238910 ..� ORIGINAL TO CITY GLERK 2389�n � CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. U CI LUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY . COMMISSIONE DATF RESOLpED, e Council of the City of Saint Paul, being duly advised in the premises, hereby concurs in the action of its Sinking Fund Committee authorizing the release of the following described securities heretofore required to be deposited by GAMBLES CONTINENTAL STA'�E BANI�, formerly known as DOWNT�OWN S�A7'E $ANK, ST. PAIIL; said securities being held in safekeeping by the City of Saint Paul: ' $200,000 - U. S. �Yeasury Notes, 5%, dated February 15, 1966, due November 15, 1970. 100,000 - II. 3. Treasury Bills due August 31, 1968. 10,000 - II. S. Treasury Notes, 5'�%, due May 15, 1971. be it . Resolved, that the proper City officers are hereby authorized to take the necessary action to return the aforesaid securities to GAMBLES CONTIl�IENTAL STATE BANK, formerly known as DOWNTOWN STAT� BANK, ST. PAUL,. upon their writt�n request. � , � FO WPROV� ,� ��� 5 196� �=�" . COUNCILMEN �.�, ��„-��y,� �'q,���'� Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Carlson � � ���� Dalglish �u� Approved 19— ��- , Meredith �In Favor , � Peterson (� � Mayor Tedesco A gainst ` Mr. President, Byrne • , ���,ts+►E� �1U.N 81968 , �, �2z . ' ♦ DUrLICATE TO rRINTHR 2�g9�p . CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATF RESOLVED, The Council of the Citq of Saint Paul, being duly advised in the premises, hereby concurs in the action of its Sinking Fund Committee suthorizing the release of the following described eecuritiea heretofore required to be dapoaited bq GAMBLES CONTII�TENTAL STA1`E BANR, formerly known as DOWNI�OWN STATf3 BANR, ST. PAUL; said securities being held in eafekeeping by the City of Saint Paul: $200,000 - II. S. Tresaury Notea, 5�, dated February 15, 1966, due November 15, 1970. 100,000 - U. S. Treasury Bills due August 31, 1968. 10,000 - U. S. Treasury Notea, S�X, due May 13, 1971. be it Resolved, that the proper City officers are hereby suthorized to take the necessary action to return tha aforesaid aecurities to GAMBLES CONTINENTAL STATE BANR, formerly known as DOiWNTOWN STATE BANK, ST. PAUL, upon their written request. COUNCILMEN .��� � 1968 Adopted by the Council 19_ Yeas Nays Carlson -�U� � �91�$ Dalglish Approved 19— �� Meredith —�In Favor Peterson v Mayor Tedesco A gainst Mr. President, Byrne �za