238922 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK 2389�� CITY OF ST. PAUL FIOENCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK , CO N RE OLUTION-GENERAL FORM � ,� . PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE DATF � WI�REAS, The City Council approved the disposition of certain lands per C.F. No. 238732, adopted May 22, 1968, and whereas said xesolution reads in past: -� f`rom a point on Zine A descxibed below, distant 28 feet northeasterltiy of its point of beginning, run north- westerly at right angles with said Line A for 30 feet to the point of beginning of the line to be described; thence run northeasterly to a point distant 110 feet � �� NOW, TF�REFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That said last mentioned . 110 feet be amended to r�ad 103.5 feet. � - FORM PPROVED � Asst. orporatio un I COUNCILMEN � �g�� Adopted by the Coun�� 19_ Yeas Nays ' Carlson Dalglish A proved `��� � ���� 19_ Meredith �In Favor � Peterson � Mayor Tedesc a gainst Mr. President, B ne - P�J�LISHEB JUN 81968 �22