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- °c�� � `-• - ` '�' . - . ' . • .,�' ..,. r � ' - ` � .� Y - � -^�_ .,, � - - , ,{"' '�1 ';, ;' - , t, 'y, , � '` . ' �/ � , � . ` COUNG2L FILE NO � � `' CITY O�F ST. PAUL � ' � By— . R,esdl'ution Ratifying Assessment . - .. . � In the matter of the assessment of bett��it�� Co�k� attd ezp�ns�� �o�r con��Cu��ion o� reconat�uctivn o£ sidewalkr tnd �►or�i inci.d�tal th�ret�� � Contract f�T-H=395� Di��ric� Nd. 1� '�.evy blo.. � ' - � ��:;.�'. � .,- �.;� --------•-._--.._x--_.T;-----_.____._-----�-�� __--_,_-�.-._..____ � ��f ��,;;�� ,. .., t:� s , o,�. �_ _ . � , _--�..____,.�_ . -----=—�-__� ' .�;��, `:� ,a ' _ � �.i , � � r• . - . • . -� , - `_-- • �?��ASSB�SAB �". . , , ,r� _ - . - - � -. ', _ �' -. - �$2 . • - k� .. ; `_. ,'~,,..�{, -� •- . ,• � . ,� : : F, ' ,* ...: Y*-� `,. � F�O��TZi��o7 � . . . '. .' ' .: . .r .C�,r •5� � � . .'y m' ' "1 , :,� _ Doipell Aveaue.•�both�''�sidei fzom Ra nd Ave.``' �"�-�' ` '`' ,�•' ���.�• Y�_ . to�c�avalaria��eoe. . � F.O. #228754 - Crd�►ell Ave., iiotli'`��ide� fros� Pearl St: to Bayless>Pl:4ce t , F.O. #232614 - Knapp 8t.. both `��deiY from Camo Ave. to xaymond Ave:�� � F.O. #229262 - 8ampden Ave., nortb �ide frota Bayless St. to Raymoad Av�. and � on tbe eaat side of Bayless Ave. frcm�.lKam►Q1 St. to Hampd�a Ave. F.O. �229198 - Hampden Ave., east aide fra� Univeraity Ave. to Myrtl• Ave. P.O. #232758 - Bayl4ss Placa, northerly aide fro�a CromWell Aveaue to Baqless Ave. � . and on the westerly aide of Bayless Avenna fro� Bayl�ss Place to ' � Maavel�.8txeet,.,�.�.,�;�.�,R�•yr�eR.r+�ar u,��„r.wytio.:+E,�+M�•+a��r+a.+t+�st+twr�,t.Na.�s•.•sar,av.wi � `�#fu'�1��"taf$:!�#�£.�.i7�e'zr.tr- . �,._:._...x..........f'�;�'i�'�3��__._...,----...._._......_,.. . ,......�_._.._ ...o,.... I , NON�AOS���L1D..n.i,3 . � � s.. -+.L=i'�i!`+�d•,�+f3rr►artwlv���srarbcsn,naos.t�ri�a9rLp�9f���'c�.�w+a�rt+�'1+�_TM�r.�.a�a'ww,71+u��talri:.�w,`vsK.ew:-tieiF�` ; F:O. #228754 Crcmwell Ave ;both iide• fr �� ���� � ~+ '� • o� Pearl St. to Eaqless Place. i F,:O..�l�227409K-�.Dosvell�Aveuue��both�`sides`"fr�a'`Itay�=�..-�`�"�";'"_"'".`��"'".°" �'"��A��".���x � F�0:�"�23'2f614'=&iapp 8 t.� both i idei�grom.�-Como Ave�to. gan.:..to-_C leveland-Av��.�.a.-;.----:. � � �mond Ave. ' . ,' :�. ; F.O. �2p�758�e��aq�1�s.s��Place,�nczth�r��►,��idee,;.frag iG'aco�e�la<Avenue.�to�.�Ba'y1ee�S�Av�e:°ses�- � and on the weaterly side of Bayle�s Avenue from Da leea;,Place to� #�� uie�t hutf�f��'bgeMaa,v�le8tree�Trred b�� �t�^.e �our�ciir ��t} ht�vi�� bce�z �Y��'.�r�s� ii�a�y a€�ti:�f.^,Gtc��y, . ' - I be it therefore , ' ,._. . . . � �-. _� � � RESO�LVED, That tlie sa.id assessment be and the sa.me is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER Ra�OLVE�D, That the said a.ssessment be and it is hereby determined to be � payable in 5 equal inatallments. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays 5 196� Adopted by the Councii ��� _ Carison Dal6�r�a�rd- ,�U�1 � I96� Meredith Approved Peterson Tedesc �In Favor �� Byrne , ayor ' � � against Pk�BLiSt�E9 ,d�N. 8. 1968 Form R-2 2M 10-68 8� .'�� `'I " CITY OF ST. PAUL 2�gg�� ����� . OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANGE � . � � �r Report of Completion of Ass�essment � In the matter of the asseasment of ��t�t����F• ��� �� ��� �� ���?����� ��` r�caa�t�cua�#�� r�� *��rsiks �►�td �ro�i� S�ci�I�a�i tt��os ��Crnt���t +�T�K-�95� b��trict �IQ. �� ��+ ��o. � , -,�..�._--.t . . -._• .•�-�r.;- ,:�u;r���,.--�—. _ -_—�..,_ ��y.:� _ , —�-�- -- --�.. ..,ti, :i � : •�„a' }•.i S!'� , ' •�� -_.�'F.: � " , .. _ _ - ..e�.r-._.�_� �, tla701ir�SAD"r-': 4 '�x'4\{' �� '',Y.�y, .';.�, ' _ . .'_, ..r.` • _. . • . . "r,��'aµP - . ,_ :'� .t,. r .`1` �*A ...„ � '' ,•,', _ ' . -' ` ' 3 �� . � -�-- F.O, ,-#22.7409•;�•,Doswell�Avenue,{kboth sides �from"Rayinond Ave". to Cleneland Ave�-. - + ' - . - F.O. �2287�4'�-'=,Cromwell Ave.; both sides from Pearl 'St:�;to'`Bayless Place . +�,'' � ' ; F.O. #232614 - Knapp 'St;:�bothwaides from Como Ave. to Ra}imond Ave. - � ; F.O. #229262 - Hampden Ave., north aide from Bayless St. to Raymond Ave. and � , on .the east side of Bayless Ave. from Manvel St. to Hampden Ave. � j F.Oe �229198 - Hampden .Ave., east side from University Ave. to Myrtle Ave. ' F.O. �232758 - Bayless Place, northerly side from Cromwell Avenue to Bayless Ave. � �� and on the westerly side of Bayless Avenue from Bayless Place to Manvel Street � � n i�rri.*���d�.s�a►,W+itwr�+il�o�r�s��+i�.d< �����"EtR�x'i.aiFa3a+�a!a��+��1.�:wr,�a�1a+:Aite��+t�M�t�t�..w_...,_rnf*f���a 1 ''�iii�F$r`5'�'��i'��'`'�.. '��"y'�'f��,:....�....—..,_..__�____.�......._.....------.,.�F�# ._.._..._.__�__.....�.____ --._-...... --, , a NON-ASSESSABLE: � r �"�7���:4��-x#�+9�qw.s�rq+E+�-�n,s-a�v�c+rt•M^k�sr#a��.-f yf�'G�,��saa►�s►«�r�e�N�,�v�e�rr�x�c�sc�twir�w+��lY�1r�!_aa+a�r�ar�:.� � F.`0�:-��228.7�54 Cr,omweli�,ve.;botir-sides�from�earY S't:to�Bayle'ssWPlace.� ��"~ F.Of.4�22,�7�409�,�#,Dosw�ell�,�v.enue,�,;bo:t,h,.sides�:froms�Raymond-�Ave:��toFC�level�and4Ave:���:��+�aA� � ! F.0:��232 614 --Rnapp-�S t.;,bo th��s ides-�°fr�om�'�Couio��Ane:"to Raqmorid Ave��"�`� �" �"'� � � � � F.O. �232758 - Bayless plfce;�northerly side fram Cromwell Avenue to Baqless Ave. f To the (Au.neil ;and���'o�i'��tfietwesterly side of Bayless Avenue from Bayless Place to � � The Cr�r.ym�ajen�r aftri�iice �tc�eby repc.fits tr�fhe Co�nci� �,h.�:Ft�rlov��i�;a��,state�aFnt o.f�he e�- � ` �,a�����r�s-�e^�ar���ly i�n�arrect for a�d in connectian zvzth �h� n�ta�►xs�t c�� �e ��o�vc�imp�`c�st�m�nt, �ii2;: � Total construction costs . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. . . . . . . . $ 14,153 65 - Engineering . . . .. .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .� . . . . .. . . . . . . . $ � .�— Inspection .:. . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . . .� .. . . .. .. . . . . . $ . Postal ca,rds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . .. . . .. .. .. . . . $ 12 �_ Publications . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. .. . . . � 121 �Q— Collection costs . . . . . . . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 243 Q� Court costs for canfirma,tion 12 1�— Comptroller cost �� �� �� � � � � �� � �� � � � 3� TOTAL EXP�Nl7ZTURES . . . .. . . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . $ 16,3 62 3 9 Charge to . . . . . . . . . .. 0920-701 . _ .. . . , . .. . . . � 1,010 11 - . .. . . . . .. . . .. . . . . . . . Non-Assessalil.e. . . . . . . . . . . � 1,016 14 Net Assessment . .. .. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .. . $ 14,336 14 Said Commissioner further regorts that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to-wit: the sum of $ 14,33 6.14 �upon each a.nd every lot, part or parcel af la,nd deemed ` benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot,paxt or paxcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the sa.id asseasment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the signature of the said Cammiasioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assesament as completed by him, and which is herewith aubmitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. � Date� ���'i�� 1968 o issioner �na Form R-2 2M 10-88 8� �