i�lie
CIt3T O� S�Llilt PS11�.)
ll�ultiple D���ellin�. A'IulLiple residence Diti�elling or R�Iultip)e Resi-
dence shall me�n any residence building contzinin� three (3) or more
-dwellin� units, and incluclin� z•ooming houses. , . " ,
- I�'ii�.•s;nd IIome. This i;ype of use is licensecl and re�ttlated
,� by othcr City and St�tc l�tivs. For purposes of this Code 8, NLll'Slllg
Hon1e s}i111 be defined the saiiie as contained in the re�ulations of
thc Statc Eoard of Health. • • •
-� Occupant. A1� Occupa�it shall me�n atiy person over one year
of age �l]ICIL1C11I]g O1V1]ET OT opei•�tor) living and sleeping in a chrelliil�
- tniit or h�ving actnal possession of s�id dwellin� or roomiilg unit.
Operator. An Operator sllall mean any person who has charge, '
care or coa�ti•ol of a multiple res�dence or roomina house, in tiz�l�icr
d«�elling un.ii;s oi• roomiizg uiiits are ]et or offered for occupancy.
o� Otivncr. A�i O�vner sliall niean owner or owners of the f�•eeholc� �
i tlic p��em;ses o�� lesser estaie the�:ein, a moi•tg�gee or �cndee in
possessiofii, assi�nee oi` xents, i•c�ei�;er, A.l'ECLII;OT, trustee, lessee, other ,
�CI'SCll, I1]���Aj �1' CGl'j);.jTR��?�ll� iil CG'T1I;;U� U� Fi,'alli�C�Il.��.�„�,,�„-.- :-_-.. . —
" '�" - . Un��i�Lble lirez. The Open�ble Are�, shall mean that part of a
�•�i�ido;v or dour �vhicl� is ���zli;�]_1e for urobstructcd VC11�lIctt1021 �iiu
iti�hicll �pens direcily 1;o the outc;oors. -
� . Pcrsu�i. A Pei•so�1 shall meai� an 111C�1V1C�LIAI, firm, corporation, ,
associa�ioii ��� pai•tiicrsliip.
" r Phuiii�izi�•. P�umbin7
• b �, or Plumbin� Fix.tures shall mcan water
heatii�g f�ciliti�s, �vater pipes, gas pipes, garbag�e ai�d disposal units,
�tivastc pipes, �vater closets, siiil:s, installed dishwashers, lav�.tories,
= b�.th 1;tibs, sho�ver ba{:hs, inst�lled clothes �vashing machines, or other �
� similar equipinent, catch basins, drains, vents, or other similarly
. st�pplied fixtures, i;ogether �vith all connections to wai;er, gas, se�ye�•, -
er vent]iues.
� 1'reuiises. Premises shall meaii a lot, plot, or parcel of land
includi��g the buildings or structures thereon.
� 3;esidence Buildin�. A Residence Buildiii�, etcept�vhe�i classified
as �n i�islii,titioii lll]C1C� the I3uildi�ig Code, shall me�n a building in
«hich sleeping nccnm��lodxtioi�s or sleeping accommod�i;ioz�s and
cool�in� �acilities as a uuit are provided: ,
Resf, IIo�ire. I+or l�tirposes of this Cocle a RFSt Hoinc shall l�e
defi»ed tl�e sai�ie as con�ained ii� the i•c�ulation of the State Roard
of Ilealt;li. �
. ,,,: � .
�' Itoa�tii�l�; i�oi�se. :1 P�00'llllll�' �IOIIS� shall mean �ny residet�ce
building, or any l,ari; thcreof, coni;�ini�n�; one or more i'00111111� L21i1tS�
in �vliicll :�p1c� i� let by ti�e o���a�er oi• ope��tor to sit or niore pei•sons
»lho are not )�ush:u�cl o� tivife, son oz• dau�hter, mother or fal;her, or
sisier, or b�oiller of �he o«�ner or o���ra{�or.
koou�in� TT��it. A. I�oo��liltg Unit shall me�n �ny room or group
of z•oonis fai•mi»g �i sin�;le l��abitaule nnit used or intencled to Ue tlsed
for ]i�-iuF; ai�d slee��ing, �ul; not for caokin� or eai:ing pui•poses.
� `. ' ' �
• f � • • • • � .
, • '• • ' ` ` /"V�V���
' page 5. , .
. Rubbish. Rtibbish shall mean combustible and non-combustible
wlste mlterials, elcepl; garba�;e; �r�d the term shall include the resi-
� due from tlie burning of �vood, coal, coke, and other combustible ma-
. terials, p�per, rags, cartons, boxes, �r•ood, e�celsior, rubber, leather,
trec branches, year t��immings, tin c1ns, met�ls, mineral ni'�,tter, glass,
crockery, and dust and other similar materia�. � �
. by� Slij)p]1CCl. Supplied shall mea�i installed, furnished or provided
tIie owncr or operatoz•. . '
� ' �VOTIC1111I1�1}CC. tiVhenevei• the �voi•ds• "workmanlike state of
mliiitenlnce and repair"' are used in this chapter they shall me�n
thlt such maintenance and repair shall be macle in a reasonaUly skill- ' '
.ful manner. -
Whenei=Er the �voz•ds "mliltiple dwellin �
"d�vellin Lltllt" " g��� ��l'esidence buildii�g"� �
g � 10022]lllg �lOL1S@"� "TO011llllg L1211t", Ol' "p�•emises" are
. ,.useci in this chapter, they shall be construed as thotigh they tivere
follo�i�ed by the �vorcis "or any p�rt thereof". • . � _
. Yard. Yard sh�ll mean all ground, la�vn, couz•t, tiyalk, drive-�vay � - I�
or other opeii space constitutin� part of the s�me premises as a resi-
. � dence building. -
Ventilatioii. Veiitilation shall mean the '
and removing air by natural or mech�.nical meanseto or froml any
s�ace. _
, Ve:�tilation, �mechanical. Ventilatioii, mechanical, shall mea�i
- ;, veiitilation by po�rer-driven devices. � •
� : V�ntilafio3i, nztui•al. Ve7itilatioii, na�t�i;sl, s?�a]1 mea�i aen,�i:�- �
� ` ti�n--1;�y uperi:;i� to ouier air througli tvincla�ws; skylibhts, doors, '
. lot�vres, OT StZCItiS �S'lt}lOUt ��'lll(�-(�1•i�en de�•ices.
, 5�.OS. +�terior ProperL3� Areas. I�To person shall OCCLipy �s '
otivner-occnpant or let to anothel• for occupaucy any clzi�elling unit for
the �lll'pOSe of liv.ing therein, or premises, which does not compl�r
with tlie follo�vilig require�nents: '
(1) Sanitation. " . e, '
All extcrior propertf arels sliall be maintaiued in a clean ancl
sa�iit�ry conclition �ree from any �ccumulation of rubbish o� garbage. r
(2) Gi•adina an�l Da�ait�abe. � .
� All preniises shall be gi•acled and niaintai�iecl so as to
• the accui7iulation of stagnaut ���ai:er on said premises, or �=rith n any
builcling or st�•ticture located tliereon. •
(3) I�ree from Nosio�is '�Vecds. �
All e�:terior propci•t3T arcas sl�all be kept; free i'rom species of
, weecls or p]ani; gro�vl:li s;�liich are noxiotts or detriilie�ital to tlie public
he�lth as indic�ted in Chapter 45G of tlie Legistative Cod� o� the'City
- � of S�int Yaul. •
• • . _ • �, -.,;:• .:-,--•---• - - - . _ , ,--
� ' • A�' I� .� • � /
Every owner and occupant of a structure containing t�,
or more dwelling units shall be responsible for the exterminatio._
of insects, rodents, vermin, or other pests in all exterior" areas
of the premises. Whenever infestation exists in the shared or
public parts of the premises, extermination thereof shall be
the responsibility of the owner. In the 'case of single family „
-�ictures, the occupant shall be responsible for the extermi-
of insects, rodents and vermin in all exterior property
Page 6. ������
. I� �a�
� �
j � Every owner of a stri�eture containing two or more
� � dwelling units shall be responsible for the extermination of
j insects , rodents , vermin, or other pests in. all egterior areas
� of the premises . Whenever infestation exists in the shared
1 or public parts of the premises, extermination thereof shall
; be on the responsibility of the owner. In the case of single
� • family structures , the occupant shall be responsible for the
� extermination of insects , rodents and vermin in all exterior
, property areas .
All accessory structures including detached garages
shall be maintained structurally soun.d and in good repair.
The own.er of every unoccupied dwelling or multiple��-
dwelling shall be responsible for the maintenance of exterior
property areas required under section 54. 08.
54. 09. EXTERIOR STRUCTURE. No person shall occupy
as owner-occupant or let to another for occupancy any dwelling
or multi.ple..�dwelling, dwel.ling_unit , rooming_ house , rooming
unit, or portion� thereof which does not comply� with the fol- -� ' �
lowing requirements :
Every foundation, exterior wall , roof, and all other
exterior surfaces shall be maintained in a Terorkmanlike state
of maintenance and repair.
(a) Thet� foundation elements shall adequately support
the building at all points . .
(b) Every exterior wall shall be free of holes , breaks ,
loose or rotting boards or timbers , and any other conditions
which might 'admit rain, or dampness to the interior portions
of the walls or to the exterior spaces of the multiple dwelling.
(c) The roof shall be tight and have no defects which '
admit rain, and roof drainage shall be adequate to prevent rain
water from causing dampness in the walls .
(a) Every outside stair, every porch, and every appur-
tenance attached thereto shall be�so constructed as to be safe
� to use a.n.d capable of supporting a load as determined in the
• Building Code; and shall be kept in sound condition and good
(b) Every flight c� stairs which is more than two risers
' 'high shall have rails which are to be so located as determined
by the Building Code ; and every porch which is more than two
• ` risers high shall have rails so lo,�cated a.nd capable of
restraining a horizontal pressure as determined by the pro-
visions of the Building Code .
' • ' , �a�e � • F�c����.��
(�`y: • (c) Every rail aud balustr�.de must be firmly faste�ied and �
' - .; 'must be maintained iii good conditioii. • � -
` � (3) �Vindows, Doors and �IatcInvays. �very �vindotiv, exterior -
: door, a�icl baseinent hateh�ray shall be substantially tight anci shall: i � •
�:; � be kept in sot�nd condition and repair. - � -
, (a) E��ery tvitidow shall be fully supplied sr•ith a�inclo�v p�ines
� � which are without open cracks or holes. � � .
(b) Every wiiidow sash shall be in good condition and fit rea-
� sonably tigIit within its frame. �
•� (c) Every�tivindo�v, other than a fitied ivindow, sha�� be capable • �
; of being easily opeiied and shall be held in position by windo�v hard-
� tivare. � �
� • (d) �very e�:terior door, door hinge, and door latcli shall be in
� � good condition. . : •
_� � � (e) 'E�ery exte.i•ior door, �ti�hen closed, shall fit reasonably ��ell
� • within its frame. . • • - - , . .• �
, • (f) Every R�indow, door, and frame sh�.11 be constructed and - �
maix�tained in such relation to the adj�cent tiv�ll construetion as com-
pletely to e�:clude rain, and substantially to exclude wind from enter- �
` � ing the d�velling or multiple dwelling. . , .
'. (g) Every basement h�tcli�vay sh111 be so constr.ucted and �
maintained as to preveiit the entrarice of roclents, rain, and surface
-, draina�ge �vater into the d�velliu� or multiple dtivelling_ . '
. (h) Every door available as an eait shall be capable of beino
� , . � opened from the inside, easily and �vithout the use of a �ey. �
. �. (4) Screening. Screens shall be supplied to the follo�ving e�-
, tent: � � , .
� �(a) Every basement or cellar windor�� which is agaenable shall �
� ' be supplied ti�iih a� screen or hard«a"re cloth of not moi�e�han 16 mesh ' - --
per inch which fits tightly and is securely fastened ta it3�e frame, oi ,
. Thitli.t�i�e��-rna�.p��i<<1 afio.rdin�equivalent pi.otection ag�i�nst the eutry
, . of ro�ients, including storm windotivs.- . . - � -
. - (�l �rom June lst to October 15th of each yEaz .every door .
openir.g directly froni any dwelling or multiple'd�r�lliu� to the out-
. doors,aiid ever3• �ciudo�v or other outside opening nsed for �rentilatioii _ -
- purposes, shall be supplied svith a screen of not less th�,r� i6 mesh per • .
. inch and every screen door shall have a self-closiiig device iii g•ood
working condition. Ho«•ever, no such screens shall be reqvired for a
� d�velling unit or a floor above the fourth floor.
� 54.10. Interior St.ructures. No person shall occupy as oti��ner-
' ' occupant or let to another for occtipancy any d�velling, rt3ultiple d�ti�ell-
ing, d�elling unit,rooming house,roomi�ig unit, or portio� tliereof, for
the purpose af li��in�therein�i�hich does not compl3r�vith the follo«<iu�
' . � requiren�e�its: , , � •
(�) T�'ree I'roin D�mp�iess. In evcry d�velling, multiple d���ell-
� ir.g, d�vellin� mlit, rooming house, 1nc1 rooming unit cellar, basements,
aiicl crati��l spaces shall be maintained reasonably free from dampness .
to prevent cor_ditioi�s conduci�Te to decay or deterioratio�� of the struc-
ture. . � .. __
� .__ .,. ___ - _ .
(2) Structival 11lembcrs. The supporf.in� sti'L1C�Ll2•al members
, of e��ery cl��•ellino ancl �nultiple cl��relling used for human �h�bitation ,
sh�l] be m�int�iiied struci.tir�lly sound; t�11t is, shon�ing mo eviclence ,
' of deterior�tion �nd capable of beariiib imposed loads ii2 �ccord�.nce �
w�ith the�provisions of the Enilcling Code. � `-
ti (3) Interior Stairs �ncl Railinbs. _ .. . � - '- — .
,(a) All iilterior si�ii•s of every sti•ucttire used for �naiman habi-
t�tion sh�ll be mai»tained i�i SOLlIlCl conditicn �.nd good repair by
replacii�� tre:�cls nnd risers tlilt e��idence e�cessive ���ar or- are
brol:ei�, �var�,ecl or loose. I�very ;n,ide stair shall be so �onstructed , �
and maini.2ined �s to be s�f.e to use and c�pable of sappaa'tin� a load
' as determined Uy the provisions of the 13uildina Code.
(b) ���er;; sl�ir�vell and ever3 fligllt of st�irs, �vliu�ch�is more , -
1;ha�� tt<<o risers hi��h, shall ha��c hni�d rails or railin�s sm located in I
accorcla��ce �1�ii;h 1;lie prot-isiuns of i;he L'uilding Cocle. �
t� •
,� . . . . .. . � . ._ . � . . _. . . . . . ,
' �VV�4.E�
Page 8.
(c) Every hand rail or railing must be firmly fastened
and must be maintained in good condition. Properly bal.ustraded
railings capable of bearing normally imposed loads as deter-
mined by the Building Code sh all be placed on the open portions
of stairs , balconies, landin�s , and stairwells .
(4) BATHROOM FLOORS. Every toilet room floor sur�ace
and bathroom floor surface shall be constructed and maint ained
so as to be substantially impervious to water and so as to permit
such floor to be easily kept in a clean and sanitary condition.
(5 ) SANITATION. The interior of every dwelling and
multiple dwellin.g used for human. habitation shall be maintained
in a clea.n and sanitary condit ion, free from any accumulation
of rubbish or garbage. Rubbish, garba�e , and other refuse
shall be properly kept inside temporary storage facilities as
required under Section 54. 11, paragraphs 10 and 11.
(a) Every own.er� of a structure containing two or more
dwelling units shall be responsible for the extermination of
insects , rodents vermin, or other pests wherever infestation
exists in two (2� or more of the dwelling units , or in the
shared or public parts of the structure .
(b) The occupant of a dwelling uni,t in a dwelling or
multiple dwelling_,shall be responsible for such extermination
^ within the unit occupied by him whenever his dwelling unit is
the only� one infested.
(c) Notwithstanding the foregoing provisions of this
subsection, 'whenever infestation of rodents is caused by
failure of the owner• to maintain any dwelling or multiple
dwelling in a rodent-proof condition, extermination of such
rodents shall be �he responsibility of the owner.
, walls , ,
All interior�floors , ceilings and associated woodwork or
trim must be main"tained in a sound condition and in workmanlike
54. 11. BASIC FACILITIES. No person shall occupy; as
owner-occupant or let to another for occupancy any dwelling
»nit for the purpose of living , sleeping, cooking, or eating
therein which does not comply with the following requirements :
(1) WATER CLOSET. Every dwelling unit shall con.tain
within its walls a room, separate from the habitable rooms , .
which affords privacy and which is equipped with a water
closet. ,
(2) LAVATORY. Every dwelling un.it shall contain a
lavatory, which, when a water closet is required, shall be
in the same room with said water closet.
(3) BATHTUB OR SHOWER. Every dwelling unit shall contain.
a room which affords privacy to a person in said room and which
is equipped with a bath�ub or shower.
' Page 9.
(4) KITCHEN SINK. Every dwelling u.nit shall contain
a kitchen sink apart from the lavatory requirement in Section
54. 11, paragraph 2.
sink, lavatory basin, bathtub or shower and water closet
required under the provisions of Sections 54. 11 (1) to 54. 11 (5) ,
inclusive, shall be properly connected to either a public
water a.nd sewer system or to an approved private water and
sewer system and supplied with hot and cold running water.
(6) WATER HEATING FACILITIES. Every dwelling unit shall
have sup�lied water heating facilities which are installed in
an approved manner, proper ly maint ained, an.d are pro�erly
connected with hot water lines required under Section 54. 11,
paragraph 6, and which are capable of heating water to such a
temperature as t�o permit a.n adequate amount of water to be
drawn. at every required kitchen sink, lavatory basin, bathtub,
shower, and laundry facilities or other similar uni�ts at a
temperature of not less than 130 degrees Fahrenheit at any
time needed.
(7) HEATING FACILITIES. Every dwelling and multiple
dwelling shall have heating facilities and the owner of said
heating facilities shall be required to see that said heating fa-
cilities are properly installed, safely maintained and in good
working condition, and that said facilities be capable of safely
and adequately heating all habitable room�, bathrooms and �oilet •
rooms located therein, to a temperature of at least 70 degrees "
Fahrenheit with an outside temperature of -20 degrees Fahrenheit.
_ The o��rner shall maintain a minimum room temperature of 70 degrees
Fahrenheit at five feet from the floor in aIl habitable rooms
including bathrooms and t�ilets at all times when rented. � •
Every heating or water heating facility and incinerator must
be installed an.d must operate in accordance with the require-
ments of the Building Code . '
(9) RUBBISH STORAGE FACILITIES. Every structure con- �
taining three�or mo-�e dwelling units . shall ,be_sup_plied�_with_. ..
'� �� _ approved containers' �and covers for storage of rubbish and �
the owner, operator, or agent in control of� such dwelling or
multiple dwelling� shall be responsible for the removal of
such rubbish. In the' case of structures containing one or
two dwelling units it shall be the responsibility of the �
occupan.t(s) to provide such facilities an.d removal.
structure containing three or more dwelling units shall be
supplied with an. approved garbage disposal facility. There
may be insta�lled and maintained �Q�.erein an adequate mechanical
garbage disposal unit (a mechanical sink grinder) in each
uni't or a.n incinerator unit to be approved by the City Architect
.. � x r
. ,
� _ F�+������
Page 10.
in the structurelfor the use of the occupants of each dwelling
. unit, or an approved outside g�rbage can. In the case of
structures containing one or two dwelling units it shall be
the responsibility of the occupant(s ) to provide such facilities
and disposal . �
occupy as owner-occupant or let to another for occupancy any
dwell,ing, multiple dwellin.g, dwelling unit, rooming house or
rooming unit �or ;the purpose of living, sleeping, cooking, or
" eating therein which does not comply with the following
requirements • �
i - � a
(�) PLUMBING FIXTURES. � In every dwelling or multiple
dwelling every water line , plumbing fixture , and drain shall
be- properly installed, connected a.nd maintained in working order,
and must be kept free �rom obstructions, leaks and defects and
capable of performing the function for which it was designed.
All repairs and installations must be made in accordance with
� the provisions of the Building Code .
(2) PLUMBING SYSTEMS. In every dwelling or multiple
dwelling, every stack, waste ,and sewer line shall be so installed
and maintained as ' to functio`n properly and kept free from
obstruct�ons , leaks and defects to prevent structural deteriora-
tion or a health hazard. All repairs and ins.tallati.ons must
� -' � � be -made in accordance with the provisions of the Building Code.
(3) I3EATING EQUIPMENT. Every space heating , cooking
and water heatin.g device located in a dwelling or multiple
dwelling shall be properly installed, connected, maintained and
capable of performing the function for which it was designed
in accordance with the provisions of the Building Code .
residential structures and dwelling units shall be supplied
with electrical service that is adequate to safely meet the
electrical needs of the structure and dwelling units in accord-
ance with the provisions of the Building Code .
Every electrical outlet and figture shall be installed,
maintained and connected to the source of electric power in
accordance with the provisions of the Building Code .
(a) All required� equipment and all building space and � �
parts in every dwelling and multiple dwelling shall be con-
structed and maintained so as to properly and safely perform
their intended function in accordance with the provisions of
the Building Code . .
(b) Al1 housing facilities sh all be maintained in a
clean an.d sanitary condition so as not to breed insects a,n.d '
rodents or produce dangerous or offensive gases or odors . _�
54. 13. OCCUPANGY. No person shall occupy or let to t
another for occupancy_ any dwe,lling unit for the purpose of
li�ying therein which does not comply with the following �
requirements :
- ;
� � ��g�`��
Page 11. I � �
(1) MINIMUM CEILING HEIGHT. In calculating the floor
area of habitable rooms only those portions of the flo�or area
of a room having a clear ceiling height in excess of five (5) '
feet may be included. At least half of the floor area of any
habitable room sh all have a clear ceiling height of seven (7)
feet or more . However, nothing in this subsection shall be
construed to permit dwelling units above the second floor of
. a frame building� contrary to the provisions of the Building
COC3.2• �' �
unit shall contain a minimum gross floor area of at least 150
square feet for the first occupant, at least 100 square feet
for each of the next two occupants , and at least 75 square �
feet of gross floor area �or each occupant thereafter, the
floor area to be calculated on the basis of the total habitable
. r----
� room area. - . �
--F-- - - � -
1 . �� .
unit of two or more habitable rooms , every room occupied for
sleeping purposes by one adult occupant shall have a minimum
, gross floor area of at least 70 square feet . Every room occu-
pied for sleeping 'purposes by two or more adult occupants shall
have a. minimum gross floor .area of 50 square feet per occupant
thereof.. � t ,,{ ,'_"; . . .
. -�, , ".,�,. �.-' ., '
�w �.
(4) SLEEPING SPACE IN CELLARS. No space in any cellar
- shall be used �or sleeping purposes . �
USES.� � No habitable room, bathroom or water closet compartment
which is accessory to a dwelling unit shall open directly into
or shall be used in conjunction with a 'food store , barber or
beauty shop, doctor' s or dentist ' s examination or treatment
room or similar room used for public purposes .
residence building or dwelling unit containing two or more sleeping
rooms shall have such room arrangements that access to a
bathroom or wa�er closet compartment intended for use by occu-
pants of more than one sleeping room can be had only by going
4 through another sleeping room; nor shall room arrangements
be such that access to a sleeping room can be �had only by
- �- ^rgoing through an`othe-r sleeping room or a ba�hroom or g�.���er
closet compartment.
dwelling unit partially below grade shall be used for living
purposes unless
(a) E'loors and walls are substantially water-tight;
(b) Total window area, total openable area and ceiling
height are in accordance with this Code ; and
(c ) Required minimum window area of every habitable
room is entirely above the grade of the ground adjoining such
window areas ,
_ . . - . ' � .
• . 1�d���l��
Page 12. �
' S4. 14. LIGHT AND VENTILATION. No person-•shall occupy��
as owner-occupant or let to another for occupancy and dwelling,
multiple dwelling, dwelling unit, rooming house or rooming un.it
for the purpose of living therein which does not comply with
the followin.g requirements .
, - .
room shall have at least one window of approved size facing
directly to the outdoors or to a court, provided that if
connected to a room or area used seasonally, (e . g. porch) ,
then adequate daylight must be possible through this inter-
connection. Minimum total window area measured between stops
for every habitable room shall be 10 percent of the floor
area of such room. Whenever walls or other portions of like
structures face a window o� any room and such like obstructions
are located less than 3 feet from the window and extenc� to a -
level above that of the ceiling of the room, such a w'indow
shall not be deemed to face directly to the outdoors and shall
not be included as contributing to the required minimum total
window area.
other than a habitable room, used or occupied by persons ,
except rooms with infrequent occupancy, shall be provided with
one or more windows opening directly on a street or on a court
" �"""""�or ventilating��-skylights" con.forming to the re�quirements of'"'� '�`--�
- this article ; or such rooms shall be provided with an approved
means of inechanical ventilation.
furnace room, and all similar non-habitable work space located �
in a dwellin.g or multiple dwelling used for human habitation
shall have one ( 1) supplied �lectric light fixture available
" at all times .
, hall and inside stairway in every dwelling or multiple dwelling �
shall be adequately �lighted at all times with an illumination� '
of at least five lumens per square foot in the darkest portion
of the normally traveled stairs and passageways .
(5) ELECTRIC OUTLETS REQUIRED. E'very habitable room of
a dwelling or multiple dwelling shall contain at least two (2)
separate a,nd remote outlets a.n.d one of which may be a:�suppFlied
ceilin or wall-ty,pe electr_i.c light fixture� In.- kitchens ..
three �3) separate and�remote wa�l=type �electric convenience
outlets or two (2) such convenience outlets. an d one (1) ceiling
or wall-type electric light fixture shall be required. Every
public hall, water closet compartment, bathroom, laundry room -'
or furnaee room shall contain at least one (1) electric light
fixture . In addition to the electric light figtures in every
bathroom and laundry, room there shall be provided at least one _
electric outlet.
� ��
, E .
,, , � . �
� �
. �
_ t � �
.. .• • � � , -, . _s y� _ � — ' .. � . • .� —�� •- ^� . ., . .. . .. � _ , � . _ •- . �e� e•._.
, . � ���9`��
• Page 13. �
�l ; - � - . .
(G) Adequatc Ventilation. Every habitable i•oom shall have
� � at least orie (1) �vindow �vhich can be easily opened or such o��er ,
� -device as ��rill adequately ventilate the room. A tota] openable win-
. do�v area in every habitlble room shall be equal to at least 50�/0 of � ,
the miiiimum windo�v area size required in Section 54.14 (1), except ,
tivhere there is.provided mechlnical ventilatioii�in_accor.dance with �
� , -' the provisions of the �Building Code. _ . ' - v�
. , � .
• (7) Ventilation and I.,i�ht in Bathroom and ti�'ater Closet. •
- ----Every-bathrooin and ���ater�closet-compartment-sliall co�ply �vith the :
light and ventilatioii requirements for habitable rooms contained in �
. Section 54.1� (1) and (5), except that no window shall be required _�
in bathrooms or tivater closet compartments equipped �vi�h an approved �
- . , �•ventil�tion sy�stem. . . , , ' `
� � 54.15. 1VZiniinuin Staiidards for Safety from I+'ire. No person � �
, shall occupy as �owner-occupant or shall let to another for occtipancy .
. -�, �-.`�any dtivetling,multiple d���elling, d�velling unit, rooming house, rooming '
' . ,, unit, lodoiiig house or lodoing unit �•hich does not compIy with the .
�applicable pro��isions of the Fire Prevention Ordinances of�he City of
� �Saint Paul aud the follo�ving additional_ stai�clards_,fo� safety from
. .._�.,�. �_-,fire: �- " " --� - ; .
" ' ' ' . "." "(i}`. 9Etctt�sio.i of Re�itle�ce '£u�liling iroin JtO1�IYia�i'1117:ill.able _ . -—. . _ _ ,
' .. Li�uid. I�To residence building or rooming unit shall be iocated ���ithin
. . a btiilcling containing any establishment handling, dispensing or stor- "
- in� flamin�,ble liquids �1�ith a flash poitit of 110 degrees Fahrenheit .
� � as defined by the National Soard of Fire Undertivriters. � '
� � {2) All requiremeiits of the Building Cocle as to e�its shall be
. . complied with. � : . � �
� (3) 1�'ood rrame 1'Iultiple Dw�liings. No wood fra�ne d�veIlinb
.---•or multiple�cl«�elling sli�.11 be occupied above the second floor for.
� , living or sleeping purposes except �vhere the originat construction �
. provided for such i.ype of occupincy. � - _ . , .
(4) Coolcing and fIeating �quipment. All cooking and heating -
. equipment, components, and accessoi•ies in every heatin�, cooking �
� , and water heating device shall be maintained free from leaks and
• obsti•uctions, �nd kept functioniiig properly so as to be free from
fire, health, aiicl accident hazards. All installations anc� rep�irs shall �
. be made in accordance ���ith the regulations of the Builcling Code. ,
54.16. Responsibilities of Occupants Relating to thc ilZaintenance
of D�ti�cllinb Units. . .
(1) Cleanli�iess. Every occupant of a d�velling t�nat shall keep �
in a clean�anci sani�ar�� conclition that part of the d�veilin�• unit, and
premises tiier•eof, tivhicli ]le occupies, colitrols, or tises_ •
� • • . . � -• _ � '
� _i
� DnPllu��Prtnter
- - -� ORDINANCE � �
I �
An ordinanoe amending Chapter 54 of the St. Paul
' ;.I
Legislative Code, pertaining to minimum housing standards �,
Y,or dwellings and multiple dwell.inga. • �
5ection. 1. That Chap ter 54 0� thebSt�uTthe rLamendediby
Code, as amended, be and the same and substituting in lieu and
striking the same in ita entirety
in pl�ce thereoY the �ollowings ;
4.01. DECLARATION OF POLICY. The purpose of this chapte�
5 ublic health, safety and welfaro by enacting a
is to protect the p
Housing 6ode which;
(1) Establishes minimum stand�rds for basicanau�a���a��a_ �
facilities; �or light, ventilation, epace heating �or �f'
Qili�ties; �or safety from �ire; for space, uae and location;
tenance• for cooking equ3.pment ; of all dwel�Qnce. ��
safe a�ad ganitary main � ,
ings and multiple dwellings now in existence or hereafter i� ex e r
(2) Determines the responsibilities of owners, operators and
lli s and multiple dwellings. �
occupants o� dwe � ,
(3) Provides for administration, enforeement and penalties� . �
54.02. FINDINGS OF COUNCIL. There egiat in the City of St. ,
Paul structures used for human habitation Q i�o 8tructure,requipment,
come in the future, substandard wi�h reape together with in—
or maintenance, and further that such conditions,
adequate provision for light and air, �$anitarY canc�itione,n�daovQr--
�ire hazarda, laek o� proper heating, �d wE��are of
constitute a menace to puUlic health, sa�ety,
its citizens. It is further �ound and decslared tllat tha�fecttpbZic
such conditions, �ana°ieaa to�the$continuationa�egtension and aggra—
health and safety
vation of urban blight. It i� i�a�eether�orehrequiresathepeatab� on
o� public heal�th, sa�ety and we
�iahment and enforoement of minimum housing
5r�.o3. APPLICABILITY AN'D SCOP�. Every portion of � building
� or premises, used or intended to be uaed �or r�sidential purposes,
egeept regt homes, convalescent homes, and nursing homes, ahall
� comply with the provisiona en conatructed,caitereagorcrepai�ea,h nd
��tch building shall have be
� � that any alterations thereo� or ehan�he enforcementeof�thisCCode,
� be caused directly or indirectly by
� aha.:ll be done in aecordance witin8thisc Chaptercahall be pplicablento _
Code and Zoning Code. Nothing
hotels and motels egeept that hotele ao� theeSt.8Pau1 Logislativequire
ments o� Chapter 355 and 1.06 (2) ( )
Code and other applicable City ordinancea and Stata Statutes.
Yeas Councilmen
Nays Passed by the Counci
Carlson _In Favor
Meredith Againat
Tedesco roved:
Mr. President (Byrne) App
Attest: ' �
City Clerk
�� Form approved Corporation Counsel By
��^^' � �.�-�.-,:,-,.-,;.. .
when proper`l_�S-e-a;"'r�i
• devides or materialsan lof' the rooming unit.
privacy to the occup
:. I
' ', � :k�...
�-.".. ..�,-..«—vy--�eav171g _
., _r::::.
. I •. �. '-7: ,� .�_.r---,--_""` .
� ,,.!„�n�-,�►s��suarpl:�ce of ab�de, �i� thc pi•es�nce of somcone
' - • in the fa.nily of suitlble a�c and discretion ���ho sh:zll be iiifarmed
• ' of the co�itents tliereof, or bu sending a cop� thereof by mail to his�
� • � � � ' ]ast kno�•,n �dciress, or, if thc ]elter ��•iih thc copy is returned sho���inp
� • • = i '1 CO 1 " t�]Cl'CGI iii a
� � � l�y �� � onspicuo�us� place��in orl�about the �dwe�Zing affected •
by the notice.
1 �
� �
! � _c
Dnpllcate to Printer �
. y ��
An ordinance amending Chapter 54 of the St. Paul
Legi$lative Code, pertaining to minimum housing standards
for dwellings and multiple dwelZings.
Section 1. That Chap ter 54 0� the St. Paul Legislative
Code, as amended, be and the same is he reby furthe r amended by
striking the same in its entirety and substituting in Iieu and
in place thereof the followings
54.01, DECLARATION OF POLICY. The purpose of thia cliapte�
i� to protect the public health, safety and welfare by enacting a
Housing 6ode which; '
(1) Establishea minimum stand�rda for basic equipment and
facilities; for light, ventilation, space heating and santtary ia—
Qilities; �or safety from �ire; 3or space, use and location; �or
safe a�ad sanitary maintenance; for cooking equipment ; of all dwell—
ings and multiple dwellings now in egistence or hereafter� i� existonce.
(2) Determines the responsibi].ities of owners, operators and
occupants o� dwellings and multiple dwellings.
(3) Provides for administratian, enforce�ent and penalties� .
54.02. FINDINGS OF COUNCIL. There egist in the (3ity of St.
Paul structures used for human habitation which are uow, or m�y be—
come in the future, substandard with respeot to atructure, equ�.pment,
or maintenance, and further that such oon@itions, together with in—
adequate provision for light and air, insufi'icient protection against
fire hazards, lack of proper heating, unsanitary conciitiona, and ovor--
orowding, constitute a menace to puUli.c health, sa�ety, and we�.fare of
its citizens. It is further found and deolared tl�at the egistance of
such eonditione, factors, or oharaeteristiQe adversely afYect pubtic
health and sa�ety and lead to the continuation, egtenaion and aggra—
vation of urban blight. It is further Yound that adequate protecs�ion
o� public health, safety and wel�are thereYore requires the eatab—
�ishment and enforoement of minimum housing standards.
54.43. APPLICABILITY AND SCOPE. Every portion of � building
or premises, used or intended to be uaed for r�sidential purposee,
eacept rest homea, convalescent homea, and nursing homee, shall
` comply with the provisiona of th3.s ordinance, irrespective of when
such building shall have been construeted, altered or repaized, and
' that any alterations thereof or changes o� uae therein, which m�y
be caused directly or indirectly by the en�orcement of this Code,
ahall be clone in accordance with applic able seetiona of th e �uilding
Code and Zoning Code. Nothing in this Chapter shall be applicable to
hotels and motels e�cept that hotel$ and motels ehall meet the require—
ments of Chapter 355 and 1.06 (2) (e) of the St. Paul Legislative
Code and other applicable City ordinan.ces and Stata Statutes.
Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council
Dalglish Tn Favor
Sprafka Against
Mr. President (Byrne) Approved:
Attest: '
City Clerk Mayor
�� Form approved Corporation Counsel By ._
�y'l�. 1
+ ����i�'ri�
� 1 .� �
Page 14.
(2) DISPOSAL OF RUBBISH. Every occupant of a dwelling
unit shall dispose of all his rubbish in a clean and sanitary
man.ner by placing it in the rubbish containers required by
Subsection 54. 11 (9) of this ordinance.
`(�3) DISPOSAL OF GARBAGE. � Every occupant of a dwelling �
unit � shall dispose of his garbage in a clean a.nd sanitary ma,nner
by placing it in the garbage disposal facilities or if such
facilities are not available , by removing all non-burnable
matter and securely wrapping said garbage and placing it
in tight metal� garba e storage containers as required by
Subsection 54. 11 (10� of this ordinance.
Every occupant of a dwelling unit shall keep the supplied
plumbing fixtures therein clean and sanitary and shall be
responsible for the exercise of reasonable care in their
proper use and operation.
BY OCCUPANT. Every plumbing fixture furnished by the occupant
shall be properly installed and shall be maintained in good
working condition, shall be clean. and sanitary, and free from
defects, leaks or. obstructio�ns .
54. 17. ROOMING HOUSES. No person shall operate a rooming
house or shall occupy or let to another for occupancy any rooming
unit in any rooming house , egcept in compliance with the pro-
visions of every section of this chapter except as follows :
At least one water closet, lavatory basin, and bathtub or
� shower, properly connected to an approved water and sewer system
and in good working condition, shall be supplied for each four
rooms within a rooming house wherever saii faci�±�hties are
shared. All such facilities shall be located within the
residence building served and to be directly accessible from a
common hall or passageway to all persons sharing such facilities .
---� � Every lavatory basin and bathtub or shower shall be supplied ; �' ,
, with hot and cold water at all times . ' -
. � . i
room occupied for sleeping purposes by one person shall contain
at least 70 square feet of floor area. Every room occupied for
sleeping purposes by two or more persons shall contain at least
50 square feet of floor area for each occupant thereof.
(3) BED LINEN AND �TOWELS . The operator � every rooming
house shall change supplied bed linen and towels therein at
least once each week, and prior to the letting of any room
to another occupant. The operator shall be responsible for
the maintenance of all supplied bedding in a clean and sanitary
manner. �
(4) SHADES, DR.APES , ETC . Every wind'ow of every rooming
unit shall be supplied with shades , drawn drapes , or other
devices or materials which, when. properly used, will afford
privacy to the occupant of the rooming unit.
a,yyn..a-�+i.:a:.+..�:.�.n-.. _ � ', .• ' : - . ., . " , �— Y • -
. ._ . . . . �-y _ '�. (5). .7'hr• ol�ci;�lur of ev�ry rooiiiin�; liouse sli:ill �c res��o��sil�lc _ .
. `for`thc�s.u�iL•�c�• m,�inicu:u�cc of all tcalls, floors, and cciliii�,�, .�►id for •
. � . . • the sai�it:�c�� nu�intciiancc of c��ery ollicr �.u'l; of thc rooiiiin� house;
� and hc sl�all Lc fucl)icr'responsil.�lc for l{ic s.lilll.:ll'�� m.�intc��ance� of ,
. . •- � " thc c�ilirc pren�ises ��•1►ci•c thc e�iti►•e slruclui•c or builcli�ifi• ���ithin � .
r.�_.•:.. . . . • . ,
� � : ' a•1�ich�thc rooming house is coiit,�i�ied is ]ensec� or occupied,by the ,
- . operator. • - � .� � . ' .
� � ; �� ' (G) Evcry watcr closct, flush urinal, ]lvatory Uasiii ai�d U:�l;htub . .
� , � ; . , or sho�ti•er requirecl by Sectioii 5�.17, paraSi'<<I�t► (1) shall be located . � .
- ' within the roomin� housc �vithin a room or rooms, �ti•Lich: 4 _
' ; � � . (a) Afford privacy an�l �re sep.irate froin thc liabitaUle rooms; :
' - �: ' (b) � Are accessib]e from a commoi► hall atid «'ithout going out- •
� � . � - side the rooriiing house. • � � . . � . � '
� •� • S�.IS. Enforcen�ent O(ticer; Inspection ot D�vellinas and Prem- , '
- � � -- -� -ises;-Scrcicc-of�I�'otices.--� -� �-� - �--�--°— � � ' -
� • � (1) Enforcement OP,icer. Pursuant to the applicable provisions
' � of the Charter of the Cit}� of St. Paul, it shall be the duty o� the Com-
� � missioncr of Public S�fety, a�id his�autho��izecl represciitatir•es to en- _ _
• " " ' �orce the pro�•isions of this chapter. \'o pro��ision of this chapter shall � , -
' � ' � be construed so as to prohibit the Commissioiier of Parl:s and Recrea- .
' • -�"� "tion and Public Builclings, the City Architect of the City� of St. Paul,
' � the Health Ofhccr or the Chief of the Fire Dep1rtment, or the author- .
� - �"--, ized representatives of any of the foregoin� City of�icers from enforc- : � :
. . � . � ing any of the provisions of this chlpter. _ = � -� � _
. . �' . (2) � Inspection of D��•ellinas. The enforcement of�'icer shall be
� authorized to make or cause to be macle inspections to deterrnine the
condition of d�ti-el]ings, multiple d��•ellinos, dwelliiig units, rooming
houses, rooming units, and premises in order to safeouarcl the health, - . •
• � safety, morals, and �r•elfare o� the public. The enforciii� ofTicer, or his
� - � -- -designated repi•eseiitatives, sh,�ll be authorized to enter any dt��elling, .
� � d�tielling unit, rutiltiple d«'elling, rooming house, or l�remises at,any ,
� ' �. .,� reasonab]e time for the purpose of perforniing his duties under this � •S
- ' ordinance.The o«ner,operator,or occupant of every d�r•eilii�g, multiple
� � � � d`�•eilina, d«'elling unit, rooming unit, or the l;erson in charae thcreof, .
� � shall give the enforcement ofTicer free access to such d�,-elling, multil�le .�-
� � � - d�relling, d«•elling unit, rooming unit on wliich•it is located at all
_ � �_� � reasonable times for the purpose of�such inspection, e�amination and _ , _____ • _ ._4.....____
- ` survey. If the occupant refuses to' consent to � ,
, the inspection a search warrant may be obtain�d:
� (a) Vrhere there, is �rabable cause to be-
' � lieve that a violation exists within the particular
� structure or; .y�� �
. (b) Where a determination has been made to
• conduct periodic inspections of certain areas of
the city.
No warrant is needed for entry where an emergency �
condition exists and insufficient time is avail-
able to obtain a warrant.
� � � + .� � (3) Access by Oti�'n�r or Occupant. E��ery occu�aiit of 1 d�cell• .
� ing unit or roomin� unit shall give tl�e o�vner or oper3*or thereoi, or
� ' � : bis 2gent or ernplo��ee, access to any p�rt of such dn•elling unit, roora- • �
. - ing unit, or its premise�, at reasoi�able times �or 1:he purpase of ;
., effectin� st�cli i�isp�ctioi� and n��iiitenance, mukin� sucli repairs, or
� �---- - -- - ,. . � . . . - • - _ - - � : �
� .� mai:ing such alterltion �s are necessary to comply �vitli the pro�isions •
� • � . � of this chapter. .. ' • ' 1
. - • � . (A) Serti•ice of �'otices. S�'henet�er tlie enforcenient officer de- '
"• • • r termi��es tnat there has U�eii a ciolation, or that there are reasonable
• � • --grotir.ds to beli���-e fhat tl,at there I�as beer� a violation, of any provi-
. • sioii• of tliis chapter he shall gii•e notice of sucli vioIa�ioii or atleged
� �, � `iolation to the person or perscns responsible therefor. Such notice
. . . � . shall: - �- _• ' : __-- -••---• �--..
� , - . � . (a) Be iii �r•riting; � ' �, � .• . .- . � .. � .
' .. . . � (b) Include a descriptiou o� the real estate suf�'icient for ide*�ti-
- ". • ' • . fication;. • � . • ' .
� : _ • (c) Specify the �•iolation �ti•hich e:cists and the remedial actiori ,
, ..-. - � � ' - • . required; . . . . : , : ,. - � . �
. . � (d)_ Allo�v a.reasonable time for the performancc of any act it'
, , � _ ' ' • : requires; ' ' • ' �' �
, . � � --- (e) Be served upon the record o�ti�ner; provided, that such notice
• ' � shal be deemecl to be propci•]S� scr�•e:i upon such o�r•tier if a copy
• � - . . tliei•eof is dc;i�•ci•ed to• him personally or if not found by leaving'
•. � a coi�y tl�ei•eof at his u�ual pl�ce of ab�cle, in thc pi•escnce of somcone
� � - ' in ti�e fa:iiily of stiit�ble agc and discretion ���ho sh:111 bc infornted
. - ' . � . . of the coiitei�ts tliereaf, or bu sendii�g a cop� iheceof by mail to his
• • � ]act kiio�•,-n �dch•c�s, or, if thc lettei' �1'1�}l t}lC C0�)V lS !'CtUI'i1CC� SIlO\1'ii�g
. _,.;,�,,;..�,_:V...�_ - it has i�ot bceii de]i�•tr�d to hin�, b�� nosti»� a col�}- thcreof in a
conspicuous place in or about the dweTTing af�f'ected .
by the notice.
_"', `t � A - ` - V , `� ccr�rc �1
•� n;:.v• ••r.t •.r- .'�:ts ,w-.. .e� .r��a._- .�.� - ._ � :y.-, - _z*±. ..;:?��'-w,< ., r�s --r.:,-,-' - _ . .. - _ -� . , . r . .-� � . .-,.. .�ys}.y
- - ' _ � Page 16. _ 2����0 ,
� � � � In case such order is not promptly complied wi�h, the�enfoi•cement'
- ' of�icer may request the Corpor�tion Counsel to institute an appropriate '
- '�c � �� action or proceeding at I�,�v or in equity againsl: the person responsible �
...,- �; for said violation ' (a) to i•estrain, correct or remove such .
" � violation or the execution o work thereon; (b) to restrain or correct .
. � �� �. the erection, inst111ation, or alteration of; (c) to require the removal -
' �. �. of; or (d) to prevent the occupation or use of said builcling, structure, ! • •
- . " or p�rt thereof erected,constructed, installed or altered in violation of, ,
. or not in compliance �rith, the pro��isions of this Code, oi in violation ,
. � of a pinn or specification under which approval, permit or certificate .
,�_� -� •was issuecl, or (e) to enfor.ce the,,pena�ty_�xovisions of_.._..__..__.-�_..,.
- Section 500.05 of the St . Paul Legislative Code .
, . .
„ .�. . _ --� -- - - - �.;.-,.T-- .. ,
� �_,.._-_-: - �. � � =- . . _ � � -
�. .5�.19 rondemnation of D��rellinbs or hZclti,�le I3:•r�llings or _ ,
. `Dwelling Units as Dan;crous Structures or as Unfit for �Iuman
Habitation. � .� ' � • � .
(1) D1n�erous Structures—Condemnation. If all or part of _ ,
� any building or structure (including�mong others a fence,billboard or •
� 'sign) or the equipment for the operation of said building or structure �
'(including aino�ig othei•s the heatin� plant, plumbing, electric wiring, , _
- =-moving stairways,'elev�tors and fire extinguishing.applratus) shall, _ • _.____...._ . ____
• in the opinion of the enforcement oflicer, be found to be in an unsafe .. -
� condition—dan�erous to life, limb, or property, he shall proceed to
have the same eondemiied pursuant to the applicable provision of the
� Legislative Code, Sectioii 1.07, pertaining to dangerous structures. _� _ : _
. . __._ _-=r ,- .----:-._ .. _
� � (2) Condemnlf,ion of Dwellings or DIultiple D�vellings as Unfit .
- � for Hum�n Habit�tion. �Vhenever the enforcement of�icer finds that " � .
. � any dwelling or nitiltiple dwelling constitutes a hazard to the health,
• • -. safety or welfare of the occupants or to the public becatise it lacks ' ,
' '� maintenance, or is dilapidated, unsanitary, vermin-infested or rodent- �
= - infested, or because it lacks the sanitary facilities or equipment or
. othertivise fails to comply with the provisions of this ordinance but �' .
- the same have not yet reached such state of complete disrepau as
- _to be proceecled against by condemnation as a dangerous structure as
� V hereuibefore provided, he may condemri such-d�velling or multiple -- ------�°-�--------°-
,�' dwelling as uufit for human habitation. " . � .
.� � If�any dwelIiiig or rnultiple dwelling or any part thereof is occu- � �, ,
_ � pied by more occupants than provided by this chapter, or is erected, �
� altered or occupiecl contrary to la�v, such dwelling or multiple d«+ell- ' ;
. ing shall be deemed an unlawful structure and the enforcement officer .
m�y cause such d�velli�ig to be vacated. It shall be unlawful to again ' .
• occupy sttch dwelling ttntil it or its occupation, as the case may be,
has been made to conform to the la�v. � � '
(3) Placarding of Conderuned D�vellinb or b�ultiple D�velling.
` " � Any_dyyelling or -�ntiltiple dwelling conclemned as "UNFIT FOP� _
, �P[Jl�'!AN HABITATION" shall be posted �vith a placard of condem- , r
nation by enforcement oflicer. The placard of. condemnation shall
include the following: (a) name of city; {b) the name of the author-
� ized department hatiing jurisdiction; (c) the chapter and section of � . .
� the ordinance under which it is issuecl; (d) an order that the dwell-
� a ed must remain vacant until
i llin �vhen vac t
ing or multiple dtive �
the pro�risions of the order are complied with and the order to vacate .
__is �vithdra�vn; (e) tiie date that the placard of co.ndemnation is
• ' �posted; (f) a statement of the penalty for defacing or removal of
' the placard. � . � -
(4) Service of Notice of Conclemnation. Whenever the enforce-
ment ofIicer has condemned a d�vellina or multiple d«�ellino as unfit for
hum�n habitation, he shall give notice to the owner of such condemna-
tion and pinclydin� of the d�vellin� or multiple dwelling as unfit for
� hnman h�.bitation. Such netice sh111: (a) b� in �vriting; (b) include a _ ,
j d�scriptio�i of the real esiate sufTicient fo� icie�.�ificr��ion; (c) ii:c�ud� c�
statement of a reason or reasons why it is being issued; (d) include a
� , description of the rep�irs ancl impro�-ements required to bring the con-
de�t�ned d�velling or multipl� c�tirelling into compliance with the provi- f
j sions of this ordinance;�(e) n stateinent of time to correct the condi-
� tioi�s; (f) a statement of time �vhen OCCllpAlltS must �acate the
� d«�ellin� unit; (g) service of noi;ice of conaemnation shnll be as fol-
' lo���s:
1 1. T3� deli��ery 1:o the o�vner personally, or by leaving the notice
� � at the usual p11ce of abode of i;he o�vner �vith a person of suitable age
� , and cliscretion, or
i 2, By depositing iti tl�e Unitecl Si;ates Posi: OfT�ice, 1,he notice,
. . �,ddressed i;o i;he oZ��nei• at his last l:no�vn address �vith postage prepaid
� - thercon,or ' _ . , . � ,
� �
I ,
� � . _ .._ . ._.. _ _ .�.- -- - ... . -. ._._ ._ .�..,
� ' K
� ' �
.. � + :- f , � . . • .. ... . .. . ... • . _ . __ . � . ,.. . ,. ' �i._
M • -
� � 1 �
.�� � � � � w
�• � .
• • �' �
. . � . -7'..., ,.. i:�».,. , ..•�h- . hv. t.. -_r.< yc , y.•f,• ;t��..�H�a.�'+n. �}.:�:,' +'�'i' ' _ � `a. ..
. �3�• u.': . . . . ".Y.:i.4 .0. .a'. �i.K. _. 'P- . _ � .. -.�, ..
, � � ' - '_ � _ ,-' .� � , _ .� . Page 17. . ' . ' . � . - • . . •
. • . • � '_ - , . . - . - � . .
- ' .- -,;- -•`�`,-_. �.__._.._ ;ti.. _ . � '. : " ' . _ " �. . . . - - _ . . �
- . .. , .-� . .. �. . _ --- . . - s . -- :- � - -�--�, - ----- ._- .__.. . ,
- . • ' 'S ^' � ' ' • • •
� _ • . ; . •' 3. By posting and keeping posted for 24 hours a^copy of said _ •
- notice in placard form in a conspicuous place on the conc�emcied prem- '
' ises. . - . -� .- .
� (�� Y�cafion of Coridcmncu and PiacardccI I.iwcliina ar itlultip7e .
, � � Dwellino. Any d�i�elling or multiple d�s�ellin� �vhich has been con- '
- ��demned and placai•ded as unfit for human hlbitation by the enforce- �
� � ment of�icer shall be vacated within a reasonable time as required
. by the enforcemeiit ofTicer, and it sh111.be unla�vful �ar any owner '
- '- or oper�tor to let to any person for human habitation said d���elling, - •
' � _ muItiple dwelling or dwelling.unit; arid no person shaIl occupy any •
. . . d�velling or multiple dwelling unit which has been con�emned and � � .�
= • � :� placarded by the enforcement officer after the date set forth in the ' � � J
. - =_ placard of condemnation. � . � . . . • � . • � •
- � . . � • _ "' � (6) Condemned D�rellinas and I1luitip]e D�ti�cllings Are Not to ' � � ' � �
. Be Occupied Until Defects A're Eliminated. No d�velling or multiple .
��_ dwelling which has been condemned and placarded as unfi� for human � •
habitation shaIl again be used for human habitation �til written �
� approval is secured from the enforcement of�'icer..Enforc�ment ofncer �
. .' shallremove such placard �rhenever the defect or defect� upon «�hich - -
the condemnation and placarding action were based ha�e been elimi- �
• • nated. . . , . . - � • . •
' � � � (7) Placard to Be Renioved Only by"Enforcing Of�i�r. .No per-". �
. � � son shall deface or remove the placard from any d�velling�or multiple � -- - � � � ,
- .' dwelling�vhich has been condemned and placarded as unfi'� for human �
��-habitatiou. Such placard shall only be�removed_by.th� �enforcement ' , �
- � officer. ---. - � �-- ' - . ,
• - . . � �(S) Report of Condemnztion to Chief Health OIFc�er and Chief ��� �
�of the Fire Pre�ention Tureau. The enforcement officer shall furnish
, ' a copy of each condemn�.tion notice to the Chief Hea]tPa Ofiicer and
- _'' the Chief of the Fire Prevention Eureau.� . - �
. � . - �' 54.20. Conflict �Vith Other Ordiiiances. Conflict ��th other or- ' . .
. ' - � ."� dinances ekcept as provided in Section 54.04. In any case �vliere a � •
: � provicion of this chlpter is found to be in �conflict witTa a provision � �
� ' of any zoniiig� }JLillC�lllg� fire, safety, or health ordinatice or code of � .
`- ' . this City, the provision �vhich estabIishes the higher standard for . • ' .
� the promotion and protection of the health and safety of tlie peonle '
. � shall pi•evail. In any case �vhere a pro�ision of this ch�p�er 1S fOLlllCj �
� � to be in conflict svitli a provision of any other chapter or cocle of this � ' � � �
- City ti�•hich establishes a lo�ver standard for the promo�ion and pro-
. � -�tection of the health and saiety of the people, the pro�-isions of this
�. � chapter shall be deemed to prevail, and such other chapt�rs or codes •
- .' ' are hereby declarecl to be repealed to the extent that ��ey m1y be � �
. � � found in confiict tivith this chapter. ' • . . � �
. . ; . � .
`, �� 5�.21. Adntit�i:tI'Stive LiabiIity. I�To officei•, agent, or emp?oyce �
of the City of Saint Paul sh111 render himself personaI�3� liable for
. an�� darnabe tliat nla3- accrue to.persoiis or property as a r�sult of any . '
act required or permitted in tlie discliarge of his d�:ti�s ttnder this
�. �hapter...I�To person tic�ho institutes, or �.ssists in the piosecution of, �
- . • . . . - _ � -.• ------ -- � -- - -- . ;,
, a criminll proceeding undcr this Code �shall•bc liabie in dam�iges
, ' therefor uiiless he acted �vith actual malice anct ti��ithout reasonable
. � grounds for believing that the person accused or prc�secuted �ti�as "
. - _ , guilty of an unlawful act or omission. Any suit broug}i� a�ainst any
, • . officer, lgent, or emplo3-ee of the City of Saint Paul, as a result of '
any act required or permitted in the dischlrge of his �Iuties under
• . : this chapter, sh�ll be defended by the Corporation Cou�sel until tlie `�
_ � __ � , � . 'fin11 determin�tion of the proceedings tiierein. • � • • � •
----- -.._ --� __ _ -� - - - - _ .______._._._.� __. .._._. ._ --- -. �--� .- • � . � .
. :- ___ _, ,_. r__�} _.._.. _.. ----�- .
�i .
' i '
- - � �
. . :�
. . . � -,� �t ��x;
. _ -�� ._.__._ _. __ __ ._ _ .._..�.- -- - - . . .._.._._.__.___.--�__�.�.._.,.-- ---�---.__—"^ ---- �- — �� - r,
..:..•�.,�t�_•.1"�'Y"_ ��...,-�t_T _��^ ...t'+�.tna +. ��• 4R.. ��"i'ne � t�:W_Y'�.�i'.rSis!^..:r�,w.:{`i..ri�� ..���,...._ �1�` � - ��
�ssLt.Fi+.�.y.'f:: `��....,rr
- . . - .— _... xa�/a•+:a•G�' :a _._ " _ -^�.�.���_ a ��- � . tr
1 � , . �
Orlgin�l to Citq.CIerJ��� . � ! � °
. _ r
�� �--� , , . � � ORDIN 'ANCE - . �
y� � � ��%� �
� Page 18.
54.22. PENALTY FOR VIOLATION. Any person violating any
provision of this Code shall be guilty of a mis�lemeanor, and
upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine not to
exceed $100.00 or by imprisonment for not to exceed 90 days.
Notwithstanding the above provision, no penalty shall be imposed
upon an owner who serves written notice upon the Board of Appeals
indicating that he intends to permanently vacate and does perma-
nently vacate the premises within thirty (30) days and including
proof of notice of eviction of the tenants occupying the affected
premises. No prosecution for any violation under this ordinance
shall be co�mence� during the ten c.alendar days set for filing the
written petition requesting a hearing, nor during any ti.me of the
pendency of said petition before the Appeals Board as set forth in
Chapter 55, nor during the pendency of any time allowed for filing
an action for judicial review, nor during the pendency of any
judicial review.
54.23. PROCEDURE. Zn addition to the punishments pro-
vided in this chapter, the City, through the officer charged with
the enforcement of the various provisions of this chapter, or
any other person, may seek enforcement thereof in any court of - �
competent jurisdiction by any appropriate form of civi]. action
and may seek enjoinment of any continued violation thereof and
seek to compel obedience thereto by mandatory orders and writs.
54.24. TERMINATION OF TENANCY. No tenancy of a dwelling,
� dwelling unit, two-family dwelling or multiple dwelling covered
by this Code may be terminated because of the commencement of an
action pursuant to this ordinance or because of the report to
the proper Code enforcement authorities of a condition believed
to be in violation of this Code.
54.25. APPEALS. Any person affected by any provision
of thi.s chapter may appeal to the Board of Appeals as provided
� in Chapter 55 of the St. Paul Legislative Code.
. -�,
Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in � �
force thirty days after its passage, approval and publication.
- .9U►L � 196�
Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Cou c>>
� `
Meredith n Favor
Peterson � � _
Sprafka A gainst
.- Tedesco ,�j� � 19��
Mr. President (B e
Ap d:
A s •
Ci lerk � Maqor
�� Form approved Corporation Counsel By -��
. ' � . _ ��BLISHEp ,���, 13 ,968
� . . � . • _ , v , e .- , , r • '_ . ., ,. . ' . . , .(i � . - ' +_ '�, . � .,5'
•� e• .
� • ' • ,
� , ' • ' .
1 . . � . '
; , � • Page 2. � . • .
; � - . .
This chapl;er establislies miniiiiuni si;�iiiclards �or the initia.7. and
continued occtipaucy of all. builclings and cloes not re��Ilce or
modi�y staiiQarcls oi;herz�isc established �or the construci;ion, '
repair, al-Ler�.�;ion, or use of builclinb equipmen�; or Sacilities .
. 54.05 . SI-IORT TITL�. This chapter sliall Ue called the . ,
Minimum �Iousinb S�tanclarcls �or Dt�relliiigs and AZultiple Dwellings .-
� ancl may be cited as tir Iiousinb Cocle.
54.06. EXISTING REMEDI�S. NotYrin� in this chapter shall
� be deemed to abolish or impair e�istin�_ remedies of the City o�
+ Saint P ul or its of�icers or ageiicies relating to tlie removal �
1, or demo iiion of any buildiiigs wliich are deemed to be dangerous ,
� � unsafe , or unsanitary.
. . � . -, � . . �
54.07. DEFINITIONS.. _
� . �a. Unless otherzJise expressly stated, the folloiti*ing �
� tern►s shall , �or the pur:pose of this Code , have ttie �neanings
! indicated in this sectioii. - �
� � ' � � .
� b. Words used in the present tense include tlle fuf,ure ;
; words in the jnaseuline geilcler inelucle the feminine . and neu�er;
� � the singular num�er inelucles tlle plural.• an,ctthe pJ.tiral the s�.nbular..
� - .
; c. Z+�Zere terms are not definecl. in this section and are�
� �efined under C)iapter 2 of. tlie Legislative Cocle , they shall ha�Te
� � the meani�i�s ascrihed to theiu� as in the Building �Code seci;ion
� ' of tl�e Legislative Cocle . � � , �
� . .
, d.� S+Ihere tenns are not defined, uncier the provisions � - �
� of this chap�;er or uncter the provisions of _Chapter 2 0� the
� Legislative Code , tliey shall have ascribed . to them tYieir
� ordinarily accepted meanings ancl�or such. as `the conte�t herein
� may i.mply. ' - �, ,
� � ' - APPROVED. Approved as applied to a ,L��.terial, device , .
or n�ethocl of construction shall meai� appYOVi�d by tlie enforcement
officer under the provisions of this. cliap�;er., or approvecl by _
other au�;hority designated by las�r to give ap:proral in the
� mat-�er in question. : •
� BASE�IENT. Basenient sliall n�e�.il that .portion of a building
� partly belo�l grade btii; so locai;ecl tliat i;he veri;ical clistaiice fro;,� �
� gracle to tlie floor is not g.r.eater ttian i;he v�sitical disi;ance
�� - � from i;he gracle to tlie ee�iling. • Provicled, hozlever, tha�t if i;he
vertical dis�;ance fr.om' �,he gracle to the ceiling is five (5)
� feet or more , s�.ich basenient sliall be counted as a story:
, -
� .
BOARnIVG CAItE fI0I�1�. This type of, use is licensecl and
�{ regulatecl b3� oi;Iier Ci�i;3T and S�l-ate laws . � For purroses of this
-� - Cocle , a Bo�,rdinb C�.re Ilome shall be clefined :�lxe s�.me as con-
taiizod in i;lie r�egula�i;ious o� 1;he State Board of IIeal�;l1.
"��r, . .
.,t .
,.?� • - .
.� -.��� . . . ' a
-,..,,. _, _ ' ��,� � ... , t . �. .. __ . _z .. ._ .k�":'v_ .. - ,_, r ,. . . __ ._... , . .__ . . -
"'` • - � - - - - - ' - - �------ - - --�-- ---- __ __ _ - - -. _ __ �.- - - - --- - -
.. ^
Page 3. .
BUILDING COD�. The Buildin� Code shall mean "The Saint
Paul Building Cocle" . (Legislai;ive Code , Chap-i;ers 1 through 53. �
CELLAR. Cellar shall mean the loz�*ermost portion ot
the building partly or �;otally underground having hal� or mor.e
o� its height, measured from clea.r floor 1;o ceiling, beloza
the average finished giade of. the adjoining ground.
� D�dELLING. Ds,relling nieans a building occupied exclusively
for• residence pu.rposes ancl havixig not more tha,n i;wo (2) apart-
meni;s , or as a boarding or roo�uing house serving not more 1;han
five (�) persoizs with meals or slee�ing acco�umodai;ions or both.
(No1;e : Compare with definition of "iesideilce building" . )
D��ELLING UNIT. Dwelling Unit shall mean a room or .
group of rooms located within a residence building and forming ,
a sin.gle habitable unit with facilities �ahicl.z a,re used or in- .
tended to be used for living, sleeping, cooking, and eating. .
EXT�RIOR. �'ROP�RTY AREAS. Exterior P.roperty 1-lreas shall >
mean open space on i;he premises and on adjoining pioperty under
thc control o�f the ozvners or operators o� . such premises .
--�i�TFORCL+'MENT OFPICER. -Pursuant to �t;he applicaUle pro-
visioiis of �lie Charter o� the Ci�l;y o� Saint Paul , it shall �
be i;he c�uty o� �Lhe Commissioner of Public Sa�e�;y and his .
�,uthorized representa�i;i.ves to en�orce th� prouisioiis of �;his
ordinance .
EXT�N,NiI11ATI0N. Ex�;erminai;ioii shall mean the coiztrol
aizd elimination o� insects, roden�;s , or other pests b3T elimiiiat- •
ing 1;heii harborage places ; by reinoving or �uaking inaccessible
ma�terials th at may serve as their feed; by poison. spraying,
�umiga�;ing, trapping, oi by another recognized aild legal pest �
elimination method.
FAMILY. Family shall mean a greup of persons related by
blood, marriag�, or adoption witllin and including the degree
oF firsi; cousins .
GARBAGE. G�.rba�e shall mean �;he aniuial and vebe�;aUle
�vasi;e resulting from i;he handling, prepaiation, cooliing, and
consumption o� �ood.
GRAD�. The Grade shall mean tlle iza�;ural surface o� the
ground or surface grouild a�1;er comple�l;ion of any change in
coi�.toui. '
GIi,OSS FLOOR, �R�A. The Gi•oss Floor Area shall meaaz tize
to�al area of all habitaUle sp�.ce .
IIABITABL� I3.00M. A HabitaUle Room slzall mean a room
occu.piect Uy oile (1) o� more persoizs used or iizl;ended :for
] ivii�.g, cool�ixig, eating or sleeping puiposes , bu�L cloes noi; •
inelucle Uathrooms , closets , w�,i;er close�i; com�artmeil�ts , laundri.es ,
serviilg ancl s�t;or.a.�;e pantries , coriidors , cellars , aizd sl�aces
tha1; are not used fr.equen�;Z3T or duriiig e�:�;ended periods .
'f -
. • ������'il
, (����
Yage li .
. . ! �
� �� IIotcl. This type of use is licensed and re�ul�,ted by oi;her
City and State laws. A Hotel shall be defiiied i;he same as found in
. ' . Chapter 335 of the Le�islai;i��e Code of the City of Saint Paul.
; IufesLaLiou. In�estation sh�ll me�in {;he presence, �vithin or con-�
tiguous to a niultip]e cl���elling, d�velling unit, rooming house, rooniing
I illll�, or pz•emises, of inseci;s, rodents, VCI'I111I1� or otliex• pests.
, 117ote1. '1'his type of use is licensed �nd re�ulated by other City
. ancl Si:ate l�,ws. For purposes of this Code a I�Zotcl shall be defined
• the same 1s I-Ioi,el. (See Chapter 335 of 1;lie Legisl�tive Code o� tlie
CiLy of Saint Paul.)
�, -A�uI(iple llnrellinb. 117uli;iple Iteside►ice ll�velling or 11�Iultiple Resi- ,
de»ce sha11 rnean �ny residence building containin� three (3) or more
- --d�vellin� wiits, and including roomin� houses. � ,
I�TUrsinb I�omc. This type of use is licensecl and re�ulated
bSr other City ancl State la�vs. For purposes of this Code a Nursing
Home shall be defined the 51111C as containecl in the regulations of
the Si;ate l3oard of �-Iealth. � • • .
-� Occupa��i. An Occupltit shall mean any person over one ye�r
of age (iiic]udiiig o�vner or operltor) living and sleeping in a cl�velling
unit or havina actnal possessiou of szid ci�vellino or rooming ttnit. -
- Operator. An Operator sl�all meln any person ���ho has charge, '
care o�.• coni.rol of a multiple residence or rooming house, in tivhich
d«�elling unil;s oi• i•ooiniiig units are ]et or of�ered for occtip�ncy.
� � Owner. An Otivner shall mean o«�ner or owiiers of the fi•eeholcl
of i;l�e _premises or lesser�estni;e therein,-�a mortoagee or yendee in
possessio�i, assig�iee of rents, receiver, e�ecutor, trust�e, lessee, otlier �
persoi�, firm, or coi•poration, in control of a building. _ .___.__. .
�Operiable Area. Tlie Openable �rea shall mean that part of a
�vindow or door tivhich is avlilable for unobstructed ventilation and
• n�hicll opens ciirectly to the outdoors. - �
� . Person. A Person shall mean an inclividual, firm, cot•poratioil,
associa�:ion or parf;ne��ship. .
" ' Plumbing•. Plt�mbino or Plumbii�g I+'ixtures sha,ll mean water
. heating facilities, �vater pipes, gas pipes, garbage and disposa] tuiits,
tivaste pip�s, �vater closets, sinlcs, installed dishwashers, lav�tories,
- ba�h tt�bs, sho�ver bathss installed clothes n�ashin� macliines, or other
- similar eqttipment, catch basins, dr�ins, vents, or otl�er siniil�rly .
supplied fi�tures, 1;ogether �vith all connections to water, gas, se�ver, •
or vent]ines.
Premises. Premises shall mean a lot, plot, or parcel of lancl
including the buildings or structures {,hereon.
• RCS]CICIICC T�'LII�C�lllb. A RCS]C�C11CC I�'L11IC�117g, etce��t svhen classified
as an insi�itution ll]1C1C1• the Building Code, shall me�,n �, building in
�vhich sleepin� �.ccolninodai;ioiis or sleeping accommodai;io�is and
cool�ing facilities as � wiit are provided. " .
Rest I-Io3�ie. If or purposes of tllis Code a Rest Home shall be
defined i;lie sanie as containecl in tlie reoulation of the State Board
Roozuin; �Eouse. A Poaming �Iouse shall mean any resiclence
building, or anSr part thereof, cont�i�iing one oz' 11101'e 1'00111171� w�its,
in «�hicli space is lei: by 1;he o�yner oi• ope�.•ltor to si� or more persons
�vho 1re not husb�nd or «=ifc, son or d�u�liter, mo{:her or fatl�er, or
sisi;er, or brother of {;he o�vner ur oper�.tor.
Roo3�iin� LJnit. A �toomin� Unit shall mean any i'OOIll Ol' gT0U1)
of rooms forming a sin�le habitable ui�it usecl or intencled 1;o be used
for living anci sleeping, bui; not for eoolcin� or eatin� �urposes.
, � I �v��M��
Page 5. , . � .
Ruubish. Rubbish shall mean combustible and non-�mbustible
' waste mal,ei•i�ls, e�cept garbage; and the term shall incl�ec�e the resi-
� due from the bui•ning of «-ood, coal, colce, and other com�s�stible ma-
teri�.ls, ��per, r�gs, cartons, boxes, tivood, e�celsior, rub�i•, leather,
tree branclies, year t�•immings, tin c�i�s, metals, minerll nt�atter, glass,
crockery, and dust and other siniilar material.
. by� ' SupI,]iecl. Supp]ieci shall mean installed, furnished �r provicled
the owner or operltor. . '
' •-- «'orkruanlilce. Whenever the �vords• "worlcmanlike state of
maintenance and rep�ii"' are used in this chapter they shall mean
, . that sticIi maintei�ance and repair shall be macle in a reasonably skill- '
� ful maniier.
� Whenever the ti��orcis "multiple cl�velling
��d�vellin lllllt'0 " ��� ��l'esideiice building��
g � rooming house", "1pOTri111�' Lirilt"� OT "pl'P.Iri1SCS" al'e
, �_.T-usecl in this cha�ter, they shall be coiistrued as i;hotigh they were
_ follo�ved by the 1i�ords "or any part thereof". �, _
.� • , �
, Yard• Yard shall mean all ground, ]awn, court, �valk, drive-�vay -
or.other opeii space constitui;ing part of tlie sanie premises as a resi-
. . � � dence buildin�. �
. VentiiatYOn. Ventilation shall mean the '
, .�nd removing air.by natural or mechanical nieanseto or f�oml alny
space.- . -
. . �- , Ve�tiIation, mechanical. Ventilation, mech�nical, sFaa,ll mea�i
� , .-veni,ilation by power-cl�•iveu devices. .
� _ Ventilai.ion, naturaI. Veutilatioii, natural, shall mea�x ventila-
tion .by ope�iing to outer air througli windo�vs, sltyli�h�s, clooi•s, '
lotivres, er s t a c k s w i t h o u t �i r i n d-d r i ven devices.
• 51.OS. Lxterior Properf.y Areas. No person shall occupy as
o��ner-occnpant or let to another for occupancy any dwellizig nnit for
the purpose of living therein, or preniises, which does ria� complyr
• �vith the follo�viug i'CC11111•emeiits:
� (1) Sanitation. , a, '
All ek-i:erior property areas shall be maintained in a clean a�id
sanitary condition free froni an3� accur�iulation of rubbish or garbage.
(�) � Graclinb and D.r.�.iiz�.be. ' - .
All preniises shall be �aded and niaintained so as to ��re��eiit
the lccuniulation of sl;aonant ���a{:er on said premises, or �j�i��in ang
builclii�g or structure located tl�ereon. . •
� (3) I'ree froiii No�ious �Veeds. ' �
All e�terior property az•eas shall be kept free fram species of
,, �veecis or plant gro�vth svhicli are i�oxiotis or detrime�ital to tlie p�.�blic
health as indicated in Chapter 45G of tlie Legislati�e Code of �;he'City
• F of S1int Paul. �
. : - - -- . . ._ . - �
. . Page 6. ` � '
Every owner and occupant of a structure containing two
or more dwelling units shall be responsible for the extermination
of insects, rodents, vermin, or other pests in all exterior areas
Of the premises. Whenever infestation exists in the �sl�a��� or
public parts of the premises, extermination thereof shall be
the responsibility of the owner. In the case of single family
� structures, the occupant shall be responsible for the extermi-
� nation of insects, rodents and vermin in all exterior property
' areas.
_ . �
All accessory structures including detached garages �
� shall be maintained structurally sound and in good repair.
The owner of every unoccupied dwellin; or multiple
dwelling shall be responsible for the maintenance of exterior
propeity areas required under section 54.08 .
54.09. EXTERIOR STRUCTURE. No person shall occupy
as owner-occupant or let to another for occupancy any dwelling
- or multiple clwelling, dwel)_ing unit , rooming house , rooming
unii;, or portion thereof wliich does not comply with the fol-
lowing requirements : ��
Every foundation, exteiior wall , roof, and all other
exterior surfaces shall be maintained in a �rorkmanlike state
of maintenance and repair. .
(a) The � foundation elements shall adec�uately support
the building ai; all points . �
• (b) Every exterior wall shall be free o� hales ,. breaks ,
- loose or rotting boards or timbers , and any other conditions
W111C11 miglit admit rain, or dampness to the interior portions
of �;he saalls or to the exterior s�aces of the multi�le d�wellin.g.
(c) The roof sh all be tight and have no defects �vhich
admit rain, and roof drainage shall be adec�uate to prevent rain
� water from causing dampness in the walls .
(a) �very outside staii°, every porch, and every appui-
' tenance at�Lached thereto s11a11 be so canstructed �.s to be s�.fe
to use and capable of suppor�t;ing a load as deteimiziecl in the �
Building Cocle, an.d shall be kep�; in SOL111C�. conditioii and good •
(b) Eveiy flight aC stairs SJhich is more than t�vo risers
high sllall have rails which are i;o be so located as determined
by i;he Builc�ing Code ; �.nd evei�y porch svhicli is more 1;ha.z1 two
risers high shall have rai ls so locai;ed aaid ca.pable of
resi;rainiilg a horizontal pressure as determined by 1;he pro-
vis ions o� i;lie �3uildiilg' Code .
, •
I . . .. - ___ ��.� ._ . � �- 'f
. . . . ,.. �- . - . . , • . . . . . , _ . .�i�� ., _ .. ` , .. , . .. . � _ � - .r•� s
• , t
' ' Page 7 . _ . I /� �
' J�
a •�� � (c) Every rail aud bllustrade mt�st be firnily fasteiied and '
,; � must be maintained 111 good condition. � -
= (3) �Vindoti�•s, Doors and �Iatch�vays. Every �vindu�v, exterior
; ' door, and basement h�tclitivay shall be substantially tight and shall: � •_ ' "
�� " , ' be kept in sound condition and rel�air. • - •
� r- - ,. ._ .- -- --- ------ • -�- . -- — � -.-- -_ . _ - _-.- .- .
,. , (a) Every windo�v shall be fully supplied with �vindo�v paries
• �which are �vithout open cracks or holes. .- .•
(b) Every windo�v sash shall be in good conclition and fit rea-
� sonably ti�ht within its frame. � • � .
•� (c) Every window, other thln a fiYed tivindow, shall be capable • � �
� of being easily opened and shall be held in position by.�vindow hard- _
. � ware. . . � -
_ � (d) Every exterior door, door hinge, and door latch shall be in
�. good conclition. . : ,
_, •� (e) Every exte�rior door, when closed, shall fit reasonably ��eli
• • within its frame. . • , , � • • �
, • (f) Every �vindow, door, and frame shall be constructed and � �
' maintained in such relation to the adjacent wall construction as com-
pletely to exclude rain, and substantially to exclude wind from enter- • '�
- -ing the d�velling or multiple d«�elling. , ' . • _
. : (g) Every basement h�tchway shall be so constructed and •
- maintained as to prevent the entrance of rodents, rain, and surface
, draina�e water into the dwelling or multiple d�velling. _ �
� " (h) Every door available as an eait shall be capable of being
. . � opened from the inside, easily and tivithout the use of a key.
.� � ' . (4) Screening. Screens shall be suppIied to the follosving eh- �
. � tent: �.
" � � (a) Every basement or cellar windovs� which is openable shall
' -�""�"��'� + be supplied �i�ith a screen or harcl�vare cloth of not more than 16 mesh ' - ,
per inch R�hich fits tightly and is securely fastened to the frame, oi
. with other material affording equivalent protection against the entry
of rodents, includiiig storm windoti�+s.- � ' •� -'
(b) From Jtuie lst to Octob�r 15th of each year every door
opening directly from any dwelling or multiple dwelling to the out-
� doors, and every �vindo�v or otlier otitsicie opening tised for ��entilatioii _ -
� " - � purposes, shall be supplieci with a screen of not less than 1G niesh per �
� inch and eveiy screen door shall have a self-closing device in good
- working condition. Ho�rever, no such screens shall be required for a
" d�vealing nnit or a floor above the fourth floor.
� 54.10. Interior StTUCLliTCS. No person shall occupy as owner-
' occupant or Iet to another for occupancy any d�velling, multiple dwell-
ing, d�velling unit,roomiiig house,rooming unit, or portion thereof, for •
the purpose of living i;herein�vhich does not comply with the follo«�ing
" . ' � requirements: . .
(1) rrce I�ro�n D�mpziess. In evei•y dwelling, multi�le d�1-ell-
ing, dwelling unit� TO011llll�'I1011SC, AriCl 1'O011llllg Lllllt C011A1•, b1Se117C11tS, _
and crati��l spaces shall be maintained �•easonably free from dampness
to prevent conditions conduci�le to clecay or deterioi•ation of the struc-
ture. ' • • __
_ j . _ .- • — ' ` --
� (2) Si.ructural 11lcmbcrs. The supportin, stL•uctural members .
' of e��ety d�ti•ellifio aud mtiltiple dwellino used for human habitation
sh111 be m�intainecl Stl'L1CtL11'8II)r sountl; tl�at is, sho�ving no evidence
' of deterior�f,ion 1nd capable of bearing imposed lo�ds in accord�nce
ti�rith the�provisions of the Building Code. , .. �
� (3) Int.crior Stairs and Railinbs. ,_ _. � . • _ ._. .
,(a) All ini:erior st�irs of evei•y structui`e used for human habi-
tation shall be maint�.inecl in SOL111C1 conditioii �nd good repair by
� replacing ti•eads ancl �risers that evidence e�:cessive� �'ear or.. are ,
broken, tiv�rpecl oi• loose. �very ;�iside stair shall be so constructed
and maini;ai�ied 1s to be safe to use and capable of supporting �. load
� as cletermined Uy tl�e provisions of the Buildin� Cocle.
(b} �ver�� stair�vell and every flight of stlirs, tivhich is more , .
than t�vo risers high, shall ha��e h�nd rails or railings so ]ocated in
� accordance ���ith {:he proeisions of i;he L'uilding Cocle. �
I '
, _ � �
. � - - . - - - � � --- � � - - -- - - __ .. . _ - . �
'"" ' '' ' ' ^ , J -• . �c , •- ,. - ._,: r , � y
" � -... t ., . . ' � . � _ .� �._.. F ' � �1 . c .i � r " � .� . . • �o .[���w.� Q !lt
r•r�� �
Page 8.
(c) Every hand rail or railing must be firmly fastened , � �"
and must be maintained in good condition. F�-operly ba:lustraded
railings capable of bearing �normally imposecl �.oads as deter-
� mined by �the Building Code sh all be placed o� the open portions
of stairs , balconies, landings , and stairweTl� . ,•
. (4) BATHROOM FLOORS. Every toilet rao� floor surface
ancl bathroom �loor surface shall be construc��d and maintained
so as to be substantially impervious to tiaater and so as to permit
such floor to be easily kept in a clean and s�.nitary condition.
(5) SANITATION. The interior of ever� dwelling and
multiple d�,relling used for human habitation shnall be maintained
. ______.�n._.a_cl.e�.n__and sanitary condition, free frou� any accumulation
of rubbish or garbage . Rubbish, garbage , and other refuse ,
shall be properly kept inside temporary storage facilities as
� ---required under Section 54. 11, paragraphs 10 a:a�d 11. '
(a) Every owner• of a structure containing t�ao or more
dwelling units shall be � responsible for the ��termination of
insects, rodents vermin, or other pests wher�ever infestation .
. ebists in two (2� or�more of the dwelling u�i�s , or in the . •
shared or public parts of the structure .
��`""(b) The occupant of a dwelling unit � a dwelling or
multiple dwelling shall be responsible for su�ch extermination
within the unit occupied by him whenever his dwelling unit is
the only� one infested. "
(c) Noi;withstanding the foregoing pravisions of this �
subsection, whenever infestation of rodents is caused by
failure of the owner to maintain any dwelling or multiple
dwelling in a rodenl;-proof condition, exterm�nation of such _
rodents shall be the responsibility of the a�rner.
walls ,
All in.terior�floors , ceilings' and asso�ciated woodi�rork or
trim must b'e maintained in a sound conditiorf aud in workmanlike � ,
repair. - . �
54. 11. BASIC FACILITIES. No person shall occupy_� as
oivner-occupant or let to another for occupancy any dwelling
unit for the purpose of living , sleer�ing , caoking, or eating
therein �rhich does not comply with the followiizg requirements :
, (1) j�AT�R CLOSET. Every dwelling unit shall contain
within its i�*alls a roo�u, separate from tYie habitable roorus ,
wliich affords privacy and ��zich is equipped j�ith a water
closet. _ �
(2) LAVATORY. Every dz�elling unit shall contain a
lava�Lory, which, svben a wa�ter closet is reqtiared, shall be
I in the saine room with said water closet.
� � (3) BATHTUB OR, SIIOW�R. Every dwelling unit shall - contain
� a room s�rhich a�iords privacy to a person in s�.id room and which
� is equi�ped zvith a bai;htub or sho�ver.
� . � .
� .
; •
: --.- -- _ -,- . . .. .. ._._ .-.- _ _ .� � - . .
� � � - _ . . � . � . . , - .- _ . _-�
� Page g. .
. (4) KITC�IEN SIlVI�. Every dwelling unit shall contain '
a kitchen sinlc apart from the lavatory requirement in Section
54. 11, parabraph 2. '
sink, lavatory basin., bathtub or sho�ver and water closet
required under the provisions of Sections 54. 11 (1) to 54. 11 (5) ,
inclusive, shall be properly connected to either a public ,
water and sewer system or to an approved private water and
sewer system and supplied with hot and cold running water.
(6) WATER HEATING FACILITIES. Every dwelling unit shall - -
have supuliecl water heatiMg facilities s�liich are installed in '
an. approved manner, properly main.tained, and are pro�erly
con.n.ected with hot water lines required under Section 54. 11, r
paragraph 6, and which are capable of heating water to such a '
temperature as to permit an. adequate amount of water to be ^
drawn at every required kitchen sink, lavatory basin, bathtub,
shot�er, and laundry facilities or other similar unitts at a !
temperature of not less than 130 degrees Fahrenheit at any .
time needed. � ,
. . � (7) � HEATING FACILITIES. Every dwelling and multiple
. dwelling shall have heating. facilities and the owner of said
heating facilities shall be required to see that said heating fa-
cilities are' properly installed, safely maintained and in good
working condition, and that said facilities be capable of safely
and adequately heating all habitable rooms, 3�athroom� �nd toile�
rooms located therein, to a temperature ' of at least 70 degrees
Fahrenheit with an outside temperature of -20 degrees Fahrenheit.
The owner shall maintain a minimum room temperature of 70 degrees
Fahrenheit at five feet from the floor in all habitable rooms
including bathrooms and t�ilets at all times when rented.
� Eveiy heating or �vater heating facility and incinera�;or must
be installed a.nd must operate in accordance with the require-
ments of the Building Code . ,
(9) RUBBISH STORAGE FACILITIES. Every structure con-
taining three or more dwelling units shall be supplied with
_ approved con�tainers and covers for storage of rubbish a.nd
the os�nler, operal;or or agent in control of sucli cltaelling or
multiple dwelling shall Ue responsible for the removal of
such rubbish. In the case of struci;ures con�ainin.g one or
tiao d�,relling units it shall be the responsibility of the
occupant (s ) �;o pro�=ide such facilities and removal .
struc-tui�e con�i;aining three or more dtaell.ing units sliall be
supplied tti�ith an �pproved garbage disposal facility. Tlzere
may be iilsi;a•lle•d and maini;ainecl �ierein an. adequa�i;e mechai�.ical
garbage disl�osa,l unit (a mechanical sink grinder) in each
uili�i; or aiz incinerator unit to be approved by the Ci�y Arclii�;ec�i;
.. y, �.
� _ . , ' . 3
. ,
;� , ti �± . ... l� -�. . � v. .._f_ Y "' . _. " ' � " � r . • � ' "
< '
. • Page 10. � "
in the structure for the use of the occupants of each dwelling
. unit, or an approved outside garbage can. I� the case of
structures containing oiie or tz,ro dwelling uni�s it shall be
� the responsibility of the occupant(s) to prQV3de such facilities
ancl disposal . �
54. 12. INSThLLATION AND MAINTENANCE. No person shall
___occupy as o��1er-occupant or let to another fo� occupancy any
dwelling, multiple dwelling, diaelling unit , rooming house or
rooming unit �or the puipose of living, sleeping, cooking, or
eating therein which does not comply with the following
requirements : . �
� - - • -
(1) PLUMBING FIXTURES. In every dwelling or multiple '
dsaelling every water line , plumbing fi�ture , and drain shall
- -" "�� be 'properly installed,-°connected -and- maintain�cl in ivorking -order,
and must be kept free from obstructions, leaks and defects and �
capable of performing the function for wYiich it was designed.
All repairs and installations must be made in accordance with '
the provisions of the Building Code .
(2) PLUi�lBING SYSTEMS. In. every dwelling or multiple
dwelling, every stack, waste and sewer line s�all be so installed
� and maintained as to funetion properly and ke�t free from
_— ._ ._____obstruct�ons , leaks__and defects__to_ .preyent structural deteriora-
tion or a health hazard. All repairs and ins tallations must
be made in accordance with the provisions of �the Building Code .
(3) FIEATING EQUIPTZENT. Every space heating , cool�ing _
and �,rater heating device located in a dwelling or multiple
dwelling shall be properly in.stalled, connect�ed, maintained and �
capable of performing the function for which it was designed
in accordance with the provisions of the Building Code . '
residential structures and dwelling units sh�ll be supplied
with electrical service that is adequate to safely meet the
electrical needs of the structure and dwelling units in accoid-
. ance with the provisions of the Building Code.
Every electrical outlei; and fixtitre shall be installed,
maintained and connected to the source of elecl;ric power in
accorda,nce with the provisions of the Building Code .
��, (a) All required equipment and all building space and , �
I parts in ever•y dzti*elling and multiple dwelling shall be con- •
'� structecl and maintained so as to properly and sa�ely perforiu
� tYieir intended function in accordance with the provisions o�
the Building Code . -
`� ' (b) All hoLis ing facilities shall be ma3ntained in a
clean an.d sanitary condition so as not to breed insects and
� roclents or produce dan�;erous or offeizsive gases or odors .
; 5ii. 13. OCCUPANCY. No person shall oc cupy or let to
� another for occupancy any dzaelling unit for t�ie purpose of
Ili�ving tlzere in 1JY11C11 does not comply wii;h the following
� requiremen-L-s :
� .
i ' .
, . - - -_ . . ._. _ -- - - -. . . .
. � � ;
. .. : . - . �. , . � . . . . �_
'3� .
• , ��V�x�� • .
. � � •
- Page 11.
(1) rIINIrIUI�i CEILING FIEIGIIT. In calculating the floor
area of habil;able rooms only those por�tions of the floor area
of a roo�u having a clear ceiling height in excess o� five (5 )
feet may be incluaed. At least hal� ot tlie floor area of any
habitable room shall have a clear ceiling height of seven (7 )
feet or more . FIowever, nothing in this subsection shall be
�� construed to permit dsaelling units aUove tlie second floor of
' a frame building contrary to the provisions of the Building
� Code .
unit shall contain a minimum gross floor area of at least• 150
square feet for the first occupant , at least 100 square feet
for each of the neYt ttao occupants , and at least 75 square
feet of gross floor area for each occupant thereafter, the
floor area to be calculatecl on the basis of the total habitable
room area.
unit of tZ,ro or more habitable rooms, every room occupied for
sleeping purposes by one adult occupant shall have a minimum
gross floor area of at least '70 square feet . Every room occu-
pied for sleeping purposes by two or more adult occupants shall
have a minimum gross floor area of 50 square feet per occupant
� (4) SLEEPING SPACE IN CELLARS. No space in any cellar
- shall be used for sleeping purp oses . .
USES. No habitable room, bathroom or j�rater closet compartment
which is accessory to a dsvelling unit sh all open directly into
� or shall be used in conjunction s,rith a food store , barber or
beauty shop, doctor! s or dentist ' s examination or t.reatment .
room or similar room used for public •purposes . •
residence building or dwelling unit containing two or more sleeping
rooms shall have such rooin arrangements that access to a
bathroom or z�ater closet compartment intended for use by occu- �
pants of more than one sleeping room can be had only by going
• through another sleeping room; nor shall roor� arrangemen`ts
be such that access to a sleeping room can be had only by
going through another sleeping room or a bathroom or a water
- closet compartmen t.
d��T�lling unit partially belozv grade shall be used for living
purposes unless
(a) Floors and walls are substantially water-tight;
. (b) Total window area, total openable area and ceiling
height are in accordance with this Code ; a.nd
_ (c) Required minimum window area of every habitable
room is entirely above the grade of the ground adjoining such
window areas , . �
_._---- -�- - - - -- -�-- -. _.__ . .. . __ __-_� . ____. .�--- .___._.. _.. ._.__ .�.-_.,�_.__... - - s---
4' _
v . . - � , ` . � . t � ' ._ .rT . . , . , �' _ . _
1 .
' � '
. '
� _ Page 12. '
54. 11�. LIGIIT AND VENTILATION. No person shall occupy ,
as owner-occupant or let to another for occupancy and dwelling,
' multiple dzrel�ling, dzvelling unit, rooming house or rooming unit '
for the purpose of living therein which does not comply with _
the follo��ing requirements . -
room sh all have at least one window of approved size facing , �
•directly to the outdoors or to a court, provided that if
connected to a room or area used seasonally, (e ,g, porch) ,
then adequate da3�light must be possible through this inter- -. -
---connection.---Minimum -total---window -area-measured between�-stops � -� �-
for every habitable room shall be 10 percent of the floor
area of such room. Whenever walls or other portions of like
---structures face -a.-windoi�r of--any room and such like �obstructions .
are located less than 3 feet from the window and exl;end to a -
level above tliat of the ceiling of the room, such a window .
shall not be deemed to face directly to the outdoors and shall -
not be included as contributing to the required minimum total .
window area.
other than a habitable room, used or occupied by persons ,
except rooms with infrequent occupancy, shall Ue provided tlith
one� or more windows opening directly on a street or on. a court
or ventilating skylights conforming to the requiremen�;s o�
this article ; or such rooms shall be provided wi�ch an approved
mean.s of inechanical ventilation.
furnace room, and all similar non-habitable work space located
in a dwelling or multiple dstiTelling used for huma,il habitation
� shall have one (1) supplied �Iectric light fixture available
" at all times .
, hall aizd inside stai�rway in every dwelling or multiple dwelling
. shall Ue adequately lighted at all times with an illumination .
of ai; least five lumens per square foot in the darkesi; portion
of the normally traveled stairs and passageways.
(5) ELECTRIC OUTLETS REQUIRED. Every habitaUle room of
a dwelling or multiple dwelling shall contain at least t��o (2)
separate and remote outlets and one of which may Ue a sunplied
ceilin or wall-type electric light �ixture . In kitcher_s
three �3) separate and remote wall-i;ype electric convenience
oui;lets or ttao (2) such coiivenie�.ce outlets and one (1 ) ceiling
or wall-tyl�e electric liglit fi�ture shall be required. Every
public hall, tlater closet compartment, bathroom, laundry room
or �urnace• room shall contain at lea:;t one (1) electric light
f ixture . In addit ion �o the eleci;ric light fix�;ures in every
bathroom and laundry, room there shall be provided at least oile
eleci;ric outlet. `
� '
I .
_ � , - - -: ._. _._ _..__:.. . . �.
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�. ... �; ... .. ... . � -.. ._.., .,- . • ' � _ ' • -. „ _ ... •'�
1 .� FS�3� . ''. _y . - �L , .♦ � • . r , ..: c • ";'�i. ' " . ^ . :Y ' + _ ' ' .« ('1 ' . ,
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' ' � � Page 13. � �
- � . • - __ " .
. . �
. ` '. • . . . . • .,
_ ` • (6) Adequate Z'entil�tion. Every habitable room sYiall have '
' . at least one (1) window �vhich can be e�sily opened or such other • ,
� .� device as �vill adequately ventilate the room..A total opeiiable �vin- .
, - do�v area in e��ery habitable room shall be equal to at least 50% of . � .
. . the miiiimum rvindo�v area size required in Section 54.14 (1), except - , ,
_ �_-,_ where there is provided mechlnic�l _ventilation in accordance with . _ __� ._ —
' - the provisions of the Bttilding Code. . . , ' ,
� ' � (7) Ventilalion and•Li�ht in B1t.hroom and tiVater Closet. �
� ��Eve�•y bathroom and �vater closet compartment shall comply svith the
� light ancl ventilatioi� requirements for habitable rooms contained in � ,
' _ Section 54.14 (1) and (5), except that no windo�v shall be required , .
- in bathrooms or water closet compartments equipped with an approved .
. ', - ventilal;ion system. � ., . . . . . . � `
. � - � , - .
� • � 54.15. 1Vlinimum Standards for Safety from I+'irc. No person �
- .. ' shall occupy as owner-occupant or shall let to another for occupancy .
� �, - any d���elling,multiple dwelling, d�velling unit,rooming house, rooming ' .
. , unit, Iodging house or lodging unit which does not compty with the
� applicable provisions of the Fire Prevention Ordinances of the City of
� Saint Paul and the following additional standards for safety from �
� . - fire: � • _ .
. . .(1) E�clusion of Residence Buildinb from Storing I'lammable
• �, Lig�iid. No residence building or rooming unit shall be located within
� • &buildin� containing any establishment handling, dispensing or stor- . "'
. . ing flammable liquids ���ith a flash point of 110 degrees Fahrenheit
�,_ as definecl by the National Board of Fire Undertivriters. ' .
� (2) �All�reqtiirements of the Building Code as to exits shall be ,
_- - complied with. ` : . •
," (3) `Vood I+'rame 11'Iultiple Dwellings. No wood frame dtiveIlinb "
or multiple d«�elling shall be occupied above the second floor for _
� living or sleepiv� purposes except �vhere the original construction -
� , pro��ided for such type of occupancy. � � .
�� (4) Coolcing and �Icating �quipment. All coolcing and heating -
, equipment, components, and accessories in every heating, cooking '
- anc� water he�,ting device shall be maintained free from leaks and
• obstructions, and kept functionin� properly so as to be free from
fire, health, and accident hazarcls. All installations and rep�.irs shall
� be made in accordance n�ith the regulations of the Building Code. - „
54.IG. Responsibilities of Occupants Relating to the Maintenance
of D�ti�clling Units. . , .
- (1) Cleanliness. Every occupant of a chvelling unit sh111 keep �
in �, clean anci slnitarg conclition that part of the dwelling unit, aud
premises thereof, �vhich he occupies, controls, or uses. -
. j .
, • .
--- � - - . .-.._ -- --- - _ , _ - •• -- -- - -_ _- __ , _ _ .�..
� . �r; .. .._.., .,�- �. _ .,� ,. .. „ . . w w��,m .., . ., _ o_ ,. . c. , ,. .... _. , .. ' r ' ' - � '
i �
Page 11f .
. (2) DISPOSAL Oi' RUBBISIi. Every occupant of a dzaelling
�unit sliall clispos e of al l his rubbisll in a clean and sanitary
manner by placin� it in the rubbish containers requirecl by -
Subsection 54. 11 (9) of this ordinance. •
(3) DISPOSAL OF GARBAG�. Every occupant o� a ciwelling
unit shall dispose of his garUage in a clean and sanitary manner
by placinb it in the garbage disposal facilities or if such
facilities are not available , by removing all non-burnable
matter ancl securely wrappin�; said garbage aiid placing it
in tight metal garba e storage coiitainers as required by
Subsection 54. 11 (10� of this ordinance.
Every occupant of a d�aelling unit shall keep the supplied ' •
plumbing fixtures therein clean and sanitary and shall be
responsible for the exercise of reasonable care in their
proper use and operation.
BY OCCUP�NT. Every plumbing fiYture �urnished by the occupant
shall be properly installed and shall be maintained iu good ,
working conclition, shall be clean and sanitary, and free from
defects, leaks or obstructio�s .
54. 17 . ROOMING HOUSES. No person shall operate a rooming
house or shall occup;� or let to ano.ther for occupancy any rooming
unit in any rooming house , except in compliance �aith the pro-
visions of every s�ection of this •chap ter eYCept as follows :
At least one water close+, lavatory basin, and bathtub or
shower, properly connected to an approved ivater and sewer system
and in good zJOrking condition, sh all be supplied for each four
rooms �,rithin a rooming ilouse t�herever sai]. facilnties are
shared. All such facili�t-ies sllall be located ���ithin the
residence building served and to be d-irectly accessible from a
common liall or passages�ay to all persons sharing such facilities .
Every lavatory basin and bathtub or shower shall be .supplied
with hot ancl cold water at all times .
room occupied for sleeping purposes by one person shall contain
at least' 70 square feet of floor area., Every room occupied for
' sleeping purposes by two or more persons shall contain at least
50 square feet of floor area for each occupant thereof. •
(3) BED LINEN AND TOj+TELS. The operator of every rooming
house shall change supplied bed linen and towels therein at
least once e�,ch j�*eek, and prior to the letting of any room
to another occupant. The operator shall be responsible for
the maintenance of all supplied bedding in a clean and sanitary ,
manner. ,
. '` •
(4) SHADES, DRAPES, ETC. Every z�rindosv of every rooming
unit shall be supplied 1��ith shades , drawn drapes , or other
devices or materials wtiich, �ahen properly used, zaill afford
privacy to the occupant of the rooming unit.
� . ... . ' . (5j, 1'hc ol�cr,�lur of=evc:r�•�roun►u��; lioii:;c s i:�il� bc i•o:���onsif�ic :
- _ foi�.ilic ssu�it:u•�� m.�iiilcn,►ucc of all «•allti, (l��ors, and ccilin�:, .uid for .
• thc sanilai•�� iu<<inicn.tncc of c�•crg ollicr p.u•L of thc i•ooi�iin�; liousc; "
and hc shall Lc fu�•llicr i'cspoi�sil�lc for 1,hc s.t»iL,lr�' 111i1111tCRai�ce of
� - ' ' • ' . thc enLirc prcniises �vhcrc thc cl�tire slrucl�u•c or builcli�t� ���ithin T
�.•:....:_... r .
a•111C}1 .tj1C roomin�; housc is conE,�i�icd is ]clscd or occupicd by thc : .'
- ' , operator. � � � � .� .
� ' � ' (G) E��ery �vtticr closc�, flush urinal, llv�itory Uasiu a��d balhtub , . _ .
� � ��. or sho��•er required by Scction 5�.17, plragi•�ll�li (1) shall be located „
" � � within thc roomiu�; housc �ti•ithin a room or rooms. «'hich: � • , •
' ,- : . (a) Afford privac}• aiiEl are separate from thc liabitaUle roonis;
' �:' ' . • (b) Are accessible from a commoii ha]! aiid ti��ilhout going out- �
• ' " - sidc thc rooming house. • � , . .
- • � 54.I8. Enforceni�nt O[Iicer; Inspection of D�'�'ellinbs and Prent- . '
• " � �� - "" -�ises;-Scr�•icc�of�I�'otices.- � -� --- -- ��--~� - - � � � -
� • • � � (I) Enforcen►ent 0�'icer. Ptirsuant to the appIicable pro��isions
� of the Charter of thc City of St. Paul, it shall be the duty of tlie Com- .
� � missioner of Pub•]ic Safety aiid his•authorized represeiitatir•es to en-
• . " ' force the prorisions of tliis chapter. \'o pro��ision of this chlpter shall � " _ . �
• ' � be construed so as to prohibit the Commissioiier of Parl:s and Recrel- .
- -�� � tion and Public Buildings, the City Architect of the City� of St. Pattl,
� " � - • � ' the Health Of�iccr or the Chief of the Fire Deparl:ment, or the author- ;
' - -- �"— ized representatives of any of the foregoiiig_City ofTicers from enforc- : . �•
� ing any of the provisions of this chlpter. • � -- •
� ' . . ♦
. � � '. -' (2) � Inspection of D�ti•ellinas. The enforcement officer shall be
� - � authorized to make or cause to be made inspections to deterrnine the .
' � condition of d«•ellings, multiple d��•ellinos, d�velliiig units, rooming
� � houses, rooming units, and piemises in order ta safeguarcl the health, •
• � safety, morals, and �velfare o� the public. The enforciii� ofT'icer, or his
� • � -- -design�ted representatives, shall be authorized to enter any d«�elling,
� , d�relling u?:it, �mt�tiple d«-ellirig, rooming hotise, or pi•emises at,any _
� � �. ., reason�ble time for the purpose of performing his duties under this ��
� - � ordinance.The o�ti•ner, oper�tor,or occupant of e�ery d��elling,multiple
• - � ,' � d��'elling, d��'elling unit, roomino unit, or 1;he person in charae thereof, . .
� shall give the enforcement ofT'icer free access to stich d�:�elliiig, multil�le
� � � � � d«•elling, d«'elling unit, rooming unit on �vhich•it is located a� all . .
� � � reasonable times for the purpose of�suc�i inspection, e�amination and � .___. ._ _•_ � .�.�___�_._
----- . -� -- - - , � •
- survey. If the occupant refuses to. consent to . , �
the inspection a search warrant may be obtained:
- � (a) Tn�here there is probable cause to be- �
lieve that a violation exists within the particular
struc�ure or; --
(b) �lhere a determination has beeri""made to
conduct periodic inspections of certain areas of
� the city. '
No warrant is needed for entry where an emergency �
condition exists and insufficient time is avail-
able to o]�tain a warrant. �
� � . ' V ' . (3) Acce�s by Oti�'n�r or Occupant. Et�ery occnpaiit of a d�cell• _ •
• � � � ing unit or room;ng ttnit shall gi�e the o���ner or operator thereo�, oi ' _' ,
� � - : bis agent or err�plo<<e�, access to an}• part of such d«•ellino unit, roor:i= . - •
. ing unit, or its premises, at reason�ble times for 1:�ie purpose of �
effectin� s<<ch iTispection ancl n��ilitenanee, makiiig sucli repaii•s, or ;
- � �- -- - -- - .� _ . . . � - - _ - - � � �
• ,� making such altei�tion ws are necessary to compIy tivitli the pro�isions ,
� .• of this cl�apter. • �' . . - . .
. - � �� � (4) Ser�•ice of \'otices. S�rhene��er the enforcement officer de-
' - � fermiiics tnit t]?ere has Ueen a vialation, or that there are reasonable
' - --grounds to beli���-e that tli�t there has been a violltion, of any orovi-
� � . • sioii of this cli�pter he shall gi�e notice of sucli violation or alleged
. �iolation to tlie persoii or perscns �espoiisible therefor. Such notice
� shall: �- =- ' - �------.._--- • --•• �
- � � - . � (a) Be in��;riting; ' � • .° • :• . .� . .,� � �
: .. , . •� (b) Inclucle a descriptioii o� tlie real estate suf�'icient for identi- • �
'" - • � � • . .fication;� � . . • ' ' �
" ' _ . . • (c) Specifj� the �•iolatior. «•hich e�ists 1nd the remedial action
. .: . � . . . .�. required; - . • . • � • ' � . � •
. • . - (d). Allo�v a reasonable time for the performance of any act it
. • ' requires; . ' ''
- • . . • - . --- (e) Be served upo�i the recorcl o`��ner; provided, that such notice'
• • '� shal be deemcd to be properly scr�•e� upon such o�r•iicr if a copy
� • . thereof is dcli�•ci•ed to• him personally or if not found by leaving�
" � a copy tliereof at l�is u�ii;�l place of abode, iii the pi•escnce of somcone ; _
� - in thc fa:�iily of suitlblc zgc and discretion «�ho sh:zil bc iiiforn�ed
. " : . of the contcnts thercof, or bu sending a copy tliercof by mail to his �
' ' • � " • . ' last kno�:i� add�•c�s, oi•, if the lel�cr �citl� t}►c copy is i•etui•ned sho�t�iii4 �
�� -.�..:�.�.:,��_:�.v:. :_. � , it hzs no� bcen de]i�•ci�ed to hin�, ti��� po:.i;�n�- a col�s- thei•�of iii a
consni��zous placP in �r. about the dwellincr affer-te�7
by the notice.
� , .,
- - . • ' . ' � Page 16. � � . .
. . • . � •
-� � . ��� In c�tse such order is not promptly complied tivi�h, {:he�enfoi�cement�
" � � • � ' ofFicer may requcst thc Corpor�tio�i Counsel to inslitute 1n appropri�tc .
� • ��. � � action or procccdinb� at]�.��� or in equity ag�insi; thc persoii responsible �
� '� .:' �� for said��iol�tion ' ' (a) to restrain, correct or remove such
�• � � ' violation or the executioi� of�work thereon; (b) to restrain or correct .
� ' �` '' �: the erection, installation, or alterltion of; (c) to require the removal , , ^
- � �, of; or (d) to preve�it the occupation or use of s�id buildin�, structure,
. " or p�rt thereof erected,coi�structed, ii�stalled or altered in viol�tion of, .
or not in compliance «�ith, the provisioi�s of this Code, or in violation
. . � ������ of a plan oi• specificatioii ttnder �vhich approval, permit or certificate .
•:was issued, or (e) to enforce the penalty.�rovisions of -
...._.. . • � �
- Section 500.05 of the St . Paul Legislative Code . ,
� _ . =- -- � - •
�. .5�.19 Conclemiiation of Dti�'ellinbs•or 1�Iul.tiplc Dwclliiibs or .
. 'D«cllinp Uniis as Dandcrous Structures or as Unfit for �Iuman
� IIabitation. ' �� � ' • � ' �
; (1) Dan�crous Structures—Conclemnation. If all or part of . ,
� any buildin�or structure (includin� �mong others a fence,billboard or • .
" �'sign) or the equipment for the operation of said building or structure � �
(inclucTing among othei•s the heatin� plant, plumbing, electric wiring, ,
-�--moving stairways, ele���tors and fire e�tinguishing app�.x'atus) shall, � _.____.___ _ .
�' - in the opinion of the eiiforcement ofT'lcer, be found to be in an unsafe
• � condition—dangerous tu life, limU, or property, he shall procecd to '
- have the same condem�ied pursuant to the applicable pro�•ision of the _
� � Legislati��e Code, Seci,ion 1.07, pertaining to dangerous structures. _� . :
� . - - --=F.,- -------... .-- - � .
� � (2) �Condemnation of D�vel[ings or DIultiple D�ti�ellings as Unfit ' ,
� - � for �Ium�n Habitltion. `Vhenever the enforcement officer finds that �
- � any d�velling or multiple d���ellin� constitutes a hazard to the health,
� - � safety or ���elfare of the occup�nts or to the public because it lacks : .
�� � maintenance, or is dilapiclated, unsanitary, vermin-infested or rodent- - ,
� � infested, or becatise it lacks the sanitary facilities or equipment or
" • other�vise fails to comply with the provisions of this ordinance but .
- • the same have not y et reached such state of complete disrepair as
-.to be praceeded against by condemnation as a dangerous structure as
� " ^ hereinbefore provicled, he may coridemn-�such"�d�velling or multiple -•�-------------
- � � ,� d�velling �s unfit for human habitation. " . . ' .
- �� If any d�velliiig or rnultiple d�velling or any part thereof is occu- . �•°•., .
� �- " pied by more occupants than provided by this chapter, or is erected, �
" � altered or occupied contrary to la�v, such d�velling or multiple d�vell-
� � � ing shall be deemecl an unla�vful structure and the enforcement officer .
` m�y cause such cl«relling to be vacated. It shall be unla�vful to again �
' � occupy such d�velling tintil it or its occupation, as the case may be,
• bas been made to conform to the la�v. - ' �
� (3) Placardin� of Condenined D�ti'ellinb or Dlultiple D�ti�eliina. _ ..
' ' � Any �tlitelling or �multiple dn�elling_ conclemned as "UNFIT FOP�
.. HUD'IAN HABITATIOV" shall be postecl �vith a placard of conclem- , :
nation by enforcement officer. The placard of condemnation shall_ _
� �include the follo�vin�: (a) name of city; (b) the n�me of the author- ,
" ized department having jui'isdiction; (c) the- chapter and section of ,
� the ordinance under ��•hich it is issuec�; (d) an order that the d�vell-
. ing or multiple d�vellino when vacated must remain vacant until
� the pro�risions of the order are complied �vi1;h and the order to vacate
.� _,_is �vithdra�vn; (e) t'ne date that the placard of condemnation is
. � �posted; (f) a statement of the p�nalty for defacing or removal of
' - ' . the placard. - . �
(4) Service of I�Totice of Conclemnation. �'henever tY�e enforce-
ment ofTicer has condemned a d«•elling or multiple d«'ellina as unfit for
httmnn h�bitation, he shall give notice to tlie o�viier of such condemna- .
- tion aiicl placardin� of 1:he d���ellin� or multiple d��'elliiig as unfit for
� human hlbitation. Sucli notice sl��ll: (a) be in �vritino; (b) include a
� descriptiou of the raal estate sufTicient for identific�tion; (c) include a
statement of a reason or reasons �vhy it is being issuecl; (d) include a
� description of the repairs and impro�-emeiits required to brin�tlie con- .
denmecl d���elliii� or multipla d��'ellina into compli�iice �vith the pro<<i-
sions of this ordinance; (e) � stal:ement of time to correct the condi-
tioi�s; (f) a statement of time �vhen occupants must vacate the
� d«�elliii� uiiit; (g) service of nol:ice of conclemi►ation shall be as fol-
lo�cs: • •
1. B�• cteli�rcry to thc on�i�er personally, or by leaving the notice
• a$ tlie iisual pl�ce of abode of thc o�v�ier �vith a person of suitablc; age _
and cliscretion, or � �� ' �
2, By deZ�ositing in tlie United St�tes PosL Ofi�ic�, the notice, .
. - . adclressed 1;o the oti�-ner nt his last kno�vn address with postage prepaicl �
� - thercon,or ' • . . - _ _ . -- ..- . - .
. ... ,� :4�_..'._ ::'�; � - -��.: .c_-.::_.._r� ,_�..'_. �._._..�._._..�..'.' .'_�'.,,..y.�..�.�`.,..�..,..; . � .. . . , r . . . .
�e -. , _
, ,e,. „ s;.,,�.. '�.. ,. ......-� ,+�;• ... ,�... ��.� :� ��,:�.. ��.-.;--��-� ,•�,. .. , • . . •• .-._� ..
. c�• . i �+�y �..,:v:.t'�7•:�{'r"r :�3.e' .. �{�;,s..�.,`•d��•.. 4 , ;"s:t•_ , ".v. .
� ' . , _ ' ' ' ' � _ � - Page 17. . ' • . . _ - � . .
. . . . - . • + . • . _ -
. � i,.-- _ =.� _ _ _ . '� ` - . " - - , . � .,
._ - . �. �'... . �•.- —. .�: -� •, . - , -� - • - -- � --- . -.._ � -
. . �� �` . . ___,.__.� _ ._ ... .
. - • :_ . •' 3. By posting and keeping posted for 24 hours a copy of said . •
- . notice in placard form in a conspicuous place on the condemtied prem- ' �
' - ' ises. . . . •� • -
• - '� -(5) �acation of Condemned and Plac�trded D�vellinb or.tilultiple . .
. _ � • Drvellino. Any dwelling or muItiple d�relling �vhich has been con- � �
._ -�demned and placarded as unfit for human habitation by the enforce- _ .� •
� � ment officer shall be vacated within a reasonable time as required
. by the enforcemeiit ofTicer, and it shall_be unlaz��ful �or any owner
-:- or operator to Iet to any person for htiman habitation said d«�elling, _ �
. multiple d��elling or dwellin�.unit; and no person shall occupy any •
. . . dtivelling or multiple d�velling unit tivhich has been condemned and � �
• :� placarded by the enforcement officer after the date set forth in the ; ` �
_ __=_.placard of condemn�tion. � -• � .., ' . - .' ; .
' - . ,"' (6) Condemned D�vcllinos and Dlultiple D�vcllings Are Not to � � - � r
� . . ' . Be Occupied Until Defects Are Eliminated. No dtivelling or multiple . . .
• .�•, dwelling which has been condemned and placarded as unfit for human � �
_. habitation shall aaain be used for human habitation until �vritten
• •��� approval is secured from the enforcement officer. Enforcement ofncer
_ .' shall.remove sucli pIacard whenever the defect or defects upon ��rhich - '
the condemnation and placarding action were based h�ve been elimi- �
. • nated. � . • . - _ � - �
" � (7� Placard to Be Remo�•ed�Only by�Enforcing Ot�icer. �To per- ��� .
_ son shaII deface or remove tne placard from any d�velling or multiple � � .
.' . dweIling ztrhich has been condemned and placarded as unfit for human
' -•habitation. Such placard shaIl only be removed_by the enforcement � ' "
- - officer. - --—. . . --_-- . . � . . . , . � -
• � _ . � �(S� Report of Conderunation to Chief Health 0lficer and Chief "V �
�of the Fire Pre��ention �ureau. The enforcement officer shall furnish
,� � a copy of each condemnition notice to �the Chief HeaIth Ofiicer and
� � � . ��` the Chief of the Fire Prevention Eureau. . . • � � .
. � - "� 5420. Conflict tiVith Other Ordiiiances. Conflict �vith other�or- � �•
. , � . ",� �dinances except as provided in Section 54.04. In any case where� a � •
.. � - provision of this chapter is found to be in coiiflict �vith a provisior� � �
• . ' of any zoning, building, fire, safety, oi• health ordinaiice or code of .
' `- this Ci�y, the provision Svhich estabIishes the higher standard for . - '
- . �the pro�otion and protect�"on of the health and saf�tty of the people � �
. � shall pz-evail. In any case �vhere a pro�rision of this chapter is founci � �
' � to be in confiict�vith a provision of any other chapter or code of this � • _ ��-
� � City tvI�ich establishes a lo�aer standard for the promotion and pro- �
. � ��tection o� the health and safety of the people, the pro�isioiis of this -
.•� chapter s�all be deemed to prevail, and sttch other chapters or codes . ,
- .� � are hereby dectared to be repealed to the extent that t�iey may be •
. �;-• found in conflict �vii:h this chapter. � . • -
. _ , . . . •
' ' : �� � 54.21. Admitiistrative Liability. I�To o�'icei•, agent, or emp?o}-ce �
. �of the City of Saiiit Paul shall render himself persona113� liable for .
� - ari�� damage th�t may accrue to persoiis or property as a i•esult of any .
• � act required or permitted in the dischai•ge of"his duties under this ' .
. - chapier. ?�To per�on �vIio institutes, or assists in the pz'osecution of,
- , a crirrainai proceeding under this Code shgll be� liable in damlges � -
• �' therefor unless he acted with actual malice and tivithout �easonable
• • grounc�s for believing that the person accused or prosecuted S1�as -
� _, guilty of an uiilativful act or omission. Any suit brouglit a�ainst aiiy�
. �- . ofFicer,, �sent, or employee of the City of Saint Paul, as a result of '
. any ac� requirecl or pei•mitted in the discharge of his diities under
• ;• this ch:a�i:er, shall be defeiided by the Corporntion Couiisel tintil tlie J
s r,y ti + __ ^final d�t�crmination of the proceedin�s tiiercin. • ' . • :
. . - __---__-__ ...__.__ _ -------__..�._.__ ._._•---�-�.._.__._.
,� . ' .
---_ . . .____-- -- - -- - -;=--�- ,.--
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Dupllcate�o Printer �
� , ,
i ' � ✓ V
Paqe 18.
54.22. pENALTY FOR VIOLATIOri. Any person violatf.ng �ay
provision of this Code shall be gu,il�y of a Hai,�demsanor� and
upon eonviation thereof shall be punishead by � ��nv not to
�xce�d $100.00 or by impsisonment for not to �xcmed 90 daya.
I�otwithetanding �he nbov� provision, no puialty sl�al� be impos�d
upon an owne�r who servea written notice upon the Board pf �ppe�l■
indicating that he intends to permanently vaeat� aud doea p�rma-
nently vaeat� th� pr�i�as wit�►in thirty (34) days and including
proof of notice of eviction ,of ths tenant�s occupyinq ths afi�eat�d
premise�. D�o pro�ecution for any viol�tion under this ordinan��
aha�ll be co�tm�eac�3 during tha ten aa�.�r daya set for filing the
written p�tition r�queoting s hearinQ, nor du�ing aay time of th�
pendency of said petition be�ore tho Appeals Board �s aet tort2i ia
Cha�pter 5�, nor during th� pendency oi a�ny time allow�d gor filing
an a�etion �or �udieial rsniew, nor durinq tho psn�ency of any
3udicial review.
54.23. PROCEDUR£. In addition to the ptwi�hmtnts pro-
vided fa this eh�pter, the City� through ths offieer charged with
the enforcement of the various prov:Leiona of thi• eha�ptes, or
any other person, may aeek enforc�ment th�rao£ in any aoust of
co�petent �uriadietion by any appropriate form of Qivil uttioa
and may seek enjoinment of any eontinu�d violation �hereof and
�eek to cc�pel obedienc� thereto by m�uSatosy orders and w�its.
S4.Z4. TBRM�iTION OF TE�CX. Dto tena�ncy of a dwslling,
dwe113xiq unit, two-gamily dwelling or multip�� c�we].�.ing cov�red
by thio Cod� may be terminat�d b�a�use of the ao�unene�ment of a►a
a�ation purauant to tliia ordinanee or becaw• of th� r�por� to
the proper Code enforce�ent autherities og a condition b�lieved
to be in viol.�tion of this Code.
54.25. APP�ALS. Ar�y person agfeeted by mny provision
of tliis chagte� may appeal to the Board of Appea�ls as provided
� in ChaptQr 55 of the St. �aul I,egislativm Cod�.
3ection 2. Thi� ord�nanae shall tskQ �ff�at a.nd be in
gorea thirty days after i�a paa�r�qe, approv�l and publication.
�U L 9 19&�
Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council
Dalglish Tn Favor
Sprafka —� Against
Tedesco ,J�J�, 9 196�
Mr. President (Byrne)
City Clerk __Mayor
Form approved Corporation Counsel By
�,�r �
� � .
Odginsl to City Clerk
� �� ' ORDINANCE 23��"�0
.. .
An ordinance amending Chapter 54 of the St. Paul
� Legislative �Code, pertaining to minimum housing standards
for dwellings and multiple dwellings.
Section 1. That�Bhapter 54 of the St. Paul Legislative
. Code , as amended, be � and the same is hereby further amended �by '
striking�the same in its entirety and substituting in lieu and
in place thereof the following: �
54.01 DECLARATION OF POLICY. The purpose of this chapter
is to protect the public health, safety and welfare by enacting
a Housing Code which:
� (1) Estab ' shes minimum standards for basic equipment and
facilities ; for li�ht, ventilation, space heating and sanitary
facilities ; for safety from fire ; for space, use and location;
for safe and sanitar� maintenance; for cooking equipment; of all
dwellings and multipl dwellings now in egistence or hereafter in
(2) Determine the responsibilities of own.ers , operators and
occupants of dwellings and multiple dwellings .
\ .
(3) Provides for admi istration, enforcement and penalties .
54.02. FINDINGS OF CO �IL. There exist in the City of '
� St. Paul structures used for human habitation, which are now, or may
become in. the future, substandard\with respect to structure , equipment,
or maintenance and further that such conditions together with in-
adequate provision for light and air, insufficient protection against
fire hazards , lack of proper heating, unsanitary conditions , and over-
cra�,rding constitute a menace to publi health, safety, and wel�
fare of its citizens . It is further fo��nd and declared that the
egistence of such conditions , factors , o�r characteriati:cs adversely
affect public health and safety and lead�to the continuation, ex-
tension and aggravation of urban blight. �It is further found that
adequate protection of public .health, safety and welfare there�ore
requires the establishment and enforcement o minimum housing
standarda .
54.03. APPLICABILITY AND SCOPE. Every �ortion of a building
or premises , used or intended to be used for res�idential purposes ,
egc�p;b rest homes , convalescent homes , and nursin�homes , shall
comply with the provisions of this ordinance, irre pective o� when
such building sh.all have been constructed, altered�or repaired, and
that any alterations thereof or changes of use there�in, which may
be caused directly or indirectly by the enforcement bf this Code,
shall be done in accordance with applicable sections �pf the Building
Code and Zoning Code . All hotels and motels shall meet the require-
ments of Chapters 335 and 1.06 (2) (e) of the St. Paul�,Legislative
Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council
Dalglish Tn Favor
Meredith Against
Mr. President (Byrne)
City Clerk Mayor
�� Form approved Corporation Counsel By � _�
b �� -
Page 2.
Code .
This chapte establishes minimum standards for the initial and
continued oc upancy of all buildings and does not replace or
modify standa ds otherwise established for the construction,
repair, altera ion, or use of building e:q.uipment or facilities .
54. 05 . ORT TITLE. This chapter shall be called the ���
Minimum-Housing `tandards for Dwellings and Multiple Dwellings
and may be cited a�s theFlousing Code.
, 54. 06. EXIS NG REMEDIES. Nothing in this chapter shall
be deemed to abolish or impair existing remedies of the City of
Saint Paul or its off�cers or agencies relating to the removal ,
or demolition of any bu ' ldings which are deemed to be dangerous ,
unsafe, or unsanitary.
54. 07 . DEFINITION .
a. Unless otherwise expressly stated, the following
terms shall , for the purpose of this Code , have the meanings
indicated in this section.
b. Words used in the pr�sent tense include the future ;
words in the masculine gende�r in� lude the feminine and neuter;
the singular number includes the�plural;::andthe plural the singular.
• �. -.
c . Wh.ere terms are not defined in this section and are
defined under Chapter 2 of the Legis:lative Code , they shall have
� the meanings ascribed to them as in �he Building Code section
� of the Legislative Code .
d. Where terms are not defined, under the provisions
of this chapter or' under the provisions p�f Chapter 2 of the
Legislative Code , they shall� have ascribe� to them their
ordinarlly accepted meanings and�or such the contegt herein
may imply.
APPR.OVED. Approved as applied to a�material , device ,
or method of construction shall mean. approved�by the enforcement
officer under. the provisions of this chapter, or approved by
other aia.thority designated by law to give appra.val in the
matter in question.
. r
BASEMENT. Ba`sement. shall mean that portion of a building
partly below grade but so located that the vertica��1 distance from
grade to the floor is not greater th an the vertical: distance ,
from the grade to the ceiling. Provided, however, tt�hat if the
vertical distance from the grade to the ceiling is f�ive (5)
feet or more , such basement shall be counted as a sto;�y.
BOARDING C.AR.E HOME. This type of use is licens�ed and
regulated by other City and State laws . For purposes of this
Code , a Boarding Care Home shall be defined the same as con-
tained in the regulations of the State Board of Health.
, =� _ ! ,,,;qrc '.. ,.� .1N':T'SY�L'a°.. •:NJ��'G•M'`'� "_. , . ., ,;i�" .n�, pi�. .�s. - Y�,-ne. s�%.=' • -,' . _ 'r � �"v . � � .�i^��. �' ' . . ,'y'�` . ..vc, ` ,
�_ � , t . � .
• �
- ' : Page 17 e ' . .
' ,�f�1 i°t`' , " �,<-- ,—o •T•@,,•: _. _ . '<<j . ._ T .. _ "__ .,'..' . _'..-.�, �..- `S
. ' • 3. By posting and keeping posted for 24 hours a copy of said '
. � notice in placard form in a conspicuous place on the condemned prem= ; , __
' - ses. . . � - , . .
. � (5) Yacation of Condemned and Placlyded Dwellina or Multiple ,
- � D�v Iling. Any dwelling or multiple dwelling which has been con-
- -dem�d and placarded as unfit for human habitation by the enforce- _ .
ment of�icer shall be vacated within a reasonable time as required
.. 'by the�enforcement oflicer, and it shall.be unla�vful for any owner
'_ or opera r to let to any person for human habitation said dwelling, -
�� multiple velling or dwelling.unit; arid no person shall occupy any '.
, . dwelling o multiple dwelling unit which has been condemned and . -
� `. • " placarded b \the enforcement oflicer after the date set forth in the , ,
�, = placard of cor� emnation. _ � • . . • � -, , • ' - -
� � (6) Conde ned Dwellinbs ancl bTultiple D�vcilings Are Not to Y
�: Be Occupied Unti Defects A're Eliminated. No dwelling or multiple
� �� dwelling which ha� been condemned and placarded as unfit for human , �
--- —�--�abitation shall ag�in be used for human-habitation until written . � -
� approval is secured fr�m the enforcement of�'icer. Enforcement officer
' .� shall.remove such pl�.c rd whenever the defect or defects upon which , � _
-the condemnation and�lacarding action were based have been elimi-_ .
_. _ ,�—nated. � . .� , . . - - _ . - . . . --�
' ' � 7 .� Pllcard.to Be R�oved�On] b 'Enforcing Otiicer. No per-
� son shall deface or remove t�e placa,rd from any dwelling or multiple :
� ' "� dwelling�vhich�has been conde�nned and placarded as unfit for human ,� �
����•habitation. Such placard shall only be removed_by the enforcement
� - ._ o�'icer. � - --- - � - . � . . =
. - -- �-- (8)� Report of Condemnation 4o Chief Health Officer and Chief " �� �
�of the Fire Prevention Bureau. Th enforcement of�'icer shall furnish .
.� a copy of each condemnation notice o the Chief Health Of�cer and
' the Chief of the Fii•e Prevention Bureau. . � �
' 5�.20. Conflict With Other Ordinances. Conflict with other or-
� dinances except as providecl in Section 5 .04. In any case where a � '
- � • provision of this chapter is found to be i conflict with a provision '
of any zoning, building, fire, safety, or hea�th ordinance or code of
• this City, the provision whicli establishes tl��e higher standard for '
the promotion and protection of the health an�tl safety of the people .
- shall prevail. In any case �vhere a pro�ision of��his chapter is found _
� to be in conflict with a provision of any other chapter or code of this ,
" City which establishes a lorver standard for the �romotion and pro-
- tection of the health and safety of the people, the rovisions of this
chapter shall be deemed to prevail, and stich other c apters or codes ,
are hereby declared to be repealed to the extent tha they may be
-'�• found in conflict tvith this chapter. • •
- � .
; � 54.21. Administrative Liability. No officer, agent, or employee
of the City of Saint Paul shall render himself personally'�liable for
any damage that may accrue to persons or property as a restilt of any ,,
act required or permitted in the discharge of his duties u�der this ,�;
- chapter. I�o person who institutes, oi• assists in the prosecu�ion of, �
� a criminal proceeding under this Code shall be liable in �
. � '� .therefor unless he acted with actual m�lice and ti��ithout reasonable
� • - grounds for believing that the person accused or prosecuted �vas • -
� _ guilty of an unl�wful act or omission. Any suit brought 1�linst any , ,,_
, ofI-icer, agent, or employee of the City of Saint Paul, as a result of
any act required or permitted in the discharge �of his duties under �
� . ' _- this chapter, shall be defended by the Corporation Counsel until the
'final deterinii�ation of the proceedings thereiii.
" . - 54,22. PCI1RIty for Violation. Each day's continuance of the
,' � violatioii of tiiis oi•dinlnce after due notice h�is been servecl in accord- �
ance tivith the tei•ms and provisions of Subsection 54.18 of this chapter
. shall be deemed a separ�te ofTense. � �- .
� •
� ' �. .
� 4'1
�' �.. J. ._� �� -�.— � . . - • "" ._ � _ �w -. ._ . F�-.. �. �.����,. �...�� ., -..� • 2
. � _ .�1 F ., . . - • � . . _ . .�. . . . . .. � .,.s ., .,r ' ' '. " " " . , . _ _ . s .�.
• OrSgtn'1'to City Clerk
w � � '~' � ORDINANCE
� 2���"�4
� Page 18.
54.23. PROCEDURE. In addition to the pun.ishments pro-
�ided in this chapter, the City through the officer charged with
the enforc�ment of the various provisions of this chapter, or
any other person, may seek enforcement thereof in any court of
compe nt jurisdiction by any appropriate form of civil action
and may eek enjoinment of any continued violation thereof and
seek to c pel obedience thereto by man.datory orders a.nd writs.
54.24. TER.MINATION OF TENANCY. No tenancy of a dwelling,
dwelling un.it, two-fa.mily dwelling or multiple dwelling covered
by this Code ma be terminated because of the commencement of an.
action pursuant t this ordinance or because of the report to
the proper Code en orcement authorities of a condition believed
to be in violation o this Code. In any action brought for the
restitution of premis s covered by this Code the defendant may
show that notice of te ination was reseived subsequent to the
ma.king of a violation re ort to the proper Code enforcement
authorities or subsequent to the commencement of an action pur-
suant� to this ordinance , ch evidence shall be prima facie proof
that the tenancy was termina ed in violation of this ordinance . _
The plaintiff may rebut the p esumption of illegal termination
through proof that the termina ' on was for other good cause.
54.25. APPEALS. Any per n affected by any provision of
this chapter may appeal to the Boa d of Appeals as provided in
Chapter 55 of the Saint Paul Legisl .tive Code.
Section 2. This ordinance sha �l take effect and be in
force thirty days after its passage , a roval a.n.d publieation.
Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council
Dalgliah In Favor
Peterson A gainst
Mr. President (Byrne)
City Clerk Mayor
Form approved Corporation Counsel By
' ' V Page 15
R � - � - - - - : ����9`��
� - T � (5)• The operator of e��cry rooniin� liottse sli�ll be responsible � -
- for the sanitary mainLe�ia�ice of all �r•�lls, 1loors, and ceiling, and for
the s�nitary inaiiitenvice of every other pttl'I: Of tI1C 1'00111111� I1011SC;
and he sh:�ll be furLher responsiblc for the slnitar3� m�intenance of '
'' the en�ii•e premises �vhere thc entire structure or buildi��� �vithin .
�. which�the rooming house is contlined is leased or occupied by the �
, operator. � • � �
' � ' (6) Every�vater closet, flt�sh urinal, lavatory basin aiid bathtub
� . , or sho���er required by Section 54.17, paragraPh (1) shall be located
� within the-rooming house within 1 room or rooms which:
; . (a) Afford privacy ancl are sep�rate from the h�bitable rooms;
� � � (b) Are �ccessible from a common h�ll and �<<ithout goin� out-
`- , side the rooming house. � .
54.18. Enforcement OfTicer; Inspection of D�vellings and Prem-
ises;Service of Notices. • �
• � (1) Enforcement 011icer. Pursuant to the applicable provisions
of the Charter of the City of St. Paul, it shall be the duty of the Com-
mi'ssioner of Public Safety and his authorized representatives to en-
- " force the provisions of this chapter. No provision of this chaptei• shall
- be construed so as to prohibit the Commissioner of Parks and Itecrea-
• tion and Public Buildings, the City Architect of the City of St. Paul,
� � ' the Hea�th Of�icer or the Chief of the Fire Department, or the author- �
� � ized representatives of any of the foregoing City ofTicers from enforc- , -
� � ing any of�the provisions of this chapter. '
� � (2) I�spection of D���ellings. The enforcement officer shall be
authorized to�make or cause to be made inspections to determine the
condition of ���•ellings, multiple dwellings, d�velling units, rooming
houses, rooming�units, and premises in order to slfe�uard the health,
: safety, morals, a�d welfare of the public. The enforci�ig officer, or his .
� -- �designated repres`entatives, shall be authorized to enter any d�velling, ,
d�elling unit, mul�iple d«relling, rooming house, or premises at any
reasonable time for the purpose of performing his duties under this
� ordinance.The o�vner, operator,or occupant of every cl�velling,miiltiple
� dwellino, d�relling uni roomin� tuiit, or the person in charae thereof,
� shall�*ive the enforcem t of�'icer free access to such clwelling, multi��le
� � � dwelling, d«�elling unit, rooming unit on which•it is located at all '
. reasonable times for the �urpose of such inspection, e�:amination and
survey. _ If the oc upant refuses to consent to � ��" �
�; ���� " � � �ffiet inspection a sea+rch warrant may be obtained: ��.� �
� (a) Where ther - is probable cause to be-
; lieve that a violatio • exists within the particu-
. �. lar structure or;
' (b) Where a deter�mination has been made to
� ' conduct periodic inspec ' ons of certain areas of .
� the city. In this case, a general warrant may be .
; obtained authorizing entr into all residential
; � structures within the part�icular area.
+ No warrant is needed for ent�ry.where an emergency , '
' condition exists and insuffiGierit time is avail-
� able to obtain a warrant . , '
--�---- --_ _. .. ..._
� . (3) Access by O���ner or Occupant. E�yery occup�nt of ��dtivell- � W
• � ing unit or rooming unit shall give the o«•nei�or operator thereof, or
� : his agent or emplo3�ee, access to any part of such d�velliiig unit, room-
� ing unit, or its premises, at reasonable time's for i;he ptirpose of '
effecting such inspection and maiiitenaiice, mak�ing such repairs, oi � �
- -- - •- --. . : _.-- - - • ----••-T ,
. , making such 1Iteration as are necessary to comply �vitli the provisions �
� of this chapter. . . � .
• . - (4) Ser��ice of 1\'otices. Whenever the enforcement officer de-
. . termities that tliere has been a violation, or that there are "reasonable
- --grounds to believe that that there has been a violation, of any provi- .
. • sion of this chapter he shall give notice of such violatioii or alleged
violation to the person or persons responsible therefor! Such notice
, shali: - - --., ._ • _ . ----`�..._—. - --� �
(a) Be in��ziting; ' : .��. - . ' .
. - (b) Include a descriptioii o� the real estate sufTcient for identi-
� ,. fication; ' , . �
�_ • (c) Specify the violation which exists and the remedial action
� • • . required; •� ' � . - .
; - , - (d). Allo�v a reasonable time for the pei�formance of any act it
; ` requires; �
_� .- -- (e)� Be served upon the record o«�ner; provided, that stich notice
s�al be deemed to be I1TO�1CTly scrved upon such owner if a copy - �
thereof is deli�*ered to him person�lly or if not fotind by leaving - �
'� a copy thereof at his usual place of abode, in the presence.of someone • �
in the family of suitable age and discretion ���ho shall be informed �
' of the contents thereof, or bu sending a copy thereof by mail to his .
last kno«�n address, or, if the letter �vith thc copy is rettirned sho�ving . �
it lias not been delivered to him, by posting a copy thereof in a
,` conspicuous place in or about the d�i�elling affectecl by �he notice.
t--�.. �+_. __._ . _ _ . - _ -.. . .:', �_�,.-.- ..' . .. . . . . - - - - ,
Ori,etn�l to City Clerk
Page 18.
54.2 PENALTY FOR VIOLATION. Any person violating any
provision o�.this Code shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and
upon convict on thereof shall bel�p.unished by a fine not to
egceed �100.0 or by imprisonment for� not to exceed 90 days .
Notwithstandin the above provision, no penalty shall be imposed
upon an owner �o serves written notice upon the Board o� Appeals
indicating that e intends to permanently vacate an d does perma-
nently vacate th premises within thirty (30) days and including
proof of notice o evic��Q� oY the tenants occupying the affected
premises . �
54.23. PROCE �URE. In addition to the punishments prod
vided in this chapter the City, th rough the officer charged with
the enforcement o� the�various provisions of this chapter, or
any other person, may seek enforcement thereof in any court of
competent jurisdiction b�any appropriate form of civil action
and may seek enjoinment o any continued violation thereof and
seek to� compel obedience t� ereto by mandatory orders and writs .
54.24. TERMIN.ATION ,F' TENANCY. No tenancy of a dwelling,
dwelling unit, two-family dw lling or muitiple dwelling covered
by this Code may be terminate because of the commencement of an
action pursuant to this ordinance or because of the report to
the proper Code enforcement aut'horities of a condition believed
. to be in violation of this Code . In any action �rought for the
restitution of premises covered b. this Code the defendant may
show that notice of termination was received subsequent to the
making of a violation report to the�proper Code enforcement
_ authorities or subsequent to the com.mencement of an action pur-
suant to this ordinance. Such evide ce shall be prima facie
proof that the tenancy was terminated in violation of this or-
dinance. The plaintiff may rebut the resumption of illegal
termination through proof that the term 'nation was for other
good cause . Nothing herein. shall in an way affec� the
tenants ' continuing obligation to pay ren or to carry out
other terms of the lease or rental agreeme� t.
54.25. APPEALS. Any person affecte by any provision
of�;this chapter may appeal to the Board of. A eals as provided
in Chapter 55 of the St. Paul Legislative Cod .
Section 2. This ordina,nce shall take e ect and be in
force thirty days after its passage, approval a d publication.
Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council
Carlson � •
Dalgliah Tn Favor
Sprafka Against
Mr. President (Byrne) Approved:
City Clerk Mayor
Form approved Corporation Counsel By
� f
/ ,
��rr or
w,�4 .� � /'��
. �gy� Q
— e.r!�.... '� t!' �
w:�y<i� :
i.r' � .
fhomaa It. �rrn• �
June 3., 1968
Dear Citizen: '
The City of Saint Paul adopted its present Iiousing Code in
1960. The purpose of housing standards is to prescribe in one
code the minimwn conditiona of epace per occupant, sanitary
faci.lities, lighting, etc. for all newly built and existing �
housing. Thus this code is a major tool in maintaining not only
personal health arid safety� but also stronger neighborhoode while
_ preventing encroachment of blight by correcting inadequate housing
and keeping adequate housing up to par.
In order for the city to receive continued approval, of its
community improvement program certain amendments to the Housing
Code will be necessary. These changes are required in all cities.
To meet the minimum standards our Houaing Code will have to be
amended to provide for:
1. The housing regulations applied to all housing in the
city regardless of when or under what code the A,ousing
Unit was originally constructed
2. That each dwelling unit be fully equipped with bath and
toilet facilities
3. That there be an effected administrative and appeals
A techr�ical committee has prepared amendment� that meet the
reguired standards. A copy of these proposed changes is enclosed.
I plan on introducing the two ordinances to carry out theae -
� changes on Thursday, June 6, 1968. Th� public hearing before the
Council will be held on Friday, June 28, 1968.
� '
June 3, 1968 � -2-
I would appreciate your reviewing the ordinances and if you
have any suggested changes submi.t them by June 24th in writing to .
,� John W. Connelly, 918 City Hall and Court House Building. Additional
copies and information may also be obtained from Mr. Connelly by
phoning, 223-4163.
Saint Paul, Minnesota
July 2, 19G8
�. ;J' ,
lI.�• \+ '
r `
1 •
: � -- _ .
� INSECT AND RODENT HARI30RAGE. Every owner and occupant
• of a structure containing two or more dwelling units shall be
� responsible for the extermination of insects, rodents, vermin, �
i '
3 '
' or other pests in alI exterior areas of the premises. Whenever
t . .
� infestation exists in tne shared or public parts of the premises,
� extermination thereof shall be the responsibility of the owner. .
, In the case of single family structures, the occupant shall be
# . .
' � res�onsible for the extermination of in_sects, rodents and vexmin
in all exterior property areas. - •
; .
� . .
� . HE�,TING FACILITIES. Every dcaelling and multiple dwe].lin3
' shall have heating facilities and the o��rner of said heating facilities
; � • .
; shall be required to see that said heating facilities are properl.�T
� . -
� installed, safely maintained and in good cvorking Gondition, and that '
� • .
� said facilities be capable of safely and adequateJ.y heati.ng all
� .
� . habitable rooms, bat'nrooms and toilet roams locat�d therein, to a
; temperature of at least 70 degrees Fahrenheit with an outside tem-
� •
� perature o� -20 degrees Fahrenheit. The owner sh�ll maintain� a minimum
'• roam temperatur� of 70 degrees Fahrenheit at five feet from the floor
� , in a].1 habitable rooms including bathrooms and toilets at a1Z times
� .
� .
� when rented.
� � . '
� .
� �
� . .
_ `•� .
J •
Section 54.22. ADD THE FOLLOti�1ING: ,
- No prosecution for any violation under this ordinance '
shall be commenced during the ten calendar days set for filing
the written petition requesting a hearing, nor during any time
of the per_dency of said petition before the Appeals Board as set ^ '
forth in Chapter 55, nor during the pendency of any time allowed
for filing an action for judicial review, nor during the pendency
of any judicial review. • -
Section 5�.24. STRI� THE FOLLOWING: � •
In any action brought for the restitution of premises covered
by this Code the defendant may show that notice of termination ��as
received subsequent to the making of a violation report to the prop�r
• Code enforcement authorities or subsequent to the commencement of an
action pursuant to this ordinance. Such evidence shall be prima facie
proof that the tenancy was terminated in violation o� this ordinance.
The plaintiff may rebut the presumgtion of— illegal termination through
proof that the termination was for other good cause. Nothing herein
shall in any way affect the tenants' continuing obligation to pay rer�t
� or to carry out other terms of the lease or rental agreeme;�t.
i! �
Explanation of Proposed Housing Code Change .
54.03 This section was changed to eliminate the exemption of hotels and
motels fran the Code. The sentence stating that "hotels and mo�els
must meet the requirements of Chapter 335 of the St. Paul Legis].ative
Code" was added to give proper reference to the ordinance regulating
hotel and motel licensure and inspect3on. This change was requested
by the Federal Government in the December, 1966 Technicians Report� •
54.04 This section was deleted at the request of the Federal Government so that
al1 provisions of the Code would be fully applicable from the date af
adoption. The section in the past allowed only a few pre-existing
conditions to conflict with the Code and its deletion should not
present a significant problem in enforcement.
54.07 This change was made to place the responsibility for enforcement
under the proper department head.
54.08 This change is needed because of four recent municipal court deci-
(4) sions in which the court stated that it would not uphold this partian
of the Code as an owner's responsibility in single family rental units.
The court felt that insect and rodent contro]. in suci� dwelling units
was an occupant responsibility. The court's decision concurs with
most existing and model housing codes.
54.08 This section was added to assign the responsibility for maintenance
(6) of exterior property area of vacant residentia]. structures.
54.10 This section was changed to make it compatible with the changes in
(6) Section 54.08 (4). ,
54.10 This section was added to provide coverage in the Code for interior
(7) walls, floors, ceilings and woodwork. In the past, there has been
little legal basis for the correction of rotten floors* loose or
fallen plaster, etc. This section is taken basically from the
APHA-PHS model code.
54.11 The basic change in these sections is just the deletion of the refer-
� (1,2�3) ence �to the section on shared bath facilitiea. �
54.11 These sections were changed because the court would not uphold as an
(9s10) owner's responsibility the provfding of rubbish and garbagP storage
facilit�e� in one and two family rental units. The court�'s decision
is in line with most existing and model housing codes.
: . . *
54.11 This section was deleted so that each dwelling unit now must be
(11) provided with a fully equipped bath and toilet faci].i�y. This
deletion was made at the request of the Federal Government.
54.12 Electrical service was added to this section as requested in the
(4) Federal Government December, 1966 Technician Report. The section now
provides for adequate electrical service to a11 residential structures
and dwelling units. The deletion of the phrase "as requfred in Section
54.14 (5)" was made to make the sentence applicab].e to all outlets
and fixtures. �
54.13 The section was changed to set a sleeping room size requiremeht for
(3) one person that is in line with other existing and model codes.
Our Code in the past had no size provision for aleeping rooms with
one occupant.
54.I4 This section was changed to allow windows that open directly onto
(1) porches or oths�r areas that permit adequate daylight to pass t�raugh
the interconri�ction to be counted as part of the window area re-
quired in the Code. This change is taken frmn the APHA-PHS model
54.14 This change was needed to make the section compatible with section
(5) 54.12(4) which was changed.
54.16 Changes m�de to correct error in reference,
54.17 Same as change in 54.13(3).
54.18 The second para�raph of this section was deleted in view of the
(2) Supreme Court decision in the case of Camara vs. San Francisco con-
cerning the right of entry for inspection. A section was added to
defiae what action could be taken in the case of refusal of entry
for inspection. The wording of this section is basically taken fram
the letter of the Corporation Counsel� Joe Summers� dated June 19,
1967� to the city inspection agencies regarding the right of eatry.
54.18 The second paragraph of this section was changed to correct an error
(u) in reference.
55.01 Thfs is an entire].y new section establishing an appeal board and
code review body as requested by the Federal Government.
5;f 30 f 68
°-�° DR;���I� -- 6/26/68 �
T4 the �lonorable Mayor Thanas R. Byrn� .
and A(embers of the City Ceuncil
Gentl�r�en: � ' �
J�nclo$ed pl�ase find tl-ie list of organixations and individuals
that received copie� of the gr�pased c�:�.iiges in th� St . Paul Housing
� � • •
Code. Also enclosed is a list of perso�s o� or�anizations from which �
x� have .reccived obj�ctiQns . ,-_ �
� Af�er receivi�g the propa�ed ch�.��es , �h� following are proposed
a�end�erxts for yQUr consid��ati.on at thixd r�sd��agY �
� �ection �4 . 03 . STRIKE L�SZ' SENTE��iCE A.�iD SU�S'TITUTE' 1'EiE FOL�O'NING :
Nothing in �hi� Cha�.��er �ha,Il b�e ap�1�.c�bl� to hotels and
��t��s Pxc�pt th�.t hotels �.n� �o��eZs sha�i me�t th� r�quir���nts of
Ghapt�r 355 and 1. 46 (2} (e) �f the SL. paul .L�gisla�tive Code and
other applicabl� �ity 4x�dinaac�s �nd Sxate 4���tut�s . ���,� �
(This will me�t in par� the pbjectians rsgcruing the�in'divi�ual r�ed-s
f� bathr�om fa�ilitiss for �ot�ls �nd mazels . ) �
Sec�aon 54 , 22 . STRIKE EAI'TIFE SBCTI�rJ �lh'L St3BSTITU7'E: � ,
�""'r�'"°..'� S /+�L.J'�'
penalty, Any p�r�on-vialatin� any prou�.sion of the I�-g-'rs-�a-t�e
Code shall be guilLy .o� � �isdem�ar.cr, �r�d upon conviction th�reof shall
b� pui�i.shed by a� fine .not to �xceed $10�. Q� ar by impxi'svnment for not to
. -
exce�d 90 days . � Noxwi�h�t.a�ding th� abav� provisiQn, no penalty shall b�
imp�osed upon � owner who s�rdes written noLice �.ipon the Board of App�als
i,ndicating thatlh� inten3� to permanently v�-ca�e and does perr�an�ntly
v�cate th� pr�mises wi�hin t�.irty {30) d ys and including proof of
nntice o� eviction of th� t�n�nts �occupvzng the af£ected premises .
(This chwnge was suggest�d by the Minn�snta Ap�rtren� Owners Assaciation
\ and the St . Paul Board of R�altors . It ��.s fe�.t that to cha�ge a vialation �
for each day's continu�,n�e o�' Lh� ddfect is und�ly �arsh where a person
. y --��.�..� �---•- . .
. Y� . , � .
F . • -
� f i
� I ' •
. �� in good faith is� making sama �djustment to corr�ct the defect .
�� - �
� .
,�� � S�cxion 54 . 24. ADD THE FUI�S�Q'�'IN� : t �
� Nothing h�rein shall in any way affec�t th� tenants ' continuing
obligation to pay rent or xa carry out oth�r t�rms of the lease �r
renL�l agreement. �. _ � �
(This sugg�stion wgs �a�� b�r the SC. Paul Bo��d vt Realtors) - '
�In addition to th� above chang�s , eth�r propos�ls were rnad� by.
intexested group� . One g�ognsai which h�s m�xit pertains to the r�c}uir�-
ment that all dwelZing un:i'�� t�t��s�p�xats ba�thra�m and tai��t f��cilitzes .
�,�his is a rigid z ec�uirem�n� af th� H�uGs.ng ax�d Urban D�evel�pz��nt \
D�part�ent and �t thi� t��� th�r� ��p$ar� t� h� no other alt��rm�2iv�.
Ho�rever� the Board of �.p����.s i� b�ing set u�a to� hand4e pr�ble�� �u�ch �s
these and it is hop�d t�►a� tlie ���rd nay b� able ta allevi�t� �.�y h�xd;��rip
in thes� areas . . �'~ �
r �.
, . Some ot2�er gr�pasa.�s pert�inra�.�g �a th� make-up of the Saax ��r�
offex�d, buL the Comm�t��� £e?t tk��.�. the ���-� -�p was bro�d enaugh ta
� i -
I includ� all int�rQSt�d g�r.ties wh.�n svle���d. T�er� w�re a3.�o abj�c�io�a�
periaining to the m�nnsx ,af han�li.n� �h� pra�le� o£ rod�nt a�d v�rnin '
contr�l as provid�d in S�ction 54. 14 (�) . �'hi.� has been an area wh�ch
has .been the �ause of � gz�eat deal. or di.ff���e�ty as £ar �s the F�c:�lth
D�p�rt�ent is co�cern��. The C��i���e felt rhat� the p�esen2 pro�fls�.l
repr�s�nts �s faix �r� equi�abl� � s�luti�n �s i.� pos�ibl� ix� tt�is d�f€icu3t
� . i
STeS. � � . .
, Ther� haor� be�n ther �u��est�d ch��.�e� by ths enfoxGin� •ag�z�ci�s�
; - far whic�o rr�b::e a�i�o�ma�ion is ne�d�d an�
a��� or�ganizatioa�s,-�`-�itizens-�w�:i�h t�ae Cona�itte� �rill �o���nu� �o
review and s�udy and �z�i�a� to y�ur attenticr�. � - � .
" � I� Ros��+�tfvlly. sub�i�t�d,
. . _
' . � . John �. Connelly� Chairwan
� - � Nous�ra� Code Comn3it�e�
�, ,
I � . ' .
t .
(' ,.! - . • • � " ' , .
, r
. , . �
• _ . ' ' 4 Daniel J. Slater �
' � � . 1b04 Burns Avenue
, � St. Paul, Minnesota 55106
S • •
� June 27„1968
; .
� I
Mr. John W. Connelly '
•Council Research and . • ,
; Legislative Bureau , '
City Hall. and Court House ' ' '
St. Paul, Minnesota . � - . '
. �
. i . _
Dear Mr. Connelly: _
In accord Iith the o�fer extended to me by Mayor Byrne to review the pro- .
- posed Housing Code changes, I submit the following observations. The
material presented here for consideration� I believe, represents not only
� my own views� but that hgid by many citizens in the East Side Citizens
. Ctvic Councii area, as �ell as ln the city at large.
i �
; � Cor�nents on Proposed Changes in City of St. Paul Nousing Code, are as
� fotlaws: - � -
: On Pre-Existing Dwell.ings and Multiple Dwellings _ .
' . ' SEC - 54.04
5 ' .
� - 7he removal of this section +�hich exemp�ts pre�existing dweltings and
� .
i - multiple dwellings from the need to conform to the net� code requirements
� . . , sesms unwarranted, unnecessary, and will likely result in creating con- -
� s(derable hardship upon the awners of many of our housing units. Its •
� - " enactment will indirectly, but nevertheless considerably, affect the �
� available rental units and the range of cost of what is avallable to
� citizens in need of housing. Forcing of the price r.ange upward can cause � �
� , a severe harship on many self reliant� hard working citizens and their •
familtes. Who can say hoav many wili be forced to relinquish their self-
� sustaining enviornment. Notv many may becosne dependent on p4blic hous- .
. ing, rrelfare, and other aid programs because of being priced out of the
i market. , -
1 . , �
� Ths explanatory remarks seate that the removal of this section is at the '
� request of the Federal Government and should not cause siQniflcant 'rdblems
� • in enforcement. In an5wer to thls two points 'should be particularly noted.
. � . .
� _ 1 . This code is supposed to be a local city housing code tailored to the , .
� needs and ca�abilities of the local community abave all . The fin31
a � � criter. la should be local , not federal . �
2. The removal af SEC 54.04 wlll cause many significnnt prob]ems for
; � dweliing owners, particularly in the proposed renewa] areas. Further,
' . . lt is very questionable as to the basic fairness and desirabllity o�
� • .
t ' � '
i . � . .
� � ' , a . . ..
.l ` .
� ' -'. . :. . . - � �, � . -
�. �
�r .,, � , ,
-. Page 2 Cont. SEC - 54.04 • . .. ,
� ,� r
�� exposing owners of dwell (ng units to the requlrements of a then
� current code ordinance at a future date. Beyond the need to meet
bastc standard requirements for public health, safety and �velfare,
� , it ts undesirable and unrealistic to be requ(red by law� such
� , 5�+.04 (S ADVOCA7ED.
� , , Position on �SEC ' F
- 54. 10_- (7)
� � � . -
"Interior walls, floors, ceilings and woodwork or trlm must be
. maintained in a sound condltion and wor{crnanlike repair."
- � . .
, - C� ents �on SEC - 54.10 (7) . Certainly�the obJectives of this -
, - s ctton are without question admirable and greatly to be deslred. .
N� ever, �their inciusion in the code is �nwarranted. The explan- � '
I , . �_ .a�ory notes on this sectlon state, "In the past there has been little
. 1 gal basis for the correction of rotten floors, loose or faliing
,.. ._ �p1as��r--etc.-�-It� would seem if the condition is of a sertous enough
_ _nature, the application o-F the section of the code providing for the
public health, safety and we)fare can be utllized and affords ade-
� quate safeguards. � ' .
. , � � Further, subJecting the quality and conditions of such interior com-
� . - ponents of a dwelling to the ambiguous and relattve terms of sound
� � conattton and fn workmanitke repair should �e shunned. Under ou�
�- ; '. accepted, trded and proven methc�d of operation �� a wiliing buyer �
, and a willing seiler, or willirx� tandlord and tenant relationship, �
such code provisions are far too extensive and unnecessary. .
•• � � The tnclusion, of such sections place far too much discretionary power
• - tn the enforcing agency. Its potential for mischievous or punitive
application is considerable. • -
. _ �6E ELIMIt�A7ED. •
. � � � BAS 1 C FAC(l.I T I ES 54. 1 1 �`- � .
'- �_ 1 . Water closet---"Every dwelling unit to contain within its walls a -
. ' .room separate from the habitable rooms, which affords privacy and which
is equipped with a water closet." .
2. Lavatory--�"Every dwelling unit shall contain a lavatory, whtch, when �
a alater closet is required, shall be in the same room with said water
� ' - closet." , '
3. Bafihtub or sha�ver---Every dweilTng unit shall contain a �room which
• � . � affords privacy to a persan in said room and which is equipped with
. ' a bathtub or shower. .
� ;
-�-*-----�--_,,...-..-,-�-T�..-•".•---�r�.,�_�. _. ._ . . __ . : -- - • - • _
. , . . . _.. �._-,- - z.•_-- _ _ � -
' ,.......w —^' � ' y ..
.� .
. - . L � .
• s
. Y • •
. • o� . '
' pa9e 3 Cont. SEC 54•11 � . '
� Comments - The stated obJectives of the subsections (1) ,
(2) and (3)
of Section 54.11 may seem desirable and good. However, there are
many factors that weigh heavily against the inclusion of such a
section in the new code.
' A few of the reasons subsections (1) , (2) and (3) of Section 5�+•>> , '
should not be substituted for 5�+•>> - �>>� ar� as follows: _-
1 . It would drasticaily affect the rental rates paid by many citizet�s, -
. . many already ���fOrce9man, tsuch,citizenstto9becomehpubticschargestal _
increases wou1 Y
2. It would greatly �•estrict the range of available rental units of -• -
differing qua�for•othere urposes,Psuchrasabulldingetheirrown home�in
order to save P
eduction etc.
- . . 3. tts contrtbution to the public healCh, �safety and welfare, on balance
is non extstent.
4. lt is a drastic puni�ive measure which is .unwarcanted to be visited
upon �esponsible, taxpaytng property owners.
5. In order to have a healthy real estate market diverstty is a re-
� � quirement.
� � b. The pubiic health, safety and welfare in na sense requires it.
� . .
` � Conclusion - IT IS STRONGLY URGED TNAT 54•�� - ��) � �2) and (3)
' ' THE NEW CODE. � , - .
. LIGHT AND VEN7ILATION - 5�+•14 � ; � y •
� _ � .
� �- ' 1 . Natural lights in habitable rooms. That 'the words in the ftrst
� � sentence wh�ch n��s of ao1roved s1izeerfacingtdirectly�to the outside
'1 at least one wi , PP .
� or to a court,"
' Recommend -- That the terms windaw, shatl be interpreted as including
I '
� all acceptable building material used for the transmission of- natura
� light.
' � . PREMISES. ' SERVtCES OF hlOTlCES - 54•�$ . �
, tn eng eral_ powers are too broad for insoectors, rights .too limited� for
` • ctwelling onwer. .
; , , - ` ,
_� � � ' - . � .
� . . . . .
t .� ' . ' " .
. � • , . j ' . .
7. '
' , . ' �h .
' . , � Confi. Page 4 54. 1a ' • . .
Y - �. p �
' Specifically, 54-18 - (b) , . - ,
� .
Vesting such authorlty to inspection offfcials as to provJde blanket .
authority for. a general warrant is not Justified. It provides what
� ampunts to unrestrained power. Any power of warrant must be re�ained
on an individual dwellers basis. "
Secfiton 54.25 �- 55.41 BO,�RD OF APPEALS �
. ' The creation of such a board with broad powers as proposed, needs
.� cansiderable discussion and publ (c review. '
• Respectfuily submitted '
��'� � c�� , • r •.
�z�z�� ,
Daniel J. Slater -
- - Legislati�e•�Chairman • � . •
� _ East Side Citizens Civtc Council .
� . � � .
3 DJS/rw - . . .
i .
, • , -
� ' .
� � . . . �
, � � •
� ' . -. _ - � , � .
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i � � '
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� �
� . .
� . . .
.. � , -
, . . � .
i , . � � . .
, -
, -
i . . . .
' , .
� . ' ' .
; .
a , , , . .
Froposed Changes to Amend the St . Paul Housing Cade
54 . 03 . APPLICABILITY AND SCOPE. Every portion of a building
or premises , used or intended to be used For residential purposes ,
except ke�e�s;-�e�e�s; rest homes , convalescen� �omes , and nursing
homes , shall comply with the provisions of this ordinance, irrespec-
tive of when such building shall have been constructed, altered or
repaired, e�Eep�-as-�e�e��a��e�-��e���e� and that any altera�zons
thereof or changes of use therein, which may be caused directly or
indirectly by the enforcement of this Code, shall be done in accord-
ance with applicable sections of the Building Code and Zoning Code.
All hotels and motels shall meet the requirements of Chapters 335
and Z. O6 (2) (e) of the St . Pau1 Legislative Code.
54 . 0.4. PRE-E��S��N6-DWE���N6S-ANB-MH���PbE-BWE����6S: - -F����e�;
�e�����e�; -ska��-�e-e�e�p�-€�e�-�ke-g�eb�s�exs-Eex�a�ae�-�e�e�a-�e�-
�a3��ag-�e- - - ��}-�ee�;-s�aee; -ax�-��x�ew-area-�}�e�s�exs-}ess-��aa
�e����e�-�p-�k�s-6e�e; - {�}-e���s -�e��}�e�;- {3} -reem-a�raage�ea�s: --���s
e�ke���se-es�a���s�e�-�s�-��e-eexs���E�3ex; -�ega��; -a��era��ea;-e�-�se
See�3e�- 54.94:
AH�. )
Page 1
chapter establishes minimum standards for the initial and continued
occupancy of all buildings and does not replace or modify standards
otherwise established for the construction, repair, alteration, or
use of building enui mp ent or facilities .
54 . 07 . DEFINITIONS .
ENFORCEMENT OF�ICER. Pursuant to the applicable provisions of
the Charter af the City of Saint Paul , it shall be the duty of the
Commissioner of Pa�ks-aad-Ree�ea��e�-ax�-P��}�e-B�����ags of Public
Safety and his authorized representatives to enforce the provisions
of this ordinance. (See sections 54 . 18 - Subsection 1. )
(4) INSECT AND RODENT �iARBORAGE. Every owner of a ��e�}��g-e�
�����p�e-�we���xg structure containing two or more dwelling units shall
be responsible for the extermination of insects , rodents , vermin, or
other pests in aIl exterior areas of the premises . tiVhenever infestation
exists in the shared or public parts of the premises , extermination thereof
shall be on the responsibility of the owner. In the case of single
family structures , the occupant shall be responsible for the extermination
of insectis , rodents and vermin in a11 exterior property areas .
54 .03 . (G� UNOCCUPIED STRUCTURE . The owner of ev�e� unoccupied divelling
or multiple dwelling shall be responsible for the maintenance of exterior
property areas rec�uired under Section 54 . 08.
(a) Every owner of a �we���ag-e�-mt�����s�e-c�Ne���ag structure
containin� two or more dwelling units shall be responsible for the
Pag� 2
extermination of insects , rodents , vermin , or other pests wkese�e�
wherever infestation exists in two (2) or mare of the dwelling units ,
or in the shared or public parts of the structure .
(b) The occupant of a dwelling unit in a dwelling or multiple
dwelling shall be responsible for such extermination within the unit
occupied by him whenever his dwelling unit is the only one infested.
interior walls , floors , ceilings and associated woodwork or trim
must be maintained in a sound condition and in workmanlike repair.
(1) WATER CLOSET. Every dwelling unit shall cantain within its
walls , a room, separate from the habitable rooms , which affords privacy
and which is equipped with a water closet . �See-��em-��:j
(2) LAVATORY. Every dwelling unit shall contain a Iavatory,
which, when a water closet is required, shall be in the same room with
said water closet. �See-��e�-��:}
(3) BATHTUB OR SHOWER. Every dwelling unit sha11 contain a
room which affords privacy to a person in said room and which is
eQuipped with a bathtub or shower. �See-��e�-}};3
(9) RUBBISH STORAGE FACILITIES . Every ��e}}3�g�-��}���}e-��e}}}�g
and-��e���ag-���� structure containin�three or more dwelling units shall
be supplied with approved containers and covers for storage of rubbish
and the owner, operator or agent in control of such dwelling or multiple
dwelling shall be responsible for the removal of such rubbish. In the
case of structures containing one or two dwelling units it sha11 be the
responsibility of the occupant(s} to provide such facilities and removal .
9H�. )
Page 3
e�-��}����e-�we���xg-a��-e�e�y-�we���ag-�x�� structure containing
three or more dwelling units shall be supplied with an approved garbage
disposal facility . There may be installed and maintained therein an
adequate mechanical garbage disposal unit (a mechanical sink grinder) in
each unit or an incinerator unit to be approved by the City Architect in
the structure for the use of the occupants of each dwelling unit , or an
approved autside garbage can. In the case of structures containing one
or two dwelling units it sha11 be the responsibility of the occupant(s)
to provide sucli facilities and dis asal .
���} SHAR�NS-SAAI��AR�-FAE�����ES---b�M��A��ANS. ��e-eE���ax�s
s���E���e-�a�-s�a�e-a-s3�g�e-�a�e�-E�ese�;-a-s��g�e-�s�a�e�y-�as�a; -aa�-
structures and dwelling units shall be supplied with electrical service
that is adeguate to safely meet the electrical needs of the structure
and dwelling units in accordance with the pxovisions of the Building Code.
Every electrical outlet and fixture , as-�e����e�-��-SeE��e�-54:�4- f�3 �
shall be installed, maintained and connected to the source of electric
power in accordance with the provisions of the Building Code.
54 . 13. OCCUPANCY.
(3) REQUIRBD SPACE IN SLE�PTNG ROOMS. In every dwelling unit of
two or more habitable rooms , everY room occupied for sleeping purposes
� one adult occupant shall have a mi.nimum rg oss floor area of ati least
9H�. )
Pag� �
7U' S-�uare ieet. e�e�� �very room occupiea for sleeping purposes by
e�e-e� ��o or more adult occupants shall have a minimum gross floor �
area of a�-�eas�-9A 50 sauare feet per occupant thereof. E�e��-�ee�
have-a-��A����-g�ess -��ee�-a�ea-e€-�5-s��a�e-€ee�-�e�-eee��ax�-�ke�ee�.
(1) NATUR.AL LIGHT IN HABITABLE ROOMS. Every habitable room shall
have at least one window of approved size facing directly to the out-
doors or to a aourt, provided that if connected to a room or area used
seasonally, (e . g. porch) , then adequate daylight must be possible through
this interconnection. Minimum total window area measured between stops
for every habitable room shall be 10 percent of the floor area of such
room. Whenever walls or other portions of like structures face a window
of any room and such like obstructions are located less than 3 feet from
the window and extend to a level above that of the ceiling of the room,
such a window shall not be deemed to face directly to the outdoors and
shall not be included as contributing to the required minimum total
window area.
(5) ELECTRTC OUTLETS REQUIRED. W�e�e-�ke�e-�s-e�eE���e-se����e
a�a3�ab�e-3�-�ke-������ag-e�-s���e���e;-e�e�y EverY habitable room of a
dwelling or multiple dwelling shall contain at least two (Z) separate
and remote outlets and one of which may be a supplied ceiling or wall-
type electric light fixture . In kitchens three (3) separate and remote
wall-type electric convenience outlets or two (2) such convenience
outlets and one (1) ceiling or wall-type electric light fixture shall
be required. Every public ha11 , water closet compartment, bathroom,
�aundry room or furnace room shall contain at least one (1) electric
light fixture. In addition to the electric light fixtures in every
bathroom and laundry room there shall be provided at least one
electric outlet.
A��. )
Paae 5
(2) DISPOSAL OF RUBBISH. Every occupant of a dwelling unit
sha11 dispose of all his rubbish in a clean and sanitary manner by
placing it in the rubbish containers required by Subsection 54 . 11 f�e�
� of the ordinance .
(3) DTSPOSAL OF GARBAGE. Every occupant of a dwelling unit
shall dispose of his garbage in a clean and sanitary manner by placing
it in the garbage disposal facilities or if such facilities are not
available, by removing all non-burnable matter and securely wrapping
said garbage and placing it in tight metal garbage storage containers
as required by Subsection 54. 11 f}}} (1Q of this ordinance.
for sleeping purposes � one erson shall contain at least 70 square feet
of floor area. e�e�� EverY room occupied for sleeping purposes by exe-e�
two or more persons shall contain at least x}xe�y 50 square feet o£ floor
area aa�-e�e�y-�ee�-eEE���e�-€s�-s�ee���g-����eses-�r-�k�ee-e�-�e�e '
�e�sexs-ska��-�ex�s�x-a�-�eas�-45-s��a�e-�ee�-e�-��ee�-area for each
occupant thereof.
(Z) INSPECTION OF DWELLINGS . The enforcement officer shall be
authorized t'o make or cause to be made inspections to determine the
condition of dwellings , multiple dwellings , dwelling units , rooming
houses , rooming units , and premises in order to safeguard the health,
9H�. ) r
��ge �
. safety, morals , and welfare of the public. The enforcing officer, or
his designated representatives , shall be authorized to enter any
dwelling, dwelling unit , multiple dwelling, rooming house, or premises
at any reasonable time for the purpose of performing his duties under
this ordinance . The owner, operator, or occupant of every dwelling,
multiple dwelling, dwelling unit , rooming unit, or the person in charge
thereaf, shall give the enforcement officer free access to such dwelling,
multiple dwelling, dwelling unit , rooming unit on which it is located
at all reasonable times for the purpose of such inspection, examination
and survey.
��s�eE�e�-e�-e�€�ee�-e€-��e-B�����xg-Dega���ea�; -F��e-Be�a���ea�-e�
�xs�ee�e�-e�-e�€��e�-ska��-�a�e-��e-��gk�-�e-ex�e�;-exa��ae; -aa�
s���ey-a��-g�e��ses;-g�e�x�s; -s���e���es;-�we���xgs ; -aa�-�����g�e
If the occupant refuses to consent to the inspection a search warrant
m� be obtained:
(a) Where there is probable cause to believe that a violation exists
within the particular structure or
(b) Where a determination has been made to conduct periodic inspec-
tians of certain areas of the city. In this case, a general
warrant m� be obtained authorizing entry into a11 residential
structures within the particular area. !
No warrant is needed for entr where an emergency condition exists and
insufficient time is available to obtain a warrant .
OH�. ) -
Page 7
(4) (Second Paragraph) SERVICE QF NOZ'ICES . In case such arder
is not promptly complied with, the enforcement officer may request the
Corporatian Counsel to institute an appropriate action or proceeding at
law or in equity against the person responsible for said violation e��e�-
��g-k�� (a) to restrain, correct or remove such violation or the execu-
' tion of work thereon; (b) to restrain or correct tlie erection, installa-
tion, or alteration of; (c) to require the removal of; or (d) to prevent
the occupation or use of said building, structure , or part thereof
erected, constructed, installed or altered in violation of, or not in
compliance with, the provisions of this Code, or in violation of a
plan or specification under which approval , permit or certificate was
issued, or (e} to enforce the penalty provisions of Section ����
500 . 05 of ���s the St . Paul Legislative Code .
*54 . 21 . SE�ERAB�����:- -�€-a�y-seE��ex; -s��see��ex; -�a�ag�a�k;
sea�exEe; -e�axse-e�-�k�ase-e€-���s-e���AaaEe-�e���-�e-�ee�a�e�- }x�a}��
�e�-a�y-�ease�-wka�see�e�; -s�ek-�ee�s�ex-s�a��-xe�-a€�eE�-��e-�e�a�s}xg
�e���exs-e�-�k�s -e���xaxEe; -�k}ek-s�a��-�e�a�x-�x-€���-€e�Ee-ax�-e€€eE� ;
54 . 21. ADMINISTRATTVE LIA�ILITY. No officer, agent , or employee
of the City of Saint Paul sha11 render himself personally liable for any
damage that may accrue to persons or property as a result of any act
required or permitted in the discharge of his duties under this chapter.
No person who institutes , or assists in the prosecution of, a criminal
0��. }
pag� 8
- proceeding under tliis Code shall be liable in damages therefor unless he
acted with actual r�alice and without reasonable grounds for believing
that the person accused or prosecuted was guilty of an unlawful act
or omission. Any suit brought against any officer, agent , or employee
of the City of Saint Paul , as a result of any act required ar permitted
in the discharge o� his duties under this chapter, shall be defended
by the Corporation ,Counsel until the final determination of the pro-
ceedings therein. ;
*54. 22. �k�s'-erd�naaee-sha}�-be-deemed-a-par�-ef-�he-Sa���-Pan�
e€-sa��-�eg�s�a���e-Eede . �
54. 22 . PENALTY FOR VIOLATION. Each day's continuance of the
violatian of this ardinance after due notice has been served in accordance
with the terms and grovisions of Subsection 54 . 18 of this chapter shall
be deemed a separate offense.
*54 . 23. ���s-e��ixa��e-s�a��-�ake-e�fee�-a��-�e-��-fe�ee-�����y-
�ays-a��e�-��s-�assage; -ap��e�a�-aa�-�����ea�3ea.
54. 23 . PROCEDURE. In addition to the punishments provided in
this chapter, the City through the officer charged with the enforcement
of the various provisions of this chapter, or a� other ep rson, �
seek enforcement thereof in a� court of competent jurisdiction � a�
appropriate form of civil action and m� seek enjoinment of a� continued
violation thereof and seek to campel obedience thereto � mandatory orders
and writs .
54:�4. ADMINISTRATIVE LIABILITY. (5ame as new 54. 21 above)
54. 24. TERMINATION OF TEN.ANCY. No tenancy of a dwelling,
dwelling unit , two-family dwelling or multiple dwelling covered � this
Page 9
• Code � be terminated because of the commencement of an actian pur-
suant to this ordinance or because of the r_ eport �o the ro er Co�e
enforcement authorities of a condition believed to be in violation of
this Code . In a� action brought for the restitution of premises
covered � this Code the defendant m� show that notice of termination
was received subsequent to the making of a violatian re ort to the rP oper
Code enforcement authorities or subsequent to the commencement of an
action pursuant to �his ordinance . Such evidence shall be prima facie
rp oaf that the tenancy was terminated in violation of this ordinance .
The plaintiff m� rebut the presumption of illegal termination through
roof that the termination was for other good cause.
54 .-�5:--PENA���-FBR-��O�A��ON:--E�e�y-�e�sea;-����;-e�-Ee�pe�a-
a-��s�e�ease�; -aa�-��e�-ee������ex-��e�ee€-ska��-�e-��a�ske�-�y-a-€�ae-
xe�-�e-e�eee�-$�88.9A-e�-�y-��g��sex�e��-€e�-xe�-�e-exeee�-9A-�ays .
54. 25 . APPEALS . Any person affected � a� provision of this
chapter m� appeal to the Board of A eals as provided in Chapter 55
of the Saint Paul Legislative Code .
*5�:��: --E�a��e�-54; �SeE��exs-54:8�-���e�g�-54:��;-as-a�ex�e�; -e�
�ke-beg�s�a���e-6e�e-e€-��e-E���-e€-Sa�x�-Pa��,-9���xaxEe-�e: -���83;
gasse�-�y-�ke-�e�aE��-ea-3���-�4; -}9�8;-�s-ke�e�y-re�ea�e�.
*5�:��:--SA���6-6��HSE: - -�k�s-e�d��anee-ska��-�e�-affee�-��e�a��exs
ef-a�y-e�ke�-e���aaaee; -ee�e;-e�-�eg��a��ea-ef-�ke-E��y-e€-Sa3x�-Pa��
AH�.) -- --�
Page 10
_ �
��}}_ex�e��-e�-��e-�a�-na�e�-��e-p�e��s�exs-ef-�kese-e���aasEes ,
ee�es,-e�-�eg��a��e�s-�a-e��ee�-a�-��e-���e-�ke-��e}a��ea-was-�e�����e�: -
Section Z. This ordinance shall take e�fect and be in force
thirty days after its passage , approval and publication.
Page ��
(a) There is hereby created a Board of Appeals which shall
consist of seven voting members who shall be appointed � the
Mayor and approved by the City Council . The Mayor shall desig_
nate one of the seven members as chairman. Each of said seven
members sha1l be a qualified elector of the City and sha11 neither
be an officer or employee of the City of St. Paul . One representa-
tive shall be a ointed from the architectural or engineering
profession, one representative shall be appointed frorn the finan-
cial �rofession, one representative shall be appointed from the
building and trade industry, one representative shalY be appointed
from the legal profession, one representative shall be appointed
from the real estate or building management profession and two
representatives shall be a�ointed from the general citizenry.
Members of the Board shal� serve terms of three years except that
the original Board shall have three members appointed far a term
of three ears , two members for two years and two members for one
year. Vacancies in an unexpired term shall be filled � the Ma or �
by appointment with the approval of the City Council for the
remainder af the term.
(b) Four members of the Board sha11 constitute a uq orum and
the Board shall act by a majority vote. The chairman shall have
the same voting rights as the other members .
(c) The Chief Health Officer, the City Architect and the
Chief of Fire Prevention or their authorized representatives
sha11 be ex-officio members of the Board but shall not have voting
rights .
Page �,�
� (d) The Board shall have the o� wer to adopt rules and
re�ulations far the conducting of its hearings , to issue sub-
op enas and subpoenas duces tecum to witnesses when reasonably
�����sary to obtain pertinent evidence and any member of the
Board shall have authority to administer oaths .
(e) The proceedings of all Board meetings shall be sum-
marized, reduced to writing and maintained as a matter of record.
55 . 02 . HEARING.
(a) Any person affected by any notice w�iich has been
issued in connection with the enforcement of any provision of
the Housing, Building, or Fire Prevention Codes , or any rule or
regulation adopted pursuant thereto , may request and shall be
granted a hearing before the Board of Appeals on a11 matters set
forth in such notice ; provided that such person shall file with
the Board of Appeals a written petition requesting such hearin•g
and setting forth a brief statement of the grounds therefor �
within ten (10 calendar days aftex the d� the notice was
served. The filing fee for such a petition shall be five dollars �
($5 . 00) , except that cahere there is financial hardship and after
recommendation of the enforcing officer, the Appeals Board may
waive the filing fee subject to the approval of the City Council.
Upon receipt of such petition, the Board of Appeals shall set a
time and place for such hearing and sha11 give the petitioner
written notice thereof. At such hearing the petitioner shall be
given opportunity to be heard and to show why such notice should
be modified or withdrawn. The hearing shall be commenced not
later than thirty days after the day on which the petition was
AH�. )
P�g� �3
filed; provided, that upon application of the etiti_oner the
Board of Appeals may postpone the date of hearing for a reasanable
time beyond such thirty-day eriod, if in its judgment the
petitioner has submitted a good and sufficient reason for such
(b) The Board of Appeals may, with the approval of the
Cauncil , modify or revoke the notice or order, and may grant an
extension of time for the erformance af a� act required where
the Board £inds that there is practical difficulty or undue hard-
ship connected with the performance of a� act required � the
provisions of this ordinance or � applicable rules or regula-
tions issued pursuant thereto, and that such extension is in
harmony with the eneral purpose of this ordinance to secure the
public health, safety and welfare.
(c) The staff for the Board of Appeals shall be provided
through the Council Investigation and Research Bureau.
55 . 03 . JUDICIAL REVIEW. ,
� erson aggrieved � the final decision of the Board of
Appeals may obtain judicial review by timely filing of an action
seeking review of such decision as provided by law in District Court.
55 .04 . CODE REVIEW.
The Board shall also act as a review body for the Housing,
Building and Fire Prevention Codes and recommend to the Ma or and
City Council any changes needed to maintain modern and enforceable
Codes .
Section 2 . This ordinance shall take effect and be in
force thirty days after its passage, approval and publication.
8H'£. )
P�.ge 14
421 Wabasha Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota 551 02. Edwartl N.Helfeld,executive director. phone Z"13 5"L 18
r , ���� �
Mr. Harry E. Marshall . July 10, 1968
- City Clerk •
Room 353 �
City Hall and Court House .
Saint Paul, Minnesota . - • ,
Re: Amendment of City of Saint Paul Housing
Code ►
Dear Mr, Marshall:
Please provide the writer with a certified copy of the amendment to the Housing Code
given final approval on Tuesday, July 9, by the City Council. The certified copy is to
be transmitted to the Department of Housin; and Urban Development as a parC of the
Authority's application for a loan and capital gxant contract in the Westside Rehabili-
tation Projact (Concord Terrace Renewal Area).
� Yours very truly, - . ,
. �-���; . � � . �.
James T. Hart =�' -
,taff Counsel � �
Certified Copy.,of C.F. 238970 & 238971,
being Ord. Nos. 1392�+ & 13925 respectively
� given to Mr.Bannigan on behalf of PQr. Hart,
. on July 15, 1g68.
Lawrence J. Hayes, Harry P. Strong, Jr., Orviile E. Anderson, Henry R. Thomas, Kenneth J. Lynch, James J. Oalglish, Victor J. Tedesco
� 'Chrii,aan
421 Wabasha Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota 551 02. Edward N.Helfeld,executive director. phone 223 5218
�z�� v
Mr. Harry E. Marshall July 10, 1968
City Clerk :
Room 353 � �
City Hall and Court House
Saint. Paul, Minnesota . .
Re; Amendment of City of Saint Paul Housing
' ' 3 Code
Dear Mr. Marahall; '
Please provide the writer with a certified copy of the amendment to the Housing Code
given final approval�on Tuesday, July 9, by the City Council. The certified copy is to
be transmitted to the Department of Housing and Urban, Development as a part of the
Authority's application for a loan and capital grant contract in the Westside Rehabili-
tation Project (Concord Terrace Renewal Area).
Yours very truly,
�, ,
J es T. Hart �^'
taff Counsel
Certified Copy of C.F. 238970 & 238g71,
� being Ord. Nos. 1392�+ & 13925 respectively
given to Mr.Bannigan on behalf of Mr. Hart,
� � on July 15, 1968.
Lawrence J. Hayes, Harry P. Strong, Jr., Orville E. Anderson, Henry R. Thomas, Kenneth J. Lynch, James J Dalglish, Victor J. Tedesco
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\Mr. President Byrne Mr. President Byrne