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� � - 'File No. I�2TE� '
- _ _ In the Matter of ��R�������,g pnbli� ato�as eeirer' f� �YR,3'LB �i.�S £z+c� {.`ro�eil
A�renxsa tv {#itndake •$.t�x�et.,- � '� , -
' _ - . - , ,-� - �,....
� under Preliminary Order �7�7 ' � approver� Ha��h ZI. �96� , � :
. Intermediary Order approved �
" A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council
" h�aving heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered -
� the same; therefore, be it ' '
, RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im-
provement to be made by the said City is ,. �
• �o con�trnc� pubxf.c �toria �sver #.n 'M�'i'� A� frc� �rcu��ra�l dae�at� to G].sad$le .
St�eet. --- . , - - .
, . . _ � _ ,
and th�e Council hereby orders sa,id improvement to be made. - '
� RESOLVED FUR,THER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and
directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for �
. approval; that upoan said�approval, the proper city ,oflicials are hereby authorized and directed to pro-
, .� - ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. -
�,.�. � � , - � - -�y�V 6196�
K� - COUNCILMEN '� " ,
-•• �•� Adopted by the Counci] � ' -
q; Yeas Carlson N�ys - . -�J�� '¢� �19fi� .
� �r�' .Dalg�ish =� � : , - ' Approved � .
. ....:.,.,,.,-�
r R��� � - - .
- D.,+,,....,,,, _ - - _
- ° -- Favor �
�t�.i�:�- . _ . .
�- "- - Mayor
� '�`•'�:���::sa,{:��_�..:�"..:::�::::a:::� � ' � _ '' .
Mr.�rVx¢e President�'(�etersan) A gainst
,, - PbBLIS#iE9 JUN 8196� .
_ s.ss_2� �o �.� � �. . _ .
. , . � - . .� .
. . � � ' /�� � o
. � � 2�894
:- 3
Re e s— �ZS4
Ap r i 1 16 19 68
To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul:
The Commissioner of Public Works , having had under consideration the pre—
liminary order of the Council known as Council File No. 237687
approved_ March 21 19 68 relative to a public sewer in
MYRTLE AVENIlE f rom G 1 enda 1 e to C romwe 1 1 -�"'r` �
and having investigated the matters and things re�ferred to therein� hereby
1. The estimated cost thereof is $• �5_52� ,q2
2. A plan, profi le or sketch of sai ,� ��$�1��� nt i s hereto attached
and made a part hereof, '��`�h � �`�`'v�
� p A�'N 15�8 �
3, Initiated by the Commissioner �f 'p�rk�.���/��rk
4, Improvement i s asked for upon � t.�.'��' ��' r�
( �1� Commi si oner of Pu lic Works
-- �... y�''�'�" . r- ` �n ' � :i ' ' ^.....�.
. `i,..�„' --y �ra��,''�.��_�..� ,
' . �'� � h "'._"' � `� h , w n �Q��� ���� it���l .�. ,,, w
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"'"""� EUGENE V. AVERY �� . a. .« � ,�ll�
�� � C I T Y � O F� S A-I N � P A U;L•�� � 4 y N g��ANT,HONY J. CREA
CHI6R BNGINGHR �,; ��� * � p �n + „`�j D6PU�TY COMMIf/IONBR �`�
„r. � . ..r-�--*. =+ ��'' �.. = - ..� 'f ��� �'.�
' � w _rt , . _ '°- 'Capital of. Minnesota • - �" , xi :� �� �
._� • f ��r :i __ � t i LS,;,�-,s,�a_ ,w,�,,
� �• ' •,,4,'`� . • - � iiie�Yd� "�.
�'� � � +� ` DEPARTMENT�O�F�,:�.P�rUBLIC=rWORKS� � M " - � ' p "��--� ���;��` =� '�.
I '�i. �'�•r • Yr'r _ [Y •'Y""1 � �: A '°� .i`i "+_
i � � z,,,, „�._ �W i,�s:.•`234-Citjr�`Hall�=�&.iCou _, . '�•� � �� ` '�
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z, � • �'� -.. . • ` tl..t4t,1 ,.a.�. r••;, 1
, { � ,; ' �4 � ,:,,w,.....c�•r""�-:=-Commissioner '�`;���..s�^,..�''-„�r�'�
-,; ���_-.�.,c • � � �� �� � � �
_.___.�,��., � � _ . ..,,.. .,,�F ° -------�- ; � f '.
_ . �_,R----��--. =�..s..� • . _ _ .� �. .,.t,i.:;,+r°°�°. -
� April l8, 1g68 �
Hon. Janes J. Dalglish �
Commissioner of Finance • � �
City of Saint Pau�l �
Re: N�1'RTLE AVE\UE f ro� �
, Glendale to Cromwei �
s-�1254 �
Dear Mr. Dalglish: , �
1 transmit herewith preliminary ostimate of cost for the construction �
of a public sewer in h1YRiLE AV�NUE from Glendala to Cromeil , under Pre-
liminary Order C.F. 237687, approved �yarch 2i , 1968. -
� Cstimated Construction Cost $ 13� 187.00
Engineering i4% , ' 1 �81F6.18 ,
Inspection 2% ; ' 263.74 .
Finance Dept. Charges . 225.00
Locai inprovement• Funds 1g68 • 22� .92 ,
Assessments= . _ � 15�300.00
t �
Yours very truly� � �
/ /� :� � J
• `C.��C � c t.G•( • C t -��:;•a; 67't�
, /
Daniel J. D" nford
' Acting Sewer Engineer
' DJD/j h . �
,,: APPROVED: - '
Eugene V. Avery, Chief Engineer , �42�2� 2 2��,�` .
�'�� � c�� �cJ
^ .�g �� � ,
�,e ��� ,� N
Robert F. Peterson, Corr�mi ss ioner : , � ��G�,G� � .
� �
cc: J. Schwartz, Dept. Accountant _ !�!� 9,�� � .
J. MitchelL,. Comptroller , . �J� , ��
R. L. Wheeler, Asst. Chief Eng. 6 �s L��
.. _ . _.. ...._.-,...� _�..__.�--� - - - -� ---- — __ , ,_.. .. .. __. . , . ,.._... .,... ,. ,,. . . . .
I 13 Court House,b5102
JAMES J. DALGLISH, Commissioner
LOUIS H.MeKENNA, Deputy Commissioner Phone:223�4646
T0: Commissioner James J. Dalglish
FROM: Forest W. Crowley
DATE: May 28, 1968
RE: Norma Kaufman, 693 Pelham Boulevard
A hearing is scheduled for June 6 with reference to a storm sewer
on Myrtle Avenue at which Mrs. Kaufman will probably revive the
complaints with reference to the sidewalk constructed abutting
her property in connection with the paving contract.
Mrs. Kaufman alleges that the 6-foot walk which was in place
prior to the paving contract was constructed by the Texaco
Company as a result of her complaint that they had broken her
sidewalk by driving over it with a snowplow. There is no record
of a permit for this construction in the Department of Public Works.
The sidwalk abutting her property was replaced with a 5-foot
walk at the time of the paving contract at a cost of $132.00.
In addition, a brick driveway was replaced at a cost of $43.98.
Both of these items were reported to our department and were
assessed with the paving.
The Texaco Company sold the property adjoining Mrs. Kaufman ap-
proximately two years ago and when contacted by Paul Desch, ad-
vised that they had no record of any dealings with Mrs. Kaufman.
_ �
n Vv `
� , � \ • ^ . 'VY� S`t ' _ � T
* � _ d i � /•L�.,�
CITY � � 5 � lNT PAUL �
I13 Courf Houso;55102
JAM�S J. DALGLISH, Commissioner � -
LOUIS Fi. McKENNA, Dopu+y Commissionor Phone: 223-4646
P'erruar,y 2, 1�68
P�Ir:-. �Iorm�. I�at�.�ar_
�:`�,-i Fc i.ham Boulevard
Si;. Paii]., Alinnesot�, ;�5114
l�c�:�r A4adam: � .
In connection witYi the assessment for
impraviiig Pelham Boulevard, we have checlted with the Depart-
r���7� oy �iblic �aorl:s ti��ith reference to the sidewalk assess-
1�:ent ir_clu l�� �•�ith the above lev.;r. •
CiTSr ordinances require that sidewalk
��ons�ruction reouires a permit from the Public Works Depart-
:����;, and *rrhen such permit is obtained, the line and grade are
se+ by t?�e dep�.rtment. In your case the Public Glorks Depart- .
ment h�s checkec? an1 re-checke3 for a permit and have advised
��ha,t none y��.s issued. , ,
If a permit had been issu�d, the side-
Ta�,lk t�rould have been guara.nteed for a period of fifteen years,
and if a repla.cementi is rc�!.�i1 ed, such replacement is accor:-
p�isred without cos+ to the property ot•rner. In the abser_ce
o� a. pe-rm:i.t for side:aa.11c cons�ructizon ti�e have no ch�oice but
�o l�j�y the �,sses:>me!?t as recor,unended to the Council at the
hcarS.r.;. .
V°Y'�r truly yours,
� � f i .
`'�/"�/��''� Ct!/. JG��C•['.:L(,�CC"
. .- �
� Fores� ;l. Croialey
Super�r�sor of Assessments �
�G�r,�,e�e �.� � �. :.S�C7
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