D001300• - Ciry Clerk - Finance Dept. - Dept. Accounting (Civic Center) _ - Engineer (HGA) - Contractor _ projec[ Manager (CPMn No. D oo ��oo Da[e � " � �- — Q i CITY OF SAINT PAUL - OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER for CONTRACT CHANGE AGREEMENT N0. rP4 21-17 � � ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, Whereas, additions which proved to be necessary to the Improvement described y� ^ " u] ('ivic Center EXpansion CP-4 Building C'ons[ruc[ion known as Contract L Project No.015119 Gephart Electric, is composed of the following: 1. Construct Sth Floor Office Level per Contracwr Proposal (CP) #4.83. Aff work for CVB and Civic Center staff offices and restroom relocation. Mi(estone date of 16 April 1998 to remain for 0370 - Milesrone Finat Completion Pxoject. � � Approved by Expansion Coordinating Committee on 16 7uly 1997. Reason: Redesigned due ro CVB lease of space. $58,108.00 To�� $58,108.00 • ORDERED, That the City of Saint Paul, through its Mayor, approves the foregoing additions made in accordance with the specifications in the sum of $.5st t nst o . said amount to be added to the lump sum consideration named in the contract, known as contract L-. 930-90300-0898-00000 Civic Center Expansion Fund. and which amount is to be financed from: � " 5 19� 19_ 19_ p� �9 `��' _�19� 3 .. . . . i .� ! j : � � / i �/ j . � /��i , � ;� �, �. � / � i � /� . i -�' .G;� �� l Y / . ��o l3c�o — . � • �R�,'�R DEPMTMENTQFFlCElCAUNCIL DATE I ITIAT 0 v v v v v f�- g"�� �g � GREEN SHEET INITIAVDATE INITIAVDATE CONTAGT PERSON & PMON O DEPARTMENT DIPECTOR � CRY COUNCIL ����` � YKS ° �° NUM,BENFOfi �LT'ATTORNEY �CITYGLERK St BE ON CqUNCILAGENDA BY (DATE) pOUTING � BUDGET DIRECrOR � FIN. & MGL SERVICES DIR. Ofl�f0. AYOfl(ORASSISTAIJn nj �My ia'L�[�t%� T07AL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) �,.1,,,,, ;zrs ACTION RE�UESTEO: � GY �� ��� � h�=/ f� lsy^'� C� RECqMMENDATIONS: Apprave (A) or Feject (R) pERSONAL SERVICE CONTflACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING �UESTIONS: _ PIANNMG COMMISSI0t3 _ CiVit SEflViCE COMMISSION l. HaS thiS p8I50Nf1Rn eYef WOrked UMB� a COrtVdCt fo[ this de¢artmerlt? _ CIBCOMMITTEE ��PLn} yi C�� YES NO _ STAFF 2. Hes ihis parsonRrm ever been a ciry employee7 — YES NO _ DiSiRIC7 COURT — 3. Does this ersonttirm ossess a skill not normall p p y possessed by any current ciry employee7 SUPPORTS WNICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE7 YES NO Expiain ali yes anawers an seperate sheet and attech to g�een sheet INITIATING PqOBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, What. `/4hen, Where. Wny): ��.e � � -���� ANTAGESIFAPPROVED: � ��'A�.ABp�� s., e m RU�d�. ��� � ��' �aliti,��fy �]tC�.�d�� RECEI.1/EQ AU DISADVANTAGES IF APPflOVED: ��T�' CLERK DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPFOVEO: TOTAL AMOUhT OFTHANSACTION S���,! �� � COSSIREVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO �5 FUNDIfdG SOURCE `` ��}.�� S � U ` ^ ' ��'"'�+CTIVITY NUMBER Q7 ' � 3� � n 030 �- � S' 1� '�"��` � FINANCIAL INFORhiATION (EXPLAIN) �00 13p� CONTRACT STATUS • PROJECT: Saint Paul Civic Center ExQansion Pro}ect Saint Paul, Minnesota CONTRACTOR Gephart Electric 3550 LaBore Road Saint Paul, MN 55110 Original Contract Amount: PO # 015'119 $4,570,900.00 CO No. • C4.21-01 C4.21-02 C4.21-03 C4.21-04 C4.21-05 C4.21-06 C4.21-07 C4.2 � -08 C4.21-09 C4.2 i -10 C4.21-11 C4.21-12 C421-13 C4.21-14 C421-15 C4.21-16 C4.21-17 Subtotal Deduct Add 2,514.00 32,839.00 21, 545.67 23,767.00 14,457.00 6,080.00 73,148.00 15,299.00 10,404.00 9,493.00 27,171.00 19,605.00 21,987.00 28,345.00 3,232.00 1,537.00 58,108.00 00 $369 53'I 67 DATE ISSUED: CONTRACT NO.: CONTRACT TITLE: CONTRACT DATE: 28 July 1997 CP-4.21 Building Construction Electrical '18 January 1996 Net Amount of Contract including this Ghange Order $4 904 431.67 • 0�/19'9i MON 16:22 FAA 812 484 22d8 Contract • 2 A , .. ot the work is requested as ind�cated below: _:, � � �� /3�. Cdooi 32Z�- �ZI. 8� 1. It is requasted the complation date be ( i extended, () decreased, �unchanged t�y caiendar days. Tha adjusted complation date Wd� be — . .. - . . t _—'s.i: 2 /`_ ,� 2. Description of ihe chan�e: iRefer to drawings, specifications, addenda, if app�icable) Reference RF No.: �/s 81 :`0� O^ QAy �, ��� S Title: � 3. Basis of payment: tCheck ona) ��'� �Firm price for performing thls change is ncrease tDeduct} Adequate supporting deteils and information must be attached to allow Owner to evatuata. $ ( E Time and material per contract, but not to exceed — () Actual cost at completion of work $ — Date:_..zt�_/� () Proceed on the following basis: () As indicatsd a@ove, change and basis of payment is acceptable. () Change is acceptable, basis of payment is not acceptable. () 8asis of paymant shall be 8 (} The following modification is recommended: {) Change in compfetion date is eccepted. () Change is acceptable with no change in price. 4 1 Change �s accepta6le with no change in completion date. ( } Other Reason for Change: O Design Change ( 1 Client Request i 1 Fiefd Condition _ () Suggested by Contractor 1 1 Design Om�ssion or Oxher (explainl 3, Is this a part of the original contract scope? l Y YES ( 1 NO 4. 1s Contractor's Estimate attached? ( 1 YES t) NO 5, A/E consulted. ( 1 YES t i IVO Prepared by:. Approved by • Approved b� cvnni ��c.. �,o �a��„ �e.,........ ..-..•-.• ... -- - � - Dick Zehring ca Chris Hansen Mike Pederso� GEPHART ELECTRIC Date:-- Oate:__ Date:_.� Date:�__. t Paul, MN 56 7 02-1 299 3225- GPM� JOC� h0•: 3cc� 1. Action Recommended: (Check one} () Change will not be made. Explain: 0�%16/Ai a[OV 18:22 FAR 612 A84 22d8 !G�p'HA�tT ELEGTR�C F1T�� ATTN: RE: r.�,� � 00! jOL CPMI e/o St. Paul Civie Canter 143 West Fourth Street 3aint Paul, MN 55102 Suean Jozies DATE: May 19, 1997 St. Paul Civia Cezster Psxpanaion CP-4 _ The following are co5ts for F2FP No. 4.83 (Shared): 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 1? . 12. 13 14 15 16 17 18 �9 20 Material Cost (Include Tax of 7�): . . . . . . . Labor: -5.19 Hrs � $ 46.36/Hr . . . . . . . . . Foreman: Hrs C� $ /Hr . . • • • . • • • • • • • General Foreman: Hra @ $ /Fir . . . . • • • • • overtime (i" X Regular Rate): Hrs [� S/Hr .., Overtime (2 X Regular Rate): Hzs c� $/Hr .. Project Management: Ars @ $/xr . . . . . . . Labor Inefficiency: � of Labor (Line �2) . . . Lost Time: Hrs @ S /Hr . . . . . . . . . . . Field Deaign/nrafting: Hrs @ $/Hr . . . . . . As Suilt Drawings: 1 Hrs @ $49.61/Hr . . . . . Delivery: Hra Q S/Hr . . . . . . . . . . . . Clean up: Ars @ $/Ar . . . . . . . . . . . . Testing: Hra @ $/Hr . . . . . . . . . . . . . warranty: � of MaCerial & Labor (Lines #1 & 2) Parking: Days @ $/Day . . . . . . . . . . . . nryage, Handling Charge, Miacellaneous: . - � Temporary wiring : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Larce Tool � Equipment Rental: . . . . . . . . Small Tools & Consumables: < of Labor (Line #21 G£PHART ELECTRIC P7aGE 1 OF 2 = $ 1,542 _ $ -241 � $ _ $ _ $ - S _ $ _ $ _ $ _ $ _ $ 50 _ $ _ $ � $ _ $ � $ _ S _ $ = S _ $ ,..�,. �_�___ o.....+ cr oo�d AAinneen}n 55110 � 16121 484-4900 ,� cX��3� o OSila�97 H0� 16:29 FnR 612 d84 22A8 GEPAART ELECTRIC PAGE 2 OF 2 , , . = S 21. Travel Time: . . . • • • • � • - ' ' ' ' ' � _ S • 22. 23 24 25 26 27 28 • 29. 30. 31. 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 4 Waae Increase: Hrs @ $/Hr . . . . . . . • • • • • Limited Workspace, Interruptions: & of Labor (Line #2)_ $$_ Storage Trailers: . . - • • • • • • ' ' ' ' ; : J $ Gae & Oil : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • _ $ Utility Cost: . . . . . . . . . . . � . . . . . . _ $ znsurance : • � � • • • • - • ' ' ' ' " $ Subcontracte: - • • • • • • ' ' ' ' ' ' � � _ S Subsiatence: . . . . . . • - • • • • • • ' ' ' ' : _ $ Telephone/Fax Machine : . . . . . . . . . . : : • _ � DumpsCers : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . _ $ Safety: 4� of Labor (Line #Z) • • • • • � � - $ Permits & Inspection: . • . • • • • • • ' ' ' $ Interest on Retention: . - . • • • • • � ' ' ' _ $ Painting & Patching: . • • • • � • � ' ' ' ' ' ' . . . = S :L, 3S1 Subtotal : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ $ 203 Overhead: 15� of Subtotal (Line #36) . . • • • • Profit: , . = S % of (Lines #36 and 37) . . . . • • • • • • • - $ . Unit Pri.ces : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ $ :L, 554 . Subtotal: (Total of Lines #36, 37, 38, & 39) : : : _ $ 22 . Bond: 1.43� . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • = $ 1, 576 . Total 2'his Change: (Total of Lines #40 & 41) .•• . A Time Extension of 0 Days Will Be Rec�uired. . This Quotation ia Valid UnCil 0 For Written Acceptance. 5- Should thie C.O. Request be acceptable, an authorized signaCUre of the Architect, Owner, Construction Manager ar General Contractor is required to proceed until a written change order is received. If a formal change order is not received by 0, work described above sha11 stop• ACCE4TPNCf �,tL��p CRD�2/PRO?OSAL AEQ6oST :4C. • OSi19-A XON 18:23 FAS 812 184 2248 GEPHART ELECTRIC f�00d � - �13c>� !�►��1�IA�T ELECTRtG TO: • ATTN: 4eiaRl CPMY �� g�, paul Civie Center 143 S^iest Fourth Street saint &aul, MN 55102 — DATE: May 14. 1997 Sus&A Soaes St. Paul Civic Ceater ExP�eion CP-4 The Eollowing are coats for RFP No. 4.83 (CVB): 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. s. 9. 10. 11. 12• 13 14. J. 5 16 17 18 19 20 Material CosC (Include Tax of 7�): • - • • • ' ' ' Labor: 564.67 Hrs @ $ 46.38/Hr • • � • • ' ' ' ' ' goreman: 90 Hrs @ $ 3.23/Hr . • • • • • • � � ' ' General Foreman: Ars @ $ /Hr . . • • - • • • • � Overtime (1" X Regulax Rate): Hrs @ $ �Hr . • • • Overtime (2 X RegulaY Itate): Hrs c� $/�r •••� Project ManagemanC: Ars @ $/Hr . . . • • • • • • Labor Inefficiency: � of Labox (Line #2) • • • • • Lost Time : Hrs @ $ /Hr . . • • • • • • • ' ' ' ' Field Design/Drafting: Hxe � S/�x • • • - ' ' ' ' as Built Drawinge: 4 Hrs � $49.61/Hr • • - � � • Delivery: Hrs (� $/Hr . . . . . . . . . . . . . Claan up: Hrs @ S�Hr . . . . . . . . . . . . . Testing= Hrs @ S/HT • . • • • • • ' ' ' ' ' ' Warxanty: •75� of Material & Labor tLines #1 & z) Parking: Days @ $/Day . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dryage, Handling Charge, Miscellaneous: • • � • , TempoYary Wiring: . • • • • • • • ' ' " � � � � . Large Tool & Ecjuipment Rental: . . . . . . . . • . 5ma1� Tools & Consumablea: .5°s of Labor (Line #2) PAGL 1 OF 2 _$ 15,766 -$ 2b,1B9 = s a9i _ $ = S _ $ _ $ _ $ � � _ $ T $ 199 _. $ _. $ _. $ ,: $ 315 _- $ __ � __ $ 250 .- � _ $ 131 _ _ _ _ . ... r_ � � I:�........�., ac�tR . (Q40\ d0.d�Qf1(1 � � Joo �O° �005 O5/19r MON 16:2d FAX 612 d84 2248 GEPHART ELECTRIC F'AGE 2 OF � _ A 21. Travel Time: . • • - • - - � ' ' _ $ • 22. Wage Increase: Hrs @ S/xr . . . . . . . . . . . 23- Limited Workspace, Interruptions: � o£ Labor (�ine #2) �° 24. Storage Trailers: . . . . . . . . . • ' . . . - $ 25. Gas & Oil: • • • . . . . . . . . • - ' . . . . _ $ 26. Utility Cost: - - • � ' ' ' ' " ' � � � _ $ 27. Insuzance: . • - - • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . = S x,966 28 . Subcontracts : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • ° � 29. Subsistence: . . . . . . • • • • - • ' ' _ $ 30. Telephone/Fax Machine: • • • • • • • ' ' ' : . . . _ � 31 . Dumpstere : . • • � • • • • ' ' ' ' ' � � _ $ 32. Safety: 4� of Labor (Line #2) • • • ' ' � � . _ g 132 33. Permits & Inspection: . . • • • • • • • ' ' : : _ $ 34. Interest or� Retention: • • • • • • � ' ' ' ' _ $ 35. Painting & Patchirig� • • � • • ' ' � � � . . . =g 45,239 36. Subtotal: - • • • � • ' ' ' ' ' ' � � � _ $ 6,491 3�, Overhead: 15� of Subtotal (Line #36) •••• 38. Profit: . . . . . . _ $ 99 • 5� o p {Lines #36 and 37) : : � : : : : _ � 39, Unit Prices: . _$ 51,829 40. Subtotal: (Total of Lines #36, 37, 38, & 39) ; _ � �41 41. Bond: 1.43� . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • _:� 52, 570 42, Total This Change: (TOtal of Lines #40 & 41) •• 43. A Time Extension of 0 Days Will Be Required. 44. This Quotation is valid Until 0 For Written Acceptance. 45. �he Owner,� Construction M nag r o u Genera 1Cc� tractox oe required to proceed until a wYitten ch�n woxk describ d�abo e shall formal change order is not received by stop. ACCEPTANC _��_ �{ap�5 CRCEk/?ROPCSAL RF.:'�ST N0. • 05-19%9 MOK 16:24 FAR 612 484 2248 GEPftAR7 ELECTRIC �� f�� � 006 iG���A�t't ELEC�RtC TO: • ATTN: RE: GPMI — �/o SC. Paul Civic CanteY 143 tVest Fourth Street 5aint Paul, b4Q 55102 Sugan ,7ones DATE: May 19, 1997 St. Paul Civie Center Sxpansion CP-9 _ The following are costs £or RFP No. 4.83 (SPCC): 1. 2- 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8, 9. 10. 11. 12. �.3 . 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Material Cost (Include Tax of 7�): . . . • • • • � Laboz= 56.61 Hrs Q $ 46.38/HK . • • • • • • • ' ' Foreman: 20 Hrs @ $ 3.a3/Hr . • • • � • • • • • ' General Foreman: Hrs @ S /HY . . . . . . . . • • Overtime (1" X Regular Rate}; Hrs c� S/Hr ...• Overtime (2 X Regular Rate): Hrs fa $�xY ..•• Project Management: Hra C� $/Hz • • • • • � � ' ' Labor Inefficiency: � of Labor (Line #2) • . • • • Lost Time: Hrs c� S /�r • • � • • � ' ' ' " ' � Field Design/Dra£ting: Hra C� S/Hr . • • � • • • As Built Drawings: 1.5 Hrs @ 549.61jHr ..... Delivery: Hrs @ $/xr . � • • • • ' • • ' ' ' ' Clean up: Ars @ $/Az' • • • • • • • • ' ' ' ' ' Testing: Ars Q $/Hr . . . . . . . • • � • • � • Warranty: � of Material & Labor (Lines #1 & 2) • Parking: Days @ $/Day . . . . . . . . . • • • • Dryage, Handling Charge, Miscellaneous: . • • � Temporary Wiring : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Large Tool & Equipment Rental: . • • • • • • - � Sma11 Tools & Consumables: •5� of Labor (Line #2) PAGL' 1 OF 2 _ $ 1, 271 � $ :Z, 626 _ $ 65 _ $ _ $ _ $ - $ - $ _ $ _ $ _ $ 75 _ $ - $ _ $ _ $ _ $ _ $ _. � _. S _. $ 13 „�.� �_o...., o..a.� c. o��e Mlnnwcota 55510 •{6121 484-4900 OS%1�/9i !�f01� 18:24 FA3 812 48d 2248 GEPHART ELECTRIC • • 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 -v �O I 3�� �oo� ' YAGE 2 OF 2 Travel Time: • • • - • - • • • ' ' ' ' ' ' ' � � � $ Wage Zncrease: Hrs (� S/Hr . . . . . . . . . . . - _ $ LimiCed Workspace, Interruptions: � of Labor (Line #z) $_ Storage Trailers : • - • � • • • • • ' ' ' ' ' ' ' $ Gas & Oil : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . = S Utility Cost : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ $ IriSUX'ance : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - S Subcontracts : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ $-742 Subeistence: . . . . . . . . . . . • • • • • • • � - � Telephone{Fax Machine: . . . . . . . • • • - • • • - $ Dumpsters : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • • _ $ Safety: 4�s of Labor (Line #2) • • • • • • • � ' ' - � Permits & Znspection : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ $ 24 Intareat ott Retention : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ $ Painting & Patching: . . . • • • • • • • • • ' ' ' - $ Subtotal : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ $ 3,332 Overhead: 15� of Subtotal (Line #36) . . . . . . . _ $ 611 Px'ofit: . - $ -37 Sc o£ (Lines #36 and 37} • • . • • • • • • • ' ' . Unit Prices : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ � . Subtotal: tTokal of Lines #36, 37, 38, & 39} .,. _$ 3,906 . Bond: 1.43� . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ $ 56 . Total This Change: lTOtal of Lines #4� & 411 ... = S 3,962 . A Time Extension of 0 Days Will Be Required. . This Quotation is Valid Until 0 For Written Acceptance. . Should this C.O. Request be acceptable, an authorized signature of the Architect, Owner, Construction Manager or General Ccntractor i5 required to procesd until a written change order is received. If a formal change oxder is not received by 0, work deecribed above shall stop. ACCEP'IANC£ ['riANGE CRDSR/PRO?OSA' RP.Q[TcST 1d0. u OS/19i97 MOy 16:25 FA% 812 48d 2248 GEPHART ELECTRIC j\ �� 2, �Q � �a `� v R�CAP PAG$ 13:34:48 19, 1997 by: GE:PHART SLSCTRIC 3s imate RFP4-83 - CP-4 RFP 4.83 _�_____ -------- =______°--______ - ----------------- __ a __ __ A _ _ _ _ ___ _ ___ � page Description/Lacation Material ��I� 1441.47 -5.15� . �. RFP 4.83 SXARBD 14734.18 564.6'� 2 RFP 4.83 CVB 1188.39 56.6:- 3 RFP 4.83 SPCC 977.37 17.2Ei 4 RFP 4.83 �T #5 fiSTSMATfi TOTALS: MATSRIAL $ 18341.41 LABOR 633.34 "3ou18 � � �� 05-19%9 M0� 18:25 FAX 812 484 2248 GEPHART ELECTRIC � �� r 3 0� � 009 • :BT 1 gy 19, i997 ESTIMATS WORRSHSBT 13:34:55 �b Deacription: CP-4 RgP 4•83 3Limate Number: RFP4-83 atimator Name : LARRY age Name/Location: RFP 4.83 5HARED stimate 1�age_ 1 of 4 PHASE OB# �.TERIAL DESCRIPTION QTY PRICE U T_PRICE LASOR U T_LABOR ----------------- ' ------------------------------ - - E 252 00 1 Q6 E 3.1 1 � 4 5 6 9 0 _� � _6 7 18 19 ? 7 0 22 23 F � 0 0 0 Q 0 4 0 0 1 1 F F F F F F PAGE Multiplier - 1.00 ll'PE E7, 3.00 84.00 � TYPE F -7.00 � NO MATERIAL CREDIT fOR TYPE F, ALREADX ON SITE. 1/2 LABOR CREDIT. ALREADY � D�L�ED/STORED. TYPE F1 - 3' _5.00 NO CREDIT FOR TYPE F1. ALREADY ON 1/2 LABOiZ CREDiT, ALREADY H$NOL�ED/STORi 90 TYPE J LATNERS CHANNEL 40.00 80.00 6' FIXTURE WMIP 1,Q0 3.00 20A 1P SWITCH 20A.3-WAY SWITCH -2.00 5.00 1� SS COVERPIATE 1.00 158.00 2G SS COVERPLATE -2.00 321.00 J900 BOX - STUD -1.00 115.00 H-2-3 -1.Q0 65.00 1G 5/8 MR -1.00 43.00 1842 EM-1/2 EMT-CONDUII' -7�.Ofl 16.00 }.980 EM-1/2 SET SCREW COUP -7.OQ 37.00 2000 EM-1/2 SET SCREW GQNN -2.00 Z9.Q� 3846 HA-1/2 ONE HOLE STRAP -9.00 0.31 400 00 62 00 E SITE. C E C C C M 1208.00 32.00 5.50 3.00 -10.00 1.58 -6.42 -1.15 -0.65 -0.43 -1i.20 -2.59 -0.58 -2.79 -2�4.80 0.4£3 E -3.36 0,38 E -3.80 O.AO E -3.20 5 �5 ;31 !�0 12 15 115 00 09 20 00 00 00 C C C C C C M 9.52 2.00 0.25 0.31 -1.00 0.12 -0.30 -1.15 7_O.QD 5.60 lO.Od 5.00 7.50 -0.20 -3.92 -0.2C -0.4E -3.0C 3 8188 WC-THHN-STRA #12 - . • ��--�� �� - --- - TOTAL - 1441.47 -5 1� `' ��.. '1C0 ��. �� JD��rjOO [m010 U5�19%9 M6� 18:28 FAX 812 484 2248 GEPHART ELECTRIC • 3BT 1 ay 14, 1997 S5TZMATE WORKSHSST ob Description: CP-4 RFP 4.83 stimate NumbQr: RFP4-83 r Name : ��Y E ?0.00 G �0.00 C 1.85 E 0.30 E 0.15 E 0.15 E 6.20 C 12.aa C etimato age I3ame/Locationz fFP 4•83 CV� $timatA page: PHASE DB# MATERIAL DESCRIPTION QTY PRICE U T-PRICE __ LABOR U_ T_LABOR ---------- - -- -------- ------- ------------------------�--------------- 1 0 F TYPE AZ FIXTURE 33.00 162.00 E 5346.00 1.42. E 46.8 p p F TYPE A3 FIXTURE 12.0� 154.00 E 1848.00 1.47 E 17.04 3 0 F TYPE B2 4.00 137.00 E 548.00 1.07 E 4.26 4 Q F TYPE E 1.00 84.00 E 84.00 1.21 E 1.21 5 0 F TYPE E1 2.00 84.00 E 168.00 1.06 E 2•12 14.00 151.00 E 2114.00 1.19 E 16.66 j p F � CHANNEL 63.00 8 5.50 E 346.50 �?5.00 C 15.75 8 0 F 6' FIXTURE WHIP 24.00 3.00 E 72.00 `31.20 C 7•49 g p F 20A 1P SWITCH 10.00 5.00 E 50.00 '.i0.00 C �•qq 10 0 F 20A 3-WAY SWITCN 11 0 F iGAS�SUCOVERPLATETACLE 52;00 158.00 C 2 82•�6 't2•50 C 2 6'5Q � p F 2G SS COVERPLATE 55.00 321.00 C 176.55 :15.00 G 8 • 2 c 1 15 00 C 123 05 35.00 C 37.4� 15 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 3� 33 34 35 36 37 � 41 OF OF OF OF oF OF OF 1 1 1 � 1 3 0 30 0 3�8 1900 BOX - STt10 H-2-3 1G 5/8 MR 2G 5t$ MR WALKER 880CM3 FL�DRBOX 837C CARPET F�ANGE $28R OEIPLEX FLAP 829CK1 COMBO COVER AIR FREI6HT-I39' POUR 18�14 EM-3/4 EMT-CQNDUIT 2002 EM-3/4 SET SCREW CONN 514 BU-3/4 PLASTIC BUSHIN 3848 HA-3/4 QNE HOLE STRAP 1842 EM-1/2 EM7-CONOUIT 1980 EM-1/2 SET SCREW COUP 2000 EM-1/2 SET SCREW CONN 3846 HA-i/2 ONE HOLE STRAP 1846 EM-1 EMT-CONDUIT 2 516 BU-1 PLASTIC 8190 WC-THHN-STRA #10 8188 WC-TNHN-$TR4 #12 F 1900 BOX - SURF F BLANK 322 AN-1/QX2-1/4 RAWL-S7UD F 20A C/B TERMINA7ION F 1/2 FIELD KO F FIRESTOPPING 107.00 107.00 52.00 55.00 b.00 6.00 12.00 6.00 1.00 520.00 104.00 104.40 52.00 2470.00 24a.90 160.00 iea.00 40.00 6.Od 6.00 1100.00 6620.00 48.00 48.00 9b.00 22 . oa 8.Q0 1.00 1 . 65.00 C 43.00 C 67.Q0 C lO1.OD E 91.00 E 33.00 E 24.00 E 65.Q0 E 26.00 C 46.00 C 0.20 E 0.43 E 16.00 C 37.00 C 29.00 C 0.31 E 44.00 C 75.00 C q.30 E 100.00 M 62.00 M 115.00 C 33.00 C 42.06 E E 100.00 E 69.55 22.36 '36.85 606.00 546.OQ 396.00 144.00 65.00 135.20 47.64 20.80 22.36 395.20 88.80 46.40 55.8a 17.60 4.50 1.80 110.00 410.44 55.2� 15.84 40.38 100.00 5 15 15 13:34:55 C 60 C C 00 C 00 C .0� C G 9.30 M 7.50 M 35.ti0 G 9.00 G 10.00 C a.�2 E o.�z � 8.b0 E Obi19�97 >f0� 16:26 FAX 612 484 2248 GEPHART ELECTRIC ��j0 �3 �jQ � O11 • =ET 2 ay 19. i997 ESTIMATE WORKSNEET 13:34:�i5 ob Description: CP-4 RFP 4.83 stimate Number: RFP4-83 stimator Name : IJ�RRY �age Name/Location: RFP 4.83 GVB :stimate Page: 2 of 4 � PHASE DB# MATERiAL DESCRIPTION QTY PRICE U T-PRICE I_ABOR U T_LABOR ----------------------------------------- -------- �— —"�°" ��"" 564.67 PAGE Multiplier = �1.00 70TAL = 14734.18 �Z �� � i �� � O�i19% MON 18:27 FA% 812 484 2248 • EBT 1 ay 19, 1997 GEPHART ELECTRIC BSTZMAT$ �30RKSIiS�T ab Descriptian= CP-4 RFP 4.83 ;stimate Number: KFP4-83 ;stimatoY' Name = �R�P 4.83 SPCC �age Na�/�cation� of § 3stimate Page: TYPE A2.FIXTURE �XP�A3.__ ` C1'PE 8 TYPE B1 T`(PE 62 TYPE B3 TYPE B7 TYPE G - 3' TYPE E2_ , TYP,__E __3_----- .. LATNERS CHAr1NEL TYPE J1 TYPE K3 LATHERS CHANNEL __(�'_FSXT1JRf WHIP _� ._ . - 20A 3-WAY 5WITCH 20A DUPLEX RECEPTACLE 20A GFI RECEPTACLE 16 S5 CdVERPLATE 2G S5 COVERPLA7E 1900 BOX - S7UD H-2-3 1G 5/$ MR 2G 5/8 MR ��837C $2$R DUPLEX FLAP $29CK1 COMBO COVER 1842 EM-1!2 EMT-CQNDUIT 1980 EM-1/2 SET SCREW CQUP 2000 EM-1/2 SET SCREW CONN 3$46 HA-1/2 4NE HOLE STRA 8190 WC-THHN-STRA #1Q 8188 WC-TI-IHN-STRA #12 F 2d� FIELDEKOI�7ION �� oo �300 p�� pg# MATERIAL dESCRIPTIQN QTY PRICE U T-PRICE _ - - - - ----------••----------------- ------------------------------ ------- ---------1b2 00 E 810.00 1.42 E -7.1 .� rn 3 5 6 9 10 tl 1� 15 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Z6 27 28 29 3Q 31 32 3a 35 36 C� OF OF Qf OF OF bF OF OF OF DF OF OF QF OF OF OF OF OF QF OF OF OF OF 1 3 0 nF p/�6E Multiplier = 1.00 -5.00 1T � 00 - :�54.00- E"7 1694.00 2.00 144.00� 288.00 2.00 139.06 E 27$.00 -Z.00 137.00 E -274.00 -3.00 60.00 E -180.00 _i.p0 77.00 E -77.00 -2.00 42.00 E -�.Oa -3.00_ __ 84,00 E -252.00 - 9:�0 _ -IT��6� 1359.00 40.00 80.00 C 32.00 -1.00 134.OQ E -134.00 -6.00 76.00 E -456.00 -35.00 80.00 G -28.00 6.OQ .. ._ ___5 _50 .�.__--- 33.40 2.00 5.00 E 10.60 1 3.00 14.00 E 42.00 12,OQ 158.OQ C 18.96 4,p0 321.40 C 12.84 1fi.00 115.00 C 18.4Q 16.00 65.00 C 10.40 12.00 43.00 C 5.16 4.00 67.00 C 2 •� 8 -2.00 1d1.00 E -202.00 _2,pq 41.00 E -182.00 -4.00 33.00 E -132.00 -2.00 24.00 E -48.00 330.00 1b.00 C 52.80 35.00 37.00 C 12.95 20,pq 29.00 C 5.80 P 600.06 100.00 M 60.00 750.00 62.00 E 46,50 4.00 E 1.00 __ �A� 13:34:55 I.ABOR U T-LABOR 1.4? E 1.29 E 1.29 E 1.07 E 1.07 E �.67 E 0.76 E 0.96 E 1.19 E 5.06 C 1.19 E 1.19 E 5.00 C 25.00 C 50.00 C 37-50 C 43.70 C z2. �o c 15.00 C 35.Ud � 20,U0 C 20.00 C 1.E�5 E 0.30 E a.15 E 0.15 E 5.60 � 10.00 C 5.00 C 9,30 M 7.50 M 0.42 E 0,62 E TOTAL ° 1188.39 3 `j�v2- !L O5/19/9i MON 18:27 FAS 612 48d 2248 g5/15/1997 11:11 612-6dd-B1B2 GEPHART ELECTRIC WESTERS�t NATL FIRE ;,-�013� pqGE 01 �_ ... � ElECTRONIC 9ECURfTY DROSEOTlQ1V �� � ■�� LOw vO�TAGE ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS �� � 317 Demont Ave. �• l'ittle Canada. M!d 55117 • 48�-8075 • Fax 486-0123 AmTN: Larry Heinsah (3ephart Elac. RE: St.Paul Civic Center Fir� Alarm SYstiefi FtFI 4.83 t��fiCe Spaca) 5�'16/97 r.� � Dear Hr. Heinsch, p � z � stempinntheanevl�ffioe azea�duG�inq g�vieea for •the Fire Alarm Sy 1?EAUC'r : 3 Strobes 2 Pull stations Parts 5180.o0 • Lsbar $165.�Q Taa $_12_60 Total $357`60 (Dbduet) Wire 555.00 Tax 5 3•85 -__saz Tatal $58.85 (Deduct) �� � �I L�rv . sincerely, � o-�— Daniel YounqQui�t Seles/Proj.H4r. sv:10/rfi4.831 GV P5 ��-�' of.3 S-!l� , G�� p5i19 MOti 16:28 FA% 812 48d 2248 �5/16/1497 14:55 612-6G4-B182 ��ion LXist Dr. contact fixist Dr. Contaat Exist Dr. Release Exist Duress Button Exist Camera � _ �„ � � ELECTRONiG SECUFtITY PROTECTIOlW � LOW vOLTqGE ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS 3t7 Oemont Ave. E. - little Canada, MN 55ti t7 • 481-8075 • Fax 4��-0i A2'TN: L�zry He�nsoh Gephart Elec. RE� St.Paul Civic Center SecuritY BYstem �gp 4_83 (Office Space) Aear Mr• Hai.nsch, GEPHART ELECTRIC �cT� NATL FIRE Pec the neW plans belaw are the adds and deducts for each aea area- Door/Rm� Area gpl shared 552A shared Rm 512 sharad � Rm 512 Shared Rm 512 Shared rioarlRm# ea 551A Cva 552A �� '�ctal Changa Dpnnr��tlpY1 Afld Reader/Single Ds Add Reader/Dbl Dr � � S ^ � �c I�o PAGE Dedu.s� $ - A_� De utGt 51,195.0 - S1,198.d - $2,383. 5 - Tatal Chanq� Daoz � SA9A 54iB 510A S15B I2m 515 Rm 51fiA Rm 541 Rm 541 541A 542A 512A 512A 500 � grea SPCC �gCC SPCC SPCC SPCC 5PCC SPCC SPCC SPCC SPCC SPCC SPCC SPCC 27�sarip�?� r►aa Deduat Dr. Cantaat - Move Card Readar � Deduct Dr. Contaot ` Deduct Card Readerf8in4 - DeducC UureBS Buttan - Deduct Dr Contacti - peduet Dureas Bukton - Deduct Intezcom Mstr - Deduct cazd Reader/D�1 Dr - pdd card Readez/nbl Dr S1,198.00 5/lb/97 [F1 �� 5 98.Q0 $ ^ 98.00 $ 948.00 5 188.00 S 98.0� $ 188.00 S 502.Cd S1,a05.0� �dd Caid Reader/Single $1,185. S 145.00 DeduCt Intercam Substn � Existing Card Reader ' __ -_____ Totxil 52.383�00 53,125.00 SpCC Totnl Peduct -5742.00 Overall Praject Tota1(Add) $1.641• r.a � • OS/19i97 �tON 16:28 FAR 812 484 2248 l5/16/1997 14:55 fi12-64d GEPHART ELECTRIC ��� I J�� I�j 015 WESI'fi� NAT4 FIRE F'AG£ 02 � ELEGTRONIC SECURITY PROTECTtOF� �� LoW VOLTA6E ELECTRtCALCONTRACtORS _ 3�7 pamont Ave. E. • Littie Canada, tvfN 55117 • 481-8075 • Fax aBEi-0723 Ilotes: 1 Prices inelude Tax. 2. Prices do aot include door contacts, nxit s�*itehes, door locks aad loeking hazdware, Ioak powet suppliae nor iastallation of such. 3. Pzices do not include raeaoaay parts or installation. �}, DoeSn� I�L1J�G• f�0 ' � sincerely, ' f� G�'"",, J % i f Daniel YaunqquisC Sales/Proj.Mgr. • sv:lOJrfp4_832 0�; 19; 9i bf0�% 18:28 FA,l" 612 484 2248 i5/16�19g7 14:55 612-fi44-8182 � r � L J \ ) J � � Y a � • ��� �� �J'i � V � � � � � � � V Y , S � � u' a e7s � E �aaQ� i ����� �M��� ������ � j...aJ J m mmm `9 n m u �� ti-�iyr.�.ww O � b�00P�g ~ $���r� ° s ere000 � aoo p ,a p o � � ��Naq M t `�,$$'88 ' lo .`2$. ���� U V � d , a���� . g°ggg ���� ����� ° $i � ������ a al�� �l b f�t Yl N 1S C � C a Q O O O rnn '.+ GEPHART ELECTRIC WESTERN hIATL FIRE \ �� ��tGrYazd ¢d� C �� �����������^� �G i[f N b l7f Yl � Vl Id h Y'f {A Vf � 1A � �'������ °1��o `� s� J ,�q Q66<0{mt9QQQ0 �� �S 404 c�TP,? `: �� ���������S� N y► � 7 7�� MSrM 'r » �°o��.m-,�S � c'� m m �ia �:�s����»vj��t��tYt� � $ `�, �� �g � � W W Daase S oo y m ~ N � � � ~ � 7 � y � � M U occ�8$ . � rqi � ► �M�� .���it�i� i � 7 .� � � � t - � h N b r $ M � d � d � G � � O � � � O � m � 4 a � u o �{ C � g y � ���� _'y'� � � ,g � � g+ ����m��° �6 i6 U�UL'� }%U �� P aS �� 2 a g2 �S.. � � mfY(t� U E E � a O� G G c V o � `°° a°��s��"3�$���� �� �����s��a���� m C `��' t]UUU L U UU C? � U 715�U V VJ iA m t N^�� � 4 s N�� 4 LS a ^ r N f��� � � t�iu� v1�.nid N .+/�f N rf � E�� � 6DS0 b68 219'931, 'aNl XINOfly09�lh �, 6a t3Do �o�g pAGE H3 a g O � � �i � 0 � � � s a m � C m fr � 0� M � � � (�1 9 p la � � � � � — p � ^ ` V G 4 Q R $ �'L S� A ��B ��4=� n m � w a a 91�I[ (IU;ilL6,91�'aPl� OS/19/97 MON 18:28 FA% 612 484 2248 GEPHART ELECTRIC � � I � ��1� 017 . � 2. It is requested 2he completion date be () extended, () decreased,�unchanged by catendar days. The adjusted completion date will be — Description of the change: IRefer to drawings, specifications, addertda, if app��cabie). Referance RFP No.: �, P� ; FO NO.: _ ., _. • 3. Basis of payment: (Check one) � Firm p�ice for performing this change is A equate supporting deteils and information must be attached to allow Owner to evaluate. (} Time and materiel per contract, but not to exceed ( 1 Actuat cost at completion of work - � _.��. .. . :. _.,,:.� 2. $� �� ncrease IDeduct) Date: 5" / 9 —S� ( � Procaed on the foilowing hasis: ment is acceptable. ( y As indicated above, Change and basis of paY ( 1 Change is acceptable, basis of payment is not acceptable. ( 1 Basis of payment shall be S (} i'he following modification is recommended: ( 1 Change in completion date is accepted. i) Change is acceptable with no change in price. () Change is acceptabfe with no cha�ge in completion date. (� Other fteason for Change: O Design Change ( 1 Client Requ�st O Field Conditioft ( l Suggested bY Contractor ( 1 Design Om�ssion or Other (axplain) 3. Is this a part of the originel contract scope? ( 1 YES a, is Contrsctor's Esiimate attached? ( 1 YES 5. A/E consulted. ( 1 YES PreQared by: ICPMq Approved 6y • Approved by Appro hy: CPMI Inc., c/o Sainf Pau �c: Chris Hansen Mike Pederson Ownerf Dick Zehring (�NO ()NO l 1 No Date:_ Date'_ Date:_ Date:_ SVeet, Sa+�t Paul, p 3225• A change in che scope of the work is requesied as indicated betow: CPMi Joh No.: 3225 1. Action Recommended: (Check ona} {) Change will not be made. Exptain: OSI1S/S7 K0� 16:28 FA% B12 48d 224& GEPHART ELECTRIC .� O�r30o�o18 ������� ELECTRiC TO� ATTN RE: CPMI c/o 3t. Paul Civic Centar 143 Weat Fourth Street Saint Paul, MN 55102 1997 DATE: Ma`_� guaan �onea St- Paul Civic Ceriter Eacpanaion CP-4 The following are costs for RFP No• 4•83 (Alt. #5)� 1. Material Cost (Include Tax of 7�1: • � • • ' ' ' ' 2. Labor: 17.26 Hzs Q $ 46.38/Hr • • - • • • ' ' ' ' 3 . Foreman : 8 Hrs � S 3 . 23 /Fir • • • • • • ' ' ' ' . . • 4. General Foreman: Hrs @ 5 ��r . . . . . . ' . . . 5. ovextime (1" X Regular Rate)a Hrs �$/Hx • i 6. Overtime (2 X Regular Rate): Hrs @$/Hr •••: 7, project Management: HxH @ $/xr • ' • � • • ' : 8. Labor Inefficiency: �a of Labor {Line #2) ••• 9, Lost Time: Hrs � S �Hr • • • • ' ' ' ' ' ' . . . 10. Fie1d Design/Drafting: Hrs @ $/Hr . . . • • • • ' 11• As Built Drawings: •25 x5s � $49.61/Hr . . . . . � J.2. Delivery: Hrs @ $/Hx . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 - Clean up: Hrs Q $/Hr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �4. Testing: Hrs C� $/Hr . • • • • • ' ' ' ' ' � 15. Warranty: .75g of Material & Labor (Lines #1 � 2 ) 16. Parking: Daya @ S/DaY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17. Dryage, Handling Charge, MiSCellaneous: ::::: 18. Temporary Wiring: • • • • � ' ' ' � � � �9. Large Tool & Equipment Rental: • • � • • � � ' ' ' 20. Sma11 2'oole & Consumables: .5� o� Labor (Line #2) 1?AGF 1 OF` 2 _ $ 1,046 � ;j 9 O 1 � $ 26 _ $ � $ � $ � $ _. $ _. $ 12 _. $ _- � :: S ,- $ lA _ $ _ $ _ $ _ $ 4 .,«., �.,o.,... v.,.,,� ce cAnl MinnPSOta 55110 '(812) 48G-4900 05:19i97 MON 16:30 FA� 612 484 2248 GEPHART ELECTRIC -� (✓'✓ I� O O � 019 P.4GE 2 OF 2 21. Travel Time: . - - � - • ' ' ' ' � � � � _ $ • 22. Wage Incxease: Hr5 @ $/Hr . . . . . . . . . . . . 23. Limited Workspace, Interruptions: � of Labor (Line #21 $= 2a. Storage TY'ailera : . . . . . . . . . . . . • • • ' = $ 25. Gas & Oil : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • _ $ 26. Utility Cost: . • � • - • • ' ' ' ' ' � � � � $ 27 . Insurance : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • - • , $ 28. Subcontracts: . • - • • - • - ' ' ' ' ' ` _ $ 29 • Subsistence: . . . • • • • • • • � ' ' ' ' � � � � _ � 30. Telephone/Fax Machine: • • • � • • � � ' ' ' � � � _ $ 31 . Dumpsters : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' $ 32. Safety: 4� o£ Labor (Line #2) • • • • • • ' ' : : - $ 33. Permits & Inspecti.on: . . . . . . . . . . . ' . . _ $ 34. Interest on RetenCion: . . • • • • � • • � ' ' _ $ 35. Painting & Patching: . • • • • • ' ' ' � � ' • _ $ 1,903 36. Subtotal : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ :? 286 3�. Ovexhead: 15°s of Subtotal (Line #36) .••• 38. Pxofit: , , , , _ $ • � of (Lines #36 and 3'7) : : ; : : : : : : _ $ 39. Unit Prices: . � $ 2,189 40. Subtotal: (ToCal of Lines #36, 37, 38, & 39) •:: _ $ 31 41. Sond: 1.43� . . . . . . . . . . . . • ' . . . = $ 2,220 42. Total This Change: (Total of Lines #40 & 41) 43. A'z'ime Extension of 0 Days Wi11 Be Required. 44. This Quoeation is Valid Until 0 For Written Acceptance. 45. Should this C-o. Request be acceptable, an authorized signature of the Axchitect roceed until a wr tten cha �ordex required to p formal change order is noti received by 0, work described above shal atop• ACCEPTANCE CHANGE OHS>SR/�ROPCSAI. RF�L�ST ;IC� s OS/1�9/9i �fOT 16:30 FAR 812 484 2248 GEPHART ELECTRIC �� QO / � Q � � 020 cJ � 3,1 ay 19, 1997 BSTZMAT$ S40RXSHSBT 13:34:55 ob DesCription_ CP-4 RgF 4.83 stimate Nutnber: RFP4-83 eCimator Name = ��Y age Name/�ocation4 o �p �- ALT #5 .stimate Page_ PHASE OB# MA7ERIAL DESCRIPTION QTY PRICE U T-PRICE LABOR U 7_LABOR ------------------------------------ 6 00 151 00 E 906.00 1.19 E 7.14 3 5 8 9 i0 :1 � 0 F TYPE J b.a4 E 0.30 E 1.80 p F CLOUD fACTOR 0 F LATHERS CIiANNEL 3 6.00 $ 5.50 E 33.00 25.OQ G 1.50 9 f 6' FIXTURE WNIP 3.00 11�.00 C 3.45 :i5.00 C 1.05 0 F 1940 BOX - SURF 3 QO 33.00 C 0.99 10.00 C Q.30 d F BLANK 1 1842 EM-1!2 EMT-CONDUIT 20.00 16.Q0 C 3.20 5.b0 � 1• 1 1980 EM-1/2 SET SCREW COUP 2.00 37.00 C 0.74 1 20Q0 EM-1/2 SET SCREW CONN 6.00 24.OQ G 1.74 :10.b0 C 0.60 1 3866 NA-1/2 MIN�RPI.LAC 6.00 19.20 C 1.15 31.20 C 1.87 3 8188 WC-TFlHN-STRA #12 50.00 62.00 M 3.1� 7.50 M 0.38 � ~ TOTA� = 977.37 17.2E PAGE Multiplier = 1.D0 z�2�� �