238852 ORI�]INAL TO GITY CLERK ������ � CITY OF ST. PAUL �IOE NCIL N�,. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � C UN IL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM � PRESENTED BY ` , • ,�} COMMISSIONE ' � ATF WHEREAS, Capitol Community Servi.ces, a nonprofit charitable corporation, is conducting and will, eonduct a program providing public recreational activity for ove��3,000 children in the _ Summit-University community, said program to be known as "Project Summer"; and. � '� WF�REAS, it appears that said '�roject Summer" in ,order to fully staff said program will need at least 12 recreation leaders and four directors to fully staff?;the four locations, at a cost of $7,400.00, but budget limitations will permit only a -total of six recreation leaders and two directors; and WHEREAS, it appears that the success of "Project Summer" is of great importance to the citizens of Saint paul; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the sum of $3,700.00 be and the same is hereby appropriated for said "Project Summer" to be paid out of and charged to Activity 0021 Urban Coalition and the Comptroller is hereby � authorized and directed to pay said sum to Capitol Community Services upon the approval of the Mayor. FORM APP V Asst. Corpora ion Counsel �pY � 9196� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council � 19— �f . Yeas Nays � "� _ �� 2 ,� �9S$5 Carlson � ' f A � � Dalglish �Approved � � � �19—__ , d 'i Tn Favor ' - Meredith • O � � � Mayor °�o� � A gainst � ��et�es�v" Mr. President, Byrne P��LISf#E, �� 1 �96� , �O , ,;. � •_ �� �-._._-- , n` —`f i • r � . AGREEMENT ' The CITY OF SAINT PAUL, a arunicipal corporation, herein- after referred to as the "City," and CAPITOL CO�IMUPITTY SERVICES, a nonprofit charitable corporation, hereinafter referred to as "Project Summer," hereby enter into an a�reement this day of lgb8, subject to the following terms: ' ° WITNESSETH: . . � l. That the City, through its Departarent of Parks and Recreation and Public Buildings, pay to Project Summer the sum of Six Thousand Dollars ($6,000), tirhich sum shall be paid in two (2) � � installments. The first payraent in the amount of Three Thousand � Dollars(�3,000) payable to Project Summer on June l, �968. The second payment in the amount of Three Thousand Dollars (�3,000) shall ; be paid to Project Summer on July l, 1968. . • 2. � That Project Summer shall provide recreational activity � • ' . for a period of eight (8) weeks commencing June 10 and ending Au�ust I 2, 1g68. Said recreational activities shall. �be conducted in the i I following locations in the Summit-University community: � • � � Y � �r� � � ♦ . . " ' i. Drama � ' • j. Music for the following age groups: • � a. Tot lots - 3 to 6 years old b. Elementary and teenagers 4. That Project Summer shall provide a director-coordin- ' ator who shall administer the program, and develop and carry out the total recreational program described herein, but not necessarily limited thereto. - - 5. That the staff inembers used in Project Summer are con- sidered to be employees of Capitol Community Services. IPt t�IITYESS YI�REOF, the parties hereto have set their � hands and seals the day and year first above written. In Presence of: CITY OF SAINT PAUL � • By - Mayor . Commissioner of Parks and Recreation and Public Buildings ;# . , - - , � - ' � _ � , � '' ' � F�tOJECT SIINd�R OFFICE 785 Dgl'TON AVENUE ���� ST. PAUL� MINN'riSOTg . �55104 C:�'�✓ At present Project Summer' s budget will accomodate staff �paid) to be used in I� centers in Siimmit-IIniversity area. The budget allows for !� directors ( $519 •00) and � recreation leaders at ( ��.1�1�) for seven weeks. This doesn' t nearly meet the needs for accomplish- ing successfully the goals of Pro�ect Summer or to meet the needs �of the some 3,000 children involved in the program. Additional funds will be used to extend hiring to at least 8 additional staff (recreation leaders) at ( �$�.?��.) for seven weeks to allow for at least 3 staff workers plus a director (1� all total ) per center. With- • additional paid staff and volunteers Project Summer can accor�plish ' -� itts goals and meet the needs of the' children in the area. � 12 Staff 1� Directors • /J � 4 Tot lot- direcotrs ,�/; ,, !� Tot lot aides �� �t� Total �� �� . � � � �� o� - �,�, , � � DUP�.ICATL TO lRINT=R 2�gg� E/ CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL ��h°� � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE N4'• COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED EY COMMISSIONER DATF WH$REAS, C�pitol Co�uaity 3ervices�, a nonprofit ch�rit�bl� corpora�tion, ia conducting and will condnat a� program p�oviding public reareation�l �ctivity �or ov�r 3,000 chilcYran fa the Summit-Univarsity con�aunity, aa�id progran to be known as "project Sum�r"� �Ad W�REA3� it appsars that �aid 'Qro ject Sumaaer" �.n order to „ fully �tat�f said progrann will need at le�et 12 r�c=eation lea�der� a�nd four directora to fully �ta�f th� four locations, a,t a coat o� $7,400.00� but budget limitation� will permit only a tot�l of six r�er�ation l�aders an8 two directora= and W�REAB, ft appears that the sucaess of "Fro jeat St�a�x" i• og great iiaporta�ee to the eitizena of 3aint pault now, th�refore, be it RESOLVSD, Thr�t the sum of $3,700.00 be and the aame is h�r�by approp=iat�d for •aid "project swa�aer" to ba pa�id out of and cha�rg�d to Activity OOal Urban Coalition and the Con�ptrol3.mr is hereby authoris� and dirmc�ad to pay s�id sum �tc� ea�pitol Co�mnunity S�rnic�s upon ths approval og the Mayor. �� z 9 �96� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Nays Carlson �� �� �968 Dalglish Approved 19�_ an � Tn Favor Meredith �� �^+� Mayor �J A gainst �s�— Mr. President, Byrne �O 1♦